Initial git repository build. I'm not bothering with the full history, even though we have it. We can create a separate "historical" git archive of that later if we want to, and in the meantime it's about 3.2GB when imported into git - space that would just make the early git days unnecessarily complicated, when we don't have a lot of good infrastructure for it. Let it rip!
This commit is contained in:
17291 changed files with 6718755 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
NOTE! This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use kernel
services by normal system calls - this is merely considered normal use
of the kernel, and does *not* fall under the heading of "derived work".
Also note that the GPL below is copyrighted by the Free Software
Foundation, but the instance of code that it refers to (the Linux
kernel) is copyrighted by me and others who actually wrote it.
Also note that the only valid version of the GPL as far as the kernel
is concerned is _this_ particular version of the license (ie v2, not
v2.2 or v3.x or whatever), unless explicitly otherwise stated.
Linus Torvalds
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
This is a brief list of all the files in ./linux/Documentation and what
they contain. If you add a documentation file, please list it here in
alphabetical order as well, or risk being hunted down like a rabid dog.
Please try and keep the descriptions small enough to fit on one line.
Thanks -- Paul G.
Following translations are available on the WWW:
- Japanese, maintained by the JF Project (, at
- this file.
- directory with info on BitKeeper.
- brute force method of doing binary search of patches to find bug.
- list of changes that break older software packages.
- how the boss likes the C code in the kernel to look.
- DMA API, pci_ API & extensions for non-consistent memory machines.
- info for PCI drivers using DMA portably across all platforms.
- directory with DocBook templates etc. for kernel documentation.
- how to access I/O mapped memory from within device drivers.
- info on Linux Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) Driver.
- how to select which CPU(s) handle which interrupt events on SMP.
- how to (attempt to) manage kernel hackers.
- the Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI) Driver Guide HOWTO and FAQ.
- directory with info on RCU (read-copy update).
- info on Mylex DAC960/DAC1100 PCI RAID Controller Driver for Linux.
- info on Secure Attention Keys.
- procedure to get a new driver source included into the kernel tree.
- procedure to get a source patch included into the kernel tree.
- how to change your VGA cursor from a blinking underscore.
- directory with info about Linux on the ARM architecture.
- basic instructions for those who wants to profile Linux kernel.
- info on the kernel support for extra binary formats.
- info on the Block I/O (BIO) layer.
- describes the cache/TLB flushing interfaces Linux uses.
- info, major/minor #'s for Compaq's SMART Array Controllers.
- directory with information on the CD-ROM drivers that Linux has.
- cli()/sti() removal guide.
- info on Computone Intelliport II/Plus Multiport Serial Driver.
- info on using Compaq's SMART2 Intelligent Disk Array Controllers.
- info on CPU frequency and voltage scaling.
- directory with info about Linux on CRIS architecture.
- directory with info on the Crypto API.
- some notes on debugging modules after Linux 2.6.3.
- directory with info on Device Mapper.
- plain ASCII listing of all the nodes in /dev/ with major minor #'s.
- info on Digi Intl. {PC,PCI,EISA}Xx and Xem series cards.
- info about directory notification in Linux.
- directory with info about Linux driver model.
- info on Linux Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) subsystem.
- info about initramfs, klibc, and userspace early during boot.
- info on EISA bus support.
- how Linux v2.2 handles exceptions without verify_area etc.
- directory with info on the frame buffer graphics abstraction layer.
- directory with info on the various filesystems that Linux supports.
- request_firmware() hotplug interface info.
- notes and driver options for the floppy disk driver.
- notes about the floppy tape device driver.
- info on using the Hayes ESP serial driver.
- notes on the change from 16 bit to 32 bit user/group IDs.
- High Precision Event Timer Driver for Linux.
- info on Linux support for random number generator in i8xx chipsets.
- directory with info about the I2C bus/protocol (2 wire, kHz speed).
- directory with info about the Linux I2O subsystem.
- directory with info about Linux on Intel 32 bit architecture.
- directory with info about Linux on Intel 64 bit architecture.
- important info for users of ATA devices (IDE/EIDE disks and CD-ROMS).
- how to use the RAM disk as an initial/temporary root filesystem.
- info on Linux input device support.
- info on ordering I/O writes to memory-mapped addresses.
- how to implement and register device/driver ioctl calls.
- info on I/O statistics Linux kernel provides.
- info on Linux ISA Plug & Play support.
- directory with info on the Linux ISDN support, and supported cards.
- info on the in-kernel binary support for Java(tm).
- directory with info about the kernel build process.
- mini HowTo on generation and location of kernel documentation files.
- listing of various WWW + books that document kernel internals.
- summary listing of command line / boot prompt args for the kernel.
- info of the kobject infrastructure of the Linux kernel.
- How to conserve battery power using laptop-mode.
- a brief description of LDM (Windows Dynamic Disks).
- info on file locking implementations, flock() vs. fcntl(), etc.
- Full colour GIF image of Linux logo (penguin).
- Info on creator of above logo & site to get additional images from.
- directory with info about Linux on Motorola 68k architecture.
- list of magic numbers used to mark/protect kernel data structures.
- info on the Linux implementation of Sys V mandatory file locking.
- info on supporting Micro Channel Architecture (e.g. PS/2) systems.
- info on boot arguments for the multiple devices driver.
- info on typical Linux memory problems.
- directory with info about Linux on MIPS architecture.
- how to execute Mono-based .NET binaries with the help of BINFMT_MISC.
- info on installing/using Moxa multiport serial driver.
- how to use PPro Memory Type Range Registers to increase performance.
- info on a TCP implementation of a network block device.
- directory with info on various aspects of networking with Linux.
- short guide on setting up a diskless box with NFS root filesystem.
- info on NMI watchdog for SMP systems.
- info on how to read Numa policy hit/miss statistics in sysfs.
- how to decode those nasty internal kernel error dump messages.
- information about the parallel port IDE subsystem.
- directory with info on using Linux on PA-RISC architecture.
- how to use the parallel-port driver.
- description and usage of the low level parallel port functions.
- info on the PCI subsystem for device driver authors.
- info on Linux power management support.
- Linux Plug and Play documentation.
- directory with info on Linux PCI power management.
- directory with info on using Linux with the PowerPC.
- info on locking under a preemptive kernel.
- short guide on how to set up and use the RAM disk.
- notes on using the RISCom/8 multi-port serial driver.
- info on the Comtrol RocketPort multiport serial driver.
- introduction to the caching mechanisms in the sunrpc layer.
- notes on how to use the Real Time Clock (aka CMOS clock) driver.
- directory with info on using Linux on the IBM S390.
- reference for various scheduler-related methods in the O(1) scheduler.
- goals, design and implementation of the Linux O(1) scheduler.
- information on scheduling domains.
- information on schedstats (Linux Scheduler Statistics).
- directory with info on Linux scsi support.
- directory with info on the low level serial API.
- how to set up Linux with a serial line console as the default.
- short blurb on the SGI Visual Workstations.
- directory with info on porting Linux to a new architecture.
- description of the Smart Config makefile feature.
- a few notes on symmetric multi-processing.
- info on Linux Sony Programmable I/O Device support.
- directory with info on sound card support.
- directory with info on using Linux on Sparc architecture.
- info on hardware/driver for specialix IO8+ multiport serial card.
- info on using spinlocks to provide exclusive access in kernel.
- info on using the Stallion multiport serial driver.
- short guide on selecting video modes at boot via VGA BIOS.
- info on the Specialix SX/SI multiport serial driver.
- directory with info on the /proc/sys/* files.
- info on the magic SysRq key.
- directory with info on telephony (e.g. voice over IP) support.
- info on time interpolators.
- information about Parallel link cable for Texas Instruments handhelds.
- guide to the locking policies of the tty layer.
- info on the Unicode character/font mapping used in Linux.
- directory with infomation about User Mode Linux.
- directory with info regarding the Universal Serial Bus.
- directory with info regarding video/TV/radio cards and linux.
- directory with info on the Linux vm code.
- guide to running Linux on the Voyager architecture.
- how to auto-reboot Linux if it has "fallen and can't get up". ;-)
- directory with info on Linux support for AMD x86-64 (Hammer) machines.
- XPM image of penguin logo (see logo.txt) sitting on an xterm.
- info on writing drivers for Zorro bus devices found on Amigas.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
bk-kernel-howto.txt: Description of kernel workflow under BitKeeper
bk-make-sum: Create summary of changesets in one repository and not
another, typically in preparation to be sent to an upstream maintainer.
Typical usage:
cd my-updated-repo
bk-make-sum ~/repo/original-repo
mv /tmp/linus.txt ../original-repo.txt
bksend: Create readable text output containing summary of changes, GNU
patch of the changes, and BK metadata of changes (as needed for proper
importing into BitKeeper by an upstream maintainer). This output is
suitable for emailing BitKeeper changes. The recipient of this output
may pipe it directly to 'bk receive'.
bz64wrap: helper script. Uncompressed input is piped to this script,
which compresses its input, and then outputs the uu-/base64-encoded
version of the compressed input.
cpcset: Copy changeset between unrelated repositories.
Attempts to preserve changeset user, user address, description, in
addition to the changeset (the patch) itself.
Typical usage:
cd my-updated-repo
bk changes # looking for a changeset...
cpcset 1.1511 . ../another-repo
csets-to-patches: Produces a delta of two BK repositories, in the form
of individual files, each containing a single cset as a GNU patch.
Output is several files, each with the filename "/tmp/rev-$REV.patch"
Typical usage:
cd my-updated-repo
bk changes -L ~/repo/original-repo 2>&1 | \
perl csets-to-patches
cset-to-linus: Produces a delta of two BK repositories, in the form of
changeset descriptions, with 'diffstat' output created for each
individual changset.
Typical usage:
cd my-updated-repo
bk changes -L ~/repo/original-repo 2>&1 | \
perl cset-to-linus > summary.txt
gcapatch: Generates patch containing changes in local repository.
Typical usage:
cd my-updated-repo
gcapatch > foo.patch
unbz64wrap: Reverse an encoded, compressed data stream created by
bz64wrap into an uncompressed, typically text/plain output.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
Doing the BK Thing, Penguin-Style
This set of notes is intended mainly for kernel developers, occasional
or full-time, but sysadmins and power users may find parts of it useful
as well. It assumes at least a basic familiarity with CVS, both at a
user level (use on the cmd line) and at a higher level (client-server model).
Due to the author's background, an operation may be described in terms
of CVS, or in terms of how that operation differs from CVS.
This is -not- intended to be BitKeeper documentation. Always run
"bk help <command>" or in X "bk helptool <command>" for reference
BitKeeper Concepts
In the true nature of the Internet itself, BitKeeper is a distributed
system. When applied to revision control, this means doing away with
client-server, and changing to a parent-child model... essentially
peer-to-peer. On the developer's end, this also represents a
fundamental disruption in the standard workflow of changes, commits,
and merges. You will need to take a few minutes to think about
how to best work under BitKeeper, and re-optimize things a bit.
In some sense it is a bit radical, because it might described as
tossing changes out into a maelstrom and having them magically
land at the right destination... but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Let's start with this progression:
Each BitKeeper source tree on disk is a repository unto itself.
Each repository has a parent (except the root/original, of course).
Each repository contains a set of a changesets ("csets").
Each cset is one or more changed files, bundled together.
Each tree is a repository, so all changes are checked into the local
tree. When a change is checked in, all modified files are grouped
into a logical unit, the changeset. Internally, BK links these
changesets in a tree, representing various converging and diverging
lines of development. These changesets are the bread and butter of
the BK system.
After the concept of changesets, the next thing you need to get used
to is having multiple copies of source trees lying around. This -really-
takes some getting used to, for some people. Separate source trees
are the means in BitKeeper by which you delineate parallel lines
of development, both minor and major. What would be branches in
CVS become separate source trees, or "clones" in BitKeeper [heh,
or Star Wars] terminology.
Clones and changesets are the tools from which most of the power of
BitKeeper is derived. As mentioned earlier, each clone has a parent,
the tree used as the source when the new clone was created. In a
CVS-like setup, the parent would be a remote server on the Internet,
and the child is your local clone of that tree.
Once you have established a common baseline between two source trees --
a common parent -- then you can merge changesets between those two
trees with ease. Merging changes into a tree is called a "pull", and
is analagous to 'cvs update'. A pull downloads all the changesets in
the remote tree you do not have, and merges them. Sending changes in
one tree to another tree is called a "push". Push sends all changes
in the local tree the remote does not yet have, and merges them.
From these concepts come some initial command examples:
1) bk clone -q linus-2.5
Download a 2.5 stock kernel tree, naming it "linus-2.5" in the local dir.
The "-q" disables listing every single file as it is downloaded.
2) bk clone -ql linus-2.5 alpha-2.5
Create a separate source tree for the Alpha AXP architecture.
The "-l" uses hard links instead of copying data, since both trees are
on the local disk. You can also replace the above with "bk lclone -q ..."
You only clone a tree -once-. After cloning the tree lives a long time
on disk, being updating by pushes and pulls.
3) cd alpha-2.5 ; bk pull
Download changes in "alpha-2.5" repository which are not present
in the local repository, and merge them into the source tree.
4) bk -r co -q
Because every tree is a repository, files must be checked out before
they will be in their standard places in the source tree.
5) bk vi fs/inode.c # example change...
bk citool # checkin, using X tool
bk push bk:// # upload change
Typical example of a BK sequence that would replace the analagous CVS
vi fs/inode.c
cvs commit
As this is just supposed to be a quick BK intro, for more in-depth
tutorials, live working demos, and docs, see
BK and Kernel Development Workflow
Currently the latest 2.5 tree is available via "bk clone $URL"
and "bk pull $URL" at
This should change in a few weeks to a URL.
A big part of using BitKeeper is organizing the various trees you have
on your local disk, and organizing the flow of changes among those
trees, and remote trees. If one were to graph the relationships between
a desired BK setup, you are likely to see a few-many-few graph, like
/ | |
/ | |
vm-hacks bugfixes filesys personal-hacks
\ | | /
\ | | /
\ | | /
Since a "bk push" sends all changes not in the target tree, and
since a "bk pull" receives all changes not in the source tree, you want
to make sure you are only pushing specific changes to the desired tree,
not all changes from "peer parent" trees. For example, pushing a change
from the testing-and-validation tree would probably be a bad idea,
because it will push all changes from vm-hacks, bugfixes, filesys, and
personal-hacks trees into the target tree.
One would typically work on only one "theme" at a time, either
vm-hacks or bugfixes or filesys, keeping those changes isolated in
their own tree during development, and only merge the isolated with
other changes when going upstream (to Linus or other maintainers) or
downstream (to your "union" trees, like testing-and-validation above).
It should be noted that some of this separation is not just recommended
practice, it's actually [for now] -enforced- by BitKeeper. BitKeeper
requires that changesets maintain a certain order, which is the reason
that "bk push" sends all local changesets the remote doesn't have. This
separation may look like a lot of wasted disk space at first, but it
helps when two unrelated changes may "pollute" the same area of code, or
don't follow the same pace of development, or any other of the standard
reasons why one creates a development branch.
Small development branches (clones) will appear and disappear:
-------- A --------- B --------- C --------- D -------
\ /
-----short-term devel branch-----
While long-term branches will parallel a tree (or trees), with period
merge points. In this first example, we pull from a tree (pulls,
"\") periodically, such as what occurs when tracking changes in a
vendor tree, never pushing changes back up the line:
-------- A --------- B --------- C --------- D -------
\ \ \
----long-term devel branch-----------------
And then a more common case in Linux kernel development, a long term
branch with periodic merges back into the tree (pushes, "/"):
-------- A --------- B --------- C --------- D -------
\ \ / \
----long-term devel branch-----------------
Submitting Changes to Linus
There's a bit of an art, or style, of submitting changes to Linus.
Since Linus's tree is now (you might say) fully integrated into the
distributed BitKeeper system, there are several prerequisites to
properly submitting a BitKeeper change. All these prereq's are just
general cleanliness of BK usage, so as people become experts at BK, feel
free to optimize this process further (assuming Linus agrees, of
0) Make sure your tree was originally cloned from the linux-2.5 tree
created by Linus. If your tree does not have this as its ancestor, it
is impossible to reliably exchange changesets.
1) Pay attention to your commit text. The commit message that
accompanies each changeset you submit will live on forever in history,
and is used by Linus to accurately summarize the changes in each
pre-patch. Remember that there is no context, so
"fix for new scheduler changes"
would be too vague, but
"fix mips64 arch for new scheduler switch_to(), TIF_xxx semantics"
would be much better.
You can and should use the command "bk comment -C<rev>" to update the
commit text, and improve it after the fact. This is very useful for
development: poor, quick descriptions during development, which get
cleaned up using "bk comment" before issuing the "bk push" to submit the
2) Include an Internet-available URL for Linus to pull from, such as
Pull from:
3) Include a summary and "diffstat -p1" of each changeset that will be
downloaded, when Linus issues a "bk pull". The author auto-generates
these summaries using "bk changes -L <parent>", to obtain a listing
of all the pending-to-send changesets, and their commit messages.
It is important to show Linus what he will be downloading when he issues
a "bk pull", to reduce the time required to sift the changes once they
are downloaded to Linus's local machine.
IMPORTANT NOTE: One of the features of BK is that your repository does
not have to be up to date, in order for Linus to receive your changes.
It is considered a courtesy to keep your repository fairly recent, to
lessen any potential merge work Linus may need to do.
4) Split up your changes. Each maintainer<->Linus situation is likely
to be slightly different here, so take this just as general advice. The
author splits up changes according to "themes" when merging with Linus.
Simultaneous pushes from local development go to special trees which
exist solely to house changes "queued" for Linus. Example of the trees:
net-drivers-2.5 -- on-going net driver maintenance
vm-2.5 -- VM-related changes
fs-2.5 -- filesystem-related changes
Linus then has much more freedom for pulling changes. He could (for
example) issue a "bk pull" on vm-2.5 and fs-2.5 trees, to merge their
changes, but hold off net-drivers-2.5 because of a change that needs
more discussion.
Other maintainers may find that a single linus-pull-from tree is
adequate for passing BK changesets to him.
Frequently Answered Questions
1) How do I change the e-mail address shown in the changelog?
A. When you run "bk citool" or "bk commit", set environment
variables BK_USER and BK_HOST to the desired username
and host/domain name.
2) How do I use tags / get a diff between two kernel versions?
A. Pass the tags Linus uses to 'bk export'.
ChangeSets are in a forward-progressing order, so it's pretty easy
to get a snapshot starting and ending at any two points in time.
Linus puts tags on each release and pre-release, so you could use
these two examples:
bk export -tpatch -hdu -rv2.5.4,v2.5.5 | less
# creates patch-2.5.5 essentially
bk export -tpatch -du -rv2.5.5-pre1,v2.5.5 | less
# changes from pre1 to final
A tag is just an alias for a specific changeset... and since changesets
are ordered, a tag is thus a marker for a specific point in time (or
specific state of the tree).
3) Is there an easy way to generate One Big Patch versus mainline,
for my long-lived kernel branch?
A. Yes. This requires BK 3.x, though.
bk export -tpatch -r`bk repogca bk://`,+
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#!/bin/sh -e
# DIR=$HOME/BK/axp-2.5
# cd $DIR
DIRBASE=`basename $PWD`
cat <<EOT
Please do a
bk pull bk://$DIRBASE
This will update the following files:
bk export -tpatch -hdu -r`bk repogca $LINUS_REPO`,+ | diffstat -p1 2>/dev/null
cat <<EOT
through these ChangeSets:
bk changes -L -d'$unless(:MERGE:){ChangeSet|:CSETREV:\n}' $LINUS_REPO |
bk -R prs -h -d'$unless(:MERGE:){<:P:@:HOST:> (:D: :I:)\n$each(:C:){ (:C:)\n}\n}' -
} > /tmp/linus.txt
cat <<EOT
Mail text in /tmp/linus.txt; please check and send using your favourite
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# A script to format BK changeset output in a manner that is easy to read.
# Andreas Dilger <> 13/02/2002
# Add diffstat output after Changelog <> 21/02/2002
usage() {
echo "usage: $PROG -r<rev>"
echo -e "\twhere <rev> is of the form '1.23', '1.23..', '1.23..1.27',"
echo -e "\tor '+' to indicate the most recent revision"
exit 1
case $1 in
-r) REV=$2; shift ;;
-r*) REV=`echo $1 | sed 's/^-r//'` ;;
*) echo "$PROG: no revision given, you probably don't want that";;
[ -z "$REV" ] && usage
echo "You can import this changeset into BK by piping this whole message to:"
echo "'| bk receive [path to repository]' or apply the patch as usual."
echo -e $SEP
env PAGER=/bin/cat bk changes -r$REV
bk export -tpatch -du -h -r$REV | diffstat
echo; echo
bk export -tpatch -du -h -r$REV
echo -e $SEP
bk send -wgzip_uu -r$REV -
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# bz64wrap - the sending side of a bzip2 | base64 stream
# Andreas Dilger <> Jan 2002
# A program to generate base64 encoding on stdout
BASE64_ENCODE="uuencode -m /dev/stdout"
# Test if we have the bzip program installed
bzip2 -c /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 && BZIP=YES
# Test if uuencode can handle the -m (MIME) encoding option
$BASE64_ENCODE < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 && BASE64=YES
if [ $BASE64 = NO ]; then
BASE64_BEGIN="begin-base64 644 -"
$BASE64_ENCODE < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 && BASE64=YES
if [ $BZIP = NO -o $BASE64 = NO ]; then
echo "$0: can't use bz64 encoding: bzip2=$BZIP, $BASE64_ENCODE=$BASE64"
exit 1
# Sadly, mimencode does not appear to have good "begin" and "end" markers
# like uuencode does, and it is picky about getting the right start/end of
# the base64 stream, so we handle this internally.
echo "$BASE64_BEGIN"
bzip2 -9 | $BASE64_ENCODE
echo "$BASE64_END"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Purpose: Copy changeset patch and description from one
# repository to another, unrelated one.
# usage: cpcset [revision] [from-repository] [to-repository]
rm -f $TMPF*
cd $FROM
bk changes -r$REV | \
grep -v '^ChangeSet' | \
sed -e 's/^ //g' > $TMPF.log
USERHOST=`bk changes -r$REV | grep '^ChangeSet' | awk '{print $4}'`
export BK_USER=`echo $USERHOST | awk '-F@' '{print $1}'`
export BK_HOST=`echo $USERHOST | awk '-F@' '{print $2}'`
bk export -tpatch -hdu -r$REV > $TMPF.patch && \
cd $CWD_SAVE && \
cd $TO && \
bk import -tpatch -CFR -y"`cat $TMPF.log`" $TMPF.patch . && \
bk commit -y"`cat $TMPF.log`"
rm -f $TMPF*
echo changeset $REV copied.
echo ""
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my ($lhs, $rev, $tmp, $rhs, $s);
my @cset_text = ();
my @pipe_text = ();
my $have_cset = 0;
while (<>) {
next if /^---/;
if (($lhs, $tmp, $rhs) = (/^(ChangeSet\@)([^,]+)(, .*)$/)) {
&cset_rev if ($have_cset);
$rev = $tmp;
$have_cset = 1;
push(@cset_text, $_);
elsif ($have_cset) {
push(@cset_text, $_);
&cset_rev if ($have_cset);
sub cset_rev {
my $empty_cset = 0;
open PIPE, "bk export -tpatch -hdu -r $rev | diffstat -p1 2>/dev/null |" or die;
while ($s = <PIPE>) {
$empty_cset = 1 if ($s =~ /0 files changed/);
push(@pipe_text, $s);
if (! $empty_cset) {
print @cset_text;
print @pipe_text;
print "\n\n";
@pipe_text = ();
@cset_text = ();
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my ($lhs, $rev, $tmp, $rhs, $s);
my @cset_text = ();
my @pipe_text = ();
my $have_cset = 0;
while (<>) {
next if /^---/;
if (($lhs, $tmp, $rhs) = (/^(ChangeSet\@)([^,]+)(, .*)$/)) {
&cset_rev if ($have_cset);
$rev = $tmp;
$have_cset = 1;
push(@cset_text, $_);
elsif ($have_cset) {
push(@cset_text, $_);
&cset_rev if ($have_cset);
sub cset_rev {
my $empty_cset = 0;
system("bk export -tpatch -du -r $rev > /tmp/rev-$rev.patch");
if (! $empty_cset) {
print @cset_text;
print @pipe_text;
print "\n\n";
@pipe_text = ();
@cset_text = ();
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Purpose: Generate GNU diff of local changes versus canonical top-of-tree
# Usage: gcapatch > foo.patch
bk export -tpatch -hdu -r`bk repogca bk://`,+
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# unbz64wrap - the receiving side of a bzip2 | base64 stream
# Andreas Dilger <> Jan 2002
# Sadly, mimencode does not appear to have good "begin" and "end" markers
# like uuencode does, and it is picky about getting the right start/end of
# the base64 stream, so we handle this explicitly here.
if mimencode -u < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
while read LINE; do
case $LINE in
begin-base64*) SHOW=YES ;;
====) SHOW= ;;
*) [ "$SHOW" ] && echo "$LINE" ;;
done | mimencode -u | bunzip2
exit $?
cat - | uudecode -o /dev/stdout | bunzip2
exit $?
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
[Sat Mar 2 10:32:33 PST 1996 KERNEL_BUG-HOWTO (Larry McVoy)]
This is how to track down a bug if you know nothing about kernel hacking.
It's a brute force approach but it works pretty well.
You need:
. A reproducible bug - it has to happen predictably (sorry)
. All the kernel tar files from a revision that worked to the
revision that doesn't
You will then do:
. Rebuild a revision that you believe works, install, and verify that.
. Do a binary search over the kernels to figure out which one
introduced the bug. I.e., suppose 1.3.28 didn't have the bug, but
you know that 1.3.69 does. Pick a kernel in the middle and build
that, like 1.3.50. Build & test; if it works, pick the mid point
between .50 and .69, else the mid point between .28 and .50.
. You'll narrow it down to the kernel that introduced the bug. You
can probably do better than this but it gets tricky.
. Narrow it down to a subdirectory
- Copy kernel that works into "test". Let's say that 3.62 works,
but 3.63 doesn't. So you diff -r those two kernels and come
up with a list of directories that changed. For each of those
Copy the non-working directory next to the working directory
as "dir.63".
One directory at time, try moving the working directory to
"dir.62" and mv dir.63 dir"time, try
mv dir dir.62
mv dir.63 dir
find dir -name '*.[oa]' -print | xargs rm -f
And then rebuild and retest. Assuming that all related
changes were contained in the sub directory, this should
isolate the change to a directory.
Problems: changes in header files may have occurred; I've
found in my case that they were self explanatory - you may
or may not want to give up when that happens.
. Narrow it down to a file
- You can apply the same technique to each file in the directory,
hoping that the changes in that file are self contained.
. Narrow it down to a routine
- You can take the old file and the new file and manually create
a merged file that has
#ifdef VER62
And then walk through that file, one routine at a time and
prefix it with
#define VER62
/* both routines here */
#undef VER62
Then recompile, retest, move the ifdefs until you find the one
that makes the difference.
Finally, you take all the info that you have, kernel revisions, bug
description, the extent to which you have narrowed it down, and pass
that off to whomever you believe is the maintainer of that section.
A post to isn't such a bad idea if you've done some
work to narrow it down.
If you get it down to a routine, you'll probably get a fix in 24 hours.
My apologies to Linus and the other kernel hackers for describing this
brute force approach, it's hardly what a kernel hacker would do. However,
it does work and it lets non-hackers help fix bugs. And it is cool
because Linux snapshots will let you do this - something that you can't
do with vendor supplied releases.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
This document is designed to provide a list of the minimum levels of
software necessary to run the 2.6 kernels, as well as provide brief
instructions regarding any other "Gotchas" users may encounter when
trying life on the Bleeding Edge. If upgrading from a pre-2.4.x
kernel, please consult the Changes file included with 2.4.x kernels for
additional information; most of that information will not be repeated
here. Basically, this document assumes that your system is already
functional and running at least 2.4.x kernels.
This document is originally based on my "Changes" file for 2.0.x kernels
and therefore owes credit to the same people as that file (Jared Mauch,
Axel Boldt, Alessandro Sigala, and countless other users all over the
The latest revision of this document, in various formats, can always
be found at <>.
Feel free to translate this document. If you do so, please send me a
URL to your translation for inclusion in future revisions of this
Smotrite file <>, yavlyaushisya
russkim perevodom dannogo documenta.
Visite <> para obtener la traducción
al español de este documento en varios formatos.
Eine deutsche Version dieser Datei finden Sie unter
Last updated: October 29th, 2002
Chris Ricker ( or
Current Minimal Requirements
Upgrade to at *least* these software revisions before thinking you've
encountered a bug! If you're unsure what version you're currently
running, the suggested command should tell you.
Again, keep in mind that this list assumes you are already
functionally running a Linux 2.4 kernel. Also, not all tools are
necessary on all systems; obviously, if you don't have any PCMCIA (PC
Card) hardware, for example, you probably needn't concern yourself
with pcmcia-cs.
o Gnu C 2.95.3 # gcc --version
o Gnu make 3.79.1 # make --version
o binutils 2.12 # ld -v
o util-linux 2.10o # fdformat --version
o module-init-tools 0.9.10 # depmod -V
o e2fsprogs 1.29 # tune2fs
o jfsutils 1.1.3 # fsck.jfs -V
o reiserfsprogs 3.6.3 # reiserfsck -V 2>&1|grep reiserfsprogs
o xfsprogs 2.6.0 # xfs_db -V
o pcmcia-cs 3.1.21 # cardmgr -V
o quota-tools 3.09 # quota -V
o PPP 2.4.0 # pppd --version
o isdn4k-utils 3.1pre1 # isdnctrl 2>&1|grep version
o nfs-utils 1.0.5 # showmount --version
o procps 3.2.0 # ps --version
o oprofile 0.5.3 # oprofiled --version
Kernel compilation
The gcc version requirements may vary depending on the type of CPU in your
computer. The next paragraph applies to users of x86 CPUs, but not
necessarily to users of other CPUs. Users of other CPUs should obtain
information about their gcc version requirements from another source.
The recommended compiler for the kernel is gcc 2.95.x (x >= 3), and it
should be used when you need absolute stability. You may use gcc 3.0.x
instead if you wish, although it may cause problems. Later versions of gcc
have not received much testing for Linux kernel compilation, and there are
almost certainly bugs (mainly, but not exclusively, in the kernel) that
will need to be fixed in order to use these compilers. In any case, using
pgcc instead of plain gcc is just asking for trouble.
The Red Hat gcc 2.96 compiler subtree can also be used to build this tree.
You should ensure you use gcc-2.96-74 or later. gcc-2.96-54 will not build
the kernel correctly.
In addition, please pay attention to compiler optimization. Anything
greater than -O2 may not be wise. Similarly, if you choose to use gcc-2.95.x
or derivatives, be sure not to use -fstrict-aliasing (which, depending on
your version of gcc 2.95.x, may necessitate using -fno-strict-aliasing).
You will need Gnu make 3.79.1 or later to build the kernel.
Linux on IA-32 has recently switched from using as86 to using gas for
assembling the 16-bit boot code, removing the need for as86 to compile
your kernel. This change does, however, mean that you need a recent
release of binutils.
System utilities
Architectural changes
DevFS has been obsoleted in favour of udev
32-bit UID support is now in place. Have fun!
Linux documentation for functions is transitioning to inline
documentation via specially-formatted comments near their
definitions in the source. These comments can be combined with the
SGML templates in the Documentation/DocBook directory to make DocBook
files, which can then be converted by DocBook stylesheets to PostScript,
HTML, PDF files, and several other formats. In order to convert from
DocBook format to a format of your choice, you'll need to install Jade as
well as the desired DocBook stylesheets.
New versions of util-linux provide *fdisk support for larger disks,
support new options to mount, recognize more supported partition
types, have a fdformat which works with 2.4 kernels, and similar goodies.
You'll probably want to upgrade.
If the unthinkable happens and your kernel oopses, you'll need a 2.4
version of ksymoops to decode the report; see REPORTING-BUGS in the
root of the Linux source for more information.
A new module loader is now in the kernel that requires module-init-tools
to use. It is backward compatible with the 2.4.x series kernels.
These changes to the /lib/modules file tree layout also require that
mkinitrd be upgraded.
The latest version of e2fsprogs fixes several bugs in fsck and
debugfs. Obviously, it's a good idea to upgrade.
The jfsutils package contains the utilities for the file system.
The following utilities are available:
o fsck.jfs - initiate replay of the transaction log, and check
and repair a JFS formatted partition.
o mkfs.jfs - create a JFS formatted partition.
o other file system utilities are also available in this package.
The reiserfsprogs package should be used for reiserfs-3.6.x
(Linux kernels 2.4.x). It is a combined package and contains working
versions of mkreiserfs, resize_reiserfs, debugreiserfs and
reiserfsck. These utils work on both i386 and alpha platforms.
The latest version of xfsprogs contains mkfs.xfs, xfs_db, and the
xfs_repair utilities, among others, for the XFS filesystem. It is
architecture independent and any version from 2.0.0 onward should
work correctly with this version of the XFS kernel code (2.6.0 or
later is recommended, due to some significant improvements).
PCMCIA (PC Card) support is now partially implemented in the main
kernel source. Pay attention when you recompile your kernel ;-).
Also, be sure to upgrade to the latest pcmcia-cs release.
Support for 32 bit uid's and gid's is required if you want to use
the newer version 2 quota format. Quota-tools version 3.07 and
newer has this support. Use the recommended version or newer
from the table above.
Intel IA32 microcode
A driver has been added to allow updating of Intel IA32 microcode,
accessible as both a devfs regular file and as a normal (misc)
character device. If you are not using devfs you may need to:
mkdir /dev/cpu
mknod /dev/cpu/microcode c 10 184
chmod 0644 /dev/cpu/microcode
as root before you can use this. You'll probably also want to
get the user-space microcode_ctl utility to use with this.
If you are running v0.1.17 or earlier, you should upgrade to
version v0.99.0 or higher. Running old versions may cause problems
with programs using shared memory.
udev is a userspace application for populating /dev dynamically with
only entries for devices actually present. udev replaces devfs.
General changes
If you have advanced network configuration needs, you should probably
consider using the network tools from ip-route2.
Packet Filter / NAT
The packet filtering and NAT code uses the same tools like the previous 2.4.x
kernel series (iptables). It still includes backwards-compatibility modules
for 2.2.x-style ipchains and 2.0.x-style ipfwadm.
The PPP driver has been restructured to support multilink and to
enable it to operate over diverse media layers. If you use PPP,
upgrade pppd to at least 2.4.0.
If you are not using devfs, you must have the device file /dev/ppp
which can be made by:
mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0
as root.
If you use devfsd and build ppp support as modules, you will need
the following in your /etc/devfsd.conf file:
Due to changes in the length of the phone number field, isdn4k-utils
needs to be recompiled or (preferably) upgraded.
In 2.4 and earlier kernels, the nfs server needed to know about any
client that expected to be able to access files via NFS. This
information would be given to the kernel by "mountd" when the client
mounted the filesystem, or by "exportfs" at system startup. exportfs
would take information about active clients from /var/lib/nfs/rmtab.
This approach is quite fragile as it depends on rmtab being correct
which is not always easy, particularly when trying to implement
fail-over. Even when the system is working well, rmtab suffers from
getting lots of old entries that never get removed.
With 2.6 we have the option of having the kernel tell mountd when it
gets a request from an unknown host, and mountd can give appropriate
export information to the kernel. This removes the dependency on
rmtab and means that the kernel only needs to know about currently
active clients.
To enable this new functionality, you need to:
mount -t nfsd nfsd /proc/fs/nfs
before running exportfs or mountd. It is recommended that all NFS
services be protected from the internet-at-large by a firewall where
that is possible.
Getting updated software
Kernel compilation
gcc 2.95.3
o <>
o <>
o <>
System utilities
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
DocBook Stylesheets
o <>
Intel P6 microcode
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
o <>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
Linux kernel coding style
This is a short document describing the preferred coding style for the
linux kernel. Coding style is very personal, and I won't _force_ my
views on anybody, but this is what goes for anything that I have to be
able to maintain, and I'd prefer it for most other things too. Please
at least consider the points made here.
First off, I'd suggest printing out a copy of the GNU coding standards,
and NOT read it. Burn them, it's a great symbolic gesture.
Anyway, here goes:
Chapter 1: Indentation
Tabs are 8 characters, and thus indentations are also 8 characters.
There are heretic movements that try to make indentations 4 (or even 2!)
characters deep, and that is akin to trying to define the value of PI to
be 3.
Rationale: The whole idea behind indentation is to clearly define where
a block of control starts and ends. Especially when you've been looking
at your screen for 20 straight hours, you'll find it a lot easier to see
how the indentation works if you have large indentations.
Now, some people will claim that having 8-character indentations makes
the code move too far to the right, and makes it hard to read on a
80-character terminal screen. The answer to that is that if you need
more than 3 levels of indentation, you're screwed anyway, and should fix
your program.
In short, 8-char indents make things easier to read, and have the added
benefit of warning you when you're nesting your functions too deep.
Heed that warning.
Don't put multiple statements on a single line unless you have
something to hide:
if (condition) do_this;
Outside of comments, documentation and except in Kconfig, spaces are never
used for indentation, and the above example is deliberately broken.
Get a decent editor and don't leave whitespace at the end of lines.
Chapter 2: Breaking long lines and strings
Coding style is all about readability and maintainability using commonly
available tools.
The limit on the length of lines is 80 columns and this is a hard limit.
Statements longer than 80 columns will be broken into sensible chunks.
Descendants are always substantially shorter than the parent and are placed
substantially to the right. The same applies to function headers with a long
argument list. Long strings are as well broken into shorter strings.
void fun(int a, int b, int c)
if (condition)
printk(KERN_WARNING "Warning this is a long printk with "
"3 parameters a: %u b: %u "
"c: %u \n", a, b, c);
Chapter 3: Placing Braces
The other issue that always comes up in C styling is the placement of
braces. Unlike the indent size, there are few technical reasons to
choose one placement strategy over the other, but the preferred way, as
shown to us by the prophets Kernighan and Ritchie, is to put the opening
brace last on the line, and put the closing brace first, thusly:
if (x is true) {
we do y
However, there is one special case, namely functions: they have the
opening brace at the beginning of the next line, thus:
int function(int x)
body of function
Heretic people all over the world have claimed that this inconsistency
is ... well ... inconsistent, but all right-thinking people know that
(a) K&R are _right_ and (b) K&R are right. Besides, functions are
special anyway (you can't nest them in C).
Note that the closing brace is empty on a line of its own, _except_ in
the cases where it is followed by a continuation of the same statement,
ie a "while" in a do-statement or an "else" in an if-statement, like
do {
body of do-loop
} while (condition);
if (x == y) {
} else if (x > y) {
} else {
Rationale: K&R.
Also, note that this brace-placement also minimizes the number of empty
(or almost empty) lines, without any loss of readability. Thus, as the
supply of new-lines on your screen is not a renewable resource (think
25-line terminal screens here), you have more empty lines to put
comments on.
Chapter 4: Naming
C is a Spartan language, and so should your naming be. Unlike Modula-2
and Pascal programmers, C programmers do not use cute names like
ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter. A C programmer would call that
variable "tmp", which is much easier to write, and not the least more
difficult to understand.
HOWEVER, while mixed-case names are frowned upon, descriptive names for
global variables are a must. To call a global function "foo" is a
shooting offense.
GLOBAL variables (to be used only if you _really_ need them) need to
have descriptive names, as do global functions. If you have a function
that counts the number of active users, you should call that
"count_active_users()" or similar, you should _not_ call it "cntusr()".
Encoding the type of a function into the name (so-called Hungarian
notation) is brain damaged - the compiler knows the types anyway and can
check those, and it only confuses the programmer. No wonder MicroSoft
makes buggy programs.
LOCAL variable names should be short, and to the point. If you have
some random integer loop counter, it should probably be called "i".
Calling it "loop_counter" is non-productive, if there is no chance of it
being mis-understood. Similarly, "tmp" can be just about any type of
variable that is used to hold a temporary value.
If you are afraid to mix up your local variable names, you have another
problem, which is called the function-growth-hormone-imbalance syndrome.
See next chapter.
Chapter 5: Functions
Functions should be short and sweet, and do just one thing. They should
fit on one or two screenfuls of text (the ISO/ANSI screen size is 80x24,
as we all know), and do one thing and do that well.
The maximum length of a function is inversely proportional to the
complexity and indentation level of that function. So, if you have a
conceptually simple function that is just one long (but simple)
case-statement, where you have to do lots of small things for a lot of
different cases, it's OK to have a longer function.
However, if you have a complex function, and you suspect that a
less-than-gifted first-year high-school student might not even
understand what the function is all about, you should adhere to the
maximum limits all the more closely. Use helper functions with
descriptive names (you can ask the compiler to in-line them if you think
it's performance-critical, and it will probably do a better job of it
than you would have done).
Another measure of the function is the number of local variables. They
shouldn't exceed 5-10, or you're doing something wrong. Re-think the
function, and split it into smaller pieces. A human brain can
generally easily keep track of about 7 different things, anything more
and it gets confused. You know you're brilliant, but maybe you'd like
to understand what you did 2 weeks from now.
Chapter 6: Centralized exiting of functions
Albeit deprecated by some people, the equivalent of the goto statement is
used frequently by compilers in form of the unconditional jump instruction.
The goto statement comes in handy when a function exits from multiple
locations and some common work such as cleanup has to be done.
The rationale is:
- unconditional statements are easier to understand and follow
- nesting is reduced
- errors by not updating individual exit points when making
modifications are prevented
- saves the compiler work to optimize redundant code away ;)
int fun(int )
int result = 0;
char *buffer = kmalloc(SIZE);
if (buffer == NULL)
return -ENOMEM;
if (condition1) {
while (loop1) {
result = 1;
goto out;
return result;
Chapter 7: Commenting
Comments are good, but there is also a danger of over-commenting. NEVER
try to explain HOW your code works in a comment: it's much better to
write the code so that the _working_ is obvious, and it's a waste of
time to explain badly written code.
Generally, you want your comments to tell WHAT your code does, not HOW.
Also, try to avoid putting comments inside a function body: if the
function is so complex that you need to separately comment parts of it,
you should probably go back to chapter 5 for a while. You can make
small comments to note or warn about something particularly clever (or
ugly), but try to avoid excess. Instead, put the comments at the head
of the function, telling people what it does, and possibly WHY it does
Chapter 8: You've made a mess of it
That's OK, we all do. You've probably been told by your long-time Unix
user helper that "GNU emacs" automatically formats the C sources for
you, and you've noticed that yes, it does do that, but the defaults it
uses are less than desirable (in fact, they are worse than random
typing - an infinite number of monkeys typing into GNU emacs would never
make a good program).
So, you can either get rid of GNU emacs, or change it to use saner
values. To do the latter, you can stick the following in your .emacs file:
(defun linux-c-mode ()
"C mode with adjusted defaults for use with the Linux kernel."
(c-set-style "K&R")
(setq tab-width 8)
(setq indent-tabs-mode t)
(setq c-basic-offset 8))
This will define the M-x linux-c-mode command. When hacking on a
module, if you put the string -*- linux-c -*- somewhere on the first
two lines, this mode will be automatically invoked. Also, you may want
to add
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("/usr/src/linux.*/.*\\.[ch]$" . linux-c-mode)
to your .emacs file if you want to have linux-c-mode switched on
automagically when you edit source files under /usr/src/linux.
But even if you fail in getting emacs to do sane formatting, not
everything is lost: use "indent".
Now, again, GNU indent has the same brain-dead settings that GNU emacs
has, which is why you need to give it a few command line options.
However, that's not too bad, because even the makers of GNU indent
recognize the authority of K&R (the GNU people aren't evil, they are
just severely misguided in this matter), so you just give indent the
options "-kr -i8" (stands for "K&R, 8 character indents"), or use
"scripts/Lindent", which indents in the latest style.
"indent" has a lot of options, and especially when it comes to comment
re-formatting you may want to take a look at the man page. But
remember: "indent" is not a fix for bad programming.
Chapter 9: Configuration-files
For configuration options (arch/xxx/Kconfig, and all the Kconfig files),
somewhat different indentation is used.
Help text is indented with 2 spaces.
tristate CONFIG_BOOM
default n
Apply nitroglycerine inside the keyboard (DANGEROUS)
depends on CONFIG_BOOM
default y
Output nice messages when you explode
Generally, CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL should surround all options not considered
stable. All options that are known to trash data (experimental write-
support for file-systems, for instance) should be denoted (DANGEROUS), other
experimental options should be denoted (EXPERIMENTAL).
Chapter 10: Data structures
Data structures that have visibility outside the single-threaded
environment they are created and destroyed in should always have
reference counts. In the kernel, garbage collection doesn't exist (and
outside the kernel garbage collection is slow and inefficient), which
means that you absolutely _have_ to reference count all your uses.
Reference counting means that you can avoid locking, and allows multiple
users to have access to the data structure in parallel - and not having
to worry about the structure suddenly going away from under them just
because they slept or did something else for a while.
Note that locking is _not_ a replacement for reference counting.
Locking is used to keep data structures coherent, while reference
counting is a memory management technique. Usually both are needed, and
they are not to be confused with each other.
Many data structures can indeed have two levels of reference counting,
when there are users of different "classes". The subclass count counts
the number of subclass users, and decrements the global count just once
when the subclass count goes to zero.
Examples of this kind of "multi-level-reference-counting" can be found in
memory management ("struct mm_struct": mm_users and mm_count), and in
filesystem code ("struct super_block": s_count and s_active).
Remember: if another thread can find your data structure, and you don't
have a reference count on it, you almost certainly have a bug.
Chapter 11: Macros, Enums, Inline functions and RTL
Names of macros defining constants and labels in enums are capitalized.
#define CONSTANT 0x12345
Enums are preferred when defining several related constants.
CAPITALIZED macro names are appreciated but macros resembling functions
may be named in lower case.
Generally, inline functions are preferable to macros resembling functions.
Macros with multiple statements should be enclosed in a do - while block:
#define macrofun(a, b, c) \
do { \
if (a == 5) \
do_this(b, c); \
} while (0)
Things to avoid when using macros:
1) macros that affect control flow:
#define FOO(x) \
do { \
if (blah(x) < 0) \
return -EBUGGERED; \
} while(0)
is a _very_ bad idea. It looks like a function call but exits the "calling"
function; don't break the internal parsers of those who will read the code.
2) macros that depend on having a local variable with a magic name:
#define FOO(val) bar(index, val)
might look like a good thing, but it's confusing as hell when one reads the
code and it's prone to breakage from seemingly innocent changes.
