2022-02-19 18:10:45 -05:00

159 lines
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//! LVSP is a protocol for Litecord to communicate with an external component
//! dedicated for voice data. The voice server is responsible for the
//! Voice Websocket Discord and Voice UDP connections.
//! LVSP runs over a long-lived websocket with TLS. The encoding is JSON.
//! The message data is defined by each opcode.
//! **Note:** the snowflake type follows the same rules as the Discord Gateway's
//! snowflake type: A string encoding a Discord Snowflake.
//! [Source](
use std::any::Any;
use num_traits::real::Real;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use serde_json::Value;
use serde_repr::{Serialize_repr, Deserialize_repr};
use tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite::Message;
use crate::infoops::{InfoData, InfoType};
/// Op codes sent/received by Litecord
#[derive(FromPrimitive, Serialize_repr, Deserialize_repr, PartialEq)]
pub enum OpCode {
/// Sent by the server when a connection is established.
HELLO = 0,
/// Sent by the client to identify itself.
READY = 3,
/// Sent by the client as a keepalive / health monitoring method.
/// The server MUST reply with a HEARTBEAT_ACK message back in a reasonable
/// time period.
/// Sent by the server in reply to a HEARTBEAT message coming from the client.
/// Sent by either client or a server to send information between eachother.
/// The INFO message is extensible in which many request / response scenarios
/// are laid on.
INFO = 6
/// Possible error codes
#[derive(FromPrimitive, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum ErrorCode {
/// General error, reconnect
GENERAL = 4000,
/// Authentication failure
AUTH = 4001,
/// Decode error, given message failed to decode as json
DECODE = 4002
/// Sent by the client to identify itself.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct IDENTIFY {
/// HMAC SHA256 string of a shared secret and the HELLO nonce
pub token: String
/// Sent by either client or a server to send information between each other.
/// The INFO message is extensible in which many request / response scenarios are laid on.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct INFO {
/// Info type
#[serde(rename = "type")]
pub _type: InfoType,
/// Info data, varies depending on InfoType
pub data: InfoData
/// Message data for the socket
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum MessageData {
/// Sent by the server when a connection is established.
/// Amount of milliseconds to heartbeat with
heartbeat_interval: i32,
/// Random 10-character string used in authentication
nonce: String
/// Sent by the client to identify itself.
/// Health of the server (where 0 is worst and 1 is best)
health: f32
/// Sent by the client as a keepalive / health monitoring method.
/// The server MUST reply with a HEARTBEAT_ACK message back in a reasonable
/// time period.
/// Sent by the server in reply to a HEARTBEAT message coming from the client.
/// The `health` field is a measure of the server's overall health. It is a
/// float going from 0 to 1, where 0 is the worst health possible, and 1 is the
/// best health possible.
/// Health of the server (where 0 is worst and 1 is best)
health: f32
/// Sent by either client or a server to send information between eachother.
/// The INFO message is extensible in which many request / response scenarios
/// are laid on.
/// Info type
#[serde(rename = "type")]
_type: InfoType,
/// Info data, varies depending on InfoType
data: InfoData
/// Message data is defined by each opcode.
/// **Note:** the snowflake type follows the same rules as the Discord Gateway's
/// snowflake type: A string encoding a Discord Snowflake.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct SocketMessage {
/// Operator code
pub op: OpCode,
/// Message data
pub d: MessageData
pub fn get_opcode(msg: Message) -> Result<(OpCode, MessageData), ()> {
let message_json: Result<SocketMessage, serde_json::Error> = serde_json::from_str(msg.to_text().expect("Failed to convert message to str!"));
if message_json.is_ok() {
let output = message_json.unwrap();
Ok((output.op, output.d))
} else {