3) macros with arguments that are used as l-values: FOO(x) = y; will
bite you if somebody e.g. turns FOO into an inline function.
4) forgetting about precedence: macros defining constants using expressions
must enclose the expression in parentheses. Beware of similar issues with
macros using parameters.
#define CONSTANT 0x4000
The cpp manual deals with macros exhaustively. The gcc internals manual also
covers RTL which is used frequently with assembly language in the kernel.
Chapter 12: Printing kernel messages
Kernel developers like to be seen as literate. Do mind the spelling
of kernel messages to make a good impression. Do not use crippled
words like "dont" and use "do not" or "don't" instead.
Kernel messages do not have to be terminated with a period.
Printing numbers in parentheses (%d) adds no value and should be avoided.
Chapter 13: References
The C Programming Language, Second Edition
by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1988.
ISBN 0-13-110362-8 (paperback), 0-13-110370-9 (hardback).
The Practice of Programming
by Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike.
Addison-Wesley, Inc., 1999.
ISBN 0-201-61586-X.
GNU manuals - where in compliance with K&R and this text - for cpp, gcc,
gcc internals and indent, all available from
WG14 is the international standardization working group for the programming
language C, URL:
Last updated on 16 February 2004 by a community effort on LKML.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
Dynamic DMA mapping using the generic device
James E.J. Bottomley <>
This document describes the DMA API. For a more gentle introduction
phrased in terms of the pci_ equivalents (and actual examples) see
This API is split into two pieces. Part I describes the API and the
corresponding pci_ API. Part II describes the extensions to the API
for supporting non-consistent memory machines. Unless you know that
your driver absolutely has to support non-consistent platforms (this
is usually only legacy platforms) you should only use the API
described in part I.
Part I - pci_ and dma_ Equivalent API
To get the pci_ API, you must #include <linux/pci.h>
To get the dma_ API, you must #include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
Part Ia - Using large dma-coherent buffers
void *
dma_alloc_coherent(struct device *dev, size_t size,
dma_addr_t *dma_handle, int flag)
void *
pci_alloc_consistent(struct pci_dev *dev, size_t size,
dma_addr_t *dma_handle)
Consistent memory is memory for which a write by either the device or
the processor can immediately be read by the processor or device
without having to worry about caching effects.
This routine allocates a region of <size> bytes of consistent memory.
it also returns a <dma_handle> which may be cast to an unsigned
integer the same width as the bus and used as the physical address
base of the region.
Returns: a pointer to the allocated region (in the processor's virtual
address space) or NULL if the allocation failed.
Note: consistent memory can be expensive on some platforms, and the
minimum allocation length may be as big as a page, so you should
consolidate your requests for consistent memory as much as possible.
The simplest way to do that is to use the dma_pool calls (see below).
The flag parameter (dma_alloc_coherent only) allows the caller to
specify the GFP_ flags (see kmalloc) for the allocation (the
implementation may chose to ignore flags that affect the location of
the returned memory, like GFP_DMA). For pci_alloc_consistent, you
must assume GFP_ATOMIC behaviour.
dma_free_coherent(struct device *dev, size_t size, void *cpu_addr
dma_addr_t dma_handle)
pci_free_consistent(struct pci_dev *dev, size_t size, void *cpu_addr
dma_addr_t dma_handle)
Free the region of consistent memory you previously allocated. dev,
size and dma_handle must all be the same as those passed into the
consistent allocate. cpu_addr must be the virtual address returned by
the consistent allocate
Part Ib - Using small dma-coherent buffers
To get this part of the dma_ API, you must #include <linux/dmapool.h>
Many drivers need lots of small dma-coherent memory regions for DMA
descriptors or I/O buffers. Rather than allocating in units of a page
or more using dma_alloc_coherent(), you can use DMA pools. These work
much like a kmem_cache_t, except that they use the dma-coherent allocator
not __get_free_pages(). Also, they understand common hardware constraints
for alignment, like queue heads needing to be aligned on N byte boundaries.
struct dma_pool *
dma_pool_create(const char *name, struct device *dev,
size_t size, size_t align, size_t alloc);
struct pci_pool *
pci_pool_create(const char *name, struct pci_device *dev,
size_t size, size_t align, size_t alloc);
The pool create() routines initialize a pool of dma-coherent buffers
for use with a given device. It must be called in a context which
can sleep.
The "name" is for diagnostics (like a kmem_cache_t name); dev and size
are like what you'd pass to dma_alloc_coherent(). The device's hardware
alignment requirement for this type of data is "align" (which is expressed
in bytes, and must be a power of two). If your device has no boundary
crossing restrictions, pass 0 for alloc; passing 4096 says memory allocated
from this pool must not cross 4KByte boundaries.
void *dma_pool_alloc(struct dma_pool *pool, int gfp_flags,
dma_addr_t *dma_handle);
void *pci_pool_alloc(struct pci_pool *pool, int gfp_flags,
dma_addr_t *dma_handle);
This allocates memory from the pool; the returned memory will meet the size
and alignment requirements specified at creation time. Pass GFP_ATOMIC to
prevent blocking, or if it's permitted (not in_interrupt, not holding SMP locks)
pass GFP_KERNEL to allow blocking. Like dma_alloc_coherent(), this returns
two values: an address usable by the cpu, and the dma address usable by the
pool's device.
void dma_pool_free(struct dma_pool *pool, void *vaddr,
dma_addr_t addr);
void pci_pool_free(struct pci_pool *pool, void *vaddr,
dma_addr_t addr);
This puts memory back into the pool. The pool is what was passed to
the the pool allocation routine; the cpu and dma addresses are what
were returned when that routine allocated the memory being freed.
void dma_pool_destroy(struct dma_pool *pool);
void pci_pool_destroy(struct pci_pool *pool);
The pool destroy() routines free the resources of the pool. They must be
called in a context which can sleep. Make sure you've freed all allocated
memory back to the pool before you destroy it.
Part Ic - DMA addressing limitations
dma_supported(struct device *dev, u64 mask)
pci_dma_supported(struct device *dev, u64 mask)
Checks to see if the device can support DMA to the memory described by
Returns: 1 if it can and 0 if it can't.
Notes: This routine merely tests to see if the mask is possible. It
won't change the current mask settings. It is more intended as an
internal API for use by the platform than an external API for use by
driver writers.
dma_set_mask(struct device *dev, u64 mask)
pci_set_dma_mask(struct pci_device *dev, u64 mask)
Checks to see if the mask is possible and updates the device
parameters if it is.
Returns: 0 if successful and a negative error if not.
dma_get_required_mask(struct device *dev)
After setting the mask with dma_set_mask(), this API returns the
actual mask (within that already set) that the platform actually
requires to operate efficiently. Usually this means the returned mask
is the minimum required to cover all of memory. Examining the
required mask gives drivers with variable descriptor sizes the
opportunity to use smaller descriptors as necessary.
Requesting the required mask does not alter the current mask. If you
wish to take advantage of it, you should issue another dma_set_mask()
call to lower the mask again.
Part Id - Streaming DMA mappings
dma_map_single(struct device *dev, void *cpu_addr, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction direction)
pci_map_single(struct device *dev, void *cpu_addr, size_t size,
int direction)
Maps a piece of processor virtual memory so it can be accessed by the
device and returns the physical handle of the memory.
The direction for both api's may be converted freely by casting.
However the dma_ API uses a strongly typed enumerator for its
DMA_NONE = PCI_DMA_NONE no direction (used for
DMA_TO_DEVICE = PCI_DMA_TODEVICE data is going from the
memory to the device
the device to the
Notes: Not all memory regions in a machine can be mapped by this
API. Further, regions that appear to be physically contiguous in
kernel virtual space may not be contiguous as physical memory. Since
this API does not provide any scatter/gather capability, it will fail
if the user tries to map a non physically contiguous piece of memory.
For this reason, it is recommended that memory mapped by this API be
obtained only from sources which guarantee to be physically contiguous
(like kmalloc).
Further, the physical address of the memory must be within the
dma_mask of the device (the dma_mask represents a bit mask of the
addressable region for the device. i.e. if the physical address of
the memory anded with the dma_mask is still equal to the physical
address, then the device can perform DMA to the memory). In order to
ensure that the memory allocated by kmalloc is within the dma_mask,
the driver may specify various platform dependent flags to restrict
the physical memory range of the allocation (e.g. on x86, GFP_DMA
guarantees to be within the first 16Mb of available physical memory,
as required by ISA devices).
Note also that the above constraints on physical contiguity and
dma_mask may not apply if the platform has an IOMMU (a device which
supplies a physical to virtual mapping between the I/O memory bus and
the device). However, to be portable, device driver writers may *not*
assume that such an IOMMU exists.
Warnings: Memory coherency operates at a granularity called the cache
line width. In order for memory mapped by this API to operate
correctly, the mapped region must begin exactly on a cache line
boundary and end exactly on one (to prevent two separately mapped
regions from sharing a single cache line). Since the cache line size
may not be known at compile time, the API will not enforce this
requirement. Therefore, it is recommended that driver writers who
don't take special care to determine the cache line size at run time
only map virtual regions that begin and end on page boundaries (which
are guaranteed also to be cache line boundaries).
DMA_TO_DEVICE synchronisation must be done after the last modification
of the memory region by the software and before it is handed off to
the driver. Once this primitive is used. Memory covered by this
primitive should be treated as read only by the device. If the device
may write to it at any point, it should be DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL (see
DMA_FROM_DEVICE synchronisation must be done before the driver
accesses data that may be changed by the device. This memory should
be treated as read only by the driver. If the driver needs to write
to it at any point, it should be DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL (see below).
DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL requires special handling: it means that the driver
isn't sure if the memory was modified before being handed off to the
device and also isn't sure if the device will also modify it. Thus,
you must always sync bidirectional memory twice: once before the
memory is handed off to the device (to make sure all memory changes
are flushed from the processor) and once before the data may be
accessed after being used by the device (to make sure any processor
cache lines are updated with data that the device may have changed.
dma_unmap_single(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t dma_addr, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction direction)
pci_unmap_single(struct pci_dev *hwdev, dma_addr_t dma_addr,
size_t size, int direction)
Unmaps the region previously mapped. All the parameters passed in
must be identical to those passed in (and returned) by the mapping
dma_map_page(struct device *dev, struct page *page,
unsigned long offset, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction direction)
pci_map_page(struct pci_dev *hwdev, struct page *page,
unsigned long offset, size_t size, int direction)
dma_unmap_page(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t dma_address, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction direction)
pci_unmap_page(struct pci_dev *hwdev, dma_addr_t dma_address,
size_t size, int direction)
API for mapping and unmapping for pages. All the notes and warnings
for the other mapping APIs apply here. Also, although the <offset>
and <size> parameters are provided to do partial page mapping, it is
recommended that you never use these unless you really know what the
cache width is.
dma_mapping_error(dma_addr_t dma_addr)
pci_dma_mapping_error(dma_addr_t dma_addr)
In some circumstances dma_map_single and dma_map_page will fail to create
a mapping. A driver can check for these errors by testing the returned
dma address with dma_mapping_error(). A non zero return value means the mapping
could not be created and the driver should take appropriate action (eg
reduce current DMA mapping usage or delay and try again later).
dma_map_sg(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg, int nents,
enum dma_data_direction direction)
pci_map_sg(struct pci_dev *hwdev, struct scatterlist *sg,
int nents, int direction)
Maps a scatter gather list from the block layer.
Returns: the number of physical segments mapped (this may be shorted
than <nents> passed in if the block layer determines that some
elements of the scatter/gather list are physically adjacent and thus
may be mapped with a single entry).
Please note that the sg cannot be mapped again if it has been mapped once.
The mapping process is allowed to destroy information in the sg.
As with the other mapping interfaces, dma_map_sg can fail. When it
does, 0 is returned and a driver must take appropriate action. It is
critical that the driver do something, in the case of a block driver
aborting the request or even oopsing is better than doing nothing and
corrupting the filesystem.
dma_unmap_sg(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg, int nhwentries,
enum dma_data_direction direction)
pci_unmap_sg(struct pci_dev *hwdev, struct scatterlist *sg,
int nents, int direction)
unmap the previously mapped scatter/gather list. All the parameters
must be the same as those and passed in to the scatter/gather mapping
Note: <nents> must be the number you passed in, *not* the number of
physical entries returned.
dma_sync_single(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t dma_handle, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction direction)
pci_dma_sync_single(struct pci_dev *hwdev, dma_addr_t dma_handle,
size_t size, int direction)
dma_sync_sg(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg, int nelems,
enum dma_data_direction direction)
pci_dma_sync_sg(struct pci_dev *hwdev, struct scatterlist *sg,
int nelems, int direction)
synchronise a single contiguous or scatter/gather mapping. All the
parameters must be the same as those passed into the single mapping
Notes: You must do this:
- Before reading values that have been written by DMA from the device
(use the DMA_FROM_DEVICE direction)
- After writing values that will be written to the device using DMA
(use the DMA_TO_DEVICE) direction
- before *and* after handing memory to the device if the memory is
See also dma_map_single().
Part II - Advanced dma_ usage
Warning: These pieces of the DMA API have no PCI equivalent. They
should also not be used in the majority of cases, since they cater for
unlikely corner cases that don't belong in usual drivers.
If you don't understand how cache line coherency works between a
processor and an I/O device, you should not be using this part of the
API at all.
void *
dma_alloc_noncoherent(struct device *dev, size_t size,
dma_addr_t *dma_handle, int flag)
Identical to dma_alloc_coherent() except that the platform will
choose to return either consistent or non-consistent memory as it sees
fit. By using this API, you are guaranteeing to the platform that you
have all the correct and necessary sync points for this memory in the
driver should it choose to return non-consistent memory.
Note: where the platform can return consistent memory, it will
guarantee that the sync points become nops.
Warning: Handling non-consistent memory is a real pain. You should
only ever use this API if you positively know your driver will be
required to work on one of the rare (usually non-PCI) architectures
that simply cannot make consistent memory.
dma_free_noncoherent(struct device *dev, size_t size, void *cpu_addr,
dma_addr_t dma_handle)
free memory allocated by the nonconsistent API. All parameters must
be identical to those passed in (and returned by
dma_is_consistent(dma_addr_t dma_handle)
returns true if the memory pointed to by the dma_handle is actually
returns the processor cache alignment. This is the absolute minimum
alignment *and* width that you must observe when either mapping
memory or doing partial flushes.
Notes: This API may return a number *larger* than the actual cache
line, but it will guarantee that one or more cache lines fit exactly
into the width returned by this call. It will also always be a power
of two for easy alignment
dma_sync_single_range(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t dma_handle,
unsigned long offset, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction direction)
does a partial sync. starting at offset and continuing for size. You
must be careful to observe the cache alignment and width when doing
anything like this. You must also be extra careful about accessing
memory you intend to sync partially.
dma_cache_sync(void *vaddr, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction direction)
Do a partial sync of memory that was allocated by
dma_alloc_noncoherent(), starting at virtual address vaddr and
continuing on for size. Again, you *must* observe the cache line
boundaries when doing this.
dma_declare_coherent_memory(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t bus_addr,
dma_addr_t device_addr, size_t size, int
Declare region of memory to be handed out by dma_alloc_coherent when
it's asked for coherent memory for this device.
bus_addr is the physical address to which the memory is currently
assigned in the bus responding region (this will be used by the
platform to perform the mapping)
device_addr is the physical address the device needs to be programmed
with actually to address this memory (this will be handed out as the
dma_addr_t in dma_alloc_coherent())
size is the size of the area (must be multiples of PAGE_SIZE).
flags can be or'd together and are
DMA_MEMORY_MAP - request that the memory returned from
dma_alloc_coherent() be directly writeable.
DMA_MEMORY_IO - request that the memory returned from
dma_alloc_coherent() be addressable using read/write/memcpy_toio etc.
One or both of these flags must be present
DMA_MEMORY_INCLUDES_CHILDREN - make the declared memory be allocated by
dma_alloc_coherent of any child devices of this one (for memory residing
on a bridge).
DMA_MEMORY_EXCLUSIVE - only allocate memory from the declared regions.
Do not allow dma_alloc_coherent() to fall back to system memory when
it's out of memory in the declared region.
The return value will be either DMA_MEMORY_MAP or DMA_MEMORY_IO and
must correspond to a passed in flag (i.e. no returning DMA_MEMORY_IO
if only DMA_MEMORY_MAP were passed in) for success or zero for
Note, for DMA_MEMORY_IO returns, all subsequent memory returned by
dma_alloc_coherent() may no longer be accessed directly, but instead
must be accessed using the correct bus functions. If your driver
isn't prepared to handle this contingency, it should not specify
DMA_MEMORY_IO in the input flags.
As a simplification for the platforms, only *one* such region of
memory may be declared per device.
For reasons of efficiency, most platforms choose to track the declared
region only at the granularity of a page. For smaller allocations,
you should use the dma_pool() API.
dma_release_declared_memory(struct device *dev)
Remove the memory region previously declared from the system. This
API performs *no* in-use checking for this region and will return
unconditionally having removed all the required structures. It is the
drivers job to ensure that no parts of this memory region are
currently in use.
void *
dma_mark_declared_memory_occupied(struct device *dev,
dma_addr_t device_addr, size_t size)
This is used to occupy specific regions of the declared space
(dma_alloc_coherent() will hand out the first free region it finds).
device_addr is the *device* address of the region requested
size is the size (and should be a page sized multiple).
The return value will be either a pointer to the processor virtual
address of the memory, or an error (via PTR_ERR()) if any part of the
region is occupied.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
Dynamic DMA mapping
David S. Miller <>
Richard Henderson <>
Jakub Jelinek <>
This document describes the DMA mapping system in terms of the pci_
API. For a similar API that works for generic devices, see
Most of the 64bit platforms have special hardware that translates bus
addresses (DMA addresses) into physical addresses. This is similar to
how page tables and/or a TLB translates virtual addresses to physical
addresses on a CPU. This is needed so that e.g. PCI devices can
access with a Single Address Cycle (32bit DMA address) any page in the
64bit physical address space. Previously in Linux those 64bit
platforms had to set artificial limits on the maximum RAM size in the
system, so that the virt_to_bus() static scheme works (the DMA address
translation tables were simply filled on bootup to map each bus
address to the physical page __pa(bus_to_virt())).
So that Linux can use the dynamic DMA mapping, it needs some help from the
drivers, namely it has to take into account that DMA addresses should be
mapped only for the time they are actually used and unmapped after the DMA
The following API will work of course even on platforms where no such
hardware exists, see e.g. include/asm-i386/pci.h for how it is implemented on
top of the virt_to_bus interface.
First of all, you should make sure
#include <linux/pci.h>
is in your driver. This file will obtain for you the definition of the
dma_addr_t (which can hold any valid DMA address for the platform)
type which should be used everywhere you hold a DMA (bus) address
returned from the DMA mapping functions.
What memory is DMA'able?
The first piece of information you must know is what kernel memory can
be used with the DMA mapping facilities. There has been an unwritten
set of rules regarding this, and this text is an attempt to finally
write them down.
If you acquired your memory via the page allocator
(i.e. __get_free_page*()) or the generic memory allocators
(i.e. kmalloc() or kmem_cache_alloc()) then you may DMA to/from
that memory using the addresses returned from those routines.
This means specifically that you may _not_ use the memory/addresses
returned from vmalloc() for DMA. It is possible to DMA to the
_underlying_ memory mapped into a vmalloc() area, but this requires
walking page tables to get the physical addresses, and then
translating each of those pages back to a kernel address using
something like __va(). [ EDIT: Update this when we integrate
Gerd Knorr's generic code which does this. ]
This rule also means that you may not use kernel image addresses
(ie. items in the kernel's data/text/bss segment, or your driver's)
nor may you use kernel stack addresses for DMA. Both of these items
might be mapped somewhere entirely different than the rest of physical
Also, this means that you cannot take the return of a kmap()
call and DMA to/from that. This is similar to vmalloc().
What about block I/O and networking buffers? The block I/O and
networking subsystems make sure that the buffers they use are valid
for you to DMA from/to.
DMA addressing limitations
Does your device have any DMA addressing limitations? For example, is
your device only capable of driving the low order 24-bits of address
on the PCI bus for SAC DMA transfers? If so, you need to inform the
PCI layer of this fact.
By default, the kernel assumes that your device can address the full
32-bits in a SAC cycle. For a 64-bit DAC capable device, this needs
to be increased. And for a device with limitations, as discussed in
the previous paragraph, it needs to be decreased.
pci_alloc_consistent() by default will return 32-bit DMA addresses.
PCI-X specification requires PCI-X devices to support 64-bit
addressing (DAC) for all transactions. And at least one platform (SGI
SN2) requires 64-bit consistent allocations to operate correctly when
the IO bus is in PCI-X mode. Therefore, like with pci_set_dma_mask(),
it's good practice to call pci_set_consistent_dma_mask() to set the
appropriate mask even if your device only supports 32-bit DMA
(default) and especially if it's a PCI-X device.
For correct operation, you must interrogate the PCI layer in your
device probe routine to see if the PCI controller on the machine can
properly support the DMA addressing limitation your device has. It is
good style to do this even if your device holds the default setting,
because this shows that you did think about these issues wrt. your
The query is performed via a call to pci_set_dma_mask():
int pci_set_dma_mask(struct pci_dev *pdev, u64 device_mask);
The query for consistent allocations is performed via a a call to
int pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(struct pci_dev *pdev, u64 device_mask);
Here, pdev is a pointer to the PCI device struct of your device, and
device_mask is a bit mask describing which bits of a PCI address your
device supports. It returns zero if your card can perform DMA
properly on the machine given the address mask you provided.
If it returns non-zero, your device can not perform DMA properly on
this platform, and attempting to do so will result in undefined
behavior. You must either use a different mask, or not use DMA.
This means that in the failure case, you have three options:
1) Use another DMA mask, if possible (see below).
2) Use some non-DMA mode for data transfer, if possible.
3) Ignore this device and do not initialize it.
It is recommended that your driver print a kernel KERN_WARNING message
when you end up performing either #2 or #3. In this manner, if a user
of your driver reports that performance is bad or that the device is not
even detected, you can ask them for the kernel messages to find out
exactly why.
The standard 32-bit addressing PCI device would do something like
if (pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK)) {
"mydev: No suitable DMA available.\n");
goto ignore_this_device;
Another common scenario is a 64-bit capable device. The approach
here is to try for 64-bit DAC addressing, but back down to a
32-bit mask should that fail. The PCI platform code may fail the
64-bit mask not because the platform is not capable of 64-bit
addressing. Rather, it may fail in this case simply because
32-bit SAC addressing is done more efficiently than DAC addressing.
Sparc64 is one platform which behaves in this way.
Here is how you would handle a 64-bit capable device which can drive
all 64-bits when accessing streaming DMA:
int using_dac;
if (!pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_64BIT_MASK)) {
using_dac = 1;
} else if (!pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK)) {
using_dac = 0;
} else {
"mydev: No suitable DMA available.\n");
goto ignore_this_device;
If a card is capable of using 64-bit consistent allocations as well,
the case would look like this:
int using_dac, consistent_using_dac;
if (!pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_64BIT_MASK)) {
using_dac = 1;
consistent_using_dac = 1;
pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_64BIT_MASK);
} else if (!pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK)) {
using_dac = 0;
consistent_using_dac = 0;
pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_32BIT_MASK);
} else {
"mydev: No suitable DMA available.\n");
goto ignore_this_device;
pci_set_consistent_dma_mask() will always be able to set the same or a
smaller mask as pci_set_dma_mask(). However for the rare case that a
device driver only uses consistent allocations, one would have to
check the return value from pci_set_consistent_dma_mask().
If your 64-bit device is going to be an enormous consumer of DMA
mappings, this can be problematic since the DMA mappings are a
finite resource on many platforms. Please see the "DAC Addressing
for Address Space Hungry Devices" section near the end of this
document for how to handle this case.
Finally, if your device can only drive the low 24-bits of
address during PCI bus mastering you might do something like:
if (pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, 0x00ffffff)) {
"mydev: 24-bit DMA addressing not available.\n");
goto ignore_this_device;
When pci_set_dma_mask() is successful, and returns zero, the PCI layer
saves away this mask you have provided. The PCI layer will use this
information later when you make DMA mappings.
There is a case which we are aware of at this time, which is worth
mentioning in this documentation. If your device supports multiple
functions (for example a sound card provides playback and record
functions) and the various different functions have _different_
DMA addressing limitations, you may wish to probe each mask and
only provide the functionality which the machine can handle. It
is important that the last call to pci_set_dma_mask() be for the
most specific mask.
Here is pseudo-code showing how this might be done:
#define RECORD_ADDRESS_BITS 0x00ffffff
struct my_sound_card *card;
struct pci_dev *pdev;
if (!pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, PLAYBACK_ADDRESS_BITS)) {
card->playback_enabled = 1;
} else {
card->playback_enabled = 0;
printk(KERN_WARN "%s: Playback disabled due to DMA limitations.\n",
if (!pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, RECORD_ADDRESS_BITS)) {
card->record_enabled = 1;
} else {
card->record_enabled = 0;
printk(KERN_WARN "%s: Record disabled due to DMA limitations.\n",
A sound card was used as an example here because this genre of PCI
devices seems to be littered with ISA chips given a PCI front end,
and thus retaining the 16MB DMA addressing limitations of ISA.
Types of DMA mappings
There are two types of DMA mappings:
- Consistent DMA mappings which are usually mapped at driver
initialization, unmapped at the end and for which the hardware should
guarantee that the device and the CPU can access the data
in parallel and will see updates made by each other without any
explicit software flushing.
Think of "consistent" as "synchronous" or "coherent".
The current default is to return consistent memory in the low 32
bits of the PCI bus space. However, for future compatibility you
should set the consistent mask even if this default is fine for your
Good examples of what to use consistent mappings for are:
- Network card DMA ring descriptors.
- SCSI adapter mailbox command data structures.
- Device firmware microcode executed out of
main memory.
The invariant these examples all require is that any CPU store
to memory is immediately visible to the device, and vice
versa. Consistent mappings guarantee this.
IMPORTANT: Consistent DMA memory does not preclude the usage of
proper memory barriers. The CPU may reorder stores to
consistent memory just as it may normal memory. Example:
if it is important for the device to see the first word
of a descriptor updated before the second, you must do
something like:
desc->word0 = address;
desc->word1 = DESC_VALID;
in order to get correct behavior on all platforms.
- Streaming DMA mappings which are usually mapped for one DMA transfer,
unmapped right after it (unless you use pci_dma_sync_* below) and for which
hardware can optimize for sequential accesses.
This of "streaming" as "asynchronous" or "outside the coherency
Good examples of what to use streaming mappings for are:
- Networking buffers transmitted/received by a device.
- Filesystem buffers written/read by a SCSI device.
The interfaces for using this type of mapping were designed in
such a way that an implementation can make whatever performance
optimizations the hardware allows. To this end, when using
such mappings you must be explicit about what you want to happen.
Neither type of DMA mapping has alignment restrictions that come
from PCI, although some devices may have such restrictions.
Using Consistent DMA mappings.
To allocate and map large (PAGE_SIZE or so) consistent DMA regions,
you should do:
dma_addr_t dma_handle;
cpu_addr = pci_alloc_consistent(dev, size, &dma_handle);
where dev is a struct pci_dev *. You should pass NULL for PCI like buses
where devices don't have struct pci_dev (like ISA, EISA). This may be
called in interrupt context.
This argument is needed because the DMA translations may be bus
specific (and often is private to the bus which the device is attached
Size is the length of the region you want to allocate, in bytes.
This routine will allocate RAM for that region, so it acts similarly to
__get_free_pages (but takes size instead of a page order). If your
driver needs regions sized smaller than a page, you may prefer using
the pci_pool interface, described below.
The consistent DMA mapping interfaces, for non-NULL dev, will by
default return a DMA address which is SAC (Single Address Cycle)
addressable. Even if the device indicates (via PCI dma mask) that it
may address the upper 32-bits and thus perform DAC cycles, consistent
allocation will only return > 32-bit PCI addresses for DMA if the
consistent dma mask has been explicitly changed via
pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(). This is true of the pci_pool interface
as well.
pci_alloc_consistent returns two values: the virtual address which you
can use to access it from the CPU and dma_handle which you pass to the
The cpu return address and the DMA bus master address are both
guaranteed to be aligned to the smallest PAGE_SIZE order which
is greater than or equal to the requested size. This invariant
exists (for example) to guarantee that if you allocate a chunk
which is smaller than or equal to 64 kilobytes, the extent of the
buffer you receive will not cross a 64K boundary.
To unmap and free such a DMA region, you call:
pci_free_consistent(dev, size, cpu_addr, dma_handle);
where dev, size are the same as in the above call and cpu_addr and
dma_handle are the values pci_alloc_consistent returned to you.
This function may not be called in interrupt context.
If your driver needs lots of smaller memory regions, you can write
custom code to subdivide pages returned by pci_alloc_consistent,
or you can use the pci_pool API to do that. A pci_pool is like
a kmem_cache, but it uses pci_alloc_consistent not __get_free_pages.
Also, it understands common hardware constraints for alignment,
like queue heads needing to be aligned on N byte boundaries.
Create a pci_pool like this:
struct pci_pool *pool;
pool = pci_pool_create(name, dev, size, align, alloc);
The "name" is for diagnostics (like a kmem_cache name); dev and size
are as above. The device's hardware alignment requirement for this
type of data is "align" (which is expressed in bytes, and must be a
power of two). If your device has no boundary crossing restrictions,
pass 0 for alloc; passing 4096 says memory allocated from this pool
must not cross 4KByte boundaries (but at that time it may be better to
go for pci_alloc_consistent directly instead).
Allocate memory from a pci pool like this:
cpu_addr = pci_pool_alloc(pool, flags, &dma_handle);
flags are SLAB_KERNEL if blocking is permitted (not in_interrupt nor
holding SMP locks), SLAB_ATOMIC otherwise. Like pci_alloc_consistent,
this returns two values, cpu_addr and dma_handle.
Free memory that was allocated from a pci_pool like this:
pci_pool_free(pool, cpu_addr, dma_handle);
where pool is what you passed to pci_pool_alloc, and cpu_addr and
dma_handle are the values pci_pool_alloc returned. This function
may be called in interrupt context.
Destroy a pci_pool by calling:
Make sure you've called pci_pool_free for all memory allocated
from a pool before you destroy the pool. This function may not
be called in interrupt context.
DMA Direction
The interfaces described in subsequent portions of this document
take a DMA direction argument, which is an integer and takes on
one of the following values:
One should provide the exact DMA direction if you know it.
PCI_DMA_TODEVICE means "from main memory to the PCI device"
PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE means "from the PCI device to main memory"
It is the direction in which the data moves during the DMA
You are _strongly_ encouraged to specify this as precisely
as you possibly can.
If you absolutely cannot know the direction of the DMA transfer,
specify PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL. It means that the DMA can go in
either direction. The platform guarantees that you may legally
specify this, and that it will work, but this may be at the
cost of performance for example.
The value PCI_DMA_NONE is to be used for debugging. One can
hold this in a data structure before you come to know the
precise direction, and this will help catch cases where your
direction tracking logic has failed to set things up properly.
Another advantage of specifying this value precisely (outside of
potential platform-specific optimizations of such) is for debugging.
Some platforms actually have a write permission boolean which DMA
mappings can be marked with, much like page protections in the user
program address space. Such platforms can and do report errors in the
kernel logs when the PCI controller hardware detects violation of the
permission setting.
Only streaming mappings specify a direction, consistent mappings
implicitly have a direction attribute setting of
The SCSI subsystem provides mechanisms for you to easily obtain
the direction to use, in the SCSI command:
Where SCSI_DIRECTION is obtained from the 'sc_data_direction'
member of the SCSI command your driver is working on. The
mentioned interface above returns a value suitable for passing
into the streaming DMA mapping interfaces below.
For Networking drivers, it's a rather simple affair. For transmit
packets, map/unmap them with the PCI_DMA_TODEVICE direction
specifier. For receive packets, just the opposite, map/unmap them
with the PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE direction specifier.
Using Streaming DMA mappings
The streaming DMA mapping routines can be called from interrupt
context. There are two versions of each map/unmap, one which will
map/unmap a single memory region, and one which will map/unmap a
To map a single region, you do:
struct pci_dev *pdev = mydev->pdev;
dma_addr_t dma_handle;
void *addr = buffer->ptr;
size_t size = buffer->len;
dma_handle = pci_map_single(dev, addr, size, direction);
and to unmap it:
pci_unmap_single(dev, dma_handle, size, direction);
You should call pci_unmap_single when the DMA activity is finished, e.g.
from the interrupt which told you that the DMA transfer is done.
Using cpu pointers like this for single mappings has a disadvantage,
you cannot reference HIGHMEM memory in this way. Thus, there is a
map/unmap interface pair akin to pci_{map,unmap}_single. These
interfaces deal with page/offset pairs instead of cpu pointers.
struct pci_dev *pdev = mydev->pdev;
dma_addr_t dma_handle;
struct page *page = buffer->page;
unsigned long offset = buffer->offset;
size_t size = buffer->len;
dma_handle = pci_map_page(dev, page, offset, size, direction);
pci_unmap_page(dev, dma_handle, size, direction);
Here, "offset" means byte offset within the given page.
With scatterlists, you map a region gathered from several regions by:
int i, count = pci_map_sg(dev, sglist, nents, direction);
struct scatterlist *sg;
for (i = 0, sg = sglist; i < count; i++, sg++) {
hw_address[i] = sg_dma_address(sg);
hw_len[i] = sg_dma_len(sg);
where nents is the number of entries in the sglist.
The implementation is free to merge several consecutive sglist entries
into one (e.g. if DMA mapping is done with PAGE_SIZE granularity, any
consecutive sglist entries can be merged into one provided the first one
ends and the second one starts on a page boundary - in fact this is a huge
advantage for cards which either cannot do scatter-gather or have very
limited number of scatter-gather entries) and returns the actual number
of sg entries it mapped them to. On failure 0 is returned.
Then you should loop count times (note: this can be less than nents times)
and use sg_dma_address() and sg_dma_len() macros where you previously
accessed sg->address and sg->length as shown above.
To unmap a scatterlist, just call:
pci_unmap_sg(dev, sglist, nents, direction);
Again, make sure DMA activity has already finished.
PLEASE NOTE: The 'nents' argument to the pci_unmap_sg call must be
the _same_ one you passed into the pci_map_sg call,
it should _NOT_ be the 'count' value _returned_ from the
pci_map_sg call.
Every pci_map_{single,sg} call should have its pci_unmap_{single,sg}
counterpart, because the bus address space is a shared resource (although
in some ports the mapping is per each BUS so less devices contend for the
same bus address space) and you could render the machine unusable by eating
all bus addresses.
If you need to use the same streaming DMA region multiple times and touch
the data in between the DMA transfers, the buffer needs to be synced
properly in order for the cpu and device to see the most uptodate and
correct copy of the DMA buffer.
So, firstly, just map it with pci_map_{single,sg}, and after each DMA
transfer call either:
pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(dev, dma_handle, size, direction);
pci_dma_sync_sg_for_cpu(dev, sglist, nents, direction);
as appropriate.
Then, if you wish to let the device get at the DMA area again,
finish accessing the data with the cpu, and then before actually
giving the buffer to the hardware call either:
pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(dev, dma_handle, size, direction);
pci_dma_sync_sg_for_device(dev, sglist, nents, direction);
as appropriate.
After the last DMA transfer call one of the DMA unmap routines
pci_unmap_{single,sg}. If you don't touch the data from the first pci_map_*
call till pci_unmap_*, then you don't have to call the pci_dma_sync_*
routines at all.
Here is pseudo code which shows a situation in which you would need
to use the pci_dma_sync_*() interfaces.
my_card_setup_receive_buffer(struct my_card *cp, char *buffer, int len)
dma_addr_t mapping;
mapping = pci_map_single(cp->pdev, buffer, len, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
cp->rx_buf = buffer;
cp->rx_len = len;
cp->rx_dma = mapping;
my_card_interrupt_handler(int irq, void *devid, struct pt_regs *regs)
struct my_card *cp = devid;
if (read_card_status(cp) == RX_BUF_TRANSFERRED) {
struct my_card_header *hp;
/* Examine the header to see if we wish
* to accept the data. But synchronize
* the DMA transfer with the CPU first
* so that we see updated contents.
pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(cp->pdev, cp->rx_dma,
/* Now it is safe to examine the buffer. */
hp = (struct my_card_header *) cp->rx_buf;
if (header_is_ok(hp)) {
pci_unmap_single(cp->pdev, cp->rx_dma, cp->rx_len,
} else {
/* Just sync the buffer and give it back
* to the card.
Drivers converted fully to this interface should not use virt_to_bus any
longer, nor should they use bus_to_virt. Some drivers have to be changed a
little bit, because there is no longer an equivalent to bus_to_virt in the
dynamic DMA mapping scheme - you have to always store the DMA addresses
returned by the pci_alloc_consistent, pci_pool_alloc, and pci_map_single
calls (pci_map_sg stores them in the scatterlist itself if the platform
supports dynamic DMA mapping in hardware) in your driver structures and/or
in the card registers.
All PCI drivers should be using these interfaces with no exceptions.
It is planned to completely remove virt_to_bus() and bus_to_virt() as
they are entirely deprecated. Some ports already do not provide these
as it is impossible to correctly support them.
64-bit DMA and DAC cycle support
Do you understand all of the text above? Great, then you already
know how to use 64-bit DMA addressing under Linux. Simply make
the appropriate pci_set_dma_mask() calls based upon your cards
capabilities, then use the mapping APIs above.
It is that simple.
Well, not for some odd devices. See the next section for information
about that.
DAC Addressing for Address Space Hungry Devices
There exists a class of devices which do not mesh well with the PCI
DMA mapping API. By definition these "mappings" are a finite
resource. The number of total available mappings per bus is platform
specific, but there will always be a reasonable amount.
What is "reasonable"? Reasonable means that networking and block I/O
devices need not worry about using too many mappings.
As an example of a problematic device, consider compute cluster cards.
They can potentially need to access gigabytes of memory at once via
DMA. Dynamic mappings are unsuitable for this kind of access pattern.
To this end we've provided a small API by which a device driver
may use DAC cycles to directly address all of physical memory.
Not all platforms support this, but most do. It is easy to determine
whether the platform will work properly at probe time.
First, understand that there may be a SEVERE performance penalty for
using these interfaces on some platforms. Therefore, you MUST only
use these interfaces if it is absolutely required. %99 of devices can
use the normal APIs without any problems.
Note that for streaming type mappings you must either use these
interfaces, or the dynamic mapping interfaces above. You may not mix
usage of both for the same device. Such an act is illegal and is
guaranteed to put a banana in your tailpipe.
However, consistent mappings may in fact be used in conjunction with
these interfaces. Remember that, as defined, consistent mappings are
always going to be SAC addressable.
The first thing your driver needs to do is query the PCI platform
layer with your devices DAC addressing capabilities:
int pci_dac_set_dma_mask(struct pci_dev *pdev, u64 mask);
This routine behaves identically to pci_set_dma_mask. You may not
use the following interfaces if this routine fails.
Next, DMA addresses using this API are kept track of using the
dma64_addr_t type. It is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any
DAC address the platform layer will give to you from the following
routines. If you have consistent mappings as well, you still
use plain dma_addr_t to keep track of those.
All mappings obtained here will be direct. The mappings are not
translated, and this is the purpose of this dialect of the DMA API.
All routines work with page/offset pairs. This is the _ONLY_ way to
portably refer to any piece of memory. If you have a cpu pointer
(which may be validly DMA'd too) you may easily obtain the page
and offset using something like this:
struct page *page = virt_to_page(ptr);
unsigned long offset = offset_in_page(ptr);
Here are the interfaces:
dma64_addr_t pci_dac_page_to_dma(struct pci_dev *pdev,
struct page *page,
unsigned long offset,
int direction);
The DAC address for the tuple PAGE/OFFSET are returned. The direction
argument is the same as for pci_{map,unmap}_single(). The same rules
for cpu/device access apply here as for the streaming mapping
interfaces. To reiterate:
The cpu may touch the buffer before pci_dac_page_to_dma.
The device may touch the buffer after pci_dac_page_to_dma
is made, but the cpu may NOT.
When the DMA transfer is complete, invoke:
void pci_dac_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(struct pci_dev *pdev,
dma64_addr_t dma_addr,
size_t len, int direction);
This must be done before the CPU looks at the buffer again.
This interface behaves identically to pci_dma_sync_{single,sg}_for_cpu().
And likewise, if you wish to let the device get back at the buffer after
the cpu has read/written it, invoke:
void pci_dac_dma_sync_single_for_device(struct pci_dev *pdev,
dma64_addr_t dma_addr,
size_t len, int direction);
before letting the device access the DMA area again.
If you need to get back to the PAGE/OFFSET tuple from a dma64_addr_t
the following interfaces are provided:
struct page *pci_dac_dma_to_page(struct pci_dev *pdev,
dma64_addr_t dma_addr);
unsigned long pci_dac_dma_to_offset(struct pci_dev *pdev,
dma64_addr_t dma_addr);
This is possible with the DAC interfaces purely because they are
not translated in any way.
Optimizing Unmap State Space Consumption
On many platforms, pci_unmap_{single,page}() is simply a nop.
Therefore, keeping track of the mapping address and length is a waste
of space. Instead of filling your drivers up with ifdefs and the like
to "work around" this (which would defeat the whole purpose of a
portable API) the following facilities are provided.
Actually, instead of describing the macros one by one, we'll
transform some example code.
1) Use DECLARE_PCI_UNMAP_{ADDR,LEN} in state saving structures.
Example, before:
struct ring_state {
struct sk_buff *skb;
dma_addr_t mapping;
__u32 len;
struct ring_state {
struct sk_buff *skb;
NOTE: DO NOT put a semicolon at the end of the DECLARE_*()
2) Use pci_unmap_{addr,len}_set to set these values.
Example, before:
ringp->mapping = FOO;
ringp->len = BAR;
pci_unmap_addr_set(ringp, mapping, FOO);
pci_unmap_len_set(ringp, len, BAR);
3) Use pci_unmap_{addr,len} to access these values.
Example, before:
pci_unmap_single(pdev, ringp->mapping, ringp->len,
pci_unmap_addr(ringp, mapping),
pci_unmap_len(ringp, len),
It really should be self-explanatory. We treat the ADDR and LEN
separately, because it is possible for an implementation to only
need the address in order to perform the unmap operation.
Platform Issues
If you are just writing drivers for Linux and do not maintain
an architecture port for the kernel, you can safely skip down
to "Closing".
1) Struct scatterlist requirements.
Struct scatterlist must contain, at a minimum, the following
struct page *page;
unsigned int offset;
unsigned int length;
The base address is specified by a "page+offset" pair.
Previous versions of struct scatterlist contained a "void *address"
field that was sometimes used instead of page+offset. As of Linux
2.5., page+offset is always used, and the "address" field has been
2) More to come...
Handling Errors
DMA address space is limited on some architectures and an allocation
failure can be determined by:
- checking if pci_alloc_consistent returns NULL or pci_map_sg returns 0
- checking the returned dma_addr_t of pci_map_single and pci_map_page
by using pci_dma_mapping_error():
dma_addr_t dma_handle;
dma_handle = pci_map_single(dev, addr, size, direction);
if (pci_dma_mapping_error(dma_handle)) {
* reduce current DMA mapping usage,
* delay and try again later or
* reset driver.
This document, and the API itself, would not be in it's current
form without the feedback and suggestions from numerous individuals.
We would like to specifically mention, in no particular order, the
following people:
Russell King <>
Leo Dagum <>
Ralf Baechle <>
Grant Grundler <>
Jay Estabrook <>
Thomas Sailer <>
Andrea Arcangeli <>
Jens Axboe <>
David Mosberger-Tang <>
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# This makefile is used to generate the kernel documentation,
# primarily based on in-line comments in various source files.
# See Documentation/kernel-doc-nano-HOWTO.txt for instruction in how
# to ducument the SRC - and how to read it.
# To add a new book the only step required is to add the book to the
# list of DOCBOOKS.
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# 1) To generate a dependency list for a .tmpl file
# 2) To preprocess a .tmpl file and call kernel-doc with
# appropriate parameters.
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# required to generate the final targets. (ps, pdf, html).
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# procfs guide uses a .c file as example code.
# This requires an explicit dependency
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exit 1)
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exit 1)
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expand --tabs=8 < $< | \
sed -e "s/&/\\&/g" \
-e "s/</\\</g" \
-e "s/>/\\>/g"; \
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# Help targets as used by the top-level makefile
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@echo ' xmldocs (XML DocBook), psdocs (Postscript), pdfdocs (PDF)'
@echo ' htmldocs (HTML), mandocs (man pages, use installmandocs to install)'
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"" []>
<book id="DoingIO">
<title>Bus-Independent Device Accesses</title>
<holder>Matthew Wilcox</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="intro">
Linux provides an API which abstracts performing IO across all busses
and devices, allowing device drivers to be written independently of
bus type.
<chapter id="bugs">
<title>Known Bugs And Assumptions</title>
<chapter id="mmio">
<title>Memory Mapped IO</title>
<title>Getting Access to the Device</title>
The most widely supported form of IO is memory mapped IO.
That is, a part of the CPU's address space is interpreted
not as accesses to memory, but as accesses to a device. Some
architectures define devices to be at a fixed address, but most
have some method of discovering devices. The PCI bus walk is a
good example of such a scheme. This document does not cover how
to receive such an address, but assumes you are starting with one.
Physical addresses are of type unsigned long.
This address should not be used directly. Instead, to get an
address suitable for passing to the accessor functions described
below, you should call <function>ioremap</function>.
An address suitable for accessing the device will be returned to you.
After you've finished using the device (say, in your module's
exit routine), call <function>iounmap</function> in order to return
the address space to the kernel. Most architectures allocate new
address space each time you call <function>ioremap</function>, and
they can run out unless you call <function>iounmap</function>.
<title>Accessing the device</title>
The part of the interface most used by drivers is reading and
writing memory-mapped registers on the device. Linux provides
interfaces to read and write 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit
quantities. Due to a historical accident, these are named byte,
word, long and quad accesses. Both read and write accesses are
supported; there is no prefetch support at this time.
The functions are named <function>readb</function>,
<function>readw</function>, <function>readl</function>,
<function>readq</function>, <function>readb_relaxed</function>,
<function>readw_relaxed</function>, <function>readl_relaxed</function>,
<function>readq_relaxed</function>, <function>writeb</function>,
<function>writew</function>, <function>writel</function> and
Some devices (such as framebuffers) would like to use larger
transfers than 8 bytes at a time. For these devices, the
<function>memcpy_toio</function>, <function>memcpy_fromio</function>
and <function>memset_io</function> functions are provided.
Do not use memset or memcpy on IO addresses; they
are not guaranteed to copy data in order.
The read and write functions are defined to be ordered. That is the
compiler is not permitted to reorder the I/O sequence. When the
ordering can be compiler optimised, you can use <function>
__readb</function> and friends to indicate the relaxed ordering. Use
this with care.
While the basic functions are defined to be synchronous with respect
to each other and ordered with respect to each other the busses the
devices sit on may themselves have asynchronicity. In particular many
authors are burned by the fact that PCI bus writes are posted
asynchronously. A driver author must issue a read from the same
device to ensure that writes have occurred in the specific cases the
author cares. This kind of property cannot be hidden from driver
writers in the API. In some cases, the read used to flush the device
may be expected to fail (if the card is resetting, for example). In
that case, the read should be done from config space, which is
guaranteed to soft-fail if the card doesn't respond.
The following is an example of flushing a write to a device when
the driver would like to ensure the write's effects are visible prior
to continuing execution.
static inline void
qla1280_disable_intrs(struct scsi_qla_host *ha)
struct device_reg *reg;
reg = ha->iobase;
/* disable risc and host interrupts */
WRT_REG_WORD(&reg->ictrl, 0);
* The following read will ensure that the above write
* has been received by the device before we return from this
* function.
ha->flags.ints_enabled = 0;
In addition to write posting, on some large multiprocessing systems
(e.g. SGI Challenge, Origin and Altix machines) posted writes won't
be strongly ordered coming from different CPUs. Thus it's important
to properly protect parts of your driver that do memory-mapped writes
with locks and use the <function>mmiowb</function> to make sure they
arrive in the order intended. Issuing a regular <function>readX
</function> will also ensure write ordering, but should only be used
when the driver has to be sure that the write has actually arrived
at the device (not that it's simply ordered with respect to other
writes), since a full <function>readX</function> is a relatively
expensive operation.
Generally, one should use <function>mmiowb</function> prior to
releasing a spinlock that protects regions using <function>writeb
</function> or similar functions that aren't surrounded by <function>
readb</function> calls, which will ensure ordering and flushing. The
following pseudocode illustrates what might occur if write ordering
isn't guaranteed via <function>mmiowb</function> or one of the
<function>readX</function> functions.
CPU A: spin_lock_irqsave(&dev_lock, flags)
CPU A: ...
CPU A: writel(newval, ring_ptr);
CPU A: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev_lock, flags)
CPU B: spin_lock_irqsave(&dev_lock, flags)
CPU B: writel(newval2, ring_ptr);
CPU B: ...
CPU B: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev_lock, flags)
In the case above, newval2 could be written to ring_ptr before
newval. Fixing it is easy though:
CPU A: spin_lock_irqsave(&dev_lock, flags)
CPU A: ...
CPU A: writel(newval, ring_ptr);
CPU A: mmiowb(); /* ensure no other writes beat us to the device */
CPU A: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev_lock, flags)
CPU B: spin_lock_irqsave(&dev_lock, flags)
CPU B: writel(newval2, ring_ptr);
CPU B: ...
CPU B: mmiowb();
CPU B: spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev_lock, flags)
See tg3.c for a real world example of how to use <function>mmiowb
PCI ordering rules also guarantee that PIO read responses arrive
after any outstanding DMA writes from that bus, since for some devices
the result of a <function>readb</function> call may signal to the
driver that a DMA transaction is complete. In many cases, however,
the driver may want to indicate that the next
<function>readb</function> call has no relation to any previous DMA
writes performed by the device. The driver can use
<function>readb_relaxed</function> for these cases, although only
some platforms will honor the relaxed semantics. Using the relaxed
read functions will provide significant performance benefits on
platforms that support it. The qla2xxx driver provides examples
of how to use <function>readX_relaxed</function>. In many cases,
a majority of the driver's <function>readX</function> calls can
safely be converted to <function>readX_relaxed</function> calls, since
only a few will indicate or depend on DMA completion.
<title>ISA legacy functions</title>
On older kernels (2.2 and earlier) the ISA bus could be read or
written with these functions and without ioremap being used. This is
no longer true in Linux 2.4. A set of equivalent functions exist for
easy legacy driver porting. The functions available are prefixed
with 'isa_' and are <function>isa_readb</function>,
<function>isa_writeb</function>, <function>isa_readw</function>,
<function>isa_writew</function>, <function>isa_readl</function>,
<function>isa_writel</function>, <function>isa_memcpy_fromio</function>
and <function>isa_memcpy_toio</function>
These functions should not be used in new drivers, and will
eventually be going away.
<title>Port Space Accesses</title>
<title>Port Space Explained</title>
Another form of IO commonly supported is Port Space. This is a
range of addresses separate to the normal memory address space.
Access to these addresses is generally not as fast as accesses
to the memory mapped addresses, and it also has a potentially
smaller address space.
Unlike memory mapped IO, no preparation is required
to access port space.
<title>Accessing Port Space</title>
Accesses to this space are provided through a set of functions
which allow 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit accesses; also
known as byte, word and long. These functions are
<function>inb</function>, <function>inw</function>,
<function>inl</function>, <function>outb</function>,
<function>outw</function> and <function>outl</function>.
Some variants are provided for these functions. Some devices
require that accesses to their ports are slowed down. This
functionality is provided by appending a <function>_p</function>
to the end of the function. There are also equivalents to memcpy.
The <function>ins</function> and <function>outs</function>
functions copy bytes, words or longs to the given port.
<chapter id="pubfunctions">
<title>Public Functions Provided</title>
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<book id="USB-Gadget-API">
<title>USB Gadget API for Linux</title>
<date>20 August 2004</date>
<edition>20 August 2004</edition>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<holder>David Brownell</holder>
<para>This document presents a Linux-USB "Gadget"
kernel mode
API, for use within peripherals and other USB devices
that embed Linux.
It provides an overview of the API structure,
and shows how that fits into a system development project.
This is the first such API released on Linux to address
a number of important problems, including: </para>
<listitem><para>Supports USB 2.0, for high speed devices which
can stream data at several dozen megabytes per second.
<listitem><para>Handles devices with dozens of endpoints just as
well as ones with just two fixed-function ones. Gadget drivers
can be written so they're easy to port to new hardware.
<listitem><para>Flexible enough to expose more complex USB device
capabilities such as multiple configurations, multiple interfaces,
composite devices,
and alternate interface settings.
<listitem><para>USB "On-The-Go" (OTG) support, in conjunction
with updates to the Linux-USB host side.
<listitem><para>Sharing data structures and API models with the
Linux-USB host side API. This helps the OTG support, and
looks forward to more-symmetric frameworks (where the same
I/O model is used by both host and device side drivers).
<listitem><para>Minimalist, so it's easier to support new device
controller hardware. I/O processing doesn't imply large
demands for memory or CPU resources.
<para>Most Linux developers will not be able to use this API, since they
have USB "host" hardware in a PC, workstation, or server.
Linux users with embedded systems are more likely to
have USB peripheral hardware.
To distinguish drivers running inside such hardware from the
more familiar Linux "USB device drivers",
which are host side proxies for the real USB devices,
a different term is used:
the drivers inside the peripherals are "USB gadget drivers".
In USB protocol interactions, the device driver is the master
(or "client driver")
and the gadget driver is the slave (or "function driver").
<para>The gadget API resembles the host side Linux-USB API in that both
use queues of request objects to package I/O buffers, and those requests
may be submitted or canceled.
They share common definitions for the standard USB
<emphasis>Chapter 9</emphasis> messages, structures, and constants.
Also, both APIs bind and unbind drivers to devices.
The APIs differ in detail, since the host side's current
URB framework exposes a number of implementation details
and assumptions that are inappropriate for a gadget API.
While the model for control transfers and configuration
management is necessarily different (one side is a hardware-neutral master,
the other is a hardware-aware slave), the endpoint I/0 API used here
should also be usable for an overhead-reduced host side API.
<chapter id="structure"><title>Structure of Gadget Drivers</title>
<para>A system running inside a USB peripheral
normally has at least three layers inside the kernel to handle
USB protocol processing, and may have additional layers in
user space code.
The "gadget" API is used by the middle layer to interact
with the lowest level (which directly handles hardware).
<para>In Linux, from the bottom up, these layers are:
<term><emphasis>USB Controller Driver</emphasis></term>
<para>This is the lowest software level.
It is the only layer that talks to hardware,
through registers, fifos, dma, irqs, and the like.
The <filename><linux/usb_gadget.h></filename> API abstracts
the peripheral controller endpoint hardware.
That hardware is exposed through endpoint objects, which accept
streams of IN/OUT buffers, and through callbacks that interact
with gadget drivers.
Since normal USB devices only have one upstream
port, they only have one of these drivers.
The controller driver can support any number of different
gadget drivers, but only one of them can be used at a time.
<para>Examples of such controller hardware include
the PCI-based NetChip 2280 USB 2.0 high speed controller,
the SA-11x0 or PXA-25x UDC (found within many PDAs),
and a variety of other products.
<term><emphasis>Gadget Driver</emphasis></term>
<para>The lower boundary of this driver implements hardware-neutral
USB functions, using calls to the controller driver.
Because such hardware varies widely in capabilities and restrictions,
and is used in embedded environments where space is at a premium,
the gadget driver is often configured at compile time
to work with endpoints supported by one particular controller.
Gadget drivers may be portable to several different controllers,
using conditional compilation.
(Recent kernels substantially simplify the work involved in
supporting new hardware, by <emphasis>autoconfiguring</emphasis>
endpoints automatically for many bulk-oriented drivers.)
Gadget driver responsibilities include:
<listitem><para>handling setup requests (ep0 protocol responses)
possibly including class-specific functionality
<listitem><para>returning configuration and string descriptors
<listitem><para>(re)setting configurations and interface
altsettings, including enabling and configuring endpoints
<listitem><para>handling life cycle events, such as managing
bindings to hardware,
USB suspend/resume, remote wakeup,
and disconnection from the USB host.
<listitem><para>managing IN and OUT transfers on all currently
enabled endpoints
Such drivers may be modules of proprietary code, although
that approach is discouraged in the Linux community.
<term><emphasis>Upper Level</emphasis></term>
<para>Most gadget drivers have an upper boundary that connects
to some Linux driver or framework in Linux.
Through that boundary flows the data which the gadget driver
produces and/or consumes through protocol transfers over USB.
Examples include:
<listitem><para>user mode code, using generic (gadgetfs)
or application specific files in
<listitem><para>networking subsystem (for network gadgets,
like the CDC Ethernet Model gadget driver)
<listitem><para>data capture drivers, perhaps video4Linux or
a scanner driver; or test and measurement hardware.
<listitem><para>input subsystem (for HID gadgets)
<listitem><para>sound subsystem (for audio gadgets)
<listitem><para>file system (for PTP gadgets)
<listitem><para>block i/o subsystem (for usb-storage gadgets)
<listitem><para>... and more </para></listitem>
<term><emphasis>Additional Layers</emphasis></term>
<para>Other layers may exist.
These could include kernel layers, such as network protocol stacks,
as well as user mode applications building on standard POSIX
system call APIs such as
<emphasis>open()</emphasis>, <emphasis>close()</emphasis>,
<emphasis>read()</emphasis> and <emphasis>write()</emphasis>.
On newer systems, POSIX Async I/O calls may be an option.
Such user mode code will not necessarily be subject to
the GNU General Public License (GPL).
<para>OTG-capable systems will also need to include a standard Linux-USB
host side stack,
with <emphasis>usbcore</emphasis>,
one or more <emphasis>Host Controller Drivers</emphasis> (HCDs),
<emphasis>USB Device Drivers</emphasis> to support
the OTG "Targeted Peripheral List",
and so forth.
There will also be an <emphasis>OTG Controller Driver</emphasis>,
which is visible to gadget and device driver developers only indirectly.
That helps the host and device side USB controllers implement the
two new OTG protocols (HNP and SRP).
Roles switch (host to peripheral, or vice versa) using HNP
during USB suspend processing, and SRP can be viewed as a
more battery-friendly kind of device wakeup protocol.
<para>Over time, reusable utilities are evolving to help make some
gadget driver tasks simpler.
For example, building configuration descriptors from vectors of
descriptors for the configurations interfaces and endpoints is
now automated, and many drivers now use autoconfiguration to
choose hardware endpoints and initialize their descriptors.
A potential example of particular interest
is code implementing standard USB-IF protocols for
HID, networking, storage, or audio classes.
Some developers are interested in KDB or KGDB hooks, to let
target hardware be remotely debugged.
Most such USB protocol code doesn't need to be hardware-specific,
any more than network protocols like X11, HTTP, or NFS are.
Such gadget-side interface drivers should eventually be combined,
to implement composite devices.
<chapter id="api"><title>Kernel Mode Gadget API</title>
<para>Gadget drivers declare themselves through a
<emphasis>struct usb_gadget_driver</emphasis>, which is responsible for
most parts of enumeration for a <emphasis>struct usb_gadget</emphasis>.
The response to a set_configuration usually involves
enabling one or more of the <emphasis>struct usb_ep</emphasis> objects
exposed by the gadget, and submitting one or more
<emphasis>struct usb_request</emphasis> buffers to transfer data.
Understand those four data types, and their operations, and
you will understand how this API works.
<note><title>Incomplete Data Type Descriptions</title>
<para>This documentation was prepared using the standard Linux
kernel <filename>docproc</filename> tool, which turns text
and in-code comments into SGML DocBook and then into usable
formats such as HTML or PDF.
Other than the "Chapter 9" data types, most of the significant
data types and functions are described here.
<para>However, docproc does not understand all the C constructs
that are used, so some relevant information is likely omitted from
what you are reading.
One example of such information is endpoint autoconfiguration.
You'll have to read the header file, and use example source
code (such as that for "Gadget Zero"), to fully understand the API.
<para>The part of the API implementing some basic
driver capabilities is specific to the version of the
Linux kernel that's in use.
The 2.6 kernel includes a <emphasis>driver model</emphasis>
framework that has no analogue on earlier kernels;
so those parts of the gadget API are not fully portable.
(They are implemented on 2.4 kernels, but in a different way.)
The driver model state is another part of this API that is
ignored by the kerneldoc tools.
<para>The core API does not expose
every possible hardware feature, only the most widely available ones.
There are significant hardware features, such as device-to-device DMA
(without temporary storage in a memory buffer)
that would be added using hardware-specific APIs.
<para>This API allows drivers to use conditional compilation to handle
endpoint capabilities of different hardware, but doesn't require that.
Hardware tends to have arbitrary restrictions, relating to
transfer types, addressing, packet sizes, buffering, and availability.
As a rule, such differences only matter for "endpoint zero" logic
that handles device configuration and management.
The API supports limited run-time
detection of capabilities, through naming conventions for endpoints.
Many drivers will be able to at least partially autoconfigure
In particular, driver init sections will often have endpoint
autoconfiguration logic that scans the hardware's list of endpoints
to find ones matching the driver requirements
(relying on those conventions), to eliminate some of the most
common reasons for conditional compilation.
<para>Like the Linux-USB host side API, this API exposes
the "chunky" nature of USB messages: I/O requests are in terms
of one or more "packets", and packet boundaries are visible to drivers.
Compared to RS-232 serial protocols, USB resembles
synchronous protocols like HDLC
(N bytes per frame, multipoint addressing, host as the primary
station and devices as secondary stations)
more than asynchronous ones
(tty style: 8 data bits per frame, no parity, one stop bit).
So for example the controller drivers won't buffer
two single byte writes into a single two-byte USB IN packet,
although gadget drivers may do so when they implement
protocols where packet boundaries (and "short packets")
are not significant.
<sect1 id="lifecycle"><title>Driver Life Cycle</title>
<para>Gadget drivers make endpoint I/O requests to hardware without
needing to know many details of the hardware, but driver
setup/configuration code needs to handle some differences.
Use the API like this:
<orderedlist numeration='arabic'>
<listitem><para>Register a driver for the particular device side
usb controller hardware,
such as the net2280 on PCI (USB 2.0),
sa11x0 or pxa25x as found in Linux PDAs,
and so on.
At this point the device is logically in the USB ch9 initial state
("attached"), drawing no power and not usable
(since it does not yet support enumeration).
Any host should not see the device, since it's not
activated the data line pullup used by the host to
detect a device, even if VBUS power is available.
<listitem><para>Register a gadget driver that implements some higher level
device function. That will then bind() to a usb_gadget, which
activates the data line pullup sometime after detecting VBUS.
<listitem><para>The hardware driver can now start enumerating.
The steps it handles are to accept USB power and set_address requests.
Other steps are handled by the gadget driver.
If the gadget driver module is unloaded before the host starts to
enumerate, steps before step 7 are skipped.
<listitem><para>The gadget driver's setup() call returns usb descriptors,
based both on what the bus interface hardware provides and on the
functionality being implemented.
That can involve alternate settings or configurations,
unless the hardware prevents such operation.
For OTG devices, each configuration descriptor includes
an OTG descriptor.
<listitem><para>The gadget driver handles the last step of enumeration,
when the USB host issues a set_configuration call.
It enables all endpoints used in that configuration,
with all interfaces in their default settings.
That involves using a list of the hardware's endpoints, enabling each
endpoint according to its descriptor.
It may also involve using <function>usb_gadget_vbus_draw</function>
to let more power be drawn from VBUS, as allowed by that configuration.
For OTG devices, setting a configuration may also involve reporting
HNP capabilities through a user interface.
<listitem><para>Do real work and perform data transfers, possibly involving
changes to interface settings or switching to new configurations, until the
device is disconnect()ed from the host.
Queue any number of transfer requests to each endpoint.
It may be suspended and resumed several times before being disconnected.
On disconnect, the drivers go back to step 3 (above).
<listitem><para>When the gadget driver module is being unloaded,
the driver unbind() callback is issued. That lets the controller
driver be unloaded.
<para>Drivers will normally be arranged so that just loading the
gadget driver module (or statically linking it into a Linux kernel)
allows the peripheral device to be enumerated, but some drivers
will defer enumeration until some higher level component (like
a user mode daemon) enables it.
Note that at this lowest level there are no policies about how
ep0 configuration logic is implemented,
except that it should obey USB specifications.
Such issues are in the domain of gadget drivers,
including knowing about implementation constraints
imposed by some USB controllers
or understanding that composite devices might happen to
be built by integrating reusable components.
<para>Note that the lifecycle above can be slightly different
for OTG devices.
Other than providing an additional OTG descriptor in each
configuration, only the HNP-related differences are particularly
visible to driver code.
They involve reporting requirements during the SET_CONFIGURATION
request, and the option to invoke HNP during some suspend callbacks.
Also, SRP changes the semantics of
<sect1 id="ch9"><title>USB 2.0 Chapter 9 Types and Constants</title>
<para>Gadget drivers
rely on common USB structures and constants
defined in the
header file, which is standard in Linux 2.6 kernels.
These are the same types and constants used by host
side drivers (and usbcore).
<sect1 id="core"><title>Core Objects and Methods</title>
<para>These are declared in
and are used by gadget drivers to interact with
USB peripheral controller drivers.
<!-- yeech, this is ugly in nsgmls PDF output.
the PDF bookmark and refentry output nesting is wrong,
and the member/argument documentation indents ugly.
plus something (docproc?) adds whitespace before the
descriptive paragraph text, so it can't line up right
unless the explanations are trivial.
<sect1 id="utils"><title>Optional Utilities</title>
<para>The core API is sufficient for writing a USB Gadget Driver,
but some optional utilities are provided to simplify common tasks.
These utilities include endpoint autoconfiguration.
<!-- !Edrivers/usb/gadget/epautoconf.c -->
<chapter id="controllers"><title>Peripheral Controller Drivers</title>
<para>The first hardware supporting this API was the NetChip 2280
controller, which supports USB 2.0 high speed and is based on PCI.
This is the <filename>net2280</filename> driver module.
The driver supports Linux kernel versions 2.4 and 2.6;
contact NetChip Technologies for development boards and product
<para>Other hardware working in the "gadget" framework includes:
Intel's PXA 25x and IXP42x series processors
Toshiba TC86c001 "Goku-S" (<filename>goku_udc</filename>),
Renesas SH7705/7727 (<filename>sh_udc</filename>),
MediaQ 11xx (<filename>mq11xx_udc</filename>),
Hynix HMS30C7202 (<filename>h7202_udc</filename>),
National 9303/4 (<filename>n9604_udc</filename>),
Texas Instruments OMAP (<filename>omap_udc</filename>),
Sharp LH7A40x (<filename>lh7a40x_udc</filename>),
and more.
Most of those are full speed controllers.
<para>At this writing, there are people at work on drivers in
this framework for several other USB device controllers,
with plans to make many of them be widely available.
<!-- !Edrivers/usb/gadget/net2280.c -->
<para>A partial USB simulator,
the <filename>dummy_hcd</filename> driver, is available.
It can act like a net2280, a pxa25x, or an sa11x0 in terms
of available endpoints and device speeds; and it simulates
control, bulk, and to some extent interrupt transfers.
That lets you develop some parts of a gadget driver on a normal PC,
without any special hardware, and perhaps with the assistance
of tools such as GDB running with User Mode Linux.
At least one person has expressed interest in adapting that
approach, hooking it up to a simulator for a microcontroller.
Such simulators can help debug subsystems where the runtime hardware
is unfriendly to software development, or is not yet available.
<para>Support for other controllers is expected to be developed
and contributed
over time, as this driver framework evolves.
<chapter id="gadget"><title>Gadget Drivers</title>
<para>In addition to <emphasis>Gadget Zero</emphasis>
(used primarily for testing and development with drivers
for usb controller hardware), other gadget drivers exist.
<para>There's an <emphasis>ethernet</emphasis> gadget
driver, which implements one of the most useful
<emphasis>Communications Device Class</emphasis> (CDC) models.
One of the standards for cable modem interoperability even
specifies the use of this ethernet model as one of two
mandatory options.
Gadgets using this code look to a USB host as if they're
an Ethernet adapter.
It provides access to a network where the gadget's CPU is one host,
which could easily be bridging, routing, or firewalling
access to other networks.
Since some hardware can't fully implement the CDC Ethernet
requirements, this driver also implements a "good parts only"
subset of CDC Ethernet.
(That subset doesn't advertise itself as CDC Ethernet,
to avoid creating problems.)
<para>Support for Microsoft's <emphasis>RNDIS</emphasis>
protocol has been contributed by Pengutronix and Auerswald GmbH.
This is like CDC Ethernet, but it runs on more slightly USB hardware
(but less than the CDC subset).
However, its main claim to fame is being able to connect directly to
recent versions of Windows, using drivers that Microsoft bundles
and supports, making it much simpler to network with Windows.
<para>There is also support for user mode gadget drivers,
using <emphasis>gadgetfs</emphasis>.
This provides a <emphasis>User Mode API</emphasis> that presents
each endpoint as a single file descriptor. I/O is done using
normal <emphasis>read()</emphasis> and <emphasis>read()</emphasis> calls.
Familiar tools like GDB and pthreads can be used to
develop and debug user mode drivers, so that once a robust
controller driver is available many applications for it
won't require new kernel mode software.
Linux 2.6 <emphasis>Async I/O (AIO)</emphasis>
support is available, so that user mode software
can stream data with only slightly more overhead
than a kernel driver.
<para>There's a USB Mass Storage class driver, which provides
a different solution for interoperability with systems such
as MS-Windows and MacOS.
That <emphasis>File-backed Storage</emphasis> driver uses a
file or block device as backing store for a drive,
like the <filename>loop</filename> driver.
The USB host uses the BBB, CB, or CBI versions of the mass
storage class specification, using transparent SCSI commands
to access the data from the backing store.
<para>There's a "serial line" driver, useful for TTY style
operation over USB.
The latest version of that driver supports CDC ACM style
operation, like a USB modem, and so on most hardware it can
interoperate easily with MS-Windows.
One interesting use of that driver is in boot firmware (like a BIOS),
which can sometimes use that model with very small systems without
real serial lines.
<para>Support for other kinds of gadget is expected to
be developed and contributed
over time, as this driver framework evolves.
<chapter id="otg"><title>USB On-The-GO (OTG)</title>
<para>USB OTG support on Linux 2.6 was initially developed
by Texas Instruments for
<ulink url="">OMAP</ulink> 16xx and 17xx
series processors.
Other OTG systems should work in similar ways, but the
hardware level details could be very different.
<para>Systems need specialized hardware support to implement OTG,
notably including a special <emphasis>Mini-AB</emphasis> jack
and associated transciever to support <emphasis>Dual-Role</emphasis>
they can act either as a host, using the standard
Linux-USB host side driver stack,
or as a peripheral, using this "gadget" framework.
To do that, the system software relies on small additions
to those programming interfaces,
and on a new internal component (here called an "OTG Controller")
affecting which driver stack connects to the OTG port.
In each role, the system can re-use the existing pool of
hardware-neutral drivers, layered on top of the controller
driver interfaces (<emphasis>usb_bus</emphasis> or
Such drivers need at most minor changes, and most of the calls
added to support OTG can also benefit non-OTG products.
<listitem><para>Gadget drivers test the <emphasis>is_otg</emphasis>
flag, and use it to determine whether or not to include
an OTG descriptor in each of their configurations.
<listitem><para>Gadget drivers may need changes to support the
two new OTG protocols, exposed in new gadget attributes
such as <emphasis>b_hnp_enable</emphasis> flag.
HNP support should be reported through a user interface
(two LEDs could suffice), and is triggered in some cases
when the host suspends the peripheral.
SRP support can be user-initiated just like remote wakeup,
probably by pressing the same button.
<listitem><para>On the host side, USB device drivers need
to be taught to trigger HNP at appropriate moments, using
That also conserves battery power, which is useful even
for non-OTG configurations.
<listitem><para>Also on the host side, a driver must support the
OTG "Targeted Peripheral List". That's just a whitelist,
used to reject peripherals not supported with a given
Linux OTG host.
<emphasis>This whitelist is product-specific;
each product must modify <filename>otg_whitelist.h</filename>
to match its interoperability specification.
<para>Non-OTG Linux hosts, like PCs and workstations,
normally have some solution for adding drivers, so that
peripherals that aren't recognized can eventually be supported.
That approach is unreasonable for consumer products that may
never have their firmware upgraded, and where it's usually
unrealistic to expect traditional PC/workstation/server kinds
of support model to work.
For example, it's often impractical to change device firmware
once the product has been distributed, so driver bugs can't
normally be fixed if they're found after shipment.
Additional changes are needed below those hardware-neutral
<emphasis>usb_bus</emphasis> and <emphasis>usb_gadget</emphasis>
driver interfaces; those aren't discussed here in any detail.
Those affect the hardware-specific code for each USB Host or Peripheral
controller, and how the HCD initializes (since OTG can be active only
on a single port).
They also involve what may be called an <emphasis>OTG Controller
Driver</emphasis>, managing the OTG transceiver and the OTG state
machine logic as well as much of the root hub behavior for the
OTG port.
The OTG controller driver needs to activate and deactivate USB
controllers depending on the relevant device role.
Some related changes were needed inside usbcore, so that it
can identify OTG-capable devices and respond appropriately
to HNP or SRP protocols.
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"" []>
<book id="LinuxJBDAPI">
<title>The Linux Journalling API</title>
<holder>Roger Gammans</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="Overview">
The journalling layer is easy to use. You need to
first of all create a journal_t data structure. There are
two calls to do this dependent on how you decide to allocate the physical
media on which the journal resides. The journal_init_inode() call
is for journals stored in filesystem inodes, or the journal_init_dev()
call can be use for journal stored on a raw device (in a continuous range
of blocks). A journal_t is a typedef for a struct pointer, so when
you are finally finished make sure you call journal_destroy() on it
to free up any used kernel memory.
Once you have got your journal_t object you need to 'mount' or load the journal
file, unless of course you haven't initialised it yet - in which case you
need to call journal_create().
Most of the time however your journal file will already have been created, but
before you load it you must call journal_wipe() to empty the journal file.
Hang on, you say , what if the filesystem wasn't cleanly umount()'d . Well, it is the
job of the client file system to detect this and skip the call to journal_wipe().
In either case the next call should be to journal_load() which prepares the
journal file for use. Note that journal_wipe(..,0) calls journal_skip_recovery()
for you if it detects any outstanding transactions in the journal and similarly
journal_load() will call journal_recover() if necessary.
I would advise reading fs/ext3/super.c for examples on this stage.
[RGG: Why is the journal_wipe() call necessary - doesn't this needlessly
complicate the API. Or isn't a good idea for the journal layer to hide
dirty mounts from the client fs]
Now you can go ahead and start modifying the underlying
filesystem. Almost.
You still need to actually journal your filesystem changes, this
is done by wrapping them into transactions. Additionally you
also need to wrap the modification of each of the the buffers
with calls to the journal layer, so it knows what the modifications
you are actually making are. To do this use journal_start() which
returns a transaction handle.
and its counterpart journal_stop(), which indicates the end of a transaction
are nestable calls, so you can reenter a transaction if necessary,
but remember you must call journal_stop() the same number of times as
journal_start() before the transaction is completed (or more accurately
leaves the the update phase). Ext3/VFS makes use of this feature to simplify
quota support.
Inside each transaction you need to wrap the modifications to the
individual buffers (blocks). Before you start to modify a buffer you
need to call journal_get_{create,write,undo}_access() as appropriate,
this allows the journalling layer to copy the unmodified data if it
needs to. After all the buffer may be part of a previously uncommitted
At this point you are at last ready to modify a buffer, and once
you are have done so you need to call journal_dirty_{meta,}data().
Or if you've asked for access to a buffer you now know is now longer
required to be pushed back on the device you can call journal_forget()
in much the same way as you might have used bforget() in the past.
A journal_flush() may be called at any time to commit and checkpoint
all your transactions.
Then at umount time , in your put_super() (2.4) or write_super() (2.5)
you can then call journal_destroy() to clean up your in-core journal object.
Unfortunately there a couple of ways the journal layer can cause a deadlock.
The first thing to note is that each task can only have
a single outstanding transaction at any one time, remember nothing
commits until the outermost journal_stop(). This means
you must complete the transaction at the end of each file/inode/address
etc. operation you perform, so that the journalling system isn't re-entered
on another journal. Since transactions can't be nested/batched
across differing journals, and another filesystem other than
yours (say ext3) may be modified in a later syscall.
The second case to bear in mind is that journal_start() can
block if there isn't enough space in the journal for your transaction
(based on the passed nblocks param) - when it blocks it merely(!) needs to
wait for transactions to complete and be committed from other tasks,
so essentially we are waiting for journal_stop(). So to avoid
deadlocks you must treat journal_start/stop() as if they
were semaphores and include them in your semaphore ordering rules to prevent
deadlocks. Note that journal_extend() has similar blocking behaviour to
journal_start() so you can deadlock here just as easily as on journal_start().
Try to reserve the right number of blocks the first time. ;-). This will
be the maximum number of blocks you are going to touch in this transaction.
I advise having a look at at least ext3_jbd.h to see the basis on which
ext3 uses to make these decisions.
Another wriggle to watch out for is your on-disk block allocation strategy.
why? Because, if you undo a delete, you need to ensure you haven't reused any
of the freed blocks in a later transaction. One simple way of doing this
is make sure any blocks you allocate only have checkpointed transactions
listed against them. Ext3 does this in ext3_test_allocatable().
Lock is also providing through journal_{un,}lock_updates(),
ext3 uses this when it wants a window with a clean and stable fs for a moment.
journal_lock_updates() //stop new stuff happening..
journal_flush() // checkpoint everything.
|||| stuff on stable fs
journal_unlock_updates() // carry on with filesystem use.
The opportunities for abuse and DOS attacks with this should be obvious,
if you allow unprivileged userspace to trigger codepaths containing these
A new feature of jbd since 2.5.25 is commit callbacks with the new
journal_callback_set() function you can now ask the journalling layer
to call you back when the transaction is finally committed to disk, so that
you can do some of your own management. The key to this is the journal_callback
struct, this maintains the internal callback information but you can
extend it like this:-
struct myfs_callback_s {
//Data structure element required by jbd..
struct journal_callback for_jbd;
// Stuff for myfs allocated together.
myfs_inode* i_commited;
this would be useful if you needed to know when data was committed to a
particular inode.
Using the journal is a matter of wrapping the different context changes,
being each mount, each modification (transaction) and each changed buffer
to tell the journalling layer about them.
Here is a some pseudo code to give you an idea of how it works, as
an example.
journal_t* my_jnrl = journal_create();
if (clean) journal_wipe();
foreach(transaction) { /*transactions must be
completed before
a syscall returns to
handle_t * xct=journal_start(my_jnrl);
foreach(bh) {
if ( myfs_modify(bh) ) { /* returns true
if makes changes */
} else {
<chapter id="adt">
<title>Data Types</title>
The journalling layer uses typedefs to 'hide' the concrete definitions
of the structures used. As a client of the JBD layer you can
just rely on the using the pointer as a magic cookie of some sort.
Obviously the hiding is not enforced as this is 'C'.
<chapter id="calls">
The functions here are split into two groups those that
affect a journal as a whole, and those which are used to
manage transactions
<sect1><title>Journal Level</title>
<sect1><title>Transasction Level</title>
<title>See also</title>
<ulink url="">
Journaling the Linux ext2fs Filesystem,LinuxExpo 98, Stephen Tweedie
<ulink url="">
Ext3 Journalling FileSystem , OLS 2000, Dr. Stephen Tweedie
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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
"" []>
<book id="LinuxKernelAPI">
<title>The Linux Kernel API</title>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="Basics">
<title>Driver Basics</title>
<sect1><title>Driver Entry and Exit points</title>
<sect1><title>Atomic and pointer manipulation</title>
<!-- FIXME:
kernel/sched.c has no docs, which stuffs up the sgml. Comment
out until somebody adds docs. KAO
<sect1><title>Delaying, scheduling, and timer routines</title>
KAO -->
<chapter id="adt">
<title>Data Types</title>
<sect1><title>Doubly Linked Lists</title>
<chapter id="libc">
<title>Basic C Library Functions</title>
When writing drivers, you cannot in general use routines which are
from the C Library. Some of the functions have been found generally
useful and they are listed below. The behaviour of these functions
may vary slightly from those defined by ANSI, and these deviations
are noted in the text.
<sect1><title>String Conversions</title>
<sect1><title>String Manipulation</title>
<sect1><title>Bit Operations</title>
<chapter id="mm">
<title>Memory Management in Linux</title>
<sect1><title>The Slab Cache</title>
<sect1><title>User Space Memory Access</title>
<chapter id="kfifo">
<title>FIFO Buffer</title>
<sect1><title>kfifo interface</title>
<chapter id="proc">
<title>The proc filesystem</title>
<sect1><title>sysctl interface</title>
<chapter id="debugfs">
<title>The debugfs filesystem</title>
<sect1><title>debugfs interface</title>
<chapter id="vfs">
<title>The Linux VFS</title>
<sect1><title>The Directory Cache</title>
<sect1><title>Inode Handling</title>
<sect1><title>Registration and Superblocks</title>
<sect1><title>File Locks</title>
<chapter id="netcore">
<title>Linux Networking</title>
<sect1><title>Socket Buffer Functions</title>
<sect1><title>Socket Filter</title>
<sect1><title>Generic Network Statistics</title>
<chapter id="netdev">
<title>Network device support</title>
<sect1><title>Driver Support</title>
<sect1><title>8390 Based Network Cards</title>
<sect1><title>Synchronous PPP</title>
<chapter id="modload">
<title>Module Support</title>
<sect1><title>Module Loading</title>
<sect1><title>Inter Module support</title>
Refer to the file kernel/module.c for more information.
<!-- FIXME: Removed for now since no structured comments in source
<chapter id="hardware">
<title>Hardware Interfaces</title>
<sect1><title>Interrupt Handling</title>
<sect1><title>MTRR Handling</title>
<sect1><title>PCI Support Library</title>
<sect1><title>PCI Hotplug Support Library</title>
<sect1><title>MCA Architecture</title>
<sect2><title>MCA Device Functions</title>
Refer to the file arch/i386/kernel/mca.c for more information.
<!-- FIXME: Removed for now since no structured comments in source
<sect2><title>MCA Bus DMA</title>
<chapter id="devfs">
<title>The Device File System</title>
<chapter id="security">
<title>Security Framework</title>
<chapter id="pmfuncs">
<title>Power Management</title>
<chapter id="blkdev">
<title>Block Devices</title>
<chapter id="miscdev">
<title>Miscellaneous Devices</title>
<chapter id="viddev">
<chapter id="snddev">
<title>Sound Devices</title>
<!-- FIXME: Removed for now since no structured comments in source
<chapter id="uart16x50">
<title>16x50 UART Driver</title>
<chapter id="z85230">
<title>Z85230 Support Library</title>
<chapter id="fbdev">
<title>Frame Buffer Library</title>
The frame buffer drivers depend heavily on four data structures.
These structures are declared in include/linux/fb.h. They are
fb_info, fb_var_screeninfo, fb_fix_screeninfo and fb_monospecs.
The last three can be made available to and from userland.
fb_info defines the current state of a particular video card.
Inside fb_info, there exists a fb_ops structure which is a
collection of needed functions to make fbdev and fbcon work.
fb_info is only visible to the kernel.
fb_var_screeninfo is used to describe the features of a video card
that are user defined. With fb_var_screeninfo, things such as
depth and the resolution may be defined.
The next structure is fb_fix_screeninfo. This defines the
properties of a card that are created when a mode is set and can't
be changed otherwise. A good example of this is the start of the
frame buffer memory. This "locks" the address of the frame buffer
memory, so that it cannot be changed or moved.
The last structure is fb_monospecs. In the old API, there was
little importance for fb_monospecs. This allowed for forbidden things
such as setting a mode of 800x600 on a fix frequency monitor. With
the new API, fb_monospecs prevents such things, and if used
correctly, can prevent a monitor from being cooked. fb_monospecs
will not be useful until kernels 2.5.x.
<sect1><title>Frame Buffer Memory</title>
<sect1><title>Frame Buffer Console</title>
<sect1><title>Frame Buffer Colormap</title>
<!-- FIXME:
drivers/video/fbgen.c has no docs, which stuffs up the sgml. Comment
out until somebody adds docs. KAO
<sect1><title>Frame Buffer Generic Functions</title>
KAO -->
<sect1><title>Frame Buffer Video Mode Database</title>
<sect1><title>Frame Buffer Macintosh Video Mode Database</title>
<sect1><title>Frame Buffer Fonts</title>
Refer to the file drivers/video/console/fonts.c for more information.
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<book id="libataDevGuide">
<title>libATA Developer's Guide</title>
<holder>Jeff Garzik</holder>
The contents of this file are subject to the Open
Software License version 1.1 that can be found at
<ulink url=""></ulink> and is included herein
by reference.
Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL") as distributed
in the kernel source COPYING file, in which case the provisions of
the GPL are applicable instead of the above. If you wish to allow
the use of your version of this file only under the terms of the
GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under
the OSL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
version of this file under either the OSL or the GPL.
<chapter id="libataThanks">
The bulk of the ATA knowledge comes thanks to long conversations with
Andre Hedrick (
Thanks to Alan Cox for pointing out similarities
between SATA and SCSI, and in general for motivation to hack on
libata's device detection
method, ata_pio_devchk, and in general all the early probing was
based on extensive study of Hale Landis's probe/reset code in his
ATADRVR driver (
<chapter id="libataDriverApi">
<title>libata Driver API</title>
<title>struct ata_port_operations</title>
void (*port_disable) (struct ata_port *);
Called from ata_bus_probe() and ata_bus_reset() error paths,
as well as when unregistering from the SCSI module (rmmod, hot
void (*dev_config) (struct ata_port *, struct ata_device *);
Called after IDENTIFY [PACKET] DEVICE is issued to each device
found. Typically used to apply device-specific fixups prior to
issue of SET FEATURES - XFER MODE, and prior to operation.
void (*set_piomode) (struct ata_port *, struct ata_device *);
void (*set_dmamode) (struct ata_port *, struct ata_device *);
void (*post_set_mode) (struct ata_port *ap);
Hooks called prior to the issue of SET FEATURES - XFER MODE
command. dev->pio_mode is guaranteed to be valid when
->set_piomode() is called, and dev->dma_mode is guaranteed to be
valid when ->set_dmamode() is called. ->post_set_mode() is
called unconditionally, after the SET FEATURES - XFER MODE
command completes successfully.
->set_piomode() is always called (if present), but
->set_dma_mode() is only called if DMA is possible.
void (*tf_load) (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
void (*tf_read) (struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
->tf_load() is called to load the given taskfile into hardware
registers / DMA buffers. ->tf_read() is called to read the
hardware registers / DMA buffers, to obtain the current set of
taskfile register values.
void (*exec_command)(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_taskfile *tf);
causes an ATA command, previously loaded with
->tf_load(), to be initiated in hardware.
u8 (*check_status)(struct ata_port *ap);
void (*dev_select)(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device);
Reads the Status ATA shadow register from hardware. On some
hardware, this has the side effect of clearing the interrupt
void (*dev_select)(struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int device);
Issues the low-level hardware command(s) that causes one of N
hardware devices to be considered 'selected' (active and
available for use) on the ATA bus.
void (*phy_reset) (struct ata_port *ap);
The very first step in the probe phase. Actions vary depending
on the bus type, typically. After waking up the device and probing
for device presence (PATA and SATA), typically a soft reset
(SRST) will be performed. Drivers typically use the helper
functions ata_bus_reset() or sata_phy_reset() for this hook.
void (*bmdma_setup) (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
void (*bmdma_start) (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
When setting up an IDE BMDMA transaction, these hooks arm
(->bmdma_setup) and fire (->bmdma_start) the hardware's DMA
void (*qc_prep) (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
int (*qc_issue) (struct ata_queued_cmd *qc);
Higher-level hooks, these two hooks can potentially supercede
several of the above taskfile/DMA engine hooks. ->qc_prep is
called after the buffers have been DMA-mapped, and is typically
used to populate the hardware's DMA scatter-gather table.
Most drivers use the standard ata_qc_prep() helper function, but
more advanced drivers roll their own.
->qc_issue is used to make a command active, once the hardware
and S/G tables have been prepared. IDE BMDMA drivers use the
helper function ata_qc_issue_prot() for taskfile protocol-based
dispatch. More advanced drivers roll their own ->qc_issue
implementation, using this as the "issue new ATA command to
hardware" hook.
void (*eng_timeout) (struct ata_port *ap);
This is a high level error handling function, called from the
error handling thread, when a command times out.
irqreturn_t (*irq_handler)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *);
void (*irq_clear) (struct ata_port *);
->irq_handler is the interrupt handling routine registered with
the system, by libata. ->irq_clear is called during probe just
before the interrupt handler is registered, to be sure hardware
is quiet.
u32 (*scr_read) (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg);
void (*scr_write) (struct ata_port *ap, unsigned int sc_reg,
u32 val);
Read and write standard SATA phy registers. Currently only used
if ->phy_reset hook called the sata_phy_reset() helper function.
int (*port_start) (struct ata_port *ap);
void (*port_stop) (struct ata_port *ap);
void (*host_stop) (struct ata_host_set *host_set);
->port_start() is called just after the data structures for each
port are initialized. Typically this is used to alloc per-port
DMA buffers / tables / rings, enable DMA engines, and similar
->host_stop() is called when the rmmod or hot unplug process
begins. The hook must stop all hardware interrupts, DMA
engines, etc.
->port_stop() is called after ->host_stop(). It's sole function
is to release DMA/memory resources, now that they are no longer
actively being used.
<chapter id="libataExt">
<title>libata Library</title>
<chapter id="libataInt">
<title>libata Core Internals</title>
<chapter id="libataScsiInt">
<title>libata SCSI translation/emulation</title>
<chapter id="PiixInt">
<title>ata_piix Internals</title>
<chapter id="SILInt">
<title>sata_sil Internals</title>
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<book id="Reed-Solomon-Library-Guide">
<title>Reed-Solomon Library Programming Interface</title>
<holder>Thomas Gleixner</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="intro">
The generic Reed-Solomon Library provides encoding, decoding
and error correction functions.
Reed-Solomon codes are used in communication and storage
applications to ensure data integrity.
This documentation is provided for developers who want to utilize
the functions provided by the library.
<chapter id="bugs">
<title>Known Bugs And Assumptions</title>
<chapter id="usage">
This chapter provides examples how to use the library.
The init function init_rs returns a pointer to a
rs decoder structure, which holds the necessary
information for encoding, decoding and error correction
with the given polynomial. It either uses an existing
matching decoder or creates a new one. On creation all
the lookup tables for fast en/decoding are created.
The function may take a while, so make sure not to
call it in critical code paths.
/* the Reed Solomon control structure */
static struct rs_control *rs_decoder;
/* Symbolsize is 10 (bits)
* Primitve polynomial is x^10+x^3+1
* first consecutive root is 0
* primitve element to generate roots = 1
* generator polinomial degree (number of roots) = 6
rs_decoder = init_rs (10, 0x409, 0, 1, 6);
The encoder calculates the Reed-Solomon code over
the given data length and stores the result in
the parity buffer. Note that the parity buffer must
be initialized before calling the encoder.
The expanded data can be inverted on the fly by
providing a non zero inversion mask. The expanded data is
XOR'ed with the mask. This is used e.g. for FLASH
ECC, where the all 0xFF is inverted to an all 0x00.
The Reed-Solomon code for all 0x00 is all 0x00. The
code is inverted before storing to FLASH so it is 0xFF
too. This prevent's that reading from an erased FLASH
results in ECC errors.
The databytes are expanded to the given symbol size
on the fly. There is no support for encoding continuous
bitstreams with a symbol size != 8 at the moment. If
it is necessary it should be not a big deal to implement
such functionality.
/* Parity buffer. Size = number of roots */
uint16_t par[6];
/* Initialize the parity buffer */
memset(par, 0, sizeof(par));
/* Encode 512 byte in data8. Store parity in buffer par */
encode_rs8 (rs_decoder, data8, 512, par, 0);
The decoder calculates the syndrome over
the given data length and the received parity symbols
and corrects errors in the data.
If a syndrome is available from a hardware decoder
then the syndrome calculation is skipped.
The correction of the data buffer can be suppressed
by providing a correction pattern buffer and an error
location buffer to the decoder. The decoder stores the
calculated error location and the correction bitmask
in the given buffers. This is useful for hardware
decoders which use a weird bit ordering scheme.
The databytes are expanded to the given symbol size
on the fly. There is no support for decoding continuous
bitstreams with a symbolsize != 8 at the moment. If
it is necessary it should be not a big deal to implement
such functionality.
Decoding with syndrome calculation, direct data correction
/* Parity buffer. Size = number of roots */
uint16_t par[6];
uint8_t data[512];
int numerr;
/* Receive data */
/* Receive parity */
/* Decode 512 byte in data8.*/
numerr = decode_rs8 (rs_decoder, data8, par, 512, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
Decoding with syndrome given by hardware decoder, direct data correction
/* Parity buffer. Size = number of roots */
uint16_t par[6], syn[6];
uint8_t data[512];
int numerr;
/* Receive data */
/* Receive parity */
/* Get syndrome from hardware decoder */
/* Decode 512 byte in data8.*/
numerr = decode_rs8 (rs_decoder, data8, par, 512, syn, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
Decoding with syndrome given by hardware decoder, no direct data correction.
Note: It's not necessary to give data and received parity to the decoder.
/* Parity buffer. Size = number of roots */
uint16_t par[6], syn[6], corr[8];
uint8_t data[512];
int numerr, errpos[8];
/* Receive data */
/* Receive parity */
/* Get syndrome from hardware decoder */
/* Decode 512 byte in data8.*/
numerr = decode_rs8 (rs_decoder, NULL, NULL, 512, syn, 0, errpos, 0, corr);
for (i = 0; i < numerr; i++) {
do_error_correction_in_your_buffer(errpos[i], corr[i]);
The function free_rs frees the allocated resources,
if the caller is the last user of the decoder.
/* Release resources */
<chapter id="structs">
This chapter contains the autogenerated documentation of the structures which are
used in the Reed-Solomon Library and are relevant for a developer.
<chapter id="pubfunctions">
<title>Public Functions Provided</title>
This chapter contains the autogenerated documentation of the Reed-Solomon functions
which are exported.
<chapter id="credits">
The library code for encoding and decoding was written by Phil Karn.
Copyright 2002, Phil Karn, KA9Q
May be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
The wrapper functions and interfaces are written by Thomas Gleixner
Many users have provided bugfixes, improvements and helping hands for testing.
Thanks a lot.
The following people have contributed to this document:
Thomas Gleixner<email></email>
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<article class="whitepaper" id="LinuxSecurityModule" lang="en">
<title>Linux Security Modules: General Security Hooks for Linux</title>
<orgname>NAI Labs</orgname>
<orgname>NAI Labs</orgname>
<orgname>NAI Labs</orgname>
In March 2001, the National Security Agency (NSA) gave a presentation
about Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) at the 2.5 Linux Kernel
Summit. SELinux is an implementation of flexible and fine-grained
nondiscretionary access controls in the Linux kernel, originally
implemented as its own particular kernel patch. Several other
security projects (e.g. RSBAC, Medusa) have also developed flexible
access control architectures for the Linux kernel, and various
projects have developed particular access control models for Linux
(e.g. LIDS, DTE, SubDomain). Each project has developed and
maintained its own kernel patch to support its security needs.
In response to the NSA presentation, Linus Torvalds made a set of
remarks that described a security framework he would be willing to
consider for inclusion in the mainstream Linux kernel. He described a
general framework that would provide a set of security hooks to
control operations on kernel objects and a set of opaque security
fields in kernel data structures for maintaining security attributes.
This framework could then be used by loadable kernel modules to
implement any desired model of security. Linus also suggested the
possibility of migrating the Linux capabilities code into such a
The Linux Security Modules (LSM) project was started by WireX to
develop such a framework. LSM is a joint development effort by
several security projects, including Immunix, SELinux, SGI and Janus,
and several individuals, including Greg Kroah-Hartman and James
Morris, to develop a Linux kernel patch that implements this
framework. The patch is currently tracking the 2.4 series and is
targeted for integration into the 2.5 development series. This
technical report provides an overview of the framework and the example
capabilities security module provided by the LSM kernel patch.
<sect1 id="framework"><title>LSM Framework</title>
The LSM kernel patch provides a general kernel framework to support
security modules. In particular, the LSM framework is primarily
focused on supporting access control modules, although future
development is likely to address other security needs such as
auditing. By itself, the framework does not provide any additional
security; it merely provides the infrastructure to support security
modules. The LSM kernel patch also moves most of the capabilities
logic into an optional security module, with the system defaulting
to the traditional superuser logic. This capabilities module
is discussed further in <xref linkend="cap"/>.
The LSM kernel patch adds security fields to kernel data structures
and inserts calls to hook functions at critical points in the kernel
code to manage the security fields and to perform access control. It
also adds functions for registering and unregistering security
modules, and adds a general <function>security</function> system call
to support new system calls for security-aware applications.
The LSM security fields are simply <type>void*</type> pointers. For
process and program execution security information, security fields
were added to <structname>struct task_struct</structname> and
<structname>struct linux_binprm</structname>. For filesystem security
information, a security field was added to
<structname>struct super_block</structname>. For pipe, file, and socket
security information, security fields were added to
<structname>struct inode</structname> and
<structname>struct file</structname>. For packet and network device security
information, security fields were added to
<structname>struct sk_buff</structname> and
<structname>struct net_device</structname>. For System V IPC security
information, security fields were added to
<structname>struct kern_ipc_perm</structname> and
<structname>struct msg_msg</structname>; additionally, the definitions
for <structname>struct msg_msg</structname>, <structname>struct
msg_queue</structname>, and <structname>struct
shmid_kernel</structname> were moved to header files
(<filename>include/linux/msg.h</filename> and
<filename>include/linux/shm.h</filename> as appropriate) to allow
the security modules to use these definitions.
Each LSM hook is a function pointer in a global table,
security_ops. This table is a
<structname>security_operations</structname> structure as defined by
<filename>include/linux/security.h</filename>. Detailed documentation
for each hook is included in this header file. At present, this
structure consists of a collection of substructures that group related
hooks based on the kernel object (e.g. task, inode, file, sk_buff,
etc) as well as some top-level hook function pointers for system
operations. This structure is likely to be flattened in the future
for performance. The placement of the hook calls in the kernel code
is described by the "called:" lines in the per-hook documentation in
the header file. The hook calls can also be easily found in the
kernel code by looking for the string "security_ops->".
Linus mentioned per-process security hooks in his original remarks as a
possible alternative to global security hooks. However, if LSM were
to start from the perspective of per-process hooks, then the base
framework would have to deal with how to handle operations that
involve multiple processes (e.g. kill), since each process might have
its own hook for controlling the operation. This would require a
general mechanism for composing hooks in the base framework.
Additionally, LSM would still need global hooks for operations that
have no process context (e.g. network input operations).
Consequently, LSM provides global security hooks, but a security
module is free to implement per-process hooks (where that makes sense)
by storing a security_ops table in each process' security field and
then invoking these per-process hooks from the global hooks.
The problem of composition is thus deferred to the module.
The global security_ops table is initialized to a set of hook
functions provided by a dummy security module that provides
traditional superuser logic. A <function>register_security</function>
function (in <filename>security/security.c</filename>) is provided to
allow a security module to set security_ops to refer to its own hook
functions, and an <function>unregister_security</function> function is
provided to revert security_ops to the dummy module hooks. This
mechanism is used to set the primary security module, which is
responsible for making the final decision for each hook.
LSM also provides a simple mechanism for stacking additional security
modules with the primary security module. It defines
<function>register_security</function> and
<function>unregister_security</function> hooks in the
<structname>security_operations</structname> structure and provides
<function>mod_reg_security</function> and
<function>mod_unreg_security</function> functions that invoke these
hooks after performing some sanity checking. A security module can
call these functions in order to stack with other modules. However,
the actual details of how this stacking is handled are deferred to the
module, which can implement these hooks in any way it wishes
(including always returning an error if it does not wish to support
stacking). In this manner, LSM again defers the problem of
composition to the module.
Although the LSM hooks are organized into substructures based on
kernel object, all of the hooks can be viewed as falling into two
major categories: hooks that are used to manage the security fields
and hooks that are used to perform access control. Examples of the
first category of hooks include the
<function>alloc_security</function> and
<function>free_security</function> hooks defined for each kernel data
structure that has a security field. These hooks are used to allocate
and free security structures for kernel objects. The first category
of hooks also includes hooks that set information in the security
field after allocation, such as the <function>post_lookup</function>
hook in <structname>struct inode_security_ops</structname>. This hook
is used to set security information for inodes after successful lookup
operations. An example of the second category of hooks is the
<function>permission</function> hook in
<structname>struct inode_security_ops</structname>. This hook checks
permission when accessing an inode.
<sect1 id="cap"><title>LSM Capabilities Module</title>
The LSM kernel patch moves most of the existing POSIX.1e capabilities
logic into an optional security module stored in the file
<filename>security/capability.c</filename>. This change allows
users who do not want to use capabilities to omit this code entirely
from their kernel, instead using the dummy module for traditional
superuser logic or any other module that they desire. This change
also allows the developers of the capabilities logic to maintain and
enhance their code more freely, without needing to integrate patches
back into the base kernel.
In addition to moving the capabilities logic, the LSM kernel patch
could move the capability-related fields from the kernel data
structures into the new security fields managed by the security
modules. However, at present, the LSM kernel patch leaves the
capability fields in the kernel data structures. In his original
remarks, Linus suggested that this might be preferable so that other
security modules can be easily stacked with the capabilities module
without needing to chain multiple security structures on the security field.
It also avoids imposing extra overhead on the capabilities module
to manage the security fields. However, the LSM framework could
certainly support such a move if it is determined to be desirable,
with only a few additional changes described below.
At present, the capabilities logic for computing process capabilities
on <function>execve</function> and <function>set*uid</function>,
checking capabilities for a particular process, saving and checking
capabilities for netlink messages, and handling the
<function>capget</function> and <function>capset</function> system
calls have been moved into the capabilities module. There are still a
few locations in the base kernel where capability-related fields are
directly examined or modified, but the current version of the LSM
patch does allow a security module to completely replace the
assignment and testing of capabilities. These few locations would
need to be changed if the capability-related fields were moved into
the security field. The following is a list of known locations that
still perform such direct examination or modification of
capability-related fields:
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<book id="MCAGuide">
<title>MCA Driver Programming Interface</title>
<holder>Alan Cox</holder>
<holder>David Weinehall</holder>
<holder>Chris Beauregard</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="intro">
The MCA bus functions provide a generalised interface to find MCA
bus cards, to claim them for a driver, and to read and manipulate POS
registers without being aware of the motherboard internals or
certain deep magic specific to onboard devices.
The basic interface to the MCA bus devices is the slot. Each slot
is numbered and virtual slot numbers are assigned to the internal
devices. Using a pci_dev as other busses do does not really make
sense in the MCA context as the MCA bus resources require card
specific interpretation.
Finally the MCA bus functions provide a parallel set of DMA
functions mimicing the ISA bus DMA functions as closely as possible,
although also supporting the additional DMA functionality on the
MCA bus controllers.
<chapter id="bugs">
<title>Known Bugs And Assumptions</title>
<chapter id="pubfunctions">
<title>Public Functions Provided</title>
<chapter id="dmafunctions">
<title>DMA Functions Provided</title>
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<!ENTITY procfsexample SYSTEM "procfs_example.xml">
<book id="LKProcfsGuide">
<title>Linux Kernel Procfs Guide</title>
<orgname>Delft University of Technology</orgname>
<orgdiv>Faculty of Information Technology and Systems</orgdiv>
<pob>PO BOX 5031</pob>
<postcode>2600 GA</postcode>
<country>The Netherlands</country>
<revnumber>1.0 </revnumber>
<date>May 30, 2001</date>
<revremark>Initial revision posted to linux-kernel</revremark>
<revnumber>1.1 </revnumber>
<date>June 3, 2001</date>
<revremark>Revised after comments from linux-kernel</revremark>
<holder>Erik Mouw</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
This guide describes the use of the procfs file system from
within the Linux kernel. The idea to write this guide came up on
the #kernelnewbies IRC channel (see <ulink
when Jeff Garzik explained the use of procfs and forwarded me a
message Alexander Viro wrote to the linux-kernel mailing list. I
agreed to write it up nicely, so here it is.
I'd like to thank Jeff Garzik
<email></email> and Alexander Viro
<email></email> for their input,
Tim Waugh <email></email> for his <ulink
and Marc Joosen <email></email> for
This documentation was written while working on the LART
computing board (<ulink
which is sponsored by the Mobile Multi-media Communications
and Ubiquitous Communications (<ulink
<chapter id="intro">
The <filename class="directory">/proc</filename> file system
(procfs) is a special file system in the linux kernel. It's a
virtual file system: it is not associated with a block device
but exists only in memory. The files in the procfs are there to
allow userland programs access to certain information from the
kernel (like process information in <filename
class="directory">/proc/[0-9]+/</filename>), but also for debug
purposes (like <filename>/proc/ksyms</filename>).
This guide describes the use of the procfs file system from
within the Linux kernel. It starts by introducing all relevant
functions to manage the files within the file system. After that
it shows how to communicate with userland, and some tips and
tricks will be pointed out. Finally a complete example will be
Note that the files in <filename
class="directory">/proc/sys</filename> are sysctl files: they
don't belong to procfs and are governed by a completely
different API described in the Kernel API book.
<chapter id="managing">
<title>Managing procfs entries</title>
This chapter describes the functions that various kernel
components use to populate the procfs with files, symlinks,
device nodes, and directories.
A minor note before we start: if you want to use any of the
procfs functions, be sure to include the correct header file!
This should be one of the first lines in your code:
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
<sect1 id="regularfile">
<title>Creating a regular file</title>
<funcdef>struct proc_dir_entry* <function>create_proc_entry</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const char* <parameter>name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>mode_t <parameter>mode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>struct proc_dir_entry* <parameter>parent</parameter></paramdef>
This function creates a regular file with the name
<parameter>name</parameter>, file mode
<parameter>mode</parameter> in the directory
<parameter>parent</parameter>. To create a file in the root of
the procfs, use <constant>NULL</constant> as
<parameter>parent</parameter> parameter. When successful, the
function will return a pointer to the freshly created
<structname>struct proc_dir_entry</structname>; otherwise it
will return <constant>NULL</constant>. <xref
linkend="userland"/> describes how to do something useful with
regular files.
Note that it is specifically supported that you can pass a
path that spans multiple directories. For example
will create the <filename class="directory">via0</filename>
directory if necessary, with standard
<constant>0755</constant> permissions.
If you only want to be able to read the file, the function
<function>create_proc_read_entry</function> described in <xref
linkend="convenience"/> may be used to create and initialise
the procfs entry in one single call.
<title>Creating a symlink</title>
<funcdef>struct proc_dir_entry*
<function>proc_symlink</function></funcdef> <paramdef>const
char* <parameter>name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>struct proc_dir_entry*
<parameter>parent</parameter></paramdef> <paramdef>const
char* <parameter>dest</parameter></paramdef>
This creates a symlink in the procfs directory
<parameter>parent</parameter> that points from
<parameter>name</parameter> to
<parameter>dest</parameter>. This translates in userland to
<literal>ln -s</literal> <parameter>dest</parameter>
<title>Creating a directory</title>
<funcdef>struct proc_dir_entry* <function>proc_mkdir</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const char* <parameter>name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>struct proc_dir_entry* <parameter>parent</parameter></paramdef>
Create a directory <parameter>name</parameter> in the procfs
directory <parameter>parent</parameter>.
<title>Removing an entry</title>
<funcdef>void <function>remove_proc_entry</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const char* <parameter>name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>struct proc_dir_entry* <parameter>parent</parameter></paramdef>
Removes the entry <parameter>name</parameter> in the directory
<parameter>parent</parameter> from the procfs. Entries are
removed by their <emphasis>name</emphasis>, not by the
<structname>struct proc_dir_entry</structname> returned by the
various create functions. Note that this function doesn't
recursively remove entries.
Be sure to free the <structfield>data</structfield> entry from
the <structname>struct proc_dir_entry</structname> before
<function>remove_proc_entry</function> is called (that is: if
there was some <structfield>data</structfield> allocated, of
course). See <xref linkend="usingdata"/> for more information
on using the <structfield>data</structfield> entry.
<chapter id="userland">
<title>Communicating with userland</title>
Instead of reading (or writing) information directly from
kernel memory, procfs works with <emphasis>call back
functions</emphasis> for files: functions that are called when
a specific file is being read or written. Such functions have
to be initialised after the procfs file is created by setting
the <structfield>read_proc</structfield> and/or
<structfield>write_proc</structfield> fields in the
<structname>struct proc_dir_entry*</structname> that the
function <function>create_proc_entry</function> returned:
struct proc_dir_entry* entry;
entry->read_proc = read_proc_foo;
entry->write_proc = write_proc_foo;
If you only want to use a the
<structfield>read_proc</structfield>, the function
<function>create_proc_read_entry</function> described in <xref
linkend="convenience"/> may be used to create and initialise the
procfs entry in one single call.
<title>Reading data</title>
The read function is a call back function that allows userland
processes to read data from the kernel. The read function
should have the following format:
<funcdef>int <function>read_func</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>char* <parameter>page</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>char** <parameter>start</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>off_t <parameter>off</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>count</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int* <parameter>eof</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>void* <parameter>data</parameter></paramdef>
The read function should write its information into the
<parameter>page</parameter>. For proper use, the function
should start writing at an offset of
<parameter>off</parameter> in <parameter>page</parameter> and
write at most <parameter>count</parameter> bytes, but because
most read functions are quite simple and only return a small
amount of information, these two parameters are usually
ignored (it breaks pagers like <literal>more</literal> and
<literal>less</literal>, but <literal>cat</literal> still
If the <parameter>off</parameter> and
<parameter>count</parameter> parameters are properly used,
<parameter>eof</parameter> should be used to signal that the
end of the file has been reached by writing
<literal>1</literal> to the memory location
<parameter>eof</parameter> points to.
The parameter <parameter>start</parameter> doesn't seem to be
used anywhere in the kernel. The <parameter>data</parameter>
parameter can be used to create a single call back function for
several files, see <xref linkend="usingdata"/>.
The <function>read_func</function> function must return the
number of bytes written into the <parameter>page</parameter>.
<xref linkend="example"/> shows how to use a read call back
<title>Writing data</title>
The write call back function allows a userland process to write
data to the kernel, so it has some kind of control over the
kernel. The write function should have the following format:
<funcdef>int <function>write_func</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>struct file* <parameter>file</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>const char* <parameter>buffer</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>unsigned long <parameter>count</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>void* <parameter>data</parameter></paramdef>
The write function should read <parameter>count</parameter>
bytes at maximum from the <parameter>buffer</parameter>. Note
that the <parameter>buffer</parameter> doesn't live in the
kernel's memory space, so it should first be copied to kernel
space with <function>copy_from_user</function>. The
<parameter>file</parameter> parameter is usually
ignored. <xref linkend="usingdata"/> shows how to use the
<parameter>data</parameter> parameter.
Again, <xref linkend="example"/> shows how to use this call back
<sect1 id="usingdata">
<title>A single call back for many files</title>
When a large number of almost identical files is used, it's
quite inconvenient to use a separate call back function for
each file. A better approach is to have a single call back
function that distinguishes between the files by using the
<structfield>data</structfield> field in <structname>struct
proc_dir_entry</structname>. First of all, the
<structfield>data</structfield> field has to be initialised:
struct proc_dir_entry* entry;
struct my_file_data *file_data;
file_data = kmalloc(sizeof(struct my_file_data), GFP_KERNEL);
entry->data = file_data;
The <structfield>data</structfield> field is a <type>void
*</type>, so it can be initialised with anything.
Now that the <structfield>data</structfield> field is set, the
<function>read_proc</function> and
<function>write_proc</function> can use it to distinguish
between files because they get it passed into their
<parameter>data</parameter> parameter:
int foo_read_func(char *page, char **start, off_t off,
int count, int *eof, void *data)
int len;
if(data == file_data) {
/* special case for this file */
} else {
/* normal processing */
return len;
Be sure to free the <structfield>data</structfield> data field
when removing the procfs entry.
<chapter id="tips">
<title>Tips and tricks</title>
<sect1 id="convenience">
<title>Convenience functions</title>
<funcdef>struct proc_dir_entry* <function>create_proc_read_entry</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const char* <parameter>name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>mode_t <parameter>mode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>struct proc_dir_entry* <parameter>parent</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>read_proc_t* <parameter>read_proc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>void* <parameter>data</parameter></paramdef>
This function creates a regular file in exactly the same way
as <function>create_proc_entry</function> from <xref
linkend="regularfile"/> does, but also allows to set the read
function <parameter>read_proc</parameter> in one call. This
function can set the <parameter>data</parameter> as well, like
explained in <xref linkend="usingdata"/>.
If procfs is being used from within a module, be sure to set
the <structfield>owner</structfield> field in the
<structname>struct proc_dir_entry</structname> to
struct proc_dir_entry* entry;
entry->owner = THIS_MODULE;
<title>Mode and ownership</title>
Sometimes it is useful to change the mode and/or ownership of
a procfs entry. Here is an example that shows how to achieve
struct proc_dir_entry* entry;
entry->mode = S_IWUSR |S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
entry->uid = 0;
entry->gid = 100;
<chapter id="example">
<!-- be careful with the example code: it shouldn't be wider than
approx. 60 columns, or otherwise it won't fit properly on a page
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
* procfs_example.c: an example proc interface
* Copyright (C) 2001, Erik Mouw (
* This file accompanies the procfs-guide in the Linux kernel
* source. Its main use is to demonstrate the concepts and
* functions described in the guide.
* This software has been developed while working on the LART
* computing board (, which is
* sponsored by the Mobile Multi-media Communications
* ( and Ubiquitous Communications
* ( projects.
* The author can be reached at:
* Erik Mouw
* Information and Communication Theory Group
* Faculty of Information Technology and Systems
* Delft University of Technology
* P.O. Box 5031
* 2600 GA Delft
* The Netherlands
* This program is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
* Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/jiffies.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#define MODULE_VERS "1.0"
#define MODULE_NAME "procfs_example"
#define FOOBAR_LEN 8
struct fb_data_t {
char name[FOOBAR_LEN + 1];
char value[FOOBAR_LEN + 1];
static struct proc_dir_entry *example_dir, *foo_file,
*bar_file, *jiffies_file, *symlink;
struct fb_data_t foo_data, bar_data;
static int proc_read_jiffies(char *page, char **start,
off_t off, int count,
int *eof, void *data)
int len;
len = sprintf(page, "jiffies = %ld\n",
return len;
static int proc_read_foobar(char *page, char **start,
off_t off, int count,
int *eof, void *data)
int len;
struct fb_data_t *fb_data = (struct fb_data_t *)data;
/* DON'T DO THAT - buffer overruns are bad */
len = sprintf(page, "%s = '%s'\n",
fb_data->name, fb_data->value);
return len;
static int proc_write_foobar(struct file *file,
const char *buffer,
unsigned long count,
void *data)
int len;
struct fb_data_t *fb_data = (struct fb_data_t *)data;
if(count > FOOBAR_LEN)
len = count;
if(copy_from_user(fb_data->value, buffer, len))
return -EFAULT;
fb_data->value[len] = '\0';
return len;
static int __init init_procfs_example(void)
int rv = 0;
/* create directory */
example_dir = proc_mkdir(MODULE_NAME, NULL);
if(example_dir == NULL) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto out;
example_dir->owner = THIS_MODULE;
/* create jiffies using convenience function */
jiffies_file = create_proc_read_entry("jiffies",
0444, example_dir,
if(jiffies_file == NULL) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto no_jiffies;
jiffies_file->owner = THIS_MODULE;
/* create foo and bar files using same callback
* functions
foo_file = create_proc_entry("foo", 0644, example_dir);
if(foo_file == NULL) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto no_foo;
strcpy(, "foo");
strcpy(foo_data.value, "foo");
foo_file->data = &foo_data;
foo_file->read_proc = proc_read_foobar;
foo_file->write_proc = proc_write_foobar;
foo_file->owner = THIS_MODULE;
bar_file = create_proc_entry("bar", 0644, example_dir);
if(bar_file == NULL) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto no_bar;
strcpy(, "bar");
strcpy(bar_data.value, "bar");
bar_file->data = &bar_data;
bar_file->read_proc = proc_read_foobar;
bar_file->write_proc = proc_write_foobar;
bar_file->owner = THIS_MODULE;
/* create symlink */
symlink = proc_symlink("jiffies_too", example_dir,
if(symlink == NULL) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto no_symlink;
symlink->owner = THIS_MODULE;
/* everything OK */
printk(KERN_INFO "%s %s initialised\n",
return 0;
remove_proc_entry("tty", example_dir);
remove_proc_entry("bar", example_dir);
remove_proc_entry("foo", example_dir);
remove_proc_entry("jiffies", example_dir);
remove_proc_entry(MODULE_NAME, NULL);
return rv;
static void __exit cleanup_procfs_example(void)
remove_proc_entry("jiffies_too", example_dir);
remove_proc_entry("tty", example_dir);
remove_proc_entry("bar", example_dir);
remove_proc_entry("foo", example_dir);
remove_proc_entry("jiffies", example_dir);
remove_proc_entry(MODULE_NAME, NULL);
printk(KERN_INFO "%s %s removed\n",
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("procfs examples");
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<book id="scsidrivers">
<title>SCSI Subsystem Interfaces</title>
<holder>Douglas Gilbert</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="intro">
This document outlines the interface between the Linux scsi mid level
and lower level drivers. Lower level drivers are variously called HBA
(host bus adapter) drivers, host drivers (HD) or pseudo adapter drivers.
The latter alludes to the fact that a lower level driver may be a
bridge to another IO subsystem (and the "ide-scsi" driver is an example
of this). There can be many lower level drivers active in a running
system, but only one per hardware type. For example, the aic7xxx driver
controls adaptec controllers based on the 7xxx chip series. Most lower
level drivers can control one or more scsi hosts (a.k.a. scsi initiators).
This document can been found in an ASCII text file in the linux kernel
source: <filename>Documentation/scsi/scsi_mid_low_api.txt</filename> .
It currently hold a little more information than this document. The
<filename>drivers/scsi/hosts.h</filename> and <filename>
drivers/scsi/scsi.h</filename> headers contain descriptions of members
of important structures for the scsi subsystem.
<chapter id="driver-struct">
<title>Driver structure</title>
Traditionally a lower level driver for the scsi subsystem has been
at least two files in the drivers/scsi directory. For example, a
driver called "xyz" has a header file "xyz.h" and a source file
"xyz.c". [Actually there is no good reason why this couldn't all
be in one file.] Some drivers that have been ported to several operating
systems (e.g. aic7xxx which has separate files for generic and
OS-specific code) have more than two files. Such drivers tend to have
their own directory under the drivers/scsi directory.
scsi_module.c is normally included at the end of a lower
level driver. For it to work a declaration like this is needed before
it is included:
static Scsi_Host_Template driver_template = DRIVER_TEMPLATE;
/* DRIVER_TEMPLATE should contain pointers to supported interface
functions. Scsi_Host_Template is defined hosts.h */
#include "scsi_module.c"
The scsi_module.c assumes the name "driver_template" is appropriately
defined. It contains 2 functions:
init_this_scsi_driver() called during builtin and module driver
initialization: invokes mid level's scsi_register_host()
exit_this_scsi_driver() called during closedown: invokes
mid level's scsi_unregister_host()
When a new, lower level driver is being added to Linux, the following
files (all found in the drivers/scsi directory) will need some attention:
Makefile, and . It is probably best to look at what
an existing lower level driver does in this regard.
<chapter id="intfunctions">
<title>Interface Functions</title>
<chapter id="locks">
Each Scsi_Host instance has a spin_lock called Scsi_Host::default_lock
which is initialized in scsi_register() [found in hosts.c]. Within the
same function the Scsi_Host::host_lock pointer is initialized to point
at default_lock with the scsi_assign_lock() function. Thereafter
lock and unlock operations performed by the mid level use the
Scsi_Host::host_lock pointer.
Lower level drivers can override the use of Scsi_Host::default_lock by
using scsi_assign_lock(). The earliest opportunity to do this would
be in the detect() function after it has invoked scsi_register(). It
could be replaced by a coarser grain lock (e.g. per driver) or a
lock of equal granularity (i.e. per host). Using finer grain locks
(e.g. per scsi device) may be possible by juggling locks in
<chapter id="changes">
<title>Changes since lk 2.4 series</title>
io_request_lock has been replaced by several finer grained locks. The lock
relevant to lower level drivers is Scsi_Host::host_lock and there is one
per scsi host.
The older error handling mechanism has been removed. This means the
lower level interface functions abort() and reset() have been removed.
In the 2.4 series the scsi subsystem configuration descriptions were
aggregated with the configuration descriptions from all other Linux
subsystems in the Documentation/ file. In the 2.5 series,
the scsi subsystem now has its own (much smaller) drivers/scsi/
<chapter id="credits">
The following people have contributed to this document:
Mike Anderson <email></email>
James Bottomley <email></email>
Patrick Mansfield <email></email>
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<book id="SiS900Guide">
<title>SiS 900/7016 Fast Ethernet Device Driver</title>
<firstname>Lei Chun</firstname>
<edition>Document Revision: 0.3 for SiS900 driver v1.06 & v1.07</edition>
<pubdate>November 16, 2000</pubdate>
<holder>Silicon Integrated System Corp.</holder>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This document gives some information on installation and usage of SiS 900/7016
device driver under Linux.
<chapter id="intro">
This document describes the revision 1.06 and 1.07 of SiS 900/7016 Fast Ethernet
device driver under Linux. The driver is developed by Silicon Integrated
System Corp. and distributed freely under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
The driver can be compiled as a loadable module and used under Linux kernel
version 2.2.x. (rev. 1.06)
With minimal changes, the driver can also be used under 2.3.x and 2.4.x kernel
(rev. 1.07), please see
<xref linkend="install"/>. If you are intended to
use the driver for earlier kernels, you are on your own.
The driver is tested with usual TCP/IP applications including
FTP, Telnet, Netscape etc. and is used constantly by the developers.
Please send all comments/fixes/questions to
<ulink url="">Lei-Chun Chang</ulink>.
<chapter id="changes">
Changes made in Revision 1.07
Separation of sis900.c and sis900.h in order to move most
constant definition to sis900.h (many of those constants were
Clean up PCI detection, the pci-scan from Donald Becker were not used,
just simple pci_find_*.
MII detection is modified to support multiple mii transceiver.
Bugs in read_eeprom, mdio_* were removed.
Lot of sis900 irrelevant comments were removed/changed and
more comments were added to reflect the real situation.
Clean up of physical/virtual address space mess in buffer
Better transmit/receive error handling.
The driver now uses zero-copy single buffer management
scheme to improve performance.
Names of variables were changed to be more consistent.
Clean up of auo-negotiation and timer code.
Automatic detection and change of PHY on the fly.
Bug in mac probing fixed.
Fix 630E equalier problem by modifying the equalizer workaround rule.
Support for ICS1893 10/100 Interated PHYceiver.
Support for media select by ifconfig.
Added kernel-doc extratable documentation.
<chapter id="tested">
<title>Tested Environment</title>
This driver is developed on the following hardware
Intel Celeron 500 with SiS 630 (rev 02) chipset
SiS 900 (rev 01) and SiS 7016/7014 Fast Ethernet Card
and tested with these software environments
Red Hat Linux version 6.2
Linux kernel version 2.4.0
Netscape version 4.6
NcFTP 3.0.0 beta 18
Samba version 2.0.3
<chapter id="files">
<title>Files in This Package</title>
In the package you can find these files:
Driver source file in C
Header file for sis900.c
DocBook SGML source of the document
Driver document in plain text
<chapter id="install">
Silicon Integrated System Corp. is cooperating closely with core Linux Kernel
developers. The revisions of SiS 900 driver are distributed by the usuall channels
for kernel tar files and patches. Those kernel tar files for official kernel and
patches for kernel pre-release can be download at
<ulink url="">official kernel ftp site</ulink>
and its mirrors.
The 1.06 revision can be found in kernel version later than 2.3.15 and pre-2.2.14,
and 1.07 revision can be found in kernel version 2.4.0.
If you have no prior experience in networking under Linux, please read
<ulink url="">Ethernet HOWTO</ulink> and
<ulink url="">Networking HOWTO</ulink> available from
Linux Documentation Project (LDP).
The driver is bundled in release later than 2.2.11 and 2.3.15 so this
is the most easy case.
Be sure you have the appropriate packages for compiling kernel source.
Those packages are listed in Document/Changes in kernel source
distribution. If you have to install the driver other than those bundled
in kernel release, you should have your driver file
<filename>sis900.c</filename> and <filename>sis900.h</filename>
copied into <filename class="directory">/usr/src/linux/drivers/net/</filename> first.
There are two alternative ways to install the driver
<title>Building the driver as loadable module</title>
To build the driver as a loadable kernel module you have to reconfigure
the kernel to activate network support by
make menuconfig
Choose <quote>Loadable module support ---></quote>,
then select <quote>Enable loadable module support</quote>.
Choose <quote>Network Device Support ---></quote>, select
<quote>Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)</quote>.
Then select <quote>EISA, VLB, PCI and on board controllers</quote>,
and choose <quote>SiS 900/7016 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter support</quote>
to <quote>M</quote>.
After reconfiguring the kernel, you can make the driver module by
make modules
The driver should be compiled with no errors. After compiling the driver,
the driver can be installed to proper place by
make modules_install
Load the driver into kernel by
insmod sis900
When loading the driver into memory, some information message can be view by
cat /var/log/message
If the driver is loaded properly you will have messages similar to this:
sis900.c: v1.07.06 11/07/2000
eth0: SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet at 0xd000, IRQ 10, 00:00:e8:83:7f:a4.
eth0: SiS 900 Internal MII PHY transceiver found at address 1.
eth0: Using SiS 900 Internal MII PHY as default
showing the version of the driver and the results of probing routine.
Once the driver is loaded, network can be brought up by
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 IPADDR broadcast BROADCAST netmask NETMASK media TYPE
where IPADDR, BROADCAST, NETMASK are your IP address, broadcast address and
netmask respectively. TYPE is used to set medium type used by the device.
Typical values are "10baseT"(twisted-pair 10Mbps Ethernet) or "100baseT"
(twisted-pair 100Mbps Ethernet). For more information on how to configure
network interface, please refer to
<ulink url="">Networking HOWTO</ulink>.
The link status is also shown by kernel messages. For example, after the
network interface is activated, you may have the message:
eth0: Media Link On 100mbps full-duplex
If you try to unplug the twist pair (TP) cable you will get
eth0: Media Link Off
indicating that the link is failed.
<title>Building the driver into kernel</title>
If you want to make the driver into kernel, choose <quote>Y</quote>
rather than <quote>M</quote> on
<quote>SiS 900/7016 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter support</quote>
when configuring the kernel. Build the kernel image in the usual way
make clean
make bzlilo
Next time the system reboot, you have the driver in memory.
<chapter id="problems">
<title>Known Problems and Bugs</title>
There are some known problems and bugs. If you find any other bugs please
mail to <ulink url=""></ulink>
AM79C901 HomePNA PHY is not thoroughly tested, there may be some
bugs in the <quote>on the fly</quote> change of transceiver.
A bug is hidden somewhere in the receive buffer management code,
the bug causes NULL pointer reference in the kernel. This fault is
caught before bad things happen and reported with the message:
eth0: NULL pointer encountered in Rx ring, skipping
which can be viewed with <literal remap="tt">dmesg</literal> or
<literal remap="tt">cat /var/log/message</literal>.
The media type change from 10Mbps to 100Mbps twisted-pair ethernet
by ifconfig causes the media link down.
<chapter id="RHistory">
<title>Revision History</title>
November 13, 2000, Revision 1.07, seventh release, 630E problem fixed
and further clean up.
November 4, 1999, Revision 1.06, Second release, lots of clean up
and optimization.
August 8, 1999, Revision 1.05, Initial Public Release
<chapter id="acknowledgements">
This driver was originally derived form
<ulink url="">Donald Becker</ulink>'s
<ulink url=""
>pci-skeleton</ulink> and
<ulink url=""
>rtl8139</ulink> drivers. Donald also provided various suggestion
regarded with improvements made in revision 1.06.
The 1.05 revision was created by
<ulink url="">Jim Huang</ulink>, AMD 79c901
support was added by <ulink url="">Chin-Shan Li</ulink>.
<chapter id="functions">
<title>List of Functions</title>
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<book id="TulipUserGuide">
<title>Tulip Driver User's Guide</title>
<holder>Jeff Garzik</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="intro">
The Tulip Ethernet Card Driver
is maintained by Jeff Garzik (<email></email>).
The Tulip driver was developed by Donald Becker and changed by
Jeff Garzik, Takashi Manabe and a cast of thousands.
For 2.4.x and later kernels, the Linux Tulip driver is available at
<ulink url=""></ulink>
This driver is for the Digital "Tulip" Ethernet adapter interface.
It should work with most DEC 21*4*-based chips/ethercards, as well as
with work-alike chips from Lite-On (PNIC) and Macronix (MXIC) and ASIX.
The original author may be reached as, or C/O
Scyld Computing Corporation,
410 Severn Ave., Suite 210,
Annapolis MD 21403
Additional information on Donald Becker's tulip.c
is available at <ulink url=""></ulink>
<chapter id="drvr-compat">
<title>Driver Compatibility</title>
This device driver is designed for the DECchip "Tulip", Digital's
single-chip ethernet controllers for PCI (now owned by Intel).
Supported members of the family
are the 21040, 21041, 21140, 21140A, 21142, and 21143. Similar work-alike
chips from Lite-On, Macronics, ASIX, Compex and other listed below are also
These chips are used on at least 140 unique PCI board designs. The great
number of chips and board designs supported is the reason for the
driver size and complexity. Almost of the increasing complexity is in the
board configuration and media selection code. There is very little
increasing in the operational critical path length.
<chapter id="board-settings">
<title>Board-specific Settings</title>
PCI bus devices are configured by the system at boot time, so no jumpers
need to be set on the board. The system BIOS preferably should assign the
PCI INTA signal to an otherwise unused system IRQ line.
Some boards have EEPROMs tables with default media entry. The factory default
is usually "autoselect". This should only be overridden when using
transceiver connections without link beat e.g. 10base2 or AUI, or (rarely!)
for forcing full-duplex when used with old link partners that do not do
<chapter id="driver-operation">
<title>Driver Operation</title>
<sect1><title>Ring buffers</title>
The Tulip can use either ring buffers or lists of Tx and Rx descriptors.
This driver uses statically allocated rings of Rx and Tx descriptors, set at
compile time by RX/TX_RING_SIZE. This version of the driver allocates skbuffs
for the Rx ring buffers at open() time and passes the skb->data field to the
Tulip as receive data buffers. When an incoming frame is less than
RX_COPYBREAK bytes long, a fresh skbuff is allocated and the frame is
copied to the new skbuff. When the incoming frame is larger, the skbuff is
passed directly up the protocol stack and replaced by a newly allocated
The RX_COPYBREAK value is chosen to trade-off the memory wasted by
using a full-sized skbuff for small frames vs. the copying costs of larger
frames. For small frames the copying cost is negligible (esp. considering
that we are pre-loading the cache with immediately useful header
information). For large frames the copying cost is non-trivial, and the
larger copy might flush the cache of useful data. A subtle aspect of this
choice is that the Tulip only receives into longword aligned buffers, thus
the IP header at offset 14 isn't longword aligned for further processing.
Copied frames are put into the new skbuff at an offset of "+2", thus copying
has the beneficial effect of aligning the IP header and preloading the
The driver runs as two independent, single-threaded flows of control. One
is the send-packet routine, which enforces single-threaded use by the
dev->tbusy flag. The other thread is the interrupt handler, which is single
threaded by the hardware and other software.
The send packet thread has partial control over the Tx ring and 'dev->tbusy'
flag. It sets the tbusy flag whenever it's queuing a Tx packet. If the next
queue slot is empty, it clears the tbusy flag when finished otherwise it sets
the 'tp->tx_full' flag.
The interrupt handler has exclusive control over the Rx ring and records stats
from the Tx ring. (The Tx-done interrupt can't be selectively turned off, so
we can't avoid the interrupt overhead by having the Tx routine reap the Tx
stats.) After reaping the stats, it marks the queue entry as empty by setting
the 'base' to zero. Iff the 'tp->tx_full' flag is set, it clears both the
tx_full and tbusy flags.
<chapter id="errata">
The old DEC databooks were light on details.
The 21040 databook claims that CSR13, CSR14, and CSR15 should each be the last
register of the set CSR12-15 written. Hmmm, now how is that possible?
The DEC SROM format is very badly designed not precisely defined, leading to
part of the media selection junkheap below. Some boards do not have EEPROM
media tables and need to be patched up. Worse, other boards use the DEC
design kit media table when it isn't correct for their board.
We cannot use MII interrupts because there is no defined GPIO pin to attach
them. The MII transceiver status is polled using an kernel timer.
<chapter id="changelog">
<title>Driver Change History</title>
<sect1><title>Version 0.9.14 (February 20, 2001)</title>
<listitem><para>Fix PNIC problems (Manfred Spraul)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Add new PCI id for Accton comet</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Support Davicom tulips</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Fix oops in eeprom parsing</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Enable workarounds for early PCI chipsets</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>IA64, hppa csr0 support</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Support media types 5, 6</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Interpret a bit more of the 21142 SROM extended media type 3</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Add missing delay in eeprom reading</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Version 0.9.11 (November 3, 2000)</title>
<listitem><para>Eliminate extra bus accesses when sharing interrupts (prumpf)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Barrier following ownership descriptor bit flip (prumpf)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Endianness fixes for >14 addresses in setup frames (prumpf)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Report link beat to kernel/userspace via netif_carrier_*. (kuznet)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Better spinlocking in set_rx_mode.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Fix I/O resource request failure error messages (DaveM catch)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Handle DMA allocation failure.</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Version 0.9.10 (September 6, 2000)</title>
<listitem><para>Simple interrupt mitigation (via jamal)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>More PCI ids</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Version 0.9.9 (August 11, 2000)</title>
<listitem><para>More PCI ids</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Version 0.9.8 (July 13, 2000)</title>
<listitem><para>Correct signed/unsigned comparison for dummy frame index</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Remove outdated references to struct enet_statistics</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Version 0.9.7 (June 17, 2000)</title>
<listitem><para>Timer cleanups (Andrew Morton)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Alpha compile fix (somebody?)</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Version 0.9.6 (May 31, 2000)</title>
<listitem><para>Revert 21143-related support flag patch</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Add HPPA/media-table debugging printk</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Version 0.9.5 (May 30, 2000)</title>
<listitem><para>HPPA support (willy@puffingroup)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>CSR6 bits and tulip.h cleanup (Chris Smith)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Improve debugging messages a bit</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Add delay after CSR13 write in t21142_start_nway</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Remove unused ETHER_STATS code</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Convert 'extern inline' to 'static inline' in tulip.h (Chris Smith)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Update DS21143 support flags in tulip_chip_info[]</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Use spin_lock_irq, not _irqsave/restore, in tulip_start_xmit()</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Add locking to set_rx_mode()</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Fix race with chip setting DescOwned bit (Hal Murray)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Request 100% of PIO and MMIO resource space assigned to card</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Remove error message from pci_enable_device failure</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Version (April 14, 2000)</title>
<listitem><para>mod_timer fix (Hal Murray)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>PNIC2 resuscitation (Chris Smith)</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Version (March 21, 2000)</title>
<listitem><para>Fix 21041 CSR7, CSR13/14/15 handling</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Merge some PCI ids from tulip 0.91x</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Merge some HAS_xxx flags and flag settings from tulip 0.91x</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>asm/io.h fix (submitted by many) and cleanup</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Cleanup 21041 mode reporting</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Small code cleanups</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Version (March 18, 2000)</title>
<listitem><para>Finish PCI DMA conversion (davem)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Do not netif_start_queue() at end of tulip_tx_timeout() (kuznet)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>PCI DMA fix (kuznet)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>eeprom.c code cleanup</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Remove Xircom Tulip crud</para></listitem>
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<book id="Linux-USB-API">
<title>The Linux-USB Host Side API</title>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="intro">
<title>Introduction to USB on Linux</title>
<para>A Universal Serial Bus (USB) is used to connect a host,
such as a PC or workstation, to a number of peripheral
devices. USB uses a tree structure, with the host at the
root (the system's master), hubs as interior nodes, and
peripheral devices as leaves (and slaves).
Modern PCs support several such trees of USB devices, usually
one USB 2.0 tree (480 Mbit/sec each) with
a few USB 1.1 trees (12 Mbit/sec each) that are used when you
connect a USB 1.1 device directly to the machine's "root hub".
<para>That master/slave asymmetry was designed in part for
ease of use. It is not physically possible to assemble
(legal) USB cables incorrectly: all upstream "to-the-host"
connectors are the rectangular type, matching the sockets on
root hubs, and the downstream type are the squarish type
(or they are built in to the peripheral).
Software doesn't need to deal with distributed autoconfiguration
since the pre-designated master node manages all that.
At the electrical level, bus protocol overhead is reduced by
eliminating arbitration and moving scheduling into host software.
<para>USB 1.0 was announced in January 1996, and was revised
as USB 1.1 (with improvements in hub specification and
support for interrupt-out transfers) in September 1998.
USB 2.0 was released in April 2000, including high speed
transfers and transaction translating hubs (used for USB 1.1
and 1.0 backward compatibility).
<para>USB support was added to Linux early in the 2.2 kernel series
shortly before the 2.3 development forked off. Updates
from 2.3 were regularly folded back into 2.2 releases, bringing
new features such as <filename>/sbin/hotplug</filename> support,
more drivers, and more robustness.
The 2.5 kernel series continued such improvements, and also
worked on USB 2.0 support,
higher performance,
better consistency between host controller drivers,
API simplification (to make bugs less likely),
and providing internal "kerneldoc" documentation.
<para>Linux can run inside USB devices as well as on
the hosts that control the devices.
Because the Linux 2.x USB support evolved to support mass market
platforms such as Apple Macintosh or PC-compatible systems,
it didn't address design concerns for those types of USB systems.
So it can't be used inside mass-market PDAs, or other peripherals.
USB device drivers running inside those Linux peripherals
don't do the same things as the ones running inside hosts,
and so they've been given a different name:
they're called <emphasis>gadget drivers</emphasis>.
This document does not present gadget drivers.
<chapter id="host">
<title>USB Host-Side API Model</title>
<para>Within the kernel,
host-side drivers for USB devices talk to the "usbcore" APIs.
There are two types of public "usbcore" APIs, targetted at two different
layers of USB driver. Those are
<emphasis>general purpose</emphasis> drivers, exposed through
driver frameworks such as block, character, or network devices;
and drivers that are <emphasis>part of the core</emphasis>,
which are involved in managing a USB bus.
Such core drivers include the <emphasis>hub</emphasis> driver,
which manages trees of USB devices, and several different kinds
of <emphasis>host controller driver (HCD)</emphasis>,
which control individual busses.
<para>The device model seen by USB drivers is relatively complex.
<listitem><para>USB supports four kinds of data transfer
(control, bulk, interrupt, and isochronous). Two transfer
types use bandwidth as it's available (control and bulk),
while the other two types of transfer (interrupt and isochronous)
are scheduled to provide guaranteed bandwidth.
<listitem><para>The device description model includes one or more
"configurations" per device, only one of which is active at a time.
Devices that are capable of high speed operation must also support
full speed configurations, along with a way to ask about the
"other speed" configurations that might be used.
<listitem><para>Configurations have one or more "interface", each
of which may have "alternate settings". Interfaces may be
standardized by USB "Class" specifications, or may be specific to
a vendor or device.</para>
<para>USB device drivers actually bind to interfaces, not devices.
Think of them as "interface drivers", though you
may not see many devices where the distinction is important.
<emphasis>Most USB devices are simple, with only one configuration,
one interface, and one alternate setting.</emphasis>
<listitem><para>Interfaces have one or more "endpoints", each of
which supports one type and direction of data transfer such as
"bulk out" or "interrupt in". The entire configuration may have
up to sixteen endpoints in each direction, allocated as needed
among all the interfaces.
<listitem><para>Data transfer on USB is packetized; each endpoint
has a maximum packet size.
Drivers must often be aware of conventions such as flagging the end
of bulk transfers using "short" (including zero length) packets.
<listitem><para>The Linux USB API supports synchronous calls for
control and bulk messaging.
It also supports asynchnous calls for all kinds of data transfer,
using request structures called "URBs" (USB Request Blocks).
<para>Accordingly, the USB Core API exposed to device drivers
covers quite a lot of territory. You'll probably need to consult
the USB 2.0 specification, available online from at
no cost, as well as class or device specifications.
<para>The only host-side drivers that actually touch hardware
(reading/writing registers, handling IRQs, and so on) are the HCDs.
In theory, all HCDs provide the same functionality through the same
API. In practice, that's becoming more true on the 2.5 kernels,
but there are still differences that crop up especially with
fault handling. Different controllers don't necessarily report
the same aspects of failures, and recovery from faults (including
software-induced ones like unlinking an URB) isn't yet fully
Device driver authors should make a point of doing disconnect
testing (while the device is active) with each different host
controller driver, to make sure drivers don't have bugs of
their own as well as to make sure they aren't relying on some
HCD-specific behavior.
(You will need external USB 1.1 and/or
USB 2.0 hubs to perform all those tests.)
<chapter><title>USB-Standard Types</title>
<para>In <filename><linux/usb_ch9.h></filename> you will find
the USB data types defined in chapter 9 of the USB specification.
These data types are used throughout USB, and in APIs including
this host side API, gadget APIs, and usbfs.
<chapter><title>Host-Side Data Types and Macros</title>
<para>The host side API exposes several layers to drivers, some of
which are more necessary than others.
These support lifecycle models for host side drivers
and devices, and support passing buffers through usbcore to
some HCD that performs the I/O for the device driver.
<chapter><title>USB Core APIs</title>
<para>There are two basic I/O models in the USB API.
The most elemental one is asynchronous: drivers submit requests
in the form of an URB, and the URB's completion callback
handle the next step.
All USB transfer types support that model, although there
are special cases for control URBs (which always have setup
and status stages, but may not have a data stage) and
isochronous URBs (which allow large packets and include
per-packet fault reports).
Built on top of that is synchronous API support, where a
driver calls a routine that allocates one or more URBs,
submits them, and waits until they complete.
There are synchronous wrappers for single-buffer control
and bulk transfers (which are awkward to use in some
driver disconnect scenarios), and for scatterlist based
streaming i/o (bulk or interrupt).
<para>USB drivers need to provide buffers that can be
used for DMA, although they don't necessarily need to
provide the DMA mapping themselves.
There are APIs to use used when allocating DMA buffers,
which can prevent use of bounce buffers on some systems.
In some cases, drivers may be able to rely on 64bit DMA
to eliminate another kind of bounce buffer.
<chapter><title>Host Controller APIs</title>
<para>These APIs are only for use by host controller drivers,
most of which implement standard register interfaces such as
UHCI was one of the first interfaces, designed by Intel and
also used by VIA; it doesn't do much in hardware.
OHCI was designed later, to have the hardware do more work
(bigger transfers, tracking protocol state, and so on).
EHCI was designed with USB 2.0; its design has features that
resemble OHCI (hardware does much more work) as well as
UHCI (some parts of ISO support, TD list processing).
<para>There are host controllers other than the "big three",
although most PCI based controllers (and a few non-PCI based
ones) use one of those interfaces.
Not all host controllers use DMA; some use PIO, and there
is also a simulator.
<para>The same basic APIs are available to drivers for all
those controllers.
For historical reasons they are in two layers:
<structname>struct usb_bus</structname> is a rather thin
layer that became available in the 2.2 kernels, while
<structname>struct usb_hcd</structname> is a more featureful
layer (available in later 2.4 kernels and in 2.5) that
lets HCDs share common code, to shrink driver size
and significantly reduce hcd-specific behaviors.
<title>The USB Filesystem (usbfs)</title>
<para>This chapter presents the Linux <emphasis>usbfs</emphasis>.
You may prefer to avoid writing new kernel code for your
USB driver; that's the problem that usbfs set out to solve.
User mode device drivers are usually packaged as applications
or libraries, and may use usbfs through some programming library
that wraps it. Such libraries include
<ulink url="">libusb</ulink>
for C/C++, and
<ulink url="">jUSB</ulink> for Java.
<para>This particular documentation is incomplete,
especially with respect to the asynchronous mode.
As of kernel 2.5.66 the code and this (new) documentation
need to be cross-reviewed.
<para>Configure usbfs into Linux kernels by enabling the
<emphasis>USB filesystem</emphasis> option (CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS),
and you get basic support for user mode USB device drivers.
Until relatively recently it was often (confusingly) called
<emphasis>usbdevfs</emphasis> although it wasn't solving what
<emphasis>devfs</emphasis> was.
Every USB device will appear in usbfs, regardless of whether or
not it has a kernel driver; but only devices with kernel drivers
show up in devfs.
<title>What files are in "usbfs"?</title>
<para>Conventionally mounted at
<filename>/proc/bus/usb</filename>, usbfs
features include:
... a text file
showing each of the USB devices on known to the kernel,
and their configuration descriptors.
You can also poll() this to learn about new devices.
... magic files
exposing the each device's configuration descriptors, and
supporting a series of ioctls for making device requests,
including I/O to devices. (Purely for access by programs.)
<para> Each bus is given a number (BBB) based on when it was
enumerated; within each bus, each device is given a similar
number (DDD).
Those BBB/DDD paths are not "stable" identifiers;
expect them to change even if you always leave the devices
plugged in to the same hub port.
<emphasis>Don't even think of saving these in application
configuration files.</emphasis>
Stable identifiers are available, for user mode applications
that want to use them. HID and networking devices expose
these stable IDs, so that for example you can be sure that
you told the right UPS to power down its second server.
"usbfs" doesn't (yet) expose those IDs.
<title>Mounting and Access Control</title>
<para>There are a number of mount options for usbfs, which will
be of most interest to you if you need to override the default
access control policy.
That policy is that only root may read or write device files
(<filename>/proc/bus/BBB/DDD</filename>) although anyone may read
the <filename>devices</filename>
or <filename>drivers</filename> files.
I/O requests to the device also need the CAP_SYS_RAWIO capability,
<para>The significance of that is that by default, all user mode
device drivers need super-user privileges.
You can change modes or ownership in a driver setup
when the device hotplugs, or maye just start the
driver right then, as a privileged server (or some activity
within one).
That's the most secure approach for multi-user systems,
but for single user systems ("trusted" by that user)
it's more convenient just to grant everyone all access
(using the <emphasis>devmode=0666</emphasis> option)
so the driver can start whenever it's needed.
<para>The mount options for usbfs, usable in /etc/fstab or
in command line invocations of <emphasis>mount</emphasis>, are:
<listitem><para>Controls the GID used for the
directories. (Default: 0)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>Controls the file mode used for the
directories. (Default: 0555)
<listitem><para>Controls the UID used for the
directories. (Default: 0)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>Controls the GID used for the
files. (Default: 0)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>Controls the file mode used for the
files. (Default: 0644)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>Controls the UID used for the
files. (Default: 0)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>Controls the GID used for the
/proc/bus/usb/devices and drivers files.
(Default: 0)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>Controls the file mode used for the
/proc/bus/usb/devices and drivers files.
(Default: 0444)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<listitem><para>Controls the UID used for the
/proc/bus/usb/devices and drivers files.
(Default: 0)</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<para>Note that many Linux distributions hard-wire the mount options
for usbfs in their init scripts, such as
rather than making it easy to set this per-system
policy in <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>.
<para>This file is handy for status viewing tools in user
mode, which can scan the text format and ignore most of it.
More detailed device status (including class and vendor
status) is available from device-specific files.
For information about the current format of this file,
see the
file in your Linux kernel sources.
<para>Otherwise the main use for this file from programs
is to poll() it to get notifications of usb devices
as they're plugged or unplugged.
To see what changed, you'd need to read the file and
compare "before" and "after" contents, scan the filesystem,
or see its hotplug event.
<para>Use these files in one of these basic ways:
<para><emphasis>They can be read,</emphasis>
producing first the device descriptor
(18 bytes) and then the descriptors for the current configuration.
See the USB 2.0 spec for details about those binary data formats.
You'll need to convert most multibyte values from little endian
format to your native host byte order, although a few of the
fields in the device descriptor (both of the BCD-encoded fields,
and the vendor and product IDs) will be byteswapped for you.
Note that configuration descriptors include descriptors for
interfaces, altsettings, endpoints, and maybe additional
class descriptors.
<para><emphasis>Perform USB operations</emphasis> using
<emphasis>ioctl()</emphasis> requests to make endpoint I/O
requests (synchronously or asynchronously) or manage
the device.
These requests need the CAP_SYS_RAWIO capability,
as well as filesystem access permissions.
Only one ioctl request can be made on one of these
device files at a time.
This means that if you are synchronously reading an endpoint
from one thread, you won't be able to write to a different
endpoint from another thread until the read completes.
This works for <emphasis>half duplex</emphasis> protocols,
but otherwise you'd use asynchronous i/o requests.
<title>Life Cycle of User Mode Drivers</title>
<para>Such a driver first needs to find a device file
for a device it knows how to handle.
Maybe it was told about it because a
<filename>/sbin/hotplug</filename> event handling agent
chose that driver to handle the new device.
Or maybe it's an application that scans all the
/proc/bus/usb device files, and ignores most devices.
In either case, it should <function>read()</function> all
the descriptors from the device file,
and check them against what it knows how to handle.
It might just reject everything except a particular
vendor and product ID, or need a more complex policy.
<para>Never assume there will only be one such device
on the system at a time!
If your code can't handle more than one device at
a time, at least detect when there's more than one, and
have your users choose which device to use.
<para>Once your user mode driver knows what device to use,
it interacts with it in either of two styles.
The simple style is to make only control requests; some
devices don't need more complex interactions than those.
(An example might be software using vendor-specific control
requests for some initialization or configuration tasks,
with a kernel driver for the rest.)
<para>More likely, you need a more complex style driver:
one using non-control endpoints, reading or writing data
and claiming exclusive use of an interface.
<emphasis>Bulk</emphasis> transfers are easiest to use,
but only their sibling <emphasis>interrupt</emphasis> transfers
work with low speed devices.
Both interrupt and <emphasis>isochronous</emphasis> transfers
offer service guarantees because their bandwidth is reserved.
Such "periodic" transfers are awkward to use through usbfs,
unless you're using the asynchronous calls. However, interrupt
transfers can also be used in a synchronous "one shot" style.
<para>Your user-mode driver should never need to worry
about cleaning up request state when the device is
disconnected, although it should close its open file
descriptors as soon as it starts seeing the ENODEV
<sect1><title>The ioctl() Requests</title>
<para>To use these ioctls, you need to include the following
headers in your userspace program:
<programlisting>#include <linux/usb.h>
#include <linux/usbdevice_fs.h>
#include <asm/byteorder.h></programlisting>
The standard USB device model requests, from "Chapter 9" of
the USB 2.0 specification, are automatically included from
the <filename><linux/usb_ch9.h></filename> header.
<para>Unless noted otherwise, the ioctl requests
described here will
update the modification time on the usbfs file to which
they are applied (unless they fail).
A return of zero indicates success; otherwise, a
standard USB error code is returned. (These are
documented in
in your kernel sources.)
<para>Each of these files multiplexes access to several
I/O streams, one per endpoint.
Each device has one control endpoint (endpoint zero)
which supports a limited RPC style RPC access.
Devices are configured
by khubd (in the kernel) setting a device-wide
<emphasis>configuration</emphasis> that affects things
like power consumption and basic functionality.
The endpoints are part of USB <emphasis>interfaces</emphasis>,
which may have <emphasis>altsettings</emphasis>
affecting things like which endpoints are available.
Many devices only have a single configuration and interface,
so drivers for them will ignore configurations and altsettings.
<title>Management/Status Requests</title>
<para>A number of usbfs requests don't deal very directly
with device I/O.
They mostly relate to device management and status.
These are all synchronous requests.
<listitem><para>This is used to force usbfs to
claim a specific interface,
which has not previously been claimed by usbfs or any other
kernel driver.
The ioctl parameter is an integer holding the number of
the interface (bInterfaceNumber from descriptor).
Note that if your driver doesn't claim an interface
before trying to use one of its endpoints, and no
other driver has bound to it, then the interface is
automatically claimed by usbfs.
This claim will be released by a RELEASEINTERFACE ioctl,
or by closing the file descriptor.
File modification time is not updated by this request.
<listitem><para>Says whether the device is lowspeed.
The ioctl parameter points to a structure like this:
<programlisting>struct usbdevfs_connectinfo {
unsigned int devnum;
unsigned char slow;
}; </programlisting>
File modification time is not updated by this request.
<emphasis>You can't tell whether a "not slow"
device is connected at high speed (480 MBit/sec)
or just full speed (12 MBit/sec).</emphasis>
You should know the devnum value already,
it's the DDD value of the device file name.
<listitem><para>Returns the name of the kernel driver
bound to a given interface (a string). Parameter
is a pointer to this structure, which is modified:
<programlisting>struct usbdevfs_getdriver {
unsigned int interface;
File modification time is not updated by this request.
<listitem><para>Passes a request from userspace through
to a kernel driver that has an ioctl entry in the
<emphasis>struct usb_driver</emphasis> it registered.
<programlisting>struct usbdevfs_ioctl {
int ifno;
int ioctl_code;
void *data;
/* user mode call looks like this.
* 'request' becomes the driver->ioctl() 'code' parameter.
* the size of 'param' is encoded in 'request', and that data
* is copied to or from the driver->ioctl() 'buf' parameter.
static int
usbdev_ioctl (int fd, int ifno, unsigned request, void *param)
struct usbdevfs_ioctl wrapper;
wrapper.ifno = ifno;
wrapper.ioctl_code = request;
|||| = param;
return ioctl (fd, USBDEVFS_IOCTL, &wrapper);
} </programlisting>
File modification time is not updated by this request.
This request lets kernel drivers talk to user mode code
through filesystem operations even when they don't create
a charactor or block special device.
It's also been used to do things like ask devices what
device special file should be used.
Two pre-defined ioctls are used
to disconnect and reconnect kernel drivers, so
that user mode code can completely manage binding
and configuration of devices.
<listitem><para>This is used to release the claim usbfs
made on interface, either implicitly or because of a
USBDEVFS_CLAIMINTERFACE call, before the file
descriptor is closed.
The ioctl parameter is an integer holding the number of
the interface (bInterfaceNumber from descriptor);
File modification time is not updated by this request.
<emphasis>No security check is made to ensure
that the task which made the claim is the one
which is releasing it.
This means that user mode driver may interfere
other ones. </emphasis>
<listitem><para>Resets the data toggle value for an endpoint
(bulk or interrupt) to DATA0.
The ioctl parameter is an integer endpoint number
(1 to 15, as identified in the endpoint descriptor),
with USB_DIR_IN added if the device's endpoint sends
data to the host.
<emphasis>Avoid using this request.
It should probably be removed.</emphasis>
Using it typically means the device and driver will lose
toggle synchronization. If you really lost synchronization,
you likely need to completely handshake with the device,
using a request like CLEAR_HALT
<title>Synchronous I/O Support</title>
<para>Synchronous requests involve the kernel blocking
until until the user mode request completes, either by
finishing successfully or by reporting an error.
In most cases this is the simplest way to use usbfs,
although as noted above it does prevent performing I/O
to more than one endpoint at a time.
<listitem><para>Issues a bulk read or write request to the
The ioctl parameter is a pointer to this structure:
<programlisting>struct usbdevfs_bulktransfer {
unsigned int ep;
unsigned int len;
unsigned int timeout; /* in milliseconds */
void *data;
</para><para>The "ep" value identifies a
bulk endpoint number (1 to 15, as identified in an endpoint
masked with USB_DIR_IN when referring to an endpoint which
sends data to the host from the device.
The length of the data buffer is identified by "len";
Recent kernels support requests up to about 128KBytes.
<emphasis>FIXME say how read length is returned,
and how short reads are handled.</emphasis>.
<listitem><para>Clears endpoint halt (stall) and
resets the endpoint toggle. This is only
meaningful for bulk or interrupt endpoints.
The ioctl parameter is an integer endpoint number
(1 to 15, as identified in an endpoint descriptor),
masked with USB_DIR_IN when referring to an endpoint which
sends data to the host from the device.
Use this on bulk or interrupt endpoints which have
stalled, returning <emphasis>-EPIPE</emphasis> status
to a data transfer request.
Do not issue the control request directly, since
that could invalidate the host's record of the
data toggle.
<listitem><para>Issues a control request to the device.
The ioctl parameter points to a structure like this:
<programlisting>struct usbdevfs_ctrltransfer {
__u8 bRequestType;
__u8 bRequest;
__u16 wValue;
__u16 wIndex;
__u16 wLength;
__u32 timeout; /* in milliseconds */
void *data;
The first eight bytes of this structure are the contents
of the SETUP packet to be sent to the device; see the
USB 2.0 specification for details.
The bRequestType value is composed by combining a
USB_TYPE_* value, a USB_DIR_* value, and a
USB_RECIP_* value (from
If wLength is nonzero, it describes the length of the data
buffer, which is either written to the device
(USB_DIR_OUT) or read from the device (USB_DIR_IN).
At this writing, you can't transfer more than 4 KBytes
of data to or from a device; usbfs has a limit, and
some host controller drivers have a limit.
(That's not usually a problem.)
<emphasis>Also</emphasis> there's no way to say it's
not OK to get a short read back from the device.
<listitem><para>Does a USB level device reset.
The ioctl parameter is ignored.
After the reset, this rebinds all device interfaces.
File modification time is not updated by this request.
<emphasis>Avoid using this call</emphasis>
until some usbcore bugs get fixed,
since it does not fully synchronize device, interface,
and driver (not just usbfs) state.
<listitem><para>Sets the alternate setting for an
interface. The ioctl parameter is a pointer to a
structure like this:
<programlisting>struct usbdevfs_setinterface {
unsigned int interface;
unsigned int altsetting;
}; </programlisting>
File modification time is not updated by this request.
Those struct members are from some interface descriptor
applying to the the current configuration.
The interface number is the bInterfaceNumber value, and
the altsetting number is the bAlternateSetting value.
(This resets each endpoint in the interface.)
<listitem><para>Issues the
<function>usb_set_configuration</function> call
for the device.
The parameter is an integer holding the number of
a configuration (bConfigurationValue from descriptor).
File modification time is not updated by this request.
<emphasis>Avoid using this call</emphasis>
until some usbcore bugs get fixed,
since it does not fully synchronize device, interface,
and driver (not just usbfs) state.
<title>Asynchronous I/O Support</title>
<para>As mentioned above, there are situations where it may be
important to initiate concurrent operations from user mode code.
This is particularly important for periodic transfers
(interrupt and isochronous), but it can be used for other
kinds of USB requests too.
In such cases, the asynchronous requests described here
are essential. Rather than submitting one request and having
the kernel block until it completes, the blocking is separate.
<para>These requests are packaged into a structure that
resembles the URB used by kernel device drivers.
(No POSIX Async I/O support here, sorry.)
It identifies the endpoint type (USBDEVFS_URB_TYPE_*),
endpoint (number, masked with USB_DIR_IN as appropriate),
buffer and length, and a user "context" value serving to
uniquely identify each request.
(It's usually a pointer to per-request data.)
Flags can modify requests (not as many as supported for
kernel drivers).
<para>Each request can specify a realtime signal number
(between SIGRTMIN and SIGRTMAX, inclusive) to request a
signal be sent when the request completes.
<para>When usbfs returns these urbs, the status value
is updated, and the buffer may have been modified.
Except for isochronous transfers, the actual_length is
updated to say how many bytes were transferred; if the
("short packets are not OK"), if fewer bytes were read
than were requested then you get an error report.
<programlisting>struct usbdevfs_iso_packet_desc {
unsigned int length;
unsigned int actual_length;
unsigned int status;
struct usbdevfs_urb {
unsigned char type;
unsigned char endpoint;
int status;
unsigned int flags;
void *buffer;
int buffer_length;
int actual_length;
int start_frame;
int number_of_packets;
int error_count;
unsigned int signr;
void *usercontext;
struct usbdevfs_iso_packet_desc iso_frame_desc[];
<para> For these asynchronous requests, the file modification
time reflects when the request was initiated.
This contrasts with their use with the synchronous requests,
where it reflects when requests complete.
File modification time is not updated by this request.
File modification time is not updated by this request.
File modification time is not updated by this request.
File modification time is not updated by this request.
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<book id="ViaAudioGuide">
<title>Via 686 Audio Driver for Linux</title>
<holder>Jeff Garzik</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="intro">
The Via VT82C686A "super southbridge" chips contain
AC97-compatible audio logic which features dual 16-bit stereo
PCM sound channels (full duplex), plus a third PCM channel intended for use
in hardware-assisted FM synthesis.
The current Linux kernel audio driver for this family of chips
supports audio playback and recording, but hardware-assisted
FM features, and hardware buffer direct-access (mmap)
support are not yet available.
This driver supports any Linux kernel version after 2.4.10.
Please send bug reports to the mailing list <email></email>.
To subscribe, e-mail <email></email> with
subscribe linux-via
in the body of the message.
<chapter id="install">
<title>Driver Installation</title>
To use this audio driver, select the
CONFIG_SOUND_VIA82CXXX option in the section Sound during kernel configuration.
Follow the usual kernel procedures for rebuilding the kernel,
or building and installing driver modules.
To make this driver the default audio driver, you can add the
following to your /etc/conf.modules file:
alias sound via82cxxx_audio
Note that soundcore and ac97_codec support modules
are also required for working audio, in addition to
the via82cxxx_audio module itself.
<chapter id="reportbug">
<title>Submitting a bug report</title>
<sect1 id="bugrepdesc"><title>Description of problem</title>
Describe the application you were using to play/record sound, and how
to reproduce the problem.
<sect1 id="bugrepdiag"><title>Diagnostic output</title>
Obtain the via-audio-diag diagnostics program from
|||| and provide a dump of the
audio chip's registers while the problem is occurring. Sample command line:
./via-audio-diag -aps > diag-output.txt
<sect1 id="bugrepdebug"><title>Driver debug output</title>
Define <constant>VIA_DEBUG</constant> at the beginning of the driver, then capture and email
the kernel log output. This can be viewed in the system kernel log (if
enabled), or via the dmesg program. Sample command line:
dmesg > /tmp/dmesg-output.txt
<sect1 id="bugrepprintk"><title>Bigger kernel message buffer</title>
If you wish to increase the size of the buffer displayed by dmesg, then
change the <constant>LOG_BUF_LEN</constant> macro at the top of linux/kernel/printk.c, recompile
your kernel, and pass the <constant>LOG_BUF_LEN</constant> value to dmesg. Sample command line with
<constant>LOG_BUF_LEN</constant> == 32768:
dmesg -s 32768 > /tmp/dmesg-output.txt
<chapter id="bugs">
<title>Known Bugs And Assumptions</title>
<varlistentry><term>Low volume</term>
Volume too low on many systems. Workaround: use mixer program
such as xmixer to increase volume.
<chapter id="thanks">
Via for providing e-mail support, specs, and NDA'd source code.
MandrakeSoft for providing hacking time.
AC97 mixer interface fixes and debugging by Ron Cemer <email></email>.
Rui Sousa <email></email>, for bugfixing
MMAP support, and several other notable fixes that resulted from
his hard work and testing.
Adrian Cox <email></email>, for bugfixing
MMAP support, and several other notable fixes that resulted from
his hard work and testing.
Thomas Sailer for further bugfixes.
<chapter id="notes">
<title>Random Notes</title>
Two /proc pseudo-files provide diagnostic information. This is generally
not useful to most users. Power users can disable CONFIG_SOUND_VIA82CXXX_PROCFS,
and remove the /proc support code. Once
version 2.0.0 is released, the /proc support code will be disabled by
default. Available /proc pseudo-files:
This driver by default supports all PCI audio devices which report
a vendor id of 0x1106, and a device id of 0x3058. Subsystem vendor
and device ids are not examined.
GNU indent formatting options:
-kr -i8 -ts8 -br -ce -bap -sob -l80 -pcs -cs -ss -bs -di1 -nbc -lp -psl
Via has graciously donated e-mail support and source code to help further
the development of this driver. Their assistance has been invaluable
in the design and coding of the next major version of this driver.
The Via audio chip apparently provides a second PCM scatter-gather
DMA channel just for FM data, but does not have a full hardware MIDI
processor. I haven't put much thought towards a solution here, but it
might involve using SoftOSS midi wave table, or simply disabling MIDI
support altogether and using the FM PCM channel as a second (input? output?)
<chapter id="changelog">
<title>Driver ChangeLog</title>
<sect1 id="version191"><title>
Version 1.9.1
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
DSP read/write bugfixes from Thomas Sailer.
Add new PCI id for single-channel use of Via 8233.
Other bug fixes, tweaks, new ioctls.
<sect1 id="version1115"><title>
Version 1.1.15
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Support for variable fragment size and variable fragment number (Rui
Fixes for the SPEED, STEREO, CHANNELS, FMT ioctls when in read &
write mode (Rui Sousa)
Mmaped sound is now fully functional. (Rui Sousa)
Make sure to enable PCI device before reading any of its PCI
config information. (fixes potential hotplug problems)
Clean up code a bit and add more internal function documentation.
AC97 codec access fixes (Adrian Cox)
Big endian fixes (Adrian Cox)
MIDI support (Adrian Cox)
Detect and report locked-rate AC97 codecs. If your hardware only
supports 48Khz (locked rate), then your recording/playback software
must upsample or downsample accordingly. The hardware cannot do it.
Use new pci_request_regions and pci_disable_device functions in
kernel 2.4.6.
<sect1 id="version1114"><title>
Version 1.1.14
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Use VM_RESERVE when available, to eliminate unnecessary page faults.
<sect1 id="version1112"><title>
Version 1.1.12
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
mmap bug fixes from Linus.
<sect1 id="version1111"><title>
Version 1.1.11
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Many more bug fixes. mmap enabled by default, but may still be buggy.
Uses new and spiffy method of mmap'ing the DMA buffer, based
on a suggestion from Linus.
<sect1 id="version1110"><title>
Version 1.1.10
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Many bug fixes. mmap enabled by default, but may still be buggy.
<sect1 id="version119"><title>
Version 1.1.9
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Redesign and rewrite audio playback implementation. (faster and smaller, hopefully)
Implement recording and full duplex (DSP_CAP_DUPLEX) support.
Make procfs support optional.
Quick interrupt status check, to lessen overhead in interrupt
sharing situations.
Add mmap(2) support. Disabled for now, it is still buggy and experimental.
Surround all syscalls with a semaphore for cheap and easy SMP protection.
Fix bug in channel shutdown (hardware channel reset) code.
Remove unnecessary spinlocks (better performance).
Eliminate "unknown AFMT" message by using a different method
of selecting the best AFMT_xxx sound sample format for use.
Support for realtime hardware pointer position reporting
Support for capture/playback triggering
Rewrite open(2) and close(2) logic to allow only one user at
a time. All other open(2) attempts will sleep until they succeed.
FIXME: open(O_RDONLY) and open(O_WRONLY) should be allowed to succeed.
Reviewed code to ensure that SMP and multiple audio devices
are fully supported.
<sect1 id="version118"><title>
Version 1.1.8
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Clean up interrupt handler output. Fixes the following kernel error message:
unhandled interrupt ...
Convert documentation to DocBook, so that PDF, HTML and PostScript (.ps) output is readily
<sect1 id="version117"><title>
Version 1.1.7
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Fix module unload bug where mixer device left registered
after driver exit
<sect1 id="version116"><title>
Version 1.1.6
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Rewrite via_set_rate to mimic ALSA basic AC97 rate setting
Remove much dead code
Complete spin_lock_irqsave -> spin_lock_irq conversion in via_dsp_ioctl
Fix build problem in via_dsp_ioctl
Optimize included headers to eliminate headers found in linux/sound
<sect1 id="version115"><title>
Version 1.1.5
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Disable some overly-verbose debugging code
Remove unnecessary sound locks
Fix some ioctls for better time resolution
Begin spin_lock_irqsave -> spin_lock_irq conversion in via_dsp_ioctl
<sect1 id="version114"><title>
Version 1.1.4
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
Completed rewrite of driver. Eliminated SoundBlaster compatibility
completely, and now uses the much-faster scatter-gather DMA engine.
<chapter id="intfunctions">
<title>Internal Functions</title>
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<book id="WANGuide">
<title>Synchronous PPP and Cisco HDLC Programming Guide</title>
<holder>Alan Cox</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="intro">
The syncppp drivers in Linux provide a fairly complete
implementation of Cisco HDLC and a minimal implementation of
PPP. The longer term goal is to switch the PPP layer to the
generic PPP interface that is new in Linux 2.3.x. The API should
remain unchanged when this is done, but support will then be
available for IPX, compression and other PPP features
<chapter id="bugs">
<title>Known Bugs And Assumptions</title>
<varlistentry><term>PPP is minimal</term>
The current PPP implementation is very basic, although sufficient
for most wan usages.
<varlistentry><term>Cisco HDLC Quirks</term>
Currently we do not end all packets with the correct Cisco multicast
or unicast flags. Nothing appears to mind too much but this should
be corrected.
<chapter id="pubfunctions">
<title>Public Functions Provided</title>
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<book id="USBDeviceDriver">
<title>Writing USB Device Drivers</title>
<holder>Greg Kroah-Hartman</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
This documentation is based on an article published in
Linux Journal Magazine, October 2001, Issue 90.
<chapter id="intro">
The Linux USB subsystem has grown from supporting only two different
types of devices in the 2.2.7 kernel (mice and keyboards), to over 20
different types of devices in the 2.4 kernel. Linux currently supports
almost all USB class devices (standard types of devices like keyboards,
mice, modems, printers and speakers) and an ever-growing number of
vendor-specific devices (such as USB to serial converters, digital
cameras, Ethernet devices and MP3 players). For a full list of the
different USB devices currently supported, see Resources.
The remaining kinds of USB devices that do not have support on Linux are
almost all vendor-specific devices. Each vendor decides to implement a
custom protocol to talk to their device, so a custom driver usually needs
to be created. Some vendors are open with their USB protocols and help
with the creation of Linux drivers, while others do not publish them, and
developers are forced to reverse-engineer. See Resources for some links
to handy reverse-engineering tools.
Because each different protocol causes a new driver to be created, I have
written a generic USB driver skeleton, modeled after the pci-skeleton.c
file in the kernel source tree upon which many PCI network drivers have
been based. This USB skeleton can be found at drivers/usb/usb-skeleton.c
in the kernel source tree. In this article I will walk through the basics
of the skeleton driver, explaining the different pieces and what needs to
be done to customize it to your specific device.
<chapter id="basics">
<title>Linux USB Basics</title>
If you are going to write a Linux USB driver, please become familiar with
the USB protocol specification. It can be found, along with many other
useful documents, at the USB home page (see Resources). An excellent
introduction to the Linux USB subsystem can be found at the USB Working
Devices List (see Resources). It explains how the Linux USB subsystem is
structured and introduces the reader to the concept of USB urbs, which
are essential to USB drivers.
The first thing a Linux USB driver needs to do is register itself with
the Linux USB subsystem, giving it some information about which devices
the driver supports and which functions to call when a device supported
by the driver is inserted or removed from the system. All of this
information is passed to the USB subsystem in the usb_driver structure.
The skeleton driver declares a usb_driver as:
static struct usb_driver skel_driver = {
.name = "skeleton",
.probe = skel_probe,
.disconnect = skel_disconnect,
.fops = &skel_fops,
.id_table = skel_table,
The variable name is a string that describes the driver. It is used in
informational messages printed to the system log. The probe and
disconnect function pointers are called when a device that matches the
information provided in the id_table variable is either seen or removed.
The fops and minor variables are optional. Most USB drivers hook into
another kernel subsystem, such as the SCSI, network or TTY subsystem.
These types of drivers register themselves with the other kernel
subsystem, and any user-space interactions are provided through that
interface. But for drivers that do not have a matching kernel subsystem,
such as MP3 players or scanners, a method of interacting with user space
is needed. The USB subsystem provides a way to register a minor device
number and a set of file_operations function pointers that enable this
user-space interaction. The skeleton driver needs this kind of interface,
so it provides a minor starting number and a pointer to its
file_operations functions.
The USB driver is then registered with a call to usb_register, usually in
the driver's init function, as shown here:
static int __init usb_skel_init(void)
int result;
/* register this driver with the USB subsystem */
result = usb_register(&skel_driver);
if (result < 0) {
err("usb_register failed for the "__FILE__ "driver."
"Error number %d", result);
return -1;
return 0;
When the driver is unloaded from the system, it needs to unregister
itself with the USB subsystem. This is done with the usb_unregister
static void __exit usb_skel_exit(void)
/* deregister this driver with the USB subsystem */
To enable the linux-hotplug system to load the driver automatically when
the device is plugged in, you need to create a MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE. The
following code tells the hotplug scripts that this module supports a
single device with a specific vendor and product ID:
/* table of devices that work with this driver */
static struct usb_device_id skel_table [] = {
{ } /* Terminating entry */
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (usb, skel_table);
There are other macros that can be used in describing a usb_device_id for
drivers that support a whole class of USB drivers. See usb.h for more
information on this.
<chapter id="device">
<title>Device operation</title>
When a device is plugged into the USB bus that matches the device ID
pattern that your driver registered with the USB core, the probe function
is called. The usb_device structure, interface number and the interface ID
are passed to the function:
static int skel_probe(struct usb_interface *interface,
const struct usb_device_id *id)
The driver now needs to verify that this device is actually one that it
can accept. If so, it returns 0.
If not, or if any error occurs during initialization, an errorcode
(such as <literal>-ENOMEM</literal> or <literal>-ENODEV</literal>)
is returned from the probe function.
In the skeleton driver, we determine what end points are marked as bulk-in
and bulk-out. We create buffers to hold the data that will be sent and
received from the device, and a USB urb to write data to the device is
Conversely, when the device is removed from the USB bus, the disconnect
function is called with the device pointer. The driver needs to clean any
private data that has been allocated at this time and to shut down any
pending urbs that are in the USB system. The driver also unregisters
itself from the devfs subsystem with the call:
/* remove our devfs node */
Now that the device is plugged into the system and the driver is bound to
the device, any of the functions in the file_operations structure that
were passed to the USB subsystem will be called from a user program trying
to talk to the device. The first function called will be open, as the
program tries to open the device for I/O. We increment our private usage
count and save off a pointer to our internal structure in the file
structure. This is done so that future calls to file operations will
enable the driver to determine which device the user is addressing. All
of this is done with the following code:
/* increment our usage count for the module */
/* save our object in the file's private structure */
file->private_data = dev;
After the open function is called, the read and write functions are called
to receive and send data to the device. In the skel_write function, we
receive a pointer to some data that the user wants to send to the device
and the size of the data. The function determines how much data it can
send to the device based on the size of the write urb it has created (this
size depends on the size of the bulk out end point that the device has).
Then it copies the data from user space to kernel space, points the urb to
the data and submits the urb to the USB subsystem. This can be shown in
he following code:
/* we can only write as much as 1 urb will hold */
bytes_written = (count > skel->bulk_out_size) ? skel->bulk_out_size : count;
/* copy the data from user space into our urb */
copy_from_user(skel->write_urb->transfer_buffer, buffer, bytes_written);
/* set up our urb */
usb_sndbulkpipe(skel->dev, skel->bulk_out_endpointAddr),
/* send the data out the bulk port */
result = usb_submit_urb(skel->write_urb);
if (result) {
err("Failed submitting write urb, error %d", result);
When the write urb is filled up with the proper information using the
usb_fill_bulk_urb function, we point the urb's completion callback to call our
own skel_write_bulk_callback function. This function is called when the
urb is finished by the USB subsystem. The callback function is called in
interrupt context, so caution must be taken not to do very much processing
at that time. Our implementation of skel_write_bulk_callback merely
reports if the urb was completed successfully or not and then returns.
The read function works a bit differently from the write function in that
we do not use an urb to transfer data from the device to the driver.
Instead we call the usb_bulk_msg function, which can be used to send or
receive data from a device without having to create urbs and handle
urb completion callback functions. We call the usb_bulk_msg function,
giving it a buffer into which to place any data received from the device
and a timeout value. If the timeout period expires without receiving any
data from the device, the function will fail and return an error message.
This can be shown with the following code:
/* do an immediate bulk read to get data from the device */
retval = usb_bulk_msg (skel->dev,
usb_rcvbulkpipe (skel->dev,
&count, HZ*10);
/* if the read was successful, copy the data to user space */
if (!retval) {
if (copy_to_user (buffer, skel->bulk_in_buffer, count))
retval = -EFAULT;
retval = count;
The usb_bulk_msg function can be very useful for doing single reads or
writes to a device; however, if you need to read or write constantly to a
device, it is recommended to set up your own urbs and submit them to the
USB subsystem.
When the user program releases the file handle that it has been using to
talk to the device, the release function in the driver is called. In this
function we decrement our private usage count and wait for possible
pending writes:
/* decrement our usage count for the device */
One of the more difficult problems that USB drivers must be able to handle
smoothly is the fact that the USB device may be removed from the system at
any point in time, even if a program is currently talking to it. It needs
to be able to shut down any current reads and writes and notify the
user-space programs that the device is no longer there. The following
code (function <function>skel_delete</function>)
is an example of how to do this: </para>
static inline void skel_delete (struct usb_skel *dev)
if (dev->bulk_in_buffer != NULL)
kfree (dev->bulk_in_buffer);
if (dev->bulk_out_buffer != NULL)
usb_buffer_free (dev->udev, dev->bulk_out_size,
if (dev->write_urb != NULL)
usb_free_urb (dev->write_urb);
kfree (dev);
If a program currently has an open handle to the device, we reset the flag
<literal>device_present</literal>. For
every read, write, release and other functions that expect a device to be
present, the driver first checks this flag to see if the device is
still present. If not, it releases that the device has disappeared, and a
-ENODEV error is returned to the user-space program. When the release
function is eventually called, it determines if there is no device
and if not, it does the cleanup that the skel_disconnect
function normally does if there are no open files on the device (see
Listing 5).
<chapter id="iso">
<title>Isochronous Data</title>
This usb-skeleton driver does not have any examples of interrupt or
isochronous data being sent to or from the device. Interrupt data is sent
almost exactly as bulk data is, with a few minor exceptions. Isochronous
data works differently with continuous streams of data being sent to or
from the device. The audio and video camera drivers are very good examples
of drivers that handle isochronous data and will be useful if you also
need to do this.
<chapter id="Conclusion">
Writing Linux USB device drivers is not a difficult task as the
usb-skeleton driver shows. This driver, combined with the other current
USB drivers, should provide enough examples to help a beginning author
create a working driver in a minimal amount of time. The linux-usb-devel
mailing list archives also contain a lot of helpful information.
<chapter id="resources">
The Linux USB Project: <ulink url=""></ulink>
Linux Hotplug Project: <ulink url=""></ulink>
Linux USB Working Devices List: <ulink url=""></ulink>
linux-usb-devel Mailing List Archives: <ulink url=""></ulink>
Programming Guide for Linux USB Device Drivers: <ulink url=""></ulink>
USB Home Page: <ulink url=""></ulink>
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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
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<book id="Z85230Guide">
<title>Z8530 Programming Guide</title>
<holder>Alan Cox</holder>
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA
For more details see the file COPYING in the source
distribution of Linux.
<chapter id="intro">
The Z85x30 family synchronous/asynchronous controller chips are
used on a large number of cheap network interface cards. The
kernel provides a core interface layer that is designed to make
it easy to provide WAN services using this chip.
The current driver only support synchronous operation. Merging the
asynchronous driver support into this code to allow any Z85x30
device to be used as both a tty interface and as a synchronous
controller is a project for Linux post the 2.4 release
The support code handles most common card configurations and
supports running both Cisco HDLC and Synchronous PPP. With extra
glue the frame relay and X.25 protocols can also be used with this
<title>Driver Modes</title>
The Z85230 driver layer can drive Z8530, Z85C30 and Z85230 devices
in three different modes. Each mode can be applied to an individual
channel on the chip (each chip has two channels).
The PIO synchronous mode supports the most common Z8530 wiring. Here
the chip is interface to the I/O and interrupt facilities of the
host machine but not to the DMA subsystem. When running PIO the
Z8530 has extremely tight timing requirements. Doing high speeds,
even with a Z85230 will be tricky. Typically you should expect to
achieve at best 9600 baud with a Z8C530 and 64Kbits with a Z85230.
The DMA mode supports the chip when it is configured to use dual DMA
channels on an ISA bus. The better cards tend to support this mode
of operation for a single channel. With DMA running the Z85230 tops
out when it starts to hit ISA DMA constraints at about 512Kbits. It
is worth noting here that many PC machines hang or crash when the
chip is driven fast enough to hold the ISA bus solid.
Transmit DMA mode uses a single DMA channel. The DMA channel is used
for transmission as the transmit FIFO is smaller than the receive
FIFO. it gives better performance than pure PIO mode but is nowhere
near as ideal as pure DMA mode.
<title>Using the Z85230 driver</title>
The Z85230 driver provides the back end interface to your board. To
configure a Z8530 interface you need to detect the board and to
identify its ports and interrupt resources. It is also your problem
to verify the resources are available.
Having identified the chip you need to fill in a struct z8530_dev,
which describes each chip. This object must exist until you finally
shutdown the board. Firstly zero the active field. This ensures
nothing goes off without you intending it. The irq field should
be set to the interrupt number of the chip. (Each chip has a single
interrupt source rather than each channel). You are responsible
for allocating the interrupt line. The interrupt handler should be
set to <function>z8530_interrupt</function>. The device id should
be set to the z8530_dev structure pointer. Whether the interrupt can
be shared or not is board dependent, and up to you to initialise.
The structure holds two channel structures.
Initialise chanA.ctrlio and chanA.dataio with the address of the
control and data ports. You can or this with Z8530_PORT_SLEEP to
indicate your interface needs the 5uS delay for chip settling done
in software. The PORT_SLEEP option is architecture specific. Other
flags may become available on future platforms, eg for MMIO.
Initialise the chanA.irqs to &z8530_nop to start the chip up
as disabled and discarding interrupt events. This ensures that
stray interrupts will be mopped up and not hang the bus. Set
|||| to point to the device structure itself. The
private and name field you may use as you wish. The private field
is unused by the Z85230 layer. The name is used for error reporting
and it may thus make sense to make it match the network name.
Repeat the same operation with the B channel if your chip has
both channels wired to something useful. This isn't always the
case. If it is not wired then the I/O values do not matter, but
you must initialise
If your board has DMA facilities then initialise the txdma and
rxdma fields for the relevant channels. You must also allocate the
ISA DMA channels and do any necessary board level initialisation
to configure them. The low level driver will do the Z8530 and
DMA controller programming but not board specific magic.
Having initialised the device you can then call
<function>z8530_init</function>. This will probe the chip and
reset it into a known state. An identification sequence is then
run to identify the chip type. If the checks fail to pass the
function returns a non zero error code. Typically this indicates
that the port given is not valid. After this call the
type field of the z8530_dev structure is initialised to either
Z8530, Z85C30 or Z85230 according to the chip found.
Once you have called z8530_init you can also make use of the utility
function <function>z8530_describe</function>. This provides a
consistent reporting format for the Z8530 devices, and allows all
the drivers to provide consistent reporting.
<title>Attaching Network Interfaces</title>
If you wish to use the network interface facilities of the driver,
then you need to attach a network device to each channel that is
present and in use. In addition to use the SyncPPP and Cisco HDLC
you need to follow some additional plumbing rules. They may seem
complex but a look at the example hostess_sv11 driver should
reassure you.
The network device used for each channel should be pointed to by
the netdevice field of each channel. The dev-> priv field of the
network device points to your private data - you will need to be
able to find your ppp device from this. In addition to use the
sync ppp layer the private data must start with a void * pointer
to the syncppp structures.
The way most drivers approach this particular problem is to
create a structure holding the Z8530 device definition and
put that and the syncppp pointer into the private field of
the network device. The network device fields of the channels
then point back to the network devices. The ppp_device can also
be put in the private structure conveniently.
If you wish to use the synchronous ppp then you need to attach
the syncppp layer to the network device. You should do this before
you register the network device. The
<function>sppp_attach</function> requires that the first void *
pointer in your private data is pointing to an empty struct
ppp_device. The function fills in the initial data for the
ppp/hdlc layer.
Before you register your network device you will also need to
provide suitable handlers for most of the network device callbacks.
See the network device documentation for more details on this.
<title>Configuring And Activating The Port</title>
The Z85230 driver provides helper functions and tables to load the
port registers on the Z8530 chips. When programming the register
settings for a channel be aware that the documentation recommends
initialisation orders. Strange things happen when these are not
<function>z8530_channel_load</function> takes an array of
pairs of initialisation values in an array of u8 type. The first
value is the Z8530 register number. Add 16 to indicate the alternate
register bank on the later chips. The array is terminated by a 255.
The driver provides a pair of public tables. The
z8530_hdlc_kilostream table is for the UK 'Kilostream' service and
also happens to cover most other end host configurations. The
z8530_hdlc_kilostream_85230 table is the same configuration using
the enhancements of the 85230 chip. The configuration loaded is
standard NRZ encoded synchronous data with HDLC bitstuffing. All
of the timing is taken from the other end of the link.
When writing your own tables be aware that the driver internally
tracks register values. It may need to reload values. You should
therefore be sure to set registers 1-7, 9-11, 14 and 15 in all
configurations. Where the register settings depend on DMA selection
the driver will update the bits itself when you open or close.
Loading a new table with the interface open is not recommended.
There are three standard configurations supported by the core
code. In PIO mode the interface is programmed up to use
interrupt driven PIO. This places high demands on the host processor
to avoid latency. The driver is written to take account of latency
issues but it cannot avoid latencies caused by other drivers,
notably IDE in PIO mode. Because the drivers allocate buffers you
must also prevent MTU changes while the port is open.
Once the port is open it will call the rx_function of each channel
whenever a completed packet arrived. This is invoked from
interrupt context and passes you the channel and a network
buffer (struct sk_buff) holding the data. The data includes
the CRC bytes so most users will want to trim the last two
bytes before processing the data. This function is very timing
critical. When you wish to simply discard data the support
code provides the function <function>z8530_null_rx</function>
to discard the data.
To active PIO mode sending and receiving the <function>
z8530_sync_open</function> is called. This expects to be passed
the network device and the channel. Typically this is called from
your network device open callback. On a failure a non zero error
status is returned. The <function>z8530_sync_close</function>
function shuts down a PIO channel. This must be done before the
channel is opened again and before the driver shuts down
and unloads.
The ideal mode of operation is dual channel DMA mode. Here the
kernel driver will configure the board for DMA in both directions.
The driver also handles ISA DMA issues such as controller
programming and the memory range limit for you. This mode is
activated by calling the <function>z8530_sync_dma_open</function>
function. On failure a non zero error value is returned.
Once this mode is activated it can be shut down by calling the
<function>z8530_sync_dma_close</function>. You must call the close
function matching the open mode you used.
The final supported mode uses a single DMA channel to drive the
transmit side. As the Z85C30 has a larger FIFO on the receive
channel this tends to increase the maximum speed a little.
This is activated by calling the <function>z8530_sync_txdma_open
</function>. This returns a non zero error code on failure. The
<function>z8530_sync_txdma_close</function> function closes down
the Z8530 interface from this mode.
<title>Network Layer Functions</title>
The Z8530 layer provides functions to queue packets for
transmission. The driver internally buffers the frame currently
being transmitted and one further frame (in order to keep back
to back transmission running). Any further buffering is up to
the caller.
The function <function>z8530_queue_xmit</function> takes a network
buffer in sk_buff format and queues it for transmission. The
caller must provide the entire packet with the exception of the
bitstuffing and CRC. This is normally done by the caller via
the syncppp interface layer. It returns 0 if the buffer has been
queued and non zero values for queue full. If the function accepts
the buffer it becomes property of the Z8530 layer and the caller
should not free it.
The function <function>z8530_get_stats</function> returns a pointer
to an internally maintained per interface statistics block. This
provides most of the interface code needed to implement the network
layer get_stats callback.
<title>Porting The Z8530 Driver</title>
The Z8530 driver is written to be portable. In DMA mode it makes
assumptions about the use of ISA DMA. These are probably warranted
in most cases as the Z85230 in particular was designed to glue to PC
type machines. The PIO mode makes no real assumptions.
Should you need to retarget the Z8530 driver to another architecture
the only code that should need changing are the port I/O functions.
At the moment these assume PC I/O port accesses. This may not be
appropriate for all platforms. Replacing
<function>z8530_read_port</function> and <function>z8530_write_port
</function> is intended to be all that is required to port this
driver layer.
<chapter id="bugs">
<title>Known Bugs And Assumptions</title>
<varlistentry><term>Interrupt Locking</term>
The locking in the driver is done via the global cli/sti lock. This
makes for relatively poor SMP performance. Switching this to use a
per device spin lock would probably materially improve performance.
<varlistentry><term>Occasional Failures</term>
We have reports of occasional failures when run for very long
periods of time and the driver starts to receive junk frames. At
the moment the cause of this is not clear.
<chapter id="pubfunctions">
<title>Public Functions Provided</title>
<chapter id="intfunctions">
<title>Internal Functions</title>
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[ NOTE: The virt_to_bus() and bus_to_virt() functions have been
superseded by the functionality provided by the PCI DMA
interface (see Documentation/DMA-mapping.txt). They continue
to be documented below for historical purposes, but new code
must not use them. --davidm 00/12/12 ]
[ This is a mail message in response to a query on IO mapping, thus the
strange format for a "document" ]
The AHA-1542 is a bus-master device, and your patch makes the driver give the
controller the physical address of the buffers, which is correct on x86
(because all bus master devices see the physical memory mappings directly).
However, on many setups, there are actually _three_ different ways of looking
at memory addresses, and in this case we actually want the third, the
so-called "bus address".
Essentially, the three ways of addressing memory are (this is "real memory",
that is, normal RAM--see later about other details):
- CPU untranslated. This is the "physical" address. Physical address
0 is what the CPU sees when it drives zeroes on the memory bus.
- CPU translated address. This is the "virtual" address, and is
completely internal to the CPU itself with the CPU doing the appropriate
translations into "CPU untranslated".
- bus address. This is the address of memory as seen by OTHER devices,
not the CPU. Now, in theory there could be many different bus
addresses, with each device seeing memory in some device-specific way, but
happily most hardware designers aren't actually actively trying to make
things any more complex than necessary, so you can assume that all
external hardware sees the memory the same way.
Now, on normal PCs the bus address is exactly the same as the physical
address, and things are very simple indeed. However, they are that simple
because the memory and the devices share the same address space, and that is
not generally necessarily true on other PCI/ISA setups.
Now, just as an example, on the PReP (PowerPC Reference Platform), the
CPU sees a memory map something like this (this is from memory):
0-2 GB "real memory"
2 GB-3 GB "system IO" (inb/out and similar accesses on x86)
3 GB-4 GB "IO memory" (shared memory over the IO bus)
Now, that looks simple enough. However, when you look at the same thing from
the viewpoint of the devices, you have the reverse, and the physical memory
address 0 actually shows up as address 2 GB for any IO master.
So when the CPU wants any bus master to write to physical memory 0, it
has to give the master address 0x80000000 as the memory address.
So, for example, depending on how the kernel is actually mapped on the
PPC, you can end up with a setup like this:
physical address: 0
virtual address: 0xC0000000
bus address: 0x80000000
where all the addresses actually point to the same thing. It's just seen
through different translations..
Similarly, on the Alpha, the normal translation is
physical address: 0
virtual address: 0xfffffc0000000000
bus address: 0x40000000
(but there are also Alphas where the physical address and the bus address
are the same).
Anyway, the way to look up all these translations, you do
#include <asm/io.h>
phys_addr = virt_to_phys(virt_addr);
virt_addr = phys_to_virt(phys_addr);
bus_addr = virt_to_bus(virt_addr);
virt_addr = bus_to_virt(bus_addr);
Now, when do you need these?
You want the _virtual_ address when you are actually going to access that
pointer from the kernel. So you can have something like this:
* this is the hardware "mailbox" we use to communicate with
* the controller. The controller sees this directly.
struct mailbox {
__u32 status;
__u32 bufstart;
__u32 buflen;
} mbox;
unsigned char * retbuffer;
/* get the address from the controller */
retbuffer = bus_to_virt(mbox.bufstart);
switch (retbuffer[0]) {
on the other hand, you want the bus address when you have a buffer that
you want to give to the controller:
/* ask the controller to read the sense status into "sense_buffer" */
mbox.bufstart = virt_to_bus(&sense_buffer);
mbox.buflen = sizeof(sense_buffer);
mbox.status = 0;
And you generally _never_ want to use the physical address, because you can't
use that from the CPU (the CPU only uses translated virtual addresses), and
you can't use it from the bus master.
So why do we care about the physical address at all? We do need the physical
address in some cases, it's just not very often in normal code. The physical
address is needed if you use memory mappings, for example, because the
"remap_pfn_range()" mm function wants the physical address of the memory to
be remapped as measured in units of pages, a.k.a. the pfn (the memory
management layer doesn't know about devices outside the CPU, so it
shouldn't need to know about "bus addresses" etc).
NOTE NOTE NOTE! The above is only one part of the whole equation. The above
only talks about "real memory", that is, CPU memory (RAM).
There is a completely different type of memory too, and that's the "shared
memory" on the PCI or ISA bus. That's generally not RAM (although in the case
of a video graphics card it can be normal DRAM that is just used for a frame
buffer), but can be things like a packet buffer in a network card etc.
This memory is called "PCI memory" or "shared memory" or "IO memory" or
whatever, and there is only one way to access it: the readb/writeb and
related functions. You should never take the address of such memory, because
there is really nothing you can do with such an address: it's not
conceptually in the same memory space as "real memory" at all, so you cannot
just dereference a pointer. (Sadly, on x86 it _is_ in the same memory space,
so on x86 it actually works to just deference a pointer, but it's not
For such memory, you can do things like
- reading:
* read first 32 bits from ISA memory at 0xC0000, aka
* C000:0000 in DOS terms
unsigned int signature = isa_readl(0xC0000);
- remapping and writing:
* remap framebuffer PCI memory area at 0xFC000000,
* size 1MB, so that we can access it: We can directly
* access only the 640k-1MB area, so anything else
* has to be remapped.
char * baseptr = ioremap(0xFC000000, 1024*1024);
/* write a 'A' to the offset 10 of the area */
/* unmap when we unload the driver */
- copying and clearing:
/* get the 6-byte Ethernet address at ISA address E000:0040 */
memcpy_fromio(kernel_buffer, 0xE0040, 6);
/* write a packet to the driver */
memcpy_toio(0xE1000, skb->data, skb->len);
/* clear the frame buffer */
memset_io(0xA0000, 0, 0x10000);
OK, that just about covers the basics of accessing IO portably. Questions?
Comments? You may think that all the above is overly complex, but one day you
might find yourself with a 500 MHz Alpha in front of you, and then you'll be
happy that your driver works ;)
Note that kernel versions 2.0.x (and earlier) mistakenly called the
ioremap() function "vremap()". ioremap() is the proper name, but I
didn't think straight when I wrote it originally. People who have to
support both can do something like:
/* support old naming silliness */
#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x020100
#define ioremap vremap
#define iounmap vfree
at the top of their source files, and then they can use the right names
even on 2.0.x systems.
And the above sounds worse than it really is. Most real drivers really
don't do all that complex things (or rather: the complexity is not so
much in the actual IO accesses as in error handling and timeouts etc).
It's generally not hard to fix drivers, and in many cases the code
actually looks better afterwards:
unsigned long signature = *(unsigned int *) 0xC0000;
unsigned long signature = readl(0xC0000);
I think the second version actually is more readable, no?
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The Linux IPMI Driver
Corey Minyard
The Intelligent Platform Management Interface, or IPMI, is a
standard for controlling intelligent devices that monitor a system.
It provides for dynamic discovery of sensors in the system and the
ability to monitor the sensors and be informed when the sensor's
values change or go outside certain boundaries. It also has a
standardized database for field-replacable units (FRUs) and a watchdog
To use this, you need an interface to an IPMI controller in your
system (called a Baseboard Management Controller, or BMC) and
management software that can use the IPMI system.
This document describes how to use the IPMI driver for Linux. If you
are not familiar with IPMI itself, see the web site at
|||| IPMI is a big
subject and I can't cover it all here!
The LinuxIPMI driver is modular, which means you have to pick several
things to have it work right depending on your hardware. Most of
these are available in the 'Character Devices' menu.
No matter what, you must pick 'IPMI top-level message handler' to use
IPMI. What you do beyond that depends on your needs and hardware.
The message handler does not provide any user-level interfaces.
Kernel code (like the watchdog) can still use it. If you need access
from userland, you need to select 'Device interface for IPMI' if you
want access through a device driver. Another interface is also
available, you may select 'IPMI sockets' in the 'Networking Support'
main menu. This provides a socket interface to IPMI. You may select
both of these at the same time, they will both work together.
The driver interface depends on your hardware. If you have a board
with a standard interface (These will generally be either "KCS",
"SMIC", or "BT", consult your hardware manual), choose the 'IPMI SI
handler' option. A driver also exists for direct I2C access to the
IPMI management controller. Some boards support this, but it is
unknown if it will work on every board. For this, choose 'IPMI SMBus
handler', but be ready to try to do some figuring to see if it will
There is also a KCS-only driver interface supplied, but it is
depracated in favor of the SI interface.
You should generally enable ACPI on your system, as systems with IPMI
should have ACPI tables describing them.
If you have a standard interface and the board manufacturer has done
their job correctly, the IPMI controller should be automatically
detect (via ACPI or SMBIOS tables) and should just work. Sadly, many
boards do not have this information. The driver attempts standard
defaults, but they may not work. If you fall into this situation, you
need to read the section below named 'The SI Driver' on how to
hand-configure your system.
IPMI defines a standard watchdog timer. You can enable this with the
'IPMI Watchdog Timer' config option. If you compile the driver into
the kernel, then via a kernel command-line option you can have the
watchdog timer start as soon as it intitializes. It also have a lot
of other options, see the 'Watchdog' section below for more details.
Note that you can also have the watchdog continue to run if it is
closed (by default it is disabled on close). Go into the 'Watchdog
Cards' menu, enable 'Watchdog Timer Support', and enable the option
'Disable watchdog shutdown on close'.
Basic Design
The Linux IPMI driver is designed to be very modular and flexible, you
only need to take the pieces you need and you can use it in many
different ways. Because of that, it's broken into many chunks of
code. These chunks are:
ipmi_msghandler - This is the central piece of software for the IPMI
system. It handles all messages, message timing, and responses. The
IPMI users tie into this, and the IPMI physical interfaces (called
System Management Interfaces, or SMIs) also tie in here. This
provides the kernelland interface for IPMI, but does not provide an
interface for use by application processes.
ipmi_devintf - This provides a userland IOCTL interface for the IPMI
driver, each open file for this device ties in to the message handler
as an IPMI user.
ipmi_si - A driver for various system interfaces. This supports
KCS, SMIC, and may support BT in the future. Unless you have your own
custom interface, you probably need to use this.
ipmi_smb - A driver for accessing BMCs on the SMBus. It uses the
I2C kernel driver's SMBus interfaces to send and receive IPMI messages
over the SMBus.
af_ipmi - A network socket interface to IPMI. This doesn't take up
a character device in your system.
Note that the KCS-only interface ahs been removed.
Much documentation for the interface is in the include files. The
IPMI include files are:
net/af_ipmi.h - Contains the socket interface.
linux/ipmi.h - Contains the user interface and IOCTL interface for IPMI.
linux/ipmi_smi.h - Contains the interface for system management interfaces
(things that interface to IPMI controllers) to use.
linux/ipmi_msgdefs.h - General definitions for base IPMI messaging.
The IPMI addressing works much like IP addresses, you have an overlay
to handle the different address types. The overlay is:
struct ipmi_addr
int addr_type;
short channel;
char data[IPMI_MAX_ADDR_SIZE];
The addr_type determines what the address really is. The driver
currently understands two different types of addresses.
"System Interface" addresses are defined as:
struct ipmi_system_interface_addr
int addr_type;
short channel;
and the type is IPMI_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_ADDR_TYPE. This is used for talking
straight to the BMC on the current card. The channel must be
Messages that are destined to go out on the IPMB bus use the
IPMI_IPMB_ADDR_TYPE address type. The format is
struct ipmi_ipmb_addr
int addr_type;
short channel;
unsigned char slave_addr;
unsigned char lun;
The "channel" here is generally zero, but some devices support more
than one channel, it corresponds to the channel as defined in the IPMI
Messages are defined as:
struct ipmi_msg
unsigned char netfn;
unsigned char lun;
unsigned char cmd;
unsigned char *data;
int data_len;
The driver takes care of adding/stripping the header information. The
data portion is just the data to be send (do NOT put addressing info
here) or the response. Note that the completion code of a response is
the first item in "data", it is not stripped out because that is how
all the messages are defined in the spec (and thus makes counting the
offsets a little easier :-).
When using the IOCTL interface from userland, you must provide a block
of data for "data", fill it, and set data_len to the length of the
block of data, even when receiving messages. Otherwise the driver
will have no place to put the message.
Messages coming up from the message handler in kernelland will come in
struct ipmi_recv_msg
struct list_head link;
/* The type of message as defined in the "Receive Types"
defines above. */
int recv_type;
ipmi_user_t *user;
struct ipmi_addr addr;
long msgid;
struct ipmi_msg msg;
/* Call this when done with the message. It will presumably free
the message and do any other necessary cleanup. */
void (*done)(struct ipmi_recv_msg *msg);
/* Place-holder for the data, don't make any assumptions about
the size or existence of this, since it may change. */
unsigned char msg_data[IPMI_MAX_MSG_LENGTH];
You should look at the receive type and handle the message
The Upper Layer Interface (Message Handler)
The upper layer of the interface provides the users with a consistent
view of the IPMI interfaces. It allows multiple SMI interfaces to be
addressed (because some boards actually have multiple BMCs on them)
and the user should not have to care what type of SMI is below them.
Creating the User
To user the message handler, you must first create a user using
ipmi_create_user. The interface number specifies which SMI you want
to connect to, and you must supply callback functions to be called
when data comes in. The callback function can run at interrupt level,
so be careful using the callbacks. This also allows to you pass in a
piece of data, the handler_data, that will be passed back to you on
all calls.
Once you are done, call ipmi_destroy_user() to get rid of the user.
From userland, opening the device automatically creates a user, and
closing the device automatically destroys the user.
To send a message from kernel-land, the ipmi_request() call does
pretty much all message handling. Most of the parameter are
self-explanatory. However, it takes a "msgid" parameter. This is NOT
the sequence number of messages. It is simply a long value that is
passed back when the response for the message is returned. You may
use it for anything you like.
Responses come back in the function pointed to by the ipmi_recv_hndl
field of the "handler" that you passed in to ipmi_create_user().
Remember again, these may be running at interrupt level. Remember to
look at the receive type, too.
From userland, you fill out an ipmi_req_t structure and use the
IPMICTL_SEND_COMMAND ioctl. For incoming stuff, you can use select()
or poll() to wait for messages to come in. However, you cannot use
read() to get them, you must call the IPMICTL_RECEIVE_MSG with the
ipmi_recv_t structure to actually get the message. Remember that you
must supply a pointer to a block of data in the field, and
you must fill in the msg.data_len field with the size of the data.
This gives the receiver a place to actually put the message.
If the message cannot fit into the data you provide, you will get an
EMSGSIZE error and the driver will leave the data in the receive
queue. If you want to get it and have it truncate the message, us
When you send a command (which is defined by the lowest-order bit of
the netfn per the IPMI spec) on the IPMB bus, the driver will
automatically assign the sequence number to the command and save the
command. If the response is not receive in the IPMI-specified 5
seconds, it will generate a response automatically saying the command
timed out. If an unsolicited response comes in (if it was after 5
seconds, for instance), that response will be ignored.
In kernelland, after you receive a message and are done with it, you
MUST call ipmi_free_recv_msg() on it, or you will leak messages. Note
that you should NEVER mess with the "done" field of a message, that is
required to properly clean up the message.
Note that when sending, there is an ipmi_request_supply_msgs() call
that lets you supply the smi and receive message. This is useful for
pieces of code that need to work even if the system is out of buffers
(the watchdog timer uses this, for instance). You supply your own
buffer and own free routines. This is not recommended for normal use,
though, since it is tricky to manage your own buffers.
Events and Incoming Commands
The driver takes care of polling for IPMI events and receiving
commands (commands are messages that are not responses, they are
commands that other things on the IPMB bus have sent you). To receive
these, you must register for them, they will not automatically be sent
to you.
To receive events, you must call ipmi_set_gets_events() and set the
"val" to non-zero. Any events that have been received by the driver
since startup will immediately be delivered to the first user that
registers for events. After that, if multiple users are registered
for events, they will all receive all events that come in.
For receiving commands, you have to individually register commands you
want to receive. Call ipmi_register_for_cmd() and supply the netfn
and command name for each command you want to receive. Only one user
may be registered for each netfn/cmd, but different users may register
for different commands.
From userland, equivalent IOCTLs are provided to do these functions.
The Lower Layer (SMI) Interface
As mentioned before, multiple SMI interfaces may be registered to the
message handler, each of these is assigned an interface number when
they register with the message handler. They are generally assigned
in the order they register, although if an SMI unregisters and then
another one registers, all bets are off.
The ipmi_smi.h defines the interface for management interfaces, see
that for more details.
The SI Driver
The SI driver allows up to 4 KCS or SMIC interfaces to be configured
in the system. By default, scan the ACPI tables for interfaces, and
if it doesn't find any the driver will attempt to register one KCS
interface at the spec-specified I/O port 0xca2 without interrupts.
You can change this at module load time (for a module) with:
modprobe ipmi_si.o type=<type1>,<type2>....
ports=<port1>,<port2>... addrs=<addr1>,<addr2>...
irqs=<irq1>,<irq2>... trydefaults=[0|1]
regspacings=<sp1>,<sp2>,... regsizes=<size1>,<size2>,...
Each of these except si_trydefaults is a list, the first item for the
first interface, second item for the second interface, etc.
The si_type may be either "kcs", "smic", or "bt". If you leave it blank, it
defaults to "kcs".
If you specify si_addrs as non-zero for an interface, the driver will
use the memory address given as the address of the device. This
overrides si_ports.
If you specify si_ports as non-zero for an interface, the driver will
use the I/O port given as the device address.
If you specify si_irqs as non-zero for an interface, the driver will
attempt to use the given interrupt for the device.
si_trydefaults sets whether the standard IPMI interface at 0xca2 and
any interfaces specified by ACPE are tried. By default, the driver
tries it, set this value to zero to turn this off.
The next three parameters have to do with register layout. The
registers used by the interfaces may not appear at successive
locations and they may not be in 8-bit registers. These parameters
allow the layout of the data in the registers to be more precisely
The regspacings parameter give the number of bytes between successive
register start addresses. For instance, if the regspacing is set to 4
and the start address is 0xca2, then the address for the second
register would be 0xca6. This defaults to 1.
The regsizes parameter gives the size of a register, in bytes. The
data used by IPMI is 8-bits wide, but it may be inside a larger
register. This parameter allows the read and write type to specified.
It may be 1, 2, 4, or 8. The default is 1.
Since the register size may be larger than 32 bits, the IPMI data may not
be in the lower 8 bits. The regshifts parameter give the amount to shift
the data to get to the actual IPMI data.
The slave_addrs specifies the IPMI address of the local BMC. This is
usually 0x20 and the driver defaults to that, but in case it's not, it
can be specified when the driver starts up.
When compiled into the kernel, the addresses can be specified on the
kernel command line as:
ipmi_si.ports=<port1>,<port2>... ipmi_si.addrs=<addr1>,<addr2>...
ipmi_si.irqs=<irq1>,<irq2>... ipmi_si.trydefaults=[0|1]
It works the same as the module parameters of the same names.
By default, the driver will attempt to detect any device specified by
ACPI, and if none of those then a KCS device at the spec-specified
0xca2. If you want to turn this off, set the "trydefaults" option to
If you have high-res timers compiled into the kernel, the driver will
use them to provide much better performance. Note that if you do not
have high-res timers enabled in the kernel and you don't have
interrupts enabled, the driver will run VERY slowly. Don't blame me,
these interfaces suck.
The SMBus Driver
The SMBus driver allows up to 4 SMBus devices to be configured in the
system. By default, the driver will register any SMBus interfaces it finds
in the I2C address range of 0x20 to 0x4f on any adapter. You can change this
at module load time (for a module) with:
modprobe ipmi_smb.o
[defaultprobe=0] [dbg_probe=1]
The addresses are specified in pairs, the first is the adapter ID and the
second is the I2C address on that adapter.
The debug flags are bit flags for each BMC found, they are:
IPMI messages: 1, driver state: 2, timing: 4, I2C probe: 8
Setting smb_defaultprobe to zero disabled the default probing of SMBus
interfaces at address range 0x20 to 0x4f. This means that only the
BMCs specified on the smb_addr line will be detected.
Setting smb_dbg_probe to 1 will enable debugging of the probing and
detection process for BMCs on the SMBusses.
Discovering the IPMI compilant BMC on the SMBus can cause devices
on the I2C bus to fail. The SMBus driver writes a "Get Device ID" IPMI
message as a block write to the I2C bus and waits for a response.
This action can be detrimental to some I2C devices. It is highly recommended
that the known I2c address be given to the SMBus driver in the smb_addr
parameter. The default adrress range will not be used when a smb_addr
parameter is provided.
When compiled into the kernel, the addresses can be specified on the
kernel command line as:
ipmi_smb.defaultprobe=0 ipmi_smb.dbg_probe=1
These are the same options as on the module command line.
Note that you might need some I2C changes if CONFIG_IPMI_PANIC_EVENT
is enabled along with this, so the I2C driver knows to run to
completion during sending a panic event.
Other Pieces
A watchdog timer is provided that implements the Linux-standard
watchdog timer interface. It has three module parameters that can be
used to control it:
modprobe ipmi_watchdog timeout=<t> pretimeout=<t> action=<action type>
preaction=<preaction type> preop=<preop type> start_now=x
The timeout is the number of seconds to the action, and the pretimeout
is the amount of seconds before the reset that the pre-timeout panic will
occur (if pretimeout is zero, then pretimeout will not be enabled). Note
that the pretimeout is the time before the final timeout. So if the
timeout is 50 seconds and the pretimeout is 10 seconds, then the pretimeout
will occur in 40 second (10 seconds before the timeout).
The action may be "reset", "power_cycle", or "power_off", and
specifies what to do when the timer times out, and defaults to
The preaction may be "pre_smi" for an indication through the SMI
interface, "pre_int" for an indication through the SMI with an
interrupts, and "pre_nmi" for a NMI on a preaction. This is how
the driver is informed of the pretimeout.
The preop may be set to "preop_none" for no operation on a pretimeout,
"preop_panic" to set the preoperation to panic, or "preop_give_data"
to provide data to read from the watchdog device when the pretimeout
occurs. A "pre_nmi" setting CANNOT be used with "preop_give_data"
because you can't do data operations from an NMI.
When preop is set to "preop_give_data", one byte comes ready to read
on the device when the pretimeout occurs. Select and fasync work on
the device, as well.
If start_now is set to 1, the watchdog timer will start running as
soon as the driver is loaded.
If nowayout is set to 1, the watchdog timer will not stop when the
watchdog device is closed. The default value of nowayout is true
if the CONFIG_WATCHDOG_NOWAYOUT option is enabled, or false if not.
When compiled into the kernel, the kernel command line is available
for configuring the watchdog:
ipmi_watchdog.timeout=<t> ipmi_watchdog.pretimeout=<t>
ipmi_watchdog.action=<action type>
ipmi_watchdog.preaction=<preaction type>
ipmi_watchdog.preop=<preop type>
The options are the same as the module parameter options.
The watchdog will panic and start a 120 second reset timeout if it
gets a pre-action. During a panic or a reboot, the watchdog will
start a 120 timer if it is running to make sure the reboot occurs.
Note that if you use the NMI preaction for the watchdog, you MUST
NOT use nmi watchdog mode 1. If you use the NMI watchdog, you
must use mode 2.
Once you open the watchdog timer, you must write a 'V' character to the
device to close it, or the timer will not stop. This is a new semantic
for the driver, but makes it consistent with the rest of the watchdog
drivers in Linux.
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SMP IRQ affinity, started by Ingo Molnar <>
/proc/irq/IRQ#/smp_affinity specifies which target CPUs are permitted
for a given IRQ source. It's a bitmask of allowed CPUs. It's not allowed
to turn off all CPUs, and if an IRQ controller does not support IRQ
affinity then the value will not change from the default 0xffffffff.
Here is an example of restricting IRQ44 (eth1) to CPU0-3 then restricting
the IRQ to CPU4-7 (this is an 8-CPU SMP box):
[root@moon 44]# cat smp_affinity
[root@moon 44]# echo 0f > smp_affinity
[root@moon 44]# cat smp_affinity
[root@moon 44]# ping -f h
PING hell ( 56 data bytes
--- hell ping statistics ---
6029 packets transmitted, 6027 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.1/0.1/0.4 ms
[root@moon 44]# cat /proc/interrupts | grep 44:
44: 0 1785 1785 1783 1783 1
1 0 IO-APIC-level eth1
[root@moon 44]# echo f0 > smp_affinity
[root@moon 44]# ping -f h
PING hell ( 56 data bytes
--- hell ping statistics ---
2779 packets transmitted, 2777 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.1/0.5/585.4 ms
[root@moon 44]# cat /proc/interrupts | grep 44:
44: 1068 1785 1785 1784 1784 1069 1070 1069 IO-APIC-level eth1
[root@moon 44]#
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The MSI Driver Guide HOWTO
Tom L Nguyen
Revised Feb 12, 2004 by Martine Silbermann
Revised Jun 25, 2004 by Tom L Nguyen
1. About this guide
This guide describes the basics of Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI),
the advantages of using MSI over traditional interrupt mechanisms,
and how to enable your driver to use MSI or MSI-X. Also included is
a Frequently Asked Questions.
2. Copyright 2003 Intel Corporation
3. What is MSI/MSI-X?
Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI), as described in the PCI Local Bus
Specification Revision 2.3 or latest, is an optional feature, and a
required feature for PCI Express devices. MSI enables a device function
to request service by sending an Inbound Memory Write on its PCI bus to
the FSB as a Message Signal Interrupt transaction. Because MSI is
generated in the form of a Memory Write, all transaction conditions,
such as a Retry, Master-Abort, Target-Abort or normal completion, are
A PCI device that supports MSI must also support pin IRQ assertion
interrupt mechanism to provide backward compatibility for systems that
do not support MSI. In Systems, which support MSI, the bus driver is
responsible for initializing the message address and message data of
the device function's MSI/MSI-X capability structure during device
initial configuration.
An MSI capable device function indicates MSI support by implementing
the MSI/MSI-X capability structure in its PCI capability list. The
device function may implement both the MSI capability structure and
the MSI-X capability structure; however, the bus driver should not
enable both.
The MSI capability structure contains Message Control register,
Message Address register and Message Data register. These registers
provide the bus driver control over MSI. The Message Control register
indicates the MSI capability supported by the device. The Message
Address register specifies the target address and the Message Data
register specifies the characteristics of the message. To request
service, the device function writes the content of the Message Data
register to the target address. The device and its software driver
are prohibited from writing to these registers.
The MSI-X capability structure is an optional extension to MSI. It
uses an independent and separate capability structure. There are
some key advantages to implementing the MSI-X capability structure
over the MSI capability structure as described below.
- Support a larger maximum number of vectors per function.
- Provide the ability for system software to configure
each vector with an independent message address and message
data, specified by a table that resides in Memory Space.
- MSI and MSI-X both support per-vector masking. Per-vector
masking is an optional extension of MSI but a required
feature for MSI-X. Per-vector masking provides the kernel
the ability to mask/unmask MSI when servicing its software
interrupt service routing handler. If per-vector masking is
not supported, then the device driver should provide the
hardware/software synchronization to ensure that the device
generates MSI when the driver wants it to do so.
4. Why use MSI?
As a benefit the simplification of board design, MSI allows board
designers to remove out of band interrupt routing. MSI is another
step towards a legacy-free environment.
Due to increasing pressure on chipset and processor packages to
reduce pin count, the need for interrupt pins is expected to
diminish over time. Devices, due to pin constraints, may implement
messages to increase performance.
PCI Express endpoints uses INTx emulation (in-band messages) instead
of IRQ pin assertion. Using INTx emulation requires interrupt
sharing among devices connected to the same node (PCI bridge) while
MSI is unique (non-shared) and does not require BIOS configuration
support. As a result, the PCI Express technology requires MSI
support for better interrupt performance.
Using MSI enables the device functions to support two or more
vectors, which can be configured to target different CPU's to
increase scalability.
5. Configuring a driver to use MSI/MSI-X
By default, the kernel will not enable MSI/MSI-X on all devices that
support this capability. The CONFIG_PCI_MSI kernel option
must be selected to enable MSI/MSI-X support.
5.1 Including MSI/MSI-X support into the kernel
To allow MSI/MSI-X capable device drivers to selectively enable
MSI/MSI-X (using pci_enable_msi()/pci_enable_msix() as described
below), the VECTOR based scheme needs to be enabled by setting
CONFIG_PCI_MSI during kernel config.
Since the target of the inbound message is the local APIC, providing
CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC must be enabled as well as CONFIG_PCI_MSI.
5.2 Configuring for MSI support
Due to the non-contiguous fashion in vector assignment of the
existing Linux kernel, this version does not support multiple
messages regardless of a device function is capable of supporting
more than one vector. To enable MSI on a device function's MSI
capability structure requires a device driver to call the function
pci_enable_msi() explicitly.
5.2.1 API pci_enable_msi
int pci_enable_msi(struct pci_dev *dev)
With this new API, any existing device driver, which like to have
MSI enabled on its device function, must call this API to enable MSI
A successful call will initialize the MSI capability structure
with ONE vector, regardless of whether a device function is
capable of supporting multiple messages. This vector replaces the
pre-assigned dev->irq with a new MSI vector. To avoid the conflict
of new assigned vector with existing pre-assigned vector requires
a device driver to call this API before calling request_irq().
5.2.2 API pci_disable_msi
void pci_disable_msi(struct pci_dev *dev)
This API should always be used to undo the effect of pci_enable_msi()
when a device driver is unloading. This API restores dev->irq with
the pre-assigned IOAPIC vector and switches a device's interrupt
mode to PCI pin-irq assertion/INTx emulation mode.
Note that a device driver should always call free_irq() on MSI vector
it has done request_irq() on before calling this API. Failure to do
so results a BUG_ON() and a device will be left with MSI enabled and
leaks its vector.
5.2.3 MSI mode vs. legacy mode diagram
The below diagram shows the events, which switches the interrupt
mode on the MSI-capable device function between MSI mode and
PIN-IRQ assertion mode.
------------ pci_enable_msi ------------------------
| | <=============== | |
| | ===============> | |
------------ pci_disable_msi ------------------------
Figure 1.0 MSI Mode vs. Legacy Mode
In Figure 1.0, a device operates by default in legacy mode. Legacy
in this context means PCI pin-irq assertion or PCI-Express INTx
emulation. A successful MSI request (using pci_enable_msi()) switches
a device's interrupt mode to MSI mode. A pre-assigned IOAPIC vector
stored in dev->irq will be saved by the PCI subsystem and a new
assigned MSI vector will replace dev->irq.
To return back to its default mode, a device driver should always call
pci_disable_msi() to undo the effect of pci_enable_msi(). Note that a
device driver should always call free_irq() on MSI vector it has done
request_irq() on before calling pci_disable_msi(). Failure to do so
results a BUG_ON() and a device will be left with MSI enabled and
leaks its vector. Otherwise, the PCI subsystem restores a device's
dev->irq with a pre-assigned IOAPIC vector and marks released
MSI vector as unused.
Once being marked as unused, there is no guarantee that the PCI
subsystem will reserve this MSI vector for a device. Depending on
the availability of current PCI vector resources and the number of
MSI/MSI-X requests from other drivers, this MSI may be re-assigned.
For the case where the PCI subsystem re-assigned this MSI vector
another driver, a request to switching back to MSI mode may result
in being assigned a different MSI vector or a failure if no more
vectors are available.
5.3 Configuring for MSI-X support
Due to the ability of the system software to configure each vector of
the MSI-X capability structure with an independent message address
and message data, the non-contiguous fashion in vector assignment of
the existing Linux kernel has no impact on supporting multiple
messages on an MSI-X capable device functions. To enable MSI-X on
a device function's MSI-X capability structure requires its device
driver to call the function pci_enable_msix() explicitly.
The function pci_enable_msix(), once invoked, enables either
all or nothing, depending on the current availability of PCI vector
resources. If the PCI vector resources are available for the number
of vectors requested by a device driver, this function will configure
the MSI-X table of the MSI-X capability structure of a device with
requested messages. To emphasize this reason, for example, a device
may be capable for supporting the maximum of 32 vectors while its
software driver usually may request 4 vectors. It is recommended
that the device driver should call this function once during the
initialization phase of the device driver.
Unlike the function pci_enable_msi(), the function pci_enable_msix()
does not replace the pre-assigned IOAPIC dev->irq with a new MSI
vector because the PCI subsystem writes the 1:1 vector-to-entry mapping
into the field vector of each element contained in a second argument.
Note that the pre-assigned IO-APIC dev->irq is valid only if the device
operates in PIN-IRQ assertion mode. In MSI-X mode, any attempt of
using dev->irq by the device driver to request for interrupt service
may result unpredictabe behavior.
For each MSI-X vector granted, a device driver is responsible to call
other functions like request_irq(), enable_irq(), etc. to enable
this vector with its corresponding interrupt service handler. It is
a device driver's choice to assign all vectors with the same
interrupt service handler or each vector with a unique interrupt
service handler.
5.3.1 Handling MMIO address space of MSI-X Table
The PCI 3.0 specification has implementation notes that MMIO address
space for a device's MSI-X structure should be isolated so that the
software system can set different page for controlling accesses to
the MSI-X structure. The implementation of MSI patch requires the PCI
subsystem, not a device driver, to maintain full control of the MSI-X
table/MSI-X PBA and MMIO address space of the MSI-X table/MSI-X PBA.
A device driver is prohibited from requesting the MMIO address space
of the MSI-X table/MSI-X PBA. Otherwise, the PCI subsystem will fail
enabling MSI-X on its hardware device when it calls the function
5.3.2 Handling MSI-X allocation
Determining the number of MSI-X vectors allocated to a function is
dependent on the number of MSI capable devices and MSI-X capable
devices populated in the system. The policy of allocating MSI-X
vectors to a function is defined as the following:
#of MSI-X vectors allocated to a function = (x - y)/z where
x = The number of available PCI vector resources by the time
the device driver calls pci_enable_msix(). The PCI vector
resources is the sum of the number of unassigned vectors
(new) and the number of released vectors when any MSI/MSI-X
device driver switches its hardware device back to a legacy
mode or is hot-removed. The number of unassigned vectors
may exclude some vectors reserved, as defined in parameter
NR_HP_RESERVED_VECTORS, for the case where the system is
capable of supporting hot-add/hot-remove operations. Users
may change the value defined in NR_HR_RESERVED_VECTORS to
meet their specific needs.
y = The number of MSI capable devices populated in the system.
This policy ensures that each MSI capable device has its
vector reserved to avoid the case where some MSI-X capable
drivers may attempt to claim all available vector resources.
z = The number of MSI-X capable devices pupulated in the system.
This policy ensures that maximum (x - y) is distributed
evenly among MSI-X capable devices.
Note that the PCI subsystem scans y and z during a bus enumeration.
When the PCI subsystem completes configuring MSI/MSI-X capability
structure of a device as requested by its device driver, y/z is
decremented accordingly.
5.3.3 Handling MSI-X shortages
For the case where fewer MSI-X vectors are allocated to a function
than requested, the function pci_enable_msix() will return the
maximum number of MSI-X vectors available to the caller. A device
driver may re-send its request with fewer or equal vectors indicated
in a return. For example, if a device driver requests 5 vectors, but
the number of available vectors is 3 vectors, a value of 3 will be a
return as a result of pci_enable_msix() call. A function could be
designed for its driver to use only 3 MSI-X table entries as
different combinations as ABC--, A-B-C, A--CB, etc. Note that this
patch does not support multiple entries with the same vector. Such
attempt by a device driver to use 5 MSI-X table entries with 3 vectors
as ABBCC, AABCC, BCCBA, etc will result as a failure by the function
pci_enable_msix(). Below are the reasons why supporting multiple
entries with the same vector is an undesirable solution.
- The PCI subsystem can not determine which entry, which
generated the message, to mask/unmask MSI while handling
software driver ISR. Attempting to walk through all MSI-X
table entries (2048 max) to mask/unmask any match vector
is an undesirable solution.
- Walk through all MSI-X table entries (2048 max) to handle
SMP affinity of any match vector is an undesirable solution.
5.3.4 API pci_enable_msix
int pci_enable_msix(struct pci_dev *dev, u32 *entries, int nvec)
This API enables a device driver to request the PCI subsystem
for enabling MSI-X messages on its hardware device. Depending on
the availability of PCI vectors resources, the PCI subsystem enables
either all or nothing.
Argument dev points to the device (pci_dev) structure.
Argument entries is a pointer of unsigned integer type. The number of
elements is indicated in argument nvec. The content of each element
will be mapped to the following struct defined in /driver/pci/msi.h.
struct msix_entry {
u16 vector; /* kernel uses to write alloc vector */
u16 entry; /* driver uses to specify entry */
A device driver is responsible for initializing the field entry of
each element with unique entry supported by MSI-X table. Otherwise,
-EINVAL will be returned as a result. A successful return of zero
indicates the PCI subsystem completes initializing each of requested
entries of the MSI-X table with message address and message data.
Last but not least, the PCI subsystem will write the 1:1
vector-to-entry mapping into the field vector of each element. A
device driver is responsible of keeping track of allocated MSI-X
vectors in its internal data structure.
Argument nvec is an integer indicating the number of messages
A return of zero indicates that the number of MSI-X vectors is
successfully allocated. A return of greater than zero indicates
MSI-X vector shortage. Or a return of less than zero indicates
a failure. This failure may be a result of duplicate entries
specified in second argument, or a result of no available vector,
or a result of failing to initialize MSI-X table entries.
5.3.5 API pci_disable_msix
void pci_disable_msix(struct pci_dev *dev)
This API should always be used to undo the effect of pci_enable_msix()
when a device driver is unloading. Note that a device driver should
always call free_irq() on all MSI-X vectors it has done request_irq()
on before calling this API. Failure to do so results a BUG_ON() and
a device will be left with MSI-X enabled and leaks its vectors.
5.3.6 MSI-X mode vs. legacy mode diagram
The below diagram shows the events, which switches the interrupt
mode on the MSI-X capable device function between MSI-X mode and
PIN-IRQ assertion mode (legacy).
------------ pci_enable_msix(,,n) ------------------------
| | <=============== | |
| | ===============> | |
------------ pci_disable_msix ------------------------
Figure 2.0 MSI-X Mode vs. Legacy Mode
In Figure 2.0, a device operates by default in legacy mode. A
successful MSI-X request (using pci_enable_msix()) switches a
device's interrupt mode to MSI-X mode. A pre-assigned IOAPIC vector
stored in dev->irq will be saved by the PCI subsystem; however,
unlike MSI mode, the PCI subsystem will not replace dev->irq with
assigned MSI-X vector because the PCI subsystem already writes the 1:1
vector-to-entry mapping into the field vector of each element
specified in second argument.
To return back to its default mode, a device driver should always call
pci_disable_msix() to undo the effect of pci_enable_msix(). Note that
a device driver should always call free_irq() on all MSI-X vectors it
has done request_irq() on before calling pci_disable_msix(). Failure
to do so results a BUG_ON() and a device will be left with MSI-X
enabled and leaks its vectors. Otherwise, the PCI subsystem switches a
device function's interrupt mode from MSI-X mode to legacy mode and
marks all allocated MSI-X vectors as unused.
Once being marked as unused, there is no guarantee that the PCI
subsystem will reserve these MSI-X vectors for a device. Depending on
the availability of current PCI vector resources and the number of
MSI/MSI-X requests from other drivers, these MSI-X vectors may be
For the case where the PCI subsystem re-assigned these MSI-X vectors
to other driver, a request to switching back to MSI-X mode may result
being assigned with another set of MSI-X vectors or a failure if no
more vectors are available.
5.4 Handling function implementng both MSI and MSI-X capabilities
For the case where a function implements both MSI and MSI-X
capabilities, the PCI subsystem enables a device to run either in MSI
mode or MSI-X mode but not both. A device driver determines whether it
wants MSI or MSI-X enabled on its hardware device. Once a device
driver requests for MSI, for example, it is prohibited to request for
MSI-X; in other words, a device driver is not permitted to ping-pong
between MSI mod MSI-X mode during a run-time.
5.5 Hardware requirements for MSI/MSI-X support
MSI/MSI-X support requires support from both system hardware and
individual hardware device functions.
5.5.1 System hardware support
Since the target of MSI address is the local APIC CPU, enabling
MSI/MSI-X support in Linux kernel is dependent on whether existing
system hardware supports local APIC. Users should verify their
system whether it runs when CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC=y.
In SMP environment, CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC is automatically set;
however, in UP environment, users must manually set
CONFIG_PCI_MSI enables the VECTOR based scheme and
the option for MSI-capable device drivers to selectively enable
Note that CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC setting is irrelevant because MSI/MSI-X
vector is allocated new during runtime and MSI/MSI-X support does not
depend on BIOS support. This key independency enables MSI/MSI-X
support on future IOxAPIC free platform.
5.5.2 Device hardware support
The hardware device function supports MSI by indicating the
MSI/MSI-X capability structure on its PCI capability list. By
default, this capability structure will not be initialized by
the kernel to enable MSI during the system boot. In other words,
the device function is running on its default pin assertion mode.
Note that in many cases the hardware supporting MSI have bugs,
which may result in system hang. The software driver of specific
MSI-capable hardware is responsible for whether calling
pci_enable_msi or not. A return of zero indicates the kernel
successfully initializes the MSI/MSI-X capability structure of the
device funtion. The device function is now running on MSI/MSI-X mode.
5.6 How to tell whether MSI/MSI-X is enabled on device function
At the driver level, a return of zero from the function call of
pci_enable_msi()/pci_enable_msix() indicates to a device driver that
its device function is initialized successfully and ready to run in
MSI/MSI-X mode.
At the user level, users can use command 'cat /proc/interrupts'
to display the vector allocated for a device and its interrupt
MSI/MSI-X mode ("PCI MSI"/"PCI MSIX"). Below shows below MSI mode is
enabled on a SCSI Adaptec 39320D Ultra320.
0: 324639 0 IO-APIC-edge timer
1: 1186 0 IO-APIC-edge i8042
2: 0 0 XT-PIC cascade
12: 2797 0 IO-APIC-edge i8042
14: 6543 0 IO-APIC-edge ide0
15: 1 0 IO-APIC-edge ide1
169: 0 0 IO-APIC-level uhci-hcd
185: 0 0 IO-APIC-level uhci-hcd
193: 138 10 PCI MSI aic79xx
201: 30 0 PCI MSI aic79xx
225: 30 0 IO-APIC-level aic7xxx
233: 30 0 IO-APIC-level aic7xxx
NMI: 0 0
LOC: 324553 325068
ERR: 0
MIS: 0
6. FAQ
Q1. Are there any limitations on using the MSI?
A1. If the PCI device supports MSI and conforms to the
specification and the platform supports the APIC local bus,
then using MSI should work.
Q2. Will it work on all the Pentium processors (P3, P4, Xeon,
AMD processors)? In P3 IPI's are transmitted on the APIC local
bus and in P4 and Xeon they are transmitted on the system
bus. Are there any implications with this?
A2. MSI support enables a PCI device sending an inbound
memory write (0xfeexxxxx as target address) on its PCI bus
directly to the FSB. Since the message address has a
redirection hint bit cleared, it should work.
Q3. The target address 0xfeexxxxx will be translated by the
Host Bridge into an interrupt message. Are there any
limitations on the chipsets such as Intel 8xx, Intel e7xxx,
or VIA?
A3. If these chipsets support an inbound memory write with
target address set as 0xfeexxxxx, as conformed to PCI
specification 2.3 or latest, then it should work.
Q4. From the driver point of view, if the MSI is lost because
of the errors occur during inbound memory write, then it may
wait for ever. Is there a mechanism for it to recover?
A4. Since the target of the transaction is an inbound memory
write, all transaction termination conditions (Retry,
Master-Abort, Target-Abort, or normal completion) are
supported. A device sending an MSI must abide by all the PCI
rules and conditions regarding that inbound memory write. So,
if a retry is signaled it must retry, etc... We believe that
the recommendation for Abort is also a retry (refer to PCI
specification 2.3 or latest).
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Linux kernel management style
This is a short document describing the preferred (or made up, depending
on who you ask) management style for the linux kernel. It's meant to
mirror the CodingStyle document to some degree, and mainly written to
avoid answering (*) the same (or similar) questions over and over again.
Management style is very personal and much harder to quantify than
simple coding style rules, so this document may or may not have anything
to do with reality. It started as a lark, but that doesn't mean that it
might not actually be true. You'll have to decide for yourself.
Btw, when talking about "kernel manager", it's all about the technical
lead persons, not the people who do traditional management inside
companies. If you sign purchase orders or you have any clue about the
budget of your group, you're almost certainly not a kernel manager.
These suggestions may or may not apply to you.
First off, I'd suggest buying "Seven Habits of Highly Successful
People", and NOT read it. Burn it, it's a great symbolic gesture.
(*) This document does so not so much by answering the question, but by
making it painfully obvious to the questioner that we don't have a clue
to what the answer is.
Anyway, here goes:
Chapter 1: Decisions
Everybody thinks managers make decisions, and that decision-making is
important. The bigger and more painful the decision, the bigger the
manager must be to make it. That's very deep and obvious, but it's not
actually true.
The name of the game is to _avoid_ having to make a decision. In
particular, if somebody tells you "choose (a) or (b), we really need you
to decide on this", you're in trouble as a manager. The people you
manage had better know the details better than you, so if they come to
you for a technical decision, you're screwed. You're clearly not
competent to make that decision for them.
(Corollary:if the people you manage don't know the details better than
you, you're also screwed, although for a totally different reason.
Namely that you are in the wrong job, and that _they_ should be managing
your brilliance instead).
So the name of the game is to _avoid_ decisions, at least the big and
painful ones. Making small and non-consequential decisions is fine, and
makes you look like you know what you're doing, so what a kernel manager
needs to do is to turn the big and painful ones into small things where
nobody really cares.
It helps to realize that the key difference between a big decision and a
small one is whether you can fix your decision afterwards. Any decision
can be made small by just always making sure that if you were wrong (and
you _will_ be wrong), you can always undo the damage later by
backtracking. Suddenly, you get to be doubly managerial for making
_two_ inconsequential decisions - the wrong one _and_ the right one.
And people will even see that as true leadership (*cough* bullshit
Thus the key to avoiding big decisions becomes to just avoiding to do
things that can't be undone. Don't get ushered into a corner from which
you cannot escape. A cornered rat may be dangerous - a cornered manager
is just pitiful.
It turns out that since nobody would be stupid enough to ever really let
a kernel manager have huge fiscal responsibility _anyway_, it's usually
fairly easy to backtrack. Since you're not going to be able to waste
huge amounts of money that you might not be able to repay, the only
thing you can backtrack on is a technical decision, and there
back-tracking is very easy: just tell everybody that you were an
incompetent nincompoop, say you're sorry, and undo all the worthless
work you had people work on for the last year. Suddenly the decision
you made a year ago wasn't a big decision after all, since it could be
easily undone.
It turns out that some people have trouble with this approach, for two
- admitting you were an idiot is harder than it looks. We all like to
maintain appearances, and coming out in public to say that you were
wrong is sometimes very hard indeed.
- having somebody tell you that what you worked on for the last year
wasn't worthwhile after all can be hard on the poor lowly engineers
too, and while the actual _work_ was easy enough to undo by just
deleting it, you may have irrevocably lost the trust of that
engineer. And remember: "irrevocable" was what we tried to avoid in
the first place, and your decision ended up being a big one after
Happily, both of these reasons can be mitigated effectively by just
admitting up-front that you don't have a friggin' clue, and telling
people ahead of the fact that your decision is purely preliminary, and
might be the wrong thing. You should always reserve the right to change
your mind, and make people very _aware_ of that. And it's much easier
to admit that you are stupid when you haven't _yet_ done the really
stupid thing.
Then, when it really does turn out to be stupid, people just roll their
eyes and say "Oops, he did it again".
This preemptive admission of incompetence might also make the people who
actually do the work also think twice about whether it's worth doing or
not. After all, if _they_ aren't certain whether it's a good idea, you
sure as hell shouldn't encourage them by promising them that what they
work on will be included. Make them at least think twice before they
embark on a big endeavor.
Remember: they'd better know more about the details than you do, and
they usually already think they have the answer to everything. The best
thing you can do as a manager is not to instill confidence, but rather a
healthy dose of critical thinking on what they do.
Btw, another way to avoid a decision is to plaintively just whine "can't
we just do both?" and look pitiful. Trust me, it works. If it's not
clear which approach is better, they'll eventually figure it out. The
answer may end up being that both teams get so frustrated by the
situation that they just give up.
That may sound like a failure, but it's usually a sign that there was
something wrong with both projects, and the reason the people involved
couldn't decide was that they were both wrong. You end up coming up
smelling like roses, and you avoided yet another decision that you could
have screwed up on.
Chapter 2: People
Most people are idiots, and being a manager means you'll have to deal
with it, and perhaps more importantly, that _they_ have to deal with
It turns out that while it's easy to undo technical mistakes, it's not
as easy to undo personality disorders. You just have to live with
theirs - and yours.
However, in order to prepare yourself as a kernel manager, it's best to
remember not to burn any bridges, bomb any innocent villagers, or
alienate too many kernel developers. It turns out that alienating people
is fairly easy, and un-alienating them is hard. Thus "alienating"
immediately falls under the heading of "not reversible", and becomes a
no-no according to Chapter 1.
There's just a few simple rules here:
(1) don't call people d*ckheads (at least not in public)
(2) learn how to apologize when you forgot rule (1)
The problem with #1 is that it's very easy to do, since you can say
"you're a d*ckhead" in millions of different ways (*), sometimes without
even realizing it, and almost always with a white-hot conviction that
you are right.
And the more convinced you are that you are right (and let's face it,
you can call just about _anybody_ a d*ckhead, and you often _will_ be
right), the harder it ends up being to apologize afterwards.
To solve this problem, you really only have two options:
- get really good at apologies
- spread the "love" out so evenly that nobody really ends up feeling
like they get unfairly targeted. Make it inventive enough, and they
might even be amused.
The option of being unfailingly polite really doesn't exist. Nobody will
trust somebody who is so clearly hiding his true character.
(*) Paul Simon sang "Fifty Ways to Lose Your Lover", because quite
frankly, "A Million Ways to Tell a Developer He Is a D*ckhead" doesn't
scan nearly as well. But I'm sure he thought about it.
Chapter 3: People II - the Good Kind
While it turns out that most people are idiots, the corollary to that is
sadly that you are one too, and that while we can all bask in the secure
knowledge that we're better than the average person (let's face it,
nobody ever believes that they're average or below-average), we should
also admit that we're not the sharpest knife around, and there will be
other people that are less of an idiot that you are.
Some people react badly to smart people. Others take advantage of them.
Make sure that you, as a kernel maintainer, are in the second group.
Suck up to them, because they are the people who will make your job
easier. In particular, they'll be able to make your decisions for you,
which is what the game is all about.
So when you find somebody smarter than you are, just coast along. Your
management responsibilities largely become ones of saying "Sounds like a
good idea - go wild", or "That sounds good, but what about xxx?". The
second version in particular is a great way to either learn something
new about "xxx" or seem _extra_ managerial by pointing out something the
smarter person hadn't thought about. In either case, you win.
One thing to look out for is to realize that greatness in one area does
not necessarily translate to other areas. So you might prod people in
specific directions, but let's face it, they might be good at what they
do, and suck at everything else. The good news is that people tend to
naturally gravitate back to what they are good at, so it's not like you
are doing something irreversible when you _do_ prod them in some
direction, just don't push too hard.
Chapter 4: Placing blame
Things will go wrong, and people want somebody to blame. Tag, you're it.
It's not actually that hard to accept the blame, especially if people
kind of realize that it wasn't _all_ your fault. Which brings us to the
best way of taking the blame: do it for another guy. You'll feel good
for taking the fall, he'll feel good about not getting blamed, and the
guy who lost his whole 36GB porn-collection because of your incompetence
will grudgingly admit that you at least didn't try to weasel out of it.
Then make the developer who really screwed up (if you can find him) know
_in_private_ that he screwed up. Not just so he can avoid it in the
future, but so that he knows he owes you one. And, perhaps even more
importantly, he's also likely the person who can fix it. Because, let's
face it, it sure ain't you.
Taking the blame is also why you get to be manager in the first place.
It's part of what makes people trust you, and allow you the potential
glory, because you're the one who gets to say "I screwed up". And if
you've followed the previous rules, you'll be pretty good at saying that
by now.
Chapter 5: Things to avoid
There's one thing people hate even more than being called "d*ckhead",
and that is being called a "d*ckhead" in a sanctimonious voice. The
first you can apologize for, the second one you won't really get the
chance. They likely will no longer be listening even if you otherwise
do a good job.
We all think we're better than anybody else, which means that when
somebody else puts on airs, it _really_ rubs us the wrong way. You may
be morally and intellectually superior to everybody around you, but
don't try to make it too obvious unless you really _intend_ to irritate
somebody (*).
Similarly, don't be too polite or subtle about things. Politeness easily
ends up going overboard and hiding the problem, and as they say, "On the
internet, nobody can hear you being subtle". Use a big blunt object to
hammer the point in, because you can't really depend on people getting
your point otherwise.
Some humor can help pad both the bluntness and the moralizing. Going
overboard to the point of being ridiculous can drive a point home
without making it painful to the recipient, who just thinks you're being
silly. It can thus help get through the personal mental block we all
have about criticism.
(*) Hint: internet newsgroups that are not directly related to your work
are great ways to take out your frustrations at other people. Write
insulting posts with a sneer just to get into a good flame every once in
a while, and you'll feel cleansed. Just don't crap too close to home.
Chapter 6: Why me?
Since your main responsibility seems to be to take the blame for other
peoples mistakes, and make it painfully obvious to everybody else that
you're incompetent, the obvious question becomes one of why do it in the
first place?
First off, while you may or may not get screaming teenage girls (or
boys, let's not be judgmental or sexist here) knocking on your dressing
room door, you _will_ get an immense feeling of personal accomplishment
for being "in charge". Never mind the fact that you're really leading
by trying to keep up with everybody else and running after them as fast
as you can. Everybody will still think you're the person in charge.
It's a great job if you can hack it.
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The PCI Express Port Bus Driver Guide HOWTO
Tom L Nguyen
1. About this guide
This guide describes the basics of the PCI Express Port Bus driver
and provides information on how to enable the service drivers to
register/unregister with the PCI Express Port Bus Driver.
2. Copyright 2004 Intel Corporation
3. What is the PCI Express Port Bus Driver
A PCI Express Port is a logical PCI-PCI Bridge structure. There
are two types of PCI Express Port: the Root Port and the Switch
Port. The Root Port originates a PCI Express link from a PCI Express
Root Complex and the Switch Port connects PCI Express links to
internal logical PCI buses. The Switch Port, which has its secondary
bus representing the switch's internal routing logic, is called the
switch's Upstream Port. The switch's Downstream Port is bridging from
switch's internal routing bus to a bus representing the downstream
PCI Express link from the PCI Express Switch.
A PCI Express Port can provide up to four distinct functions,
referred to in this document as services, depending on its port type.
PCI Express Port's services include native hotplug support (HP),
power management event support (PME), advanced error reporting
support (AER), and virtual channel support (VC). These services may
be handled by a single complex driver or be individually distributed
and handled by corresponding service drivers.
4. Why use the PCI Express Port Bus Driver?
In existing Linux kernels, the Linux Device Driver Model allows a
physical device to be handled by only a single driver. The PCI
Express Port is a PCI-PCI Bridge device with multiple distinct
services. To maintain a clean and simple solution each service
may have its own software service driver. In this case several
service drivers will compete for a single PCI-PCI Bridge device.
For example, if the PCI Express Root Port native hotplug service
driver is loaded first, it claims a PCI-PCI Bridge Root Port. The
kernel therefore does not load other service drivers for that Root
Port. In other words, it is impossible to have multiple service
drivers load and run on a PCI-PCI Bridge device simultaneously
using the current driver model.
To enable multiple service drivers running simultaneously requires
having a PCI Express Port Bus driver, which manages all populated
PCI Express Ports and distributes all provided service requests
to the corresponding service drivers as required. Some key
advantages of using the PCI Express Port Bus driver are listed below:
- Allow multiple service drivers to run simultaneously on
a PCI-PCI Bridge Port device.
- Allow service drivers implemented in an independent
staged approach.
- Allow one service driver to run on multiple PCI-PCI Bridge
Port devices.
- Manage and distribute resources of a PCI-PCI Bridge Port
device to requested service drivers.
5. Configuring the PCI Express Port Bus Driver vs. Service Drivers
5.1 Including the PCI Express Port Bus Driver Support into the Kernel
Including the PCI Express Port Bus driver depends on whether the PCI
Express support is included in the kernel config. The kernel will
automatically include the PCI Express Port Bus driver as a kernel
driver when the PCI Express support is enabled in the kernel.
5.2 Enabling Service Driver Support
PCI device drivers are implemented based on Linux Device Driver Model.
All service drivers are PCI device drivers. As discussed above, it is
impossible to load any service driver once the kernel has loaded the
PCI Express Port Bus Driver. To meet the PCI Express Port Bus Driver
Model requires some minimal changes on existing service drivers that
imposes no impact on the functionality of existing service drivers.
A service driver is required to use the two APIs shown below to
register its service with the PCI Express Port Bus driver (see
section 5.2.1 & 5.2.2). It is important that a service driver
initializes the pcie_port_service_driver data structure, included in
header file /include/linux/pcieport_if.h, before calling these APIs.
Failure to do so will result an identity mismatch, which prevents
the PCI Express Port Bus driver from loading a service driver.
5.2.1 pcie_port_service_register
int pcie_port_service_register(struct pcie_port_service_driver *new)
This API replaces the Linux Driver Model's pci_module_init API. A
service driver should always calls pcie_port_service_register at
module init. Note that after service driver being loaded, calls
such as pci_enable_device(dev) and pci_set_master(dev) are no longer
necessary since these calls are executed by the PCI Port Bus driver.
5.2.2 pcie_port_service_unregister
void pcie_port_service_unregister(struct pcie_port_service_driver *new)
pcie_port_service_unregister replaces the Linux Driver Model's
pci_unregister_driver. It's always called by service driver when a
module exits.
5.2.3 Sample Code
Below is sample service driver code to initialize the port service
driver data structure.
static struct pcie_port_service_id service_id[] = { {
.vendor = PCI_ANY_ID,
.device = PCI_ANY_ID,
.port_type = PCIE_RC_PORT,
.service_type = PCIE_PORT_SERVICE_AER,
}, { /* end: all zeroes */ }
static struct pcie_port_service_driver root_aerdrv = {
.name = (char *)device_name,
.id_table = &service_id[0],
.probe = aerdrv_load,
.remove = aerdrv_unload,
.suspend = aerdrv_suspend,
.resume = aerdrv_resume,
Below is a sample code for registering/unregistering a service
static int __init aerdrv_service_init(void)
int retval = 0;
retval = pcie_port_service_register(&root_aerdrv);
if (!retval) {
return retval;
static void __exit aerdrv_service_exit(void)
6. Possible Resource Conflicts
Since all service drivers of a PCI-PCI Bridge Port device are
allowed to run simultaneously, below lists a few of possible resource
conflicts with proposed solutions.
6.1 MSI Vector Resource
The MSI capability structure enables a device software driver to call
pci_enable_msi to request MSI based interrupts. Once MSI interrupts
are enabled on a device, it stays in this mode until a device driver
calls pci_disable_msi to disable MSI interrupts and revert back to
INTx emulation mode. Since service drivers of the same PCI-PCI Bridge
port share the same physical device, if an individual service driver
calls pci_enable_msi/pci_disable_msi it may result unpredictable
behavior. For example, two service drivers run simultaneously on the
same physical Root Port. Both service drivers call pci_enable_msi to
request MSI based interrupts. A service driver may not know whether
any other service drivers have run on this Root Port. If either one
of them calls pci_disable_msi, it puts the other service driver
in a wrong interrupt mode.
To avoid this situation all service drivers are not permitted to
switch interrupt mode on its device. The PCI Express Port Bus driver
is responsible for determining the interrupt mode and this should be
transparent to service drivers. Service drivers need to know only
the vector IRQ assigned to the field irq of struct pcie_device, which
is passed in when the PCI Express Port Bus driver probes each service
driver. Service drivers should use (struct pcie_device*)dev->irq to
call request_irq/free_irq. In addition, the interrupt mode is stored
in the field interrupt_mode of struct pcie_device.
6.2 MSI-X Vector Resources
Similar to the MSI a device driver for an MSI-X capable device can
call pci_enable_msix to request MSI-X interrupts. All service drivers
are not permitted to switch interrupt mode on its device. The PCI
Express Port Bus driver is responsible for determining the interrupt
mode and this should be transparent to service drivers. Any attempt
by service driver to call pci_enable_msix/pci_disable_msix may
result unpredictable behavior. Service drivers should use
(struct pcie_device*)dev->irq and call request_irq/free_irq.
6.3 PCI Memory/IO Mapped Regions
Service drivers for PCI Express Power Management (PME), Advanced
Error Reporting (AER), Hot-Plug (HP) and Virtual Channel (VC) access
PCI configuration space on the PCI Express port. In all cases the
registers accessed are independent of each other. This patch assumes
that all service drivers will be well behaved and not overwrite
other service driver's configuration settings.
6.4 PCI Config Registers
Each service driver runs its PCI config operations on its own
capability structure except the PCI Express capability structure, in
which Root Control register and Device Control register are shared
between PME and AER. This patch assumes that all service drivers
will be well behaved and not overwrite other service driver's
configuration settings.
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Read the F-ing Papers!
This document describes RCU-related publications, and is followed by
the corresponding bibtex entries.
The first thing resembling RCU was published in 1980, when Kung and Lehman
[Kung80] recommended use of a garbage collector to defer destruction
of nodes in a parallel binary search tree in order to simplify its
implementation. This works well in environments that have garbage
collectors, but current production garbage collectors incur significant
read-side overhead.
In 1982, Manber and Ladner [Manber82,Manber84] recommended deferring
destruction until all threads running at that time have terminated, again
for a parallel binary search tree. This approach works well in systems
with short-lived threads, such as the K42 research operating system.
However, Linux has long-lived tasks, so more is needed.
In 1986, Hennessy, Osisek, and Seigh [Hennessy89] introduced passive
serialization, which is an RCU-like mechanism that relies on the presence
of "quiescent states" in the VM/XA hypervisor that are guaranteed not
to be referencing the data structure. However, this mechanism was not
optimized for modern computer systems, which is not surprising given
that these overheads were not so expensive in the mid-80s. Nonetheless,
passive serialization appears to be the first deferred-destruction
mechanism to be used in production. Furthermore, the relevant patent has
lapsed, so this approach may be used in non-GPL software, if desired.
(In contrast, use of RCU is permitted only in software licensed under
GPL. Sorry!!!)
In 1990, Pugh [Pugh90] noted that explicitly tracking which threads
were reading a given data structure permitted deferred free to operate
in the presence of non-terminating threads. However, this explicit
tracking imposes significant read-side overhead, which is undesirable
in read-mostly situations. This algorithm does take pains to avoid
write-side contention and parallelize the other write-side overheads by
providing a fine-grained locking design, however, it would be interesting
to see how much of the performance advantage reported in 1990 remains
in 2004.
At about this same time, Adams [Adams91] described ``chaotic relaxation'',
where the normal barriers between successive iterations of convergent
numerical algorithms are relaxed, so that iteration $n$ might use
data from iteration $n-1$ or even $n-2$. This introduces error,
which typically slows convergence and thus increases the number of
iterations required. However, this increase is sometimes more than made
up for by a reduction in the number of expensive barrier operations,
which are otherwise required to synchronize the threads at the end
of each iteration. Unfortunately, chaotic relaxation requires highly
structured data, such as the matrices used in scientific programs, and
is thus inapplicable to most data structures in operating-system kernels.
In 1993, Jacobson [Jacobson93] verbally described what is perhaps the
simplest deferred-free technique: simply waiting a fixed amount of time
before freeing blocks awaiting deferred free. Jacobson did not describe
any write-side changes he might have made in this work using SGI's Irix
kernel. Aju John published a similar technique in 1995 [AjuJohn95].
This works well if there is a well-defined upper bound on the length of
time that reading threads can hold references, as there might well be in
hard real-time systems. However, if this time is exceeded, perhaps due
to preemption, excessive interrupts, or larger-than-anticipated load,
memory corruption can ensue, with no reasonable means of diagnosis.
Jacobson's technique is therefore inappropriate for use in production
operating-system kernels, except when such kernels can provide hard
real-time response guarantees for all operations.
Also in 1995, Pu et al. [Pu95a] applied a technique similar to that of Pugh's
read-side-tracking to permit replugging of algorithms within a commercial
Unix operating system. However, this replugging permitted only a single
reader at a time. The following year, this same group of researchers
extended their technique to allow for multiple readers [Cowan96a].
Their approach requires memory barriers (and thus pipeline stalls),
but reduces memory latency, contention, and locking overheads.
1995 also saw the first publication of DYNIX/ptx's RCU mechanism
[Slingwine95], which was optimized for modern CPU architectures,
and was successfully applied to a number of situations within the
DYNIX/ptx kernel. The corresponding conference paper appeared in 1998
In 1999, the Tornado and K42 groups described their "generations"
mechanism, which quite similar to RCU [Gamsa99]. These operating systems
made pervasive use of RCU in place of "existence locks", which greatly
simplifies locking hierarchies.
2001 saw the first RCU presentation involving Linux [McKenney01a]
at OLS. The resulting abundance of RCU patches was presented the
following year [McKenney02a], and use of RCU in dcache was first
described that same year [Linder02a].
Also in 2002, Michael [Michael02b,Michael02a] presented techniques
that defer the destruction of data structures to simplify non-blocking
synchronization (wait-free synchronization, lock-free synchronization,
and obstruction-free synchronization are all examples of non-blocking
synchronization). In particular, this technique eliminates locking,
reduces contention, reduces memory latency for readers, and parallelizes
pipeline stalls and memory latency for writers. However, these
techniques still impose significant read-side overhead in the form of
memory barriers. Researchers at Sun worked along similar lines in the
same timeframe [HerlihyLM02,HerlihyLMS03].
In 2003, the K42 group described how RCU could be used to create
hot-pluggable implementations of operating-system functions. Later that
year saw a paper describing an RCU implementation of System V IPC
[Arcangeli03], and an introduction to RCU in Linux Journal [McKenney03a].
2004 has seen a Linux-Journal article on use of RCU in dcache
[McKenney04a], a performance comparison of locking to RCU on several
different CPUs [McKenney04b], a dissertation describing use of RCU in a
number of operating-system kernels [PaulEdwardMcKenneyPhD], and a paper
describing how to make RCU safe for soft-realtime applications [Sarma04c].
Bibtex Entries
,author="H. T. Kung and Q. Lehman"
,title="Concurrent Maintenance of Binary Search Trees"
,journal="ACM Transactions on Database Systems"
,author="Udi Manber and Richard E. Ladner"
,title="Concurrency Control in a Dynamic Search Structure"
,institution="Department of Computer Science, University of Washington"
,address="Seattle, Washington"
,author="Udi Manber and Richard E. Ladner"
,title="Concurrency Control in a Dynamic Search Structure"
,journal="ACM Transactions on Database Systems"
,author="James P. Hennessy and Damian L. Osisek and Joseph W. {Seigh II}"
,title="Passive Serialization in a Multitasking Environment"
,institution="US Patent and Trademark Office"
,address="Washington, DC"
,number="US Patent 4,809,168 (lapsed)"
,author="William Pugh"
,title="Concurrent Maintenance of Skip Lists"
,institution="Institute of Advanced Computer Science Studies, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland"
,address="College Park, Maryland"
,Author="Gregory R. Adams"
,title="Concurrent Programming, Principles, and Practices"
,Publisher="Benjamin Cummins"
,author="Van Jacobson"
,title="Avoid Read-Side Locking Via Delayed Free"
,note="Verbal discussion"
,Author="Aju John"
,Title="Dynamic vnodes -- Design and Implementation"
,Booktitle="{USENIX Winter 1995}"
,Publisher="USENIX Association"
,Address="New Orleans, LA"
,author="John D. Slingwine and Paul E. McKenney"
,title="Apparatus and Method for Achieving Reduced Overhead Mutual
Exclusion and Maintaining Coherency in a Multiprocessor System
Utilizing Execution History and Thread Monitoring"
,institution="US Patent and Trademark Office"
,address="Washington, DC"
,number="US Patent 5,442,758 (contributed under GPL)"
,author="John D. Slingwine and Paul E. McKenney"
,title="Method for maintaining data coherency using thread
activity summaries in a multicomputer system"
,institution="US Patent and Trademark Office"
,address="Washington, DC"
,number="US Patent 5,608,893 (contributed under GPL)"
,author="John D. Slingwine and Paul E. McKenney"
,title="Apparatus and method for achieving reduced overhead
mutual exclusion and maintaining coherency in a multiprocessor
system utilizing execution history and thread monitoring"
,institution="US Patent and Trademark Office"
,address="Washington, DC"
,number="US Patent 5,727,209 (contributed under GPL)"
,Author="Paul E. McKenney and John D. Slingwine"
,Title="Read-Copy Update: Using Execution History to Solve Concurrency
,Booktitle="{Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems}"
,Address="Las Vegas, NV"
,Author="Ben Gamsa and Orran Krieger and Jonathan Appavoo and Michael Stumm"
,Title="Tornado: Maximizing Locality and Concurrency in a Shared Memory
Multiprocessor Operating System"
,Booktitle="{Proceedings of the 3\textsuperscript{rd} Symposium on
Operating System Design and Implementation}"
,Address="New Orleans, LA"
,author="John D. Slingwine and Paul E. McKenney"
,title="Apparatus and method for achieving reduced overhead
mutual exclusion and maintaining coherency in a multiprocessor
system utilizing execution history and thread monitoring"
,institution="US Patent and Trademark Office"
,address="Washington, DC"
,number="US Patent 5,219,690 (contributed under GPL)"
,Author="Paul E. McKenney and Jonathan Appavoo and Andi Kleen and
Orran Krieger and Rusty Russell and Dipankar Sarma and Maneesh Soni"
,Title="Read-Copy Update"
,Booktitle="{Ottawa Linux Symposium}"
[Viewed June 23, 2004]"
Described RCU, and presented some patches implementing and using it in
the Linux kernel.
,Author="Hanna Linder and Dipankar Sarma and Maneesh Soni"
,Title="Scalability of the Directory Entry Cache"
,Booktitle="{Ottawa Linux Symposium}"
,Author="Paul E. McKenney and Dipankar Sarma and
Andrea Arcangeli and Andi Kleen and Orran Krieger and Rusty Russell"
,Title="Read-Copy Update"
,Booktitle="{Ottawa Linux Symposium}"
[Viewed June 23, 2004]"
,author="J. Appavoo and K. Hui and C. A. N. Soules and R. W. Wisniewski and
D. M. {Da Silva} and O. Krieger and M. A. Auslander and D. J. Edelsohn and
B. Gamsa and G. R. Ganger and P. McKenney and M. Ostrowski and
B. Rosenburg and M. Stumm and J. Xenidis"
,title="Enabling Autonomic Behavior in Systems Software With Hot Swapping"
,journal="IBM Systems Journal"
,Author="Andrea Arcangeli and Mingming Cao and Paul E. McKenney and
Dipankar Sarma"
,Title="Using Read-Copy Update Techniques for {System V IPC} in the
{Linux} 2.5 Kernel"
,Booktitle="Proceedings of the 2003 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(FREENIX Track)"
,Publisher="USENIX Association"
,author="Paul E. McKenney"
,title="Using {RCU} in the {Linux} 2.5 Kernel"
,journal="Linux Journal"
,author="Paul E. McKenney and Dipankar Sarma and Maneesh Soni"
,title="Scaling dcache with {RCU}"
,journal="Linux Journal"
,Author="Paul E. McKenney"
,Title="{RCU} vs. Locking Performance on Different {CPUs}"
,Address="Adelaide, Australia"
[Viewed June 23, 2004]"
,author="Paul E. McKenney"
,title="Exploiting Deferred Destruction:
An Analysis of Read-Copy-Update Techniques
in Operating System Kernels"
,school="OGI School of Science and Engineering at
Oregon Health and Sciences University"
,Author="Dipankar Sarma and Paul E. McKenney"
,Title="Making RCU Safe for Deep Sub-Millisecond Response Realtime Applications"
,Booktitle="Proceedings of the 2004 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(FREENIX Track)"
,Publisher="USENIX Association"
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
RCU on Uniprocessor Systems
A common misconception is that, on UP systems, the call_rcu() primitive
may immediately invoke its function, and that the synchronize_kernel
primitive may return immediately. The basis of this misconception
is that since there is only one CPU, it should not be necessary to
wait for anything else to get done, since there are no other CPUs for
anything else to be happening on. Although this approach will sort of
work a surprising amount of the time, it is a very bad idea in general.
This document presents two examples that demonstrate exactly how bad an
idea this is.
Example 1: softirq Suicide
Suppose that an RCU-based algorithm scans a linked list containing
elements A, B, and C in process context, and can delete elements from
this same list in softirq context. Suppose that the process-context scan
is referencing element B when it is interrupted by softirq processing,
which deletes element B, and then invokes call_rcu() to free element B
after a grace period.
Now, if call_rcu() were to directly invoke its arguments, then upon return
from softirq, the list scan would find itself referencing a newly freed
element B. This situation can greatly decrease the life expectancy of
your kernel.
Example 2: Function-Call Fatality
Of course, one could avert the suicide described in the preceding example
by having call_rcu() directly invoke its arguments only if it was called
from process context. However, this can fail in a similar manner.
Suppose that an RCU-based algorithm again scans a linked list containing
elements A, B, and C in process contexts, but that it invokes a function
on each element as it is scanned. Suppose further that this function
deletes element B from the list, then passes it to call_rcu() for deferred
freeing. This may be a bit unconventional, but it is perfectly legal
RCU usage, since call_rcu() must wait for a grace period to elapse.
Therefore, in this case, allowing call_rcu() to immediately invoke
its arguments would cause it to fail to make the fundamental guarantee
underlying RCU, namely that call_rcu() defers invoking its arguments until
all RCU read-side critical sections currently executing have completed.
Quick Quiz: why is it -not- legal to invoke synchronize_kernel() in
this case?
Permitting call_rcu() to immediately invoke its arguments or permitting
synchronize_kernel() to immediately return breaks RCU, even on a UP system.
So do not do it! Even on a UP system, the RCU infrastructure -must-
respect grace periods.
Answer to Quick Quiz
The calling function is scanning an RCU-protected linked list, and
is therefore within an RCU read-side critical section. Therefore,
the called function has been invoked within an RCU read-side critical
section, and is not permitted to block.
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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
Using RCU to Protect Read-Mostly Arrays
Although RCU is more commonly used to protect linked lists, it can
also be used to protect arrays. Three situations are as follows:
1. Hash Tables
2. Static Arrays
3. Resizeable Arrays
Each of these situations are discussed below.
Situation 1: Hash Tables
Hash tables are often implemented as an array, where each array entry
has a linked-list hash chain. Each hash chain can be protected by RCU
as described in the listRCU.txt document. This approach also applies
to other array-of-list situations, such as radix trees.
Situation 2: Static Arrays
Static arrays, where the data (rather than a pointer to the data) is
located in each array element, and where the array is never resized,
have not been used with RCU. Rik van Riel recommends using seqlock in
this situation, which would also have minimal read-side overhead as long
as updates are rare.
Quick Quiz: Why is it so important that updates be rare when
using seqlock?
Situation 3: Resizeable Arrays
Use of RCU for resizeable arrays is demonstrated by the grow_ary()
function used by the System V IPC code. The array is used to map from
semaphore, message-queue, and shared-memory IDs to the data structure
that represents the corresponding IPC construct. The grow_ary()
function does not acquire any locks; instead its caller must hold the
ids->sem semaphore.
The grow_ary() function, shown below, does some limit checks, allocates a
new ipc_id_ary, copies the old to the new portion of the new, initializes
the remainder of the new, updates the ids->entries pointer to point to
the new array, and invokes ipc_rcu_putref() to free up the old array.
Note that rcu_assign_pointer() is used to update the ids->entries pointer,
which includes any memory barriers required on whatever architecture
you are running on.
static int grow_ary(struct ipc_ids* ids, int newsize)
struct ipc_id_ary* new;
struct ipc_id_ary* old;
int i;
int size = ids->entries->size;
if(newsize > IPCMNI)
newsize = IPCMNI;
if(newsize <= size)
return newsize;
new = ipc_rcu_alloc(sizeof(struct kern_ipc_perm *)*newsize +
sizeof(struct ipc_id_ary));
if(new == NULL)
return size;
new->size = newsize;
memcpy(new->p, ids->entries->p,
sizeof(struct kern_ipc_perm *)*size +
sizeof(struct ipc_id_ary));
for(i=size;i<newsize;i++) {
new->p[i] = NULL;
old = ids->entries;
* Use rcu_assign_pointer() to make sure the memcpyed
* contents of the new array are visible before the new
* array becomes visible.
rcu_assign_pointer(ids->entries, new);
return newsize;
The ipc_rcu_putref() function decrements the array's reference count
and then, if the reference count has dropped to zero, uses call_rcu()
to free the array after a grace period has elapsed.
The array is traversed by the ipc_lock() function. This function
indexes into the array under the protection of rcu_read_lock(),
using rcu_dereference() to pick up the pointer to the array so
that it may later safely be dereferenced -- memory barriers are
required on the Alpha CPU. Since the size of the array is stored
with the array itself, there can be no array-size mismatches, so
a simple check suffices. The pointer to the structure corresponding
to the desired IPC object is placed in "out", with NULL indicating
a non-existent entry. After acquiring "out->lock", the "out->deleted"
flag indicates whether the IPC object is in the process of being
deleted, and, if not, the pointer is returned.
struct kern_ipc_perm* ipc_lock(struct ipc_ids* ids, int id)
struct kern_ipc_perm* out;
int lid = id % SEQ_MULTIPLIER;
struct ipc_id_ary* entries;
entries = rcu_dereference(ids->entries);
if(lid >= entries->size) {
return NULL;
out = entries->p[lid];
if(out == NULL) {
return NULL;
/* ipc_rmid() may have already freed the ID while ipc_lock
* was spinning: here verify that the structure is still valid
if (out->deleted) {
return NULL;
return out;
Answer to Quick Quiz:
The reason that it is important that updates be rare when
using seqlock is that frequent updates can livelock readers.
One way to avoid this problem is to assign a seqlock for
each array entry rather than to the entire array.
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Review Checklist for RCU Patches
This document contains a checklist for producing and reviewing patches
that make use of RCU. Violating any of the rules listed below will
result in the same sorts of problems that leaving out a locking primitive
would cause. This list is based on experiences reviewing such patches
over a rather long period of time, but improvements are always welcome!
0. Is RCU being applied to a read-mostly situation? If the data
structure is updated more than about 10% of the time, then
you should strongly consider some other approach, unless
detailed performance measurements show that RCU is nonetheless
the right tool for the job.
The other exception would be where performance is not an issue,
and RCU provides a simpler implementation. An example of this
situation is the dynamic NMI code in the Linux 2.6 kernel,
at least on architectures where NMIs are rare.
1. Does the update code have proper mutual exclusion?
RCU does allow -readers- to run (almost) naked, but -writers- must
still use some sort of mutual exclusion, such as:
a. locking,
b. atomic operations, or
c. restricting updates to a single task.
If you choose #b, be prepared to describe how you have handled
memory barriers on weakly ordered machines (pretty much all of
them -- even x86 allows reads to be reordered), and be prepared
to explain why this added complexity is worthwhile. If you
choose #c, be prepared to explain how this single task does not
become a major bottleneck on big multiprocessor machines.
2. Do the RCU read-side critical sections make proper use of
rcu_read_lock() and friends? These primitives are needed
to suppress preemption (or bottom halves, in the case of
rcu_read_lock_bh()) in the read-side critical sections,
and are also an excellent aid to readability.
3. Does the update code tolerate concurrent accesses?
The whole point of RCU is to permit readers to run without
any locks or atomic operations. This means that readers will
be running while updates are in progress. There are a number
of ways to handle this concurrency, depending on the situation:
a. Make updates appear atomic to readers. For example,
pointer updates to properly aligned fields will appear
atomic, as will individual atomic primitives. Operations
performed under a lock and sequences of multiple atomic
primitives will -not- appear to be atomic.
This is almost always the best approach.
b. Carefully order the updates and the reads so that
readers see valid data at all phases of the update.
This is often more difficult than it sounds, especially
given modern CPUs' tendency to reorder memory references.
One must usually liberally sprinkle memory barriers
(smp_wmb(), smp_rmb(), smp_mb()) through the code,
making it difficult to understand and to test.
It is usually better to group the changing data into
a separate structure, so that the change may be made
to appear atomic by updating a pointer to reference
a new structure containing updated values.
4. Weakly ordered CPUs pose special challenges. Almost all CPUs
are weakly ordered -- even i386 CPUs allow reads to be reordered.
RCU code must take all of the following measures to prevent
memory-corruption problems:
a. Readers must maintain proper ordering of their memory
accesses. The rcu_dereference() primitive ensures that
the CPU picks up the pointer before it picks up the data
that the pointer points to. This really is necessary
on Alpha CPUs. If you don't believe me, see:
The rcu_dereference() primitive is also an excellent
documentation aid, letting the person reading the code
know exactly which pointers are protected by RCU.
The rcu_dereference() primitive is used by the various
"_rcu()" list-traversal primitives, such as the
b. If the list macros are being used, the list_del_rcu(),
list_add_tail_rcu(), and list_del_rcu() primitives must
be used in order to prevent weakly ordered machines from
misordering structure initialization and pointer planting.
Similarly, if the hlist macros are being used, the
hlist_del_rcu() and hlist_add_head_rcu() primitives
are required.
c. Updates must ensure that initialization of a given
structure happens before pointers to that structure are
publicized. Use the rcu_assign_pointer() primitive
when publicizing a pointer to a structure that can
be traversed by an RCU read-side critical section.
[The rcu_assign_pointer() primitive is in process.]
5. If call_rcu(), or a related primitive such as call_rcu_bh(),
is used, the callback function must be written to be called
from softirq context. In particular, it cannot block.
6. Since synchronize_kernel() blocks, it cannot be called from
any sort of irq context.
7. If the updater uses call_rcu(), then the corresponding readers
must use rcu_read_lock() and rcu_read_unlock(). If the updater
uses call_rcu_bh(), then the corresponding readers must use
rcu_read_lock_bh() and rcu_read_unlock_bh(). Mixing things up
will result in confusion and broken kernels.
One exception to this rule: rcu_read_lock() and rcu_read_unlock()
may be substituted for rcu_read_lock_bh() and rcu_read_unlock_bh()
in cases where local bottom halves are already known to be
disabled, for example, in irq or softirq context. Commenting
such cases is a must, of course! And the jury is still out on
whether the increased speed is worth it.
8. Although synchronize_kernel() is a bit slower than is call_rcu(),
it usually results in simpler code. So, unless update performance
is important or the updaters cannot block, synchronize_kernel()
should be used in preference to call_rcu().
9. All RCU list-traversal primitives, which include
list_for_each_rcu(), list_for_each_entry_rcu(),
list_for_each_continue_rcu(), and list_for_each_safe_rcu(),
must be within an RCU read-side critical section. RCU
read-side critical sections are delimited by rcu_read_lock()
and rcu_read_unlock(), or by similar primitives such as
rcu_read_lock_bh() and rcu_read_unlock_bh().
Use of the _rcu() list-traversal primitives outside of an
RCU read-side critical section causes no harm other than
a slight performance degradation on Alpha CPUs and some
confusion on the part of people trying to read the code.
Another way of thinking of this is "If you are holding the
lock that prevents the data structure from changing, why do
you also need RCU-based protection?" That said, there may
well be situations where use of the _rcu() list-traversal
primitives while the update-side lock is held results in
simpler and more maintainable code. The jury is still out
on this question.
10. Conversely, if you are in an RCU read-side critical section,
you -must- use the "_rcu()" variants of the list macros.
Failing to do so will break Alpha and confuse people reading
your code.
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Using RCU to Protect Read-Mostly Linked Lists
One of the best applications of RCU is to protect read-mostly linked lists
("struct list_head" in list.h). One big advantage of this approach
is that all of the required memory barriers are included for you in
the list macros. This document describes several applications of RCU,
with the best fits first.
Example 1: Read-Side Action Taken Outside of Lock, No In-Place Updates
The best applications are cases where, if reader-writer locking were
used, the read-side lock would be dropped before taking any action
based on the results of the search. The most celebrated example is
the routing table. Because the routing table is tracking the state of
equipment outside of the computer, it will at times contain stale data.
Therefore, once the route has been computed, there is no need to hold
the routing table static during transmission of the packet. After all,
you can hold the routing table static all you want, but that won't keep
the external Internet from changing, and it is the state of the external
Internet that really matters. In addition, routing entries are typically
added or deleted, rather than being modified in place.
A straightforward example of this use of RCU may be found in the
system-call auditing support. For example, a reader-writer locked
implementation of audit_filter_task() might be as follows:
static enum audit_state audit_filter_task(struct task_struct *tsk)
struct audit_entry *e;
enum audit_state state;
list_for_each_entry(e, &audit_tsklist, list) {
if (audit_filter_rules(tsk, &e->rule, NULL, &state)) {
return state;
Here the list is searched under the lock, but the lock is dropped before
the corresponding value is returned. By the time that this value is acted
on, the list may well have been modified. This makes sense, since if
you are turning auditing off, it is OK to audit a few extra system calls.
This means that RCU can be easily applied to the read side, as follows:
static enum audit_state audit_filter_task(struct task_struct *tsk)
struct audit_entry *e;
enum audit_state state;
list_for_each_entry_rcu(e, &audit_tsklist, list) {
if (audit_filter_rules(tsk, &e->rule, NULL, &state)) {
return state;
The read_lock() and read_unlock() calls have become rcu_read_lock()
and rcu_read_unlock(), respectively, and the list_for_each_entry() has
become list_for_each_entry_rcu(). The _rcu() list-traversal primitives
insert the read-side memory barriers that are required on DEC Alpha CPUs.
The changes to the update side are also straightforward. A reader-writer
lock might be used as follows for deletion and insertion:
static inline int audit_del_rule(struct audit_rule *rule,
struct list_head *list)
struct audit_entry *e;
list_for_each_entry(e, list, list) {
if (!audit_compare_rule(rule, &e->rule)) {
return 0;
return -EFAULT; /* No matching rule */
static inline int audit_add_rule(struct audit_entry *entry,
struct list_head *list)
if (entry->rule.flags & AUDIT_PREPEND) {
entry->rule.flags &= ~AUDIT_PREPEND;
list_add(&entry->list, list);
} else {
list_add_tail(&entry->list, list);
return 0;
Following are the RCU equivalents for these two functions:
static inline int audit_del_rule(struct audit_rule *rule,
struct list_head *list)
struct audit_entry *e;
/* Do not use the _rcu iterator here, since this is the only
* deletion routine. */
list_for_each_entry(e, list, list) {
if (!audit_compare_rule(rule, &e->rule)) {
call_rcu(&e->rcu, audit_free_rule, e);
return 0;
return -EFAULT; /* No matching rule */
static inline int audit_add_rule(struct audit_entry *entry,
struct list_head *list)
if (entry->rule.flags & AUDIT_PREPEND) {
entry->rule.flags &= ~AUDIT_PREPEND;
list_add_rcu(&entry->list, list);
} else {
list_add_tail_rcu(&entry->list, list);
return 0;
Normally, the write_lock() and write_unlock() would be replaced by
a spin_lock() and a spin_unlock(), but in this case, all callers hold
audit_netlink_sem, so no additional locking is required. The auditsc_lock
can therefore be eliminated, since use of RCU eliminates the need for
writers to exclude readers.
The list_del(), list_add(), and list_add_tail() primitives have been
replaced by list_del_rcu(), list_add_rcu(), and list_add_tail_rcu().
The _rcu() list-manipulation primitives add memory barriers that are
needed on weakly ordered CPUs (most of them!).
So, when readers can tolerate stale data and when entries are either added
or deleted, without in-place modification, it is very easy to use RCU!
Example 2: Handling In-Place Updates
The system-call auditing code does not update auditing rules in place.
However, if it did, reader-writer-locked code to do so might look as
follows (presumably, the field_count is only permitted to decrease,
otherwise, the added fields would need to be filled in):
static inline int audit_upd_rule(struct audit_rule *rule,
struct list_head *list,
__u32 newaction,
__u32 newfield_count)
struct audit_entry *e;
struct audit_newentry *ne;
list_for_each_entry(e, list, list) {
if (!audit_compare_rule(rule, &e->rule)) {
e->rule.action = newaction;
e->rule.file_count = newfield_count;
return 0;
return -EFAULT; /* No matching rule */
The RCU version creates a copy, updates the copy, then replaces the old
entry with the newly updated entry. This sequence of actions, allowing
concurrent reads while doing a copy to perform an update, is what gives
RCU ("read-copy update") its name. The RCU code is as follows:
static inline int audit_upd_rule(struct audit_rule *rule,
struct list_head *list,
__u32 newaction,
__u32 newfield_count)
struct audit_entry *e;
struct audit_newentry *ne;
list_for_each_entry(e, list, list) {
if (!audit_compare_rule(rule, &e->rule)) {
ne = kmalloc(sizeof(*entry), GFP_ATOMIC);
if (ne == NULL)
return -ENOMEM;
audit_copy_rule(&ne->rule, &e->rule);
ne->rule.action = newaction;
ne->rule.file_count = newfield_count;
list_add_rcu(ne, e);
call_rcu(&e->rcu, audit_free_rule, e);
return 0;
return -EFAULT; /* No matching rule */
Again, this assumes that the caller holds audit_netlink_sem. Normally,
the reader-writer lock would become a spinlock in this sort of code.
Example 3: Eliminating Stale Data
The auditing examples above tolerate stale data, as do most algorithms
that are tracking external state. Because there is a delay from the
time the external state changes before Linux becomes aware of the change,
additional RCU-induced staleness is normally not a problem.
However, there are many examples where stale data cannot be tolerated.
One example in the Linux kernel is the System V IPC (see the ipc_lock()
function in ipc/util.c). This code checks a "deleted" flag under a
per-entry spinlock, and, if the "deleted" flag is set, pretends that the
entry does not exist. For this to be helpful, the search function must
return holding the per-entry spinlock, as ipc_lock() does in fact do.
Quick Quiz: Why does the search function need to return holding the
per-entry lock for this deleted-flag technique to be helpful?
If the system-call audit module were to ever need to reject stale data,
one way to accomplish this would be to add a "deleted" flag and a "lock"
spinlock to the audit_entry structure, and modify audit_filter_task()
as follows:
static enum audit_state audit_filter_task(struct task_struct *tsk)
struct audit_entry *e;
enum audit_state state;
list_for_each_entry_rcu(e, &audit_tsklist, list) {
if (audit_filter_rules(tsk, &e->rule, NULL, &state)) {
if (e->deleted) {
return state;
Note that this example assumes that entries are only added and deleted.
Additional mechanism is required to deal correctly with the
update-in-place performed by audit_upd_rule(). For one thing,
audit_upd_rule() would need additional memory barriers to ensure
that the list_add_rcu() was really executed before the list_del_rcu().
The audit_del_rule() function would need to set the "deleted"
flag under the spinlock as follows:
static inline int audit_del_rule(struct audit_rule *rule,
struct list_head *list)
struct audit_entry *e;
/* Do not use the _rcu iterator here, since this is the only
* deletion routine. */
list_for_each_entry(e, list, list) {
if (!audit_compare_rule(rule, &e->rule)) {
e->deleted = 1;
call_rcu(&e->rcu, audit_free_rule, e);
return 0;
return -EFAULT; /* No matching rule */
Read-mostly list-based data structures that can tolerate stale data are
the most amenable to use of RCU. The simplest case is where entries are
either added or deleted from the data structure (or atomically modified
in place), but non-atomic in-place modifications can be handled by making
a copy, updating the copy, then replacing the original with the copy.
If stale data cannot be tolerated, then a "deleted" flag may be used
in conjunction with a per-entry spinlock in order to allow the search
function to reject newly deleted data.
Answer to Quick Quiz
If the search function drops the per-entry lock before returning, then
the caller will be processing stale data in any case. If it is really
OK to be processing stale data, then you don't need a "deleted" flag.
If processing stale data really is a problem, then you need to hold the
per-entry lock across all of the code that uses the value looked up.
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
RCU Concepts
The basic idea behind RCU (read-copy update) is to split destructive
operations into two parts, one that prevents anyone from seeing the data
item being destroyed, and one that actually carries out the destruction.
A "grace period" must elapse between the two parts, and this grace period
must be long enough that any readers accessing the item being deleted have
since dropped their references. For example, an RCU-protected deletion
from a linked list would first remove the item from the list, wait for
a grace period to elapse, then free the element. See the listRCU.txt
file for more information on using RCU with linked lists.
Frequently Asked Questions
o Why would anyone want to use RCU?
The advantage of RCU's two-part approach is that RCU readers need
not acquire any locks, perform any atomic instructions, write to
shared memory, or (on CPUs other than Alpha) execute any memory
barriers. The fact that these operations are quite expensive
on modern CPUs is what gives RCU its performance advantages
in read-mostly situations. The fact that RCU readers need not
acquire locks can also greatly simplify deadlock-avoidance code.
o How can the updater tell when a grace period has completed
if the RCU readers give no indication when they are done?
Just as with spinlocks, RCU readers are not permitted to
block, switch to user-mode execution, or enter the idle loop.
Therefore, as soon as a CPU is seen passing through any of these
three states, we know that that CPU has exited any previous RCU
read-side critical sections. So, if we remove an item from a
linked list, and then wait until all CPUs have switched context,
executed in user mode, or executed in the idle loop, we can
safely free up that item.
o If I am running on a uniprocessor kernel, which can only do one
thing at a time, why should I wait for a grace period?
See the UP.txt file in this directory.
o How can I see where RCU is currently used in the Linux kernel?
Search for "rcu_read_lock", "call_rcu", and "synchronize_kernel".
o What guidelines should I follow when writing code that uses RCU?
See the checklist.txt file in this directory.
o Why the name "RCU"?
"RCU" stands for "read-copy update". The file listRCU.txt has
more information on where this name came from, search for
"read-copy update" to find it.
o I hear that RCU is patented? What is with that?
Yes, it is. There are several known patents related to RCU,
search for the string "Patent" in RTFP.txt to find them.
Of these, one was allowed to lapse by the assignee, and the
others have been contributed to the Linux kernel under GPL.
o Where can I find more information on RCU?
See the RTFP.txt file in this directory.
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@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
Linux Driver for Mylex DAC960/AcceleRAID/eXtremeRAID PCI RAID Controllers
Version 2.2.11 for Linux 2.2.19
Version 2.4.11 for Linux 2.4.12
11 October 2001
Leonard N. Zubkoff
Dandelion Digital
Copyright 1998-2001 by Leonard N. Zubkoff <>
Mylex, Inc. designs and manufactures a variety of high performance PCI RAID
controllers. Mylex Corporation is located at 34551 Ardenwood Blvd., Fremont,
California 94555, USA and can be reached at 510.796.6100 or on the World Wide
Web at Mylex Technical Support can be reached by
electronic mail at, by voice at 510.608.2400, or by FAX at
510.745.7715. Contact information for offices in Europe and Japan is available
on their Web site.
The latest information on Linux support for DAC960 PCI RAID Controllers, as
well as the most recent release of this driver, will always be available from
my Linux Home Page at URL "". The Linux DAC960
driver supports all current Mylex PCI RAID controllers including the new
eXtremeRAID 2000/3000 and AcceleRAID 352/170/160 models which have an entirely
new firmware interface from the older eXtremeRAID 1100, AcceleRAID 150/200/250,
and DAC960PJ/PG/PU/PD/PL. See below for a complete controller list as well as
minimum firmware version requirements. For simplicity, in most places this
documentation refers to DAC960 generically rather than explicitly listing all
the supported models.
Driver bug reports should be sent via electronic mail to "".
Please include with the bug report the complete configuration messages reported
by the driver at startup, along with any subsequent system messages relevant to
the controller's operation, and a detailed description of your system's
hardware configuration. Driver bugs are actually quite rare; if you encounter
problems with disks being marked offline, for example, please contact Mylex
Technical Support as the problem is related to the hardware configuration
rather than the Linux driver.
Please consult the RAID controller documentation for detailed information
regarding installation and configuration of the controllers. This document
primarily provides information specific to the Linux support.
The DAC960 RAID controllers are supported solely as high performance RAID
controllers, not as interfaces to arbitrary SCSI devices. The Linux DAC960
driver operates at the block device level, the same level as the SCSI and IDE
drivers. Unlike other RAID controllers currently supported on Linux, the
DAC960 driver is not dependent on the SCSI subsystem, and hence avoids all the
complexity and unnecessary code that would be associated with an implementation
as a SCSI driver. The DAC960 driver is designed for as high a performance as
possible with no compromises or extra code for compatibility with lower
performance devices. The DAC960 driver includes extensive error logging and
online configuration management capabilities. Except for initial configuration
of the controller and adding new disk drives, most everything can be handled
from Linux while the system is operational.
The DAC960 driver is architected to support up to 8 controllers per system.
Each DAC960 parallel SCSI controller can support up to 15 disk drives per
channel, for a maximum of 60 drives on a four channel controller; the fibre
channel eXtremeRAID 3000 controller supports up to 125 disk drives per loop for
a total of 250 drives. The drives installed on a controller are divided into
one or more "Drive Groups", and then each Drive Group is subdivided further
into 1 to 32 "Logical Drives". Each Logical Drive has a specific RAID Level
and caching policy associated with it, and it appears to Linux as a single
block device. Logical Drives are further subdivided into up to 7 partitions
through the normal Linux and PC disk partitioning schemes. Logical Drives are
also known as "System Drives", and Drive Groups are also called "Packs". Both
terms are in use in the Mylex documentation; I have chosen to standardize on
the more generic "Logical Drive" and "Drive Group".
DAC960 RAID disk devices are named in the style of the Device File System
(DEVFS). The device corresponding to Logical Drive D on Controller C is
referred to as /dev/rd/cCdD, and the partitions are called /dev/rd/cCdDp1
through /dev/rd/cCdDp7. For example, partition 3 of Logical Drive 5 on
Controller 2 is referred to as /dev/rd/c2d5p3. Note that unlike with SCSI
disks the device names will not change in the event of a disk drive failure.
The DAC960 driver is assigned major numbers 48 - 55 with one major number per
controller. The 8 bits of minor number are divided into 5 bits for the Logical
Drive and 3 bits for the partition.
The following list comprises the supported DAC960, AcceleRAID, and eXtremeRAID
PCI RAID Controllers as of the date of this document. It is recommended that
anyone purchasing a Mylex PCI RAID Controller not in the following table
contact the author beforehand to verify that it is or will be supported.
eXtremeRAID 3000
1 Wide Ultra-2/LVD SCSI channel
2 External Fibre FC-AL channels
233MHz StrongARM SA 110 Processor
64 Bit 33MHz PCI (backward compatible with 32 Bit PCI slots)
32MB/64MB ECC SDRAM Memory
eXtremeRAID 2000
4 Wide Ultra-160 LVD SCSI channels
233MHz StrongARM SA 110 Processor
64 Bit 33MHz PCI (backward compatible with 32 Bit PCI slots)
32MB/64MB ECC SDRAM Memory
AcceleRAID 352
2 Wide Ultra-160 LVD SCSI channels
100MHz Intel i960RN RISC Processor
64 Bit 33MHz PCI (backward compatible with 32 Bit PCI slots)
32MB/64MB ECC SDRAM Memory
AcceleRAID 170
1 Wide Ultra-160 LVD SCSI channel
100MHz Intel i960RM RISC Processor
16MB/32MB/64MB ECC SDRAM Memory
AcceleRAID 160 (AcceleRAID 170LP)
1 Wide Ultra-160 LVD SCSI channel
100MHz Intel i960RS RISC Processor
Built in 16M ECC SDRAM Memory
PCI Low Profile Form Factor - fit for 2U height
eXtremeRAID 1100 (DAC1164P)
3 Wide Ultra-2/LVD SCSI channels
233MHz StrongARM SA 110 Processor
64 Bit 33MHz PCI (backward compatible with 32 Bit PCI slots)
16MB/32MB/64MB Parity SDRAM Memory with Battery Backup
AcceleRAID 250 (DAC960PTL1)
Uses onboard Symbios SCSI chips on certain motherboards
Also includes one onboard Wide Ultra-2/LVD SCSI Channel
66MHz Intel i960RD RISC Processor
4MB/8MB/16MB/32MB/64MB/128MB ECC EDO Memory
AcceleRAID 200 (DAC960PTL0)
Uses onboard Symbios SCSI chips on certain motherboards
Includes no onboard SCSI Channels
66MHz Intel i960RD RISC Processor
4MB/8MB/16MB/32MB/64MB/128MB ECC EDO Memory
AcceleRAID 150 (DAC960PRL)
Uses onboard Symbios SCSI chips on certain motherboards
Also includes one onboard Wide Ultra-2/LVD SCSI Channel
33MHz Intel i960RP RISC Processor
4MB Parity EDO Memory
DAC960PJ 1/2/3 Wide Ultra SCSI-3 Channels
66MHz Intel i960RD RISC Processor
4MB/8MB/16MB/32MB/64MB/128MB ECC EDO Memory
DAC960PG 1/2/3 Wide Ultra SCSI-3 Channels
33MHz Intel i960RP RISC Processor
4MB/8MB ECC EDO Memory
DAC960PU 1/2/3 Wide Ultra SCSI-3 Channels
Intel i960CF RISC Processor
4MB/8MB EDRAM or 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB/32MB DRAM Memory
DAC960PD 1/2/3 Wide Fast SCSI-2 Channels
Intel i960CF RISC Processor
4MB/8MB EDRAM or 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB/32MB DRAM Memory
DAC960PL 1/2/3 Wide Fast SCSI-2 Channels
Intel i960 RISC Processor
2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB/32MB DRAM Memory
DAC960P 1/2/3 Wide Fast SCSI-2 Channels
Intel i960 RISC Processor
2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB/32MB DRAM Memory
For the eXtremeRAID 2000/3000 and AcceleRAID 352/170/160, firmware version
6.00-01 or above is required.
For the eXtremeRAID 1100, firmware version 5.06-0-52 or above is required.
For the AcceleRAID 250, 200, and 150, firmware version 4.06-0-57 or above is
For the DAC960PJ and DAC960PG, firmware version 4.06-0-00 or above is required.
For the DAC960PU, DAC960PD, DAC960PL, and DAC960P, either firmware version
3.51-0-04 or above is required (for dual Flash ROM controllers), or firmware
version 2.73-0-00 or above is required (for single Flash ROM controllers)
Please note that not all SCSI disk drives are suitable for use with DAC960
controllers, and only particular firmware versions of any given model may
actually function correctly. Similarly, not all motherboards have a BIOS that
properly initializes the AcceleRAID 250, AcceleRAID 200, AcceleRAID 150,
DAC960PJ, and DAC960PG because the Intel i960RD/RP is a multi-function device.
If in doubt, contact Mylex RAID Technical Support ( to
verify compatibility. Mylex makes available a hard disk compatibility list at
This distribution was prepared for Linux kernel version 2.2.19 or 2.4.12.
To install the DAC960 RAID driver, you may use the following commands,
replacing "/usr/src" with wherever you keep your Linux kernel source tree:
cd /usr/src
tar -xvzf DAC960-2.2.11.tar.gz (or DAC960-2.4.11.tar.gz)
mv README.DAC960 linux/Documentation
mv DAC960.[ch] linux/drivers/block
patch -p0 < DAC960.patch (if DAC960.patch is included)
cd linux
make config
make bzImage (or zImage)
Then install "arch/i386/boot/bzImage" or "arch/i386/boot/zImage" as your
standard kernel, run lilo if appropriate, and reboot.
To create the necessary devices in /dev, the "make_rd" script included in
"DAC960-Utilities.tar.gz" from may be used.
LILO 21 and FDISK v2.9 include DAC960 support; also included in this archive
are patches to LILO 20 and FDISK v2.8 that add DAC960 support, along with
statically linked executables of LILO and FDISK. This modified version of LILO
will allow booting from a DAC960 controller and/or mounting the root file
system from a DAC960.
Red Hat Linux 6.0 and SuSE Linux 6.1 include support for Mylex PCI RAID
controllers. Installing directly onto a DAC960 may be problematic from other
Linux distributions until their installation utilities are updated.
Before installing Linux or adding DAC960 logical drives to an existing Linux
system, the controller must first be configured to provide one or more logical
drives using the BIOS Configuration Utility or DACCF. Please note that since
there are only at most 6 usable partitions on each logical drive, systems
requiring more partitions should subdivide a drive group into multiple logical
drives, each of which can have up to 6 usable partitions. Also, note that with
large disk arrays it is advisable to enable the 8GB BIOS Geometry (255/63)
rather than accepting the default 2GB BIOS Geometry (128/32); failing to so do
will cause the logical drive geometry to have more than 65535 cylinders which
will make it impossible for FDISK to be used properly. The 8GB BIOS Geometry
can be enabled by configuring the DAC960 BIOS, which is accessible via Alt-M
during the BIOS initialization sequence.
For maximum performance and the most efficient E2FSCK performance, it is
recommended that EXT2 file systems be built with a 4KB block size and 16 block
stride to match the DAC960 controller's 64KB default stripe size. The command
"mke2fs -b 4096 -R stride=16 <device>" is appropriate. Unless there will be a
large number of small files on the file systems, it is also beneficial to add
the "-i 16384" option to increase the bytes per inode parameter thereby
reducing the file system metadata. Finally, on systems that will only be run
with Linux 2.2 or later kernels it is beneficial to enable sparse superblocks
with the "-s 1" option.
The DAC960 Announcements Mailing List provides a forum for informing Linux
users of new driver releases and other announcements regarding Linux support
for DAC960 PCI RAID Controllers. To join the mailing list, send a message to
"" with the line "subscribe" in the
message body.
The DAC960 RAID controllers running firmware 4.06 or above include a Background
Initialization facility so that system downtime is minimized both for initial
installation and subsequent configuration of additional storage. The BIOS
Configuration Utility (accessible via Alt-R during the BIOS initialization
sequence) is used to quickly configure the controller, and then the logical
drives that have been created are available for immediate use even while they
are still being initialized by the controller. The primary need for online
configuration and status monitoring is then to avoid system downtime when disk
drives fail and must be replaced. Mylex's online monitoring and configuration
utilities are being ported to Linux and will become available at some point in
the future. Note that with a SAF-TE (SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclosure)
enclosure, the controller is able to rebuild failed drives automatically as
soon as a drive replacement is made available.
The primary interfaces for controller configuration and status monitoring are
special files created in the /proc/rd/... hierarchy along with the normal
system console logging mechanism. Whenever the system is operating, the DAC960
driver queries each controller for status information every 10 seconds, and
checks for additional conditions every 60 seconds. The initial status of each
controller is always available for controller N in /proc/rd/cN/initial_status,
and the current status as of the last status monitoring query is available in
/proc/rd/cN/current_status. In addition, status changes are also logged by the
driver to the system console and will appear in the log files maintained by
syslog. The progress of asynchronous rebuild or consistency check operations
is also available in /proc/rd/cN/current_status, and progress messages are
logged to the system console at most every 60 seconds.
Starting with the 2.2.3/2.0.3 versions of the driver, the status information
available in /proc/rd/cN/initial_status and /proc/rd/cN/current_status has been
augmented to include the vendor, model, revision, and serial number (if
available) for each physical device found connected to the controller:
***** DAC960 RAID Driver Version 2.2.3 of 19 August 1999 *****
Copyright 1998-1999 by Leonard N. Zubkoff <>
Configuring Mylex DAC960PRL PCI RAID Controller
Firmware Version: 4.07-0-07, Channels: 1, Memory Size: 16MB
PCI Bus: 1, Device: 4, Function: 1, I/O Address: Unassigned
PCI Address: 0xFE300000 mapped at 0xA0800000, IRQ Channel: 21
Controller Queue Depth: 128, Maximum Blocks per Command: 128
Driver Queue Depth: 127, Maximum Scatter/Gather Segments: 33
Stripe Size: 64KB, Segment Size: 8KB, BIOS Geometry: 255/63
SAF-TE Enclosure Management Enabled
Physical Devices:
0:0 Vendor: IBM Model: DRVS09D Revision: 0270
Serial Number: 68016775HA
Disk Status: Online, 17928192 blocks
0:1 Vendor: IBM Model: DRVS09D Revision: 0270
Serial Number: 68004E53HA
Disk Status: Online, 17928192 blocks
0:2 Vendor: IBM Model: DRVS09D Revision: 0270
Serial Number: 13013935HA
Disk Status: Online, 17928192 blocks
0:3 Vendor: IBM Model: DRVS09D Revision: 0270
Serial Number: 13016897HA
Disk Status: Online, 17928192 blocks
0:4 Vendor: IBM Model: DRVS09D Revision: 0270
Serial Number: 68019905HA
Disk Status: Online, 17928192 blocks
0:5 Vendor: IBM Model: DRVS09D Revision: 0270
Serial Number: 68012753HA
Disk Status: Online, 17928192 blocks
0:6 Vendor: ESG-SHV Model: SCA HSBP M6 Revision: 0.61
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Online, 89640960 blocks, Write Thru
No Rebuild or Consistency Check in Progress
To simplify the monitoring process for custom software, the special file
/proc/rd/status returns "OK" when all DAC960 controllers in the system are
operating normally and no failures have occurred, or "ALERT" if any logical
drives are offline or critical or any non-standby physical drives are dead.
Configuration commands for controller N are available via the special file
/proc/rd/cN/user_command. A human readable command can be written to this
special file to initiate a configuration operation, and the results of the
operation can then be read back from the special file in addition to being
logged to the system console. The shell command sequence
echo "<configuration-command>" > /proc/rd/c0/user_command
cat /proc/rd/c0/user_command
is typically used to execute configuration commands. The configuration
commands are:
The "flush-cache" command flushes the controller's cache. The system
automatically flushes the cache at shutdown or if the driver module is
unloaded, so this command is only needed to be certain a write back cache
is flushed to disk before the system is powered off by a command to a UPS.
Note that the flush-cache command also stops an asynchronous rebuild or
consistency check, so it should not be used except when the system is being
kill <channel>:<target-id>
The "kill" command marks the physical drive <channel>:<target-id> as DEAD.
This command is provided primarily for testing, and should not be used
during normal system operation.
make-online <channel>:<target-id>
The "make-online" command changes the physical drive <channel>:<target-id>
from status DEAD to status ONLINE. In cases where multiple physical drives
have been killed simultaneously, this command may be used to bring all but
one of them back online, after which a rebuild to the final drive is
Warning: make-online should only be used on a dead physical drive that is
an active part of a drive group, never on a standby drive. The command
should never be used on a dead drive that is part of a critical logical
drive; rebuild should be used if only a single drive is dead.
make-standby <channel>:<target-id>
The "make-standby" command changes physical drive <channel>:<target-id>
from status DEAD to status STANDBY. It should only be used in cases where
a dead drive was replaced after an automatic rebuild was performed onto a
standby drive. It cannot be used to add a standby drive to the controller
configuration if one was not created initially; the BIOS Configuration
Utility must be used for that currently.
rebuild <channel>:<target-id>
The "rebuild" command initiates an asynchronous rebuild onto physical drive
<channel>:<target-id>. It should only be used when a dead drive has been
check-consistency <logical-drive-number>
The "check-consistency" command initiates an asynchronous consistency check
of <logical-drive-number> with automatic restoration. It can be used
whenever it is desired to verify the consistency of the redundancy
The "cancel-rebuild" and "cancel-consistency-check" commands cancel any
rebuild or consistency check operations previously initiated.
The following annotated logs demonstrate the controller configuration and and
online status monitoring capabilities of the Linux DAC960 Driver. The test
configuration comprises 6 1GB Quantum Atlas I disk drives on two channels of a
DAC960PJ controller. The physical drives are configured into a single drive
group without a standby drive, and the drive group has been configured into two
logical drives, one RAID-5 and one RAID-6. Note that these logs are from an
earlier version of the driver and the messages have changed somewhat with newer
releases, but the functionality remains similar. First, here is the current
status of the RAID configuration:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/current_status
***** DAC960 RAID Driver Version 2.0.0 of 23 March 1999 *****
Copyright 1998-1999 by Leonard N. Zubkoff <>
Configuring Mylex DAC960PJ PCI RAID Controller
Firmware Version: 4.06-0-08, Channels: 3, Memory Size: 8MB
PCI Bus: 0, Device: 19, Function: 1, I/O Address: Unassigned
PCI Address: 0xFD4FC000 mapped at 0x8807000, IRQ Channel: 9
Controller Queue Depth: 128, Maximum Blocks per Command: 128
Driver Queue Depth: 127, Maximum Scatter/Gather Segments: 33
Stripe Size: 64KB, Segment Size: 8KB, BIOS Geometry: 255/63
Physical Devices:
0:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Online, 5498880 blocks, Write Thru
/dev/rd/c0d1: RAID-6, Online, 3305472 blocks, Write Thru
No Rebuild or Consistency Check in Progress
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/status
The above messages indicate that everything is healthy, and /proc/rd/status
returns "OK" indicating that there are no problems with any DAC960 controller
in the system. For demonstration purposes, while I/O is active Physical Drive
1:1 is now disconnected, simulating a drive failure. The failure is noted by
the driver within 10 seconds of the controller's having detected it, and the
driver logs the following console status messages indicating that Logical
Drives 0 and 1 are now CRITICAL as a result of Physical Drive 1:1 being DEAD:
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:2 Error Log: Sense Key = 6, ASC = 29, ASCQ = 02
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:3 Error Log: Sense Key = 6, ASC = 29, ASCQ = 02
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:1 killed because of timeout on SCSI command
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:1 is now DEAD
DAC960#0: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) is now CRITICAL
DAC960#0: Logical Drive 1 (/dev/rd/c0d1) is now CRITICAL
The Sense Keys logged here are just Check Condition / Unit Attention conditions
arising from a SCSI bus reset that is forced by the controller during its error
recovery procedures. Concurrently with the above, the driver status available
from /proc/rd also reflects the drive failure. The status message in
/proc/rd/status has changed from "OK" to "ALERT":
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/status
and /proc/rd/c0/current_status has been updated:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/current_status
Physical Devices:
0:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:1 - Disk: Dead, 2201600 blocks
1:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Critical, 5498880 blocks, Write Thru
/dev/rd/c0d1: RAID-6, Critical, 3305472 blocks, Write Thru
No Rebuild or Consistency Check in Progress
Since there are no standby drives configured, the system can continue to access
the logical drives in a performance degraded mode until the failed drive is
replaced and a rebuild operation completed to restore the redundancy of the
logical drives. Once Physical Drive 1:1 is replaced with a properly
functioning drive, or if the physical drive was killed without having failed
(e.g., due to electrical problems on the SCSI bus), the user can instruct the
controller to initiate a rebuild operation onto the newly replaced drive:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# echo "rebuild 1:1" > /proc/rd/c0/user_command
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/user_command
Rebuild of Physical Drive 1:1 Initiated
The echo command instructs the controller to initiate an asynchronous rebuild
operation onto Physical Drive 1:1, and the status message that results from the
operation is then available for reading from /proc/rd/c0/user_command, as well
as being logged to the console by the driver.
Within 10 seconds of this command the driver logs the initiation of the
asynchronous rebuild operation:
DAC960#0: Rebuild of Physical Drive 1:1 Initiated
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:1 Error Log: Sense Key = 6, ASC = 29, ASCQ = 01
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:1 is now WRITE-ONLY
DAC960#0: Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 1% completed
and /proc/rd/c0/current_status is updated:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/current_status
Physical Devices:
0:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:1 - Disk: Write-Only, 2201600 blocks
1:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Critical, 5498880 blocks, Write Thru
/dev/rd/c0d1: RAID-6, Critical, 3305472 blocks, Write Thru
Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 6% completed
As the rebuild progresses, the current status in /proc/rd/c0/current_status is
updated every 10 seconds:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/current_status
Physical Devices:
0:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:1 - Disk: Write-Only, 2201600 blocks
1:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Critical, 5498880 blocks, Write Thru
/dev/rd/c0d1: RAID-6, Critical, 3305472 blocks, Write Thru
Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 15% completed
and every minute a progress message is logged to the console by the driver:
DAC960#0: Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 32% completed
DAC960#0: Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 63% completed
DAC960#0: Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 94% completed
DAC960#0: Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 1 (/dev/rd/c0d1) 94% completed
Finally, the rebuild completes successfully. The driver logs the status of the
logical and physical drives and the rebuild completion:
DAC960#0: Rebuild Completed Successfully
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:1 is now ONLINE
DAC960#0: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) is now ONLINE
DAC960#0: Logical Drive 1 (/dev/rd/c0d1) is now ONLINE
/proc/rd/c0/current_status is updated:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/current_status
Physical Devices:
0:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Online, 5498880 blocks, Write Thru
/dev/rd/c0d1: RAID-6, Online, 3305472 blocks, Write Thru
Rebuild Completed Successfully
and /proc/rd/status indicates that everything is healthy once again:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/status
The following annotated logs demonstrate the controller configuration and and
online status monitoring capabilities of the Linux DAC960 Driver. The test
configuration comprises 6 1GB Quantum Atlas I disk drives on two channels of a
DAC960PJ controller. The physical drives are configured into a single drive
group with a standby drive, and the drive group has been configured into two
logical drives, one RAID-5 and one RAID-6. Note that these logs are from an
earlier version of the driver and the messages have changed somewhat with newer
releases, but the functionality remains similar. First, here is the current
status of the RAID configuration:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/current_status
***** DAC960 RAID Driver Version 2.0.0 of 23 March 1999 *****
Copyright 1998-1999 by Leonard N. Zubkoff <>
Configuring Mylex DAC960PJ PCI RAID Controller
Firmware Version: 4.06-0-08, Channels: 3, Memory Size: 8MB
PCI Bus: 0, Device: 19, Function: 1, I/O Address: Unassigned
PCI Address: 0xFD4FC000 mapped at 0x8807000, IRQ Channel: 9
Controller Queue Depth: 128, Maximum Blocks per Command: 128
Driver Queue Depth: 127, Maximum Scatter/Gather Segments: 33
Stripe Size: 64KB, Segment Size: 8KB, BIOS Geometry: 255/63
Physical Devices:
0:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:3 - Disk: Standby, 2201600 blocks
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Online, 4399104 blocks, Write Thru
/dev/rd/c0d1: RAID-6, Online, 2754560 blocks, Write Thru
No Rebuild or Consistency Check in Progress
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/status
The above messages indicate that everything is healthy, and /proc/rd/status
returns "OK" indicating that there are no problems with any DAC960 controller
in the system. For demonstration purposes, while I/O is active Physical Drive
1:2 is now disconnected, simulating a drive failure. The failure is noted by
the driver within 10 seconds of the controller's having detected it, and the
driver logs the following console status messages:
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:1 Error Log: Sense Key = 6, ASC = 29, ASCQ = 02
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:3 Error Log: Sense Key = 6, ASC = 29, ASCQ = 02
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:2 killed because of timeout on SCSI command
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:2 is now DEAD
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:2 killed because it was removed
DAC960#0: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) is now CRITICAL
DAC960#0: Logical Drive 1 (/dev/rd/c0d1) is now CRITICAL
Since a standby drive is configured, the controller automatically begins
rebuilding onto the standby drive:
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:3 is now WRITE-ONLY
DAC960#0: Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 4% completed
Concurrently with the above, the driver status available from /proc/rd also
reflects the drive failure and automatic rebuild. The status message in
/proc/rd/status has changed from "OK" to "ALERT":
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/status
and /proc/rd/c0/current_status has been updated:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/current_status
Physical Devices:
0:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:2 - Disk: Dead, 2201600 blocks
1:3 - Disk: Write-Only, 2201600 blocks
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Critical, 4399104 blocks, Write Thru
/dev/rd/c0d1: RAID-6, Critical, 2754560 blocks, Write Thru
Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 4% completed
As the rebuild progresses, the current status in /proc/rd/c0/current_status is
updated every 10 seconds:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/current_status
Physical Devices:
0:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:2 - Disk: Dead, 2201600 blocks
1:3 - Disk: Write-Only, 2201600 blocks
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Critical, 4399104 blocks, Write Thru
/dev/rd/c0d1: RAID-6, Critical, 2754560 blocks, Write Thru
Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 40% completed
and every minute a progress message is logged on the console by the driver:
DAC960#0: Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 40% completed
DAC960#0: Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) 76% completed
DAC960#0: Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 1 (/dev/rd/c0d1) 66% completed
DAC960#0: Rebuild in Progress: Logical Drive 1 (/dev/rd/c0d1) 84% completed
Finally, the rebuild completes successfully. The driver logs the status of the
logical and physical drives and the rebuild completion:
DAC960#0: Rebuild Completed Successfully
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:3 is now ONLINE
DAC960#0: Logical Drive 0 (/dev/rd/c0d0) is now ONLINE
DAC960#0: Logical Drive 1 (/dev/rd/c0d1) is now ONLINE
/proc/rd/c0/current_status is updated:
***** DAC960 RAID Driver Version 2.0.0 of 23 March 1999 *****
Copyright 1998-1999 by Leonard N. Zubkoff <>
Configuring Mylex DAC960PJ PCI RAID Controller
Firmware Version: 4.06-0-08, Channels: 3, Memory Size: 8MB
PCI Bus: 0, Device: 19, Function: 1, I/O Address: Unassigned
PCI Address: 0xFD4FC000 mapped at 0x8807000, IRQ Channel: 9
Controller Queue Depth: 128, Maximum Blocks per Command: 128
Driver Queue Depth: 127, Maximum Scatter/Gather Segments: 33
Stripe Size: 64KB, Segment Size: 8KB, BIOS Geometry: 255/63
Physical Devices:
0:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:2 - Disk: Dead, 2201600 blocks
1:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Online, 4399104 blocks, Write Thru
/dev/rd/c0d1: RAID-6, Online, 2754560 blocks, Write Thru
Rebuild Completed Successfully
and /proc/rd/status indicates that everything is healthy once again:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/status
Note that the absence of a viable standby drive does not create an "ALERT"
status. Once dead Physical Drive 1:2 has been replaced, the controller must be
told that this has occurred and that the newly replaced drive should become the
new standby drive:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# echo "make-standby 1:2" > /proc/rd/c0/user_command
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/user_command
Make Standby of Physical Drive 1:2 Succeeded
The echo command instructs the controller to make Physical Drive 1:2 into a
standby drive, and the status message that results from the operation is then
available for reading from /proc/rd/c0/user_command, as well as being logged to
the console by the driver. Within 60 seconds of this command the driver logs:
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:2 Error Log: Sense Key = 6, ASC = 29, ASCQ = 01
DAC960#0: Physical Drive 1:2 is now STANDBY
DAC960#0: Make Standby of Physical Drive 1:2 Succeeded
and /proc/rd/c0/current_status is updated:
gwynedd:/u/lnz# cat /proc/rd/c0/current_status
Physical Devices:
0:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:2 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
0:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:1 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
1:2 - Disk: Standby, 2201600 blocks
1:3 - Disk: Online, 2201600 blocks
Logical Drives:
/dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-5, Online, 4399104 blocks, Write Thru
/dev/rd/c0d1: RAID-6, Online, 2754560 blocks, Write Thru
Rebuild Completed Successfully
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
The Cyclades-Z must have firmware loaded onto the card before it will
operate. This operation should be performed during system startup,
The firmware, loader program and the latest device driver code are
available from Cyclades at
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Linux 2.4.2 Secure Attention Key (SAK) handling
18 March 2001, Andrew Morton <>
An operating system's Secure Attention Key is a security tool which is
provided as protection against trojan password capturing programs. It
is an undefeatable way of killing all programs which could be
masquerading as login applications. Users need to be taught to enter
this key sequence before they log in to the system.
From the PC keyboard, Linux has two similar but different ways of
providing SAK. One is the ALT-SYSRQ-K sequence. You shouldn't use
this sequence. It is only available if the kernel was compiled with
sysrq support.
The proper way of generating a SAK is to define the key sequence using
`loadkeys'. This will work whether or not sysrq support is compiled
into the kernel.
SAK works correctly when the keyboard is in raw mode. This means that
once defined, SAK will kill a running X server. If the system is in
run level 5, the X server will restart. This is what you want to
What key sequence should you use? Well, CTRL-ALT-DEL is used to reboot
the machine. CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE is magical to the X server. We'll
In your rc.sysinit (or rc.local) file, add the command
echo "control alt keycode 101 = SAK" | /bin/loadkeys
And that's it! Only the superuser may reprogram the SAK key.
1: Linux SAK is said to be not a "true SAK" as is required by
systems which implement C2 level security. This author does not
know why.
2: On the PC keyboard, SAK kills all applications which have
/dev/console opened.
Unfortunately this includes a number of things which you don't
actually want killed. This is because these applications are
incorrectly holding /dev/console open. Be sure to complain to your
Linux distributor about this!
You can identify processes which will be killed by SAK with the
# ls -l /proc/[0-9]*/fd/* | grep console
l-wx------ 1 root root 64 Mar 18 00:46 /proc/579/fd/0 -> /dev/console
# ps aux|grep 579
root 579 0.0 0.1 1088 436 ? S 00:43 0:00 gpm -t ps/2
So `gpm' will be killed by SAK. This is a bug in gpm. It should
be closing standard input. You can work around this by finding the
initscript which launches gpm and changing it thusly:
daemon gpm
daemon gpm < /dev/null
Vixie cron also seems to have this problem, and needs the same treatment.
Also, one prominent Linux distribution has the following three
lines in its rc.sysinit and rc scripts:
exec 3<&0
exec 4>&1
exec 5>&2
These commands cause *all* daemons which are launched by the
initscripts to have file descriptors 3, 4 and 5 attached to
/dev/console. So SAK kills them all. A workaround is to simply
delete these lines, but this may cause system management
applications to malfunction - test everything well.
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Linux kernel developers take security very seriously. As such, we'd
like to know when a security bug is found so that it can be fixed and
disclosed as quickly as possible. Please report security bugs to the
Linux kernel security team.
1) Contact
The Linux kernel security team can be contacted by email at
<>. This is a private list of security officers
who will help verify the bug report and develop and release a fix.
It is possible that the security team will bring in extra help from
area maintainers to understand and fix the security vulnerability.
As it is with any bug, the more information provided the easier it
will be to diagnose and fix. Please review the procedure outlined in
REPORTING-BUGS if you are unclear about what information is helpful.
Any exploit code is very helpful and will not be released without
consent from the reporter unless it has already been made public.
2) Disclosure
The goal of the Linux kernel security team is to work with the
bug submitter to bug resolution as well as disclosure. We prefer
to fully disclose the bug as soon as possible. It is reasonable to
delay disclosure when the bug or the fix is not yet fully understood,
the solution is not well-tested or for vendor coordination. However, we
expect these delays to be short, measurable in days, not weeks or months.
A disclosure date is negotiated by the security team working with the
bug submitter as well as vendors. However, the kernel security team
holds the final say when setting a disclosure date. The timeframe for
disclosure is from immediate (esp. if it's already publically known)
to a few weeks. As a basic default policy, we expect report date to
disclosure date to be on the order of 7 days.
3) Non-disclosure agreements
The Linux kernel security team is not a formal body and therefore unable
to enter any non-disclosure agreements.
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@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
Submitting Drivers For The Linux Kernel
This document is intended to explain how to submit device drivers to the
various kernel trees. Note that if you are interested in video card drivers
you should probably talk to XFree86 ( and/or X.Org
( instead.
Also read the Documentation/SubmittingPatches document.
Allocating Device Numbers
Major and minor numbers for block and character devices are allocated
by the Linux assigned name and number authority (currently better
known as H Peter Anvin). The site is This
also deals with allocating numbers for devices that are not going to
be submitted to the mainstream kernel.
If you don't use assigned numbers then when you device is submitted it will
get given an assigned number even if that is different from values you may
have shipped to customers before.
Who To Submit Drivers To
Linux 2.0:
No new drivers are accepted for this kernel tree
Linux 2.2:
If the code area has a general maintainer then please submit it to
the maintainer listed in MAINTAINERS in the kernel file. If the
maintainer does not respond or you cannot find the appropriate
maintainer then please contact Alan Cox <>
Linux 2.4:
The same rules apply as 2.2. The final contact point for Linux 2.4
submissions is Marcelo Tosatti <>.
Linux 2.6:
The same rules apply as 2.4 except that you should follow linux-kernel
to track changes in API's. The final contact point for Linux 2.6
submissions is Andrew Morton <>.
What Criteria Determine Acceptance
Licensing: The code must be released to us under the
GNU General Public License. We don't insist on any kind
of exclusively GPL licensing, and if you wish the driver
to be useful to other communities such as BSD you may well
wish to release under multiple licenses.
Copyright: The copyright owner must agree to use of GPL.
It's best if the submitter and copyright owner
are the same person/entity. If not, the name of
the person/entity authorizing use of GPL should be
listed in case it's necessary to verify the will of
the copright owner.
Interfaces: If your driver uses existing interfaces and behaves like
other drivers in the same class it will be much more likely
to be accepted than if it invents gratuitous new ones.
If you need to implement a common API over Linux and NT
drivers do it in userspace.
Code: Please use the Linux style of code formatting as documented
in Documentation/CodingStyle. If you have sections of code
that need to be in other formats, for example because they
are shared with a windows driver kit and you want to
maintain them just once separate them out nicely and note
this fact.
Portability: Pointers are not always 32bits, not all computers are little
endian, people do not all have floating point and you
shouldn't use inline x86 assembler in your driver without
careful thought. Pure x86 drivers generally are not popular.
If you only have x86 hardware it is hard to test portability
but it is easy to make sure the code can easily be made
Clarity: It helps if anyone can see how to fix the driver. It helps
you because you get patches not bug reports. If you submit a
driver that intentionally obfuscates how the hardware works
it will go in the bitbucket.
Control: In general if there is active maintainance of a driver by
the author then patches will be redirected to them unless
they are totally obvious and without need of checking.
If you want to be the contact and update point for the
driver it is a good idea to state this in the comments,
and include an entry in MAINTAINERS for your driver.
What Criteria Do Not Determine Acceptance
Vendor: Being the hardware vendor and maintaining the driver is
often a good thing. If there is a stable working driver from
other people already in the tree don't expect 'we are the
vendor' to get your driver chosen. Ideally work with the
existing driver author to build a single perfect driver.
Author: It doesn't matter if a large Linux company wrote the driver,
or you did. Nobody has any special access to the kernel
tree. Anyone who tells you otherwise isn't telling the
whole story.
Linux kernel master tree:
?? == your country code, such as "us", "uk", "fr", etc.
Linux kernel mailing list:
[mail to subscribe]
Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition (covers 2.6.10):
|||| (free version)
Kernel traffic:
Weekly summary of kernel list activity (much easier to read)
Weekly summary of kernel development activity -
2.6 API changes:
Porting drivers from prior kernels to 2.6:
Occasional Linux kernel articles and developer interviews
Documentation and assistance for new kernel programmers
Linux USB project:
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How to Get Your Change Into the Linux Kernel
Care And Operation Of Your Linus Torvalds
For a person or company who wishes to submit a change to the Linux
kernel, the process can sometimes be daunting if you're not familiar
with "the system." This text is a collection of suggestions which
can greatly increase the chances of your change being accepted.
If you are submitting a driver, also read Documentation/SubmittingDrivers.
1) "diff -up"
Use "diff -up" or "diff -uprN" to create patches.
All changes to the Linux kernel occur in the form of patches, as
generated by diff(1). When creating your patch, make sure to create it
in "unified diff" format, as supplied by the '-u' argument to diff(1).
Also, please use the '-p' argument which shows which C function each
change is in - that makes the resultant diff a lot easier to read.
Patches should be based in the root kernel source directory,
not in any lower subdirectory.
To create a patch for a single file, it is often sufficient to do:
SRCTREE= linux-2.4
MYFILE= drivers/net/mydriver.c
vi $MYFILE # make your change
cd ..
diff -up $SRCTREE/$MYFILE{.orig,} > /tmp/patch
To create a patch for multiple files, you should unpack a "vanilla",
or unmodified kernel source tree, and generate a diff against your
own source tree. For example:
MYSRC= /devel/linux-2.4
tar xvfz linux-2.4.0-test11.tar.gz
mv linux linux-vanilla
diff -uprN -X dontdiff linux-vanilla $MYSRC > /tmp/patch
rm -f dontdiff
"dontdiff" is a list of files which are generated by the kernel during
the build process, and should be ignored in any diff(1)-generated
patch. dontdiff is maintained by Tigran Aivazian <>
Make sure your patch does not include any extra files which do not
belong in a patch submission. Make sure to review your patch -after-
generated it with diff(1), to ensure accuracy.
If your changes produce a lot of deltas, you may want to look into
splitting them into individual patches which modify things in
logical stages, this will facilitate easier reviewing by other
kernel developers, very important if you want your patch accepted.
There are a number of scripts which can aid in this;
Randy Dunlap's patch scripts:
Andrew Morton's patch scripts:
2) Describe your changes.
Describe the technical detail of the change(s) your patch includes.
Be as specific as possible. The WORST descriptions possible include
things like "update driver X", "bug fix for driver X", or "this patch
includes updates for subsystem X. Please apply."
If your description starts to get long, that's a sign that you probably
need to split up your patch. See #3, next.
3) Separate your changes.
Separate each logical change into its own patch.
For example, if your changes include both bug fixes and performance
enhancements for a single driver, separate those changes into two
or more patches. If your changes include an API update, and a new
driver which uses that new API, separate those into two patches.
On the other hand, if you make a single change to numerous files,
group those changes into a single patch. Thus a single logical change
is contained within a single patch.
If one patch depends on another patch in order for a change to be
complete, that is OK. Simply note "this patch depends on patch X"
in your patch description.
4) Select e-mail destination.
Look through the MAINTAINERS file and the source code, and determine
if your change applies to a specific subsystem of the kernel, with
an assigned maintainer. If so, e-mail that person.
If no maintainer is listed, or the maintainer does not respond, send
your patch to the primary Linux kernel developer's mailing list,
|||| Most kernel developers monitor this
e-mail list, and can comment on your changes.
Linus Torvalds is the final arbiter of all changes accepted into the
Linux kernel. His e-mail address is <>. He gets
a lot of e-mail, so typically you should do your best to -avoid- sending
him e-mail.
Patches which are bug fixes, are "obvious" changes, or similarly
require little discussion should be sent or CC'd to Linus. Patches
which require discussion or do not have a clear advantage should
usually be sent first to linux-kernel. Only after the patch is
discussed should the patch then be submitted to Linus.
For small patches you may want to CC the Trivial Patch Monkey
|||| set up by Rusty Russell; which collects "trivial"
patches. Trivial patches must qualify for one of the following rules:
Spelling fixes in documentation
Spelling fixes which could break grep(1).
Warning fixes (cluttering with useless warnings is bad)
Compilation fixes (only if they are actually correct)
Runtime fixes (only if they actually fix things)
Removing use of deprecated functions/macros (eg. check_region).
Contact detail and documentation fixes
Non-portable code replaced by portable code (even in arch-specific,
since people copy, as long as it's trivial)
Any fix by the author/maintainer of the file. (ie. patch monkey
in re-transmission mode)
5) Select your CC (e-mail carbon copy) list.
Unless you have a reason NOT to do so, CC
Other kernel developers besides Linus need to be aware of your change,
so that they may comment on it and offer code review and suggestions.
linux-kernel is the primary Linux kernel developer mailing list.
Other mailing lists are available for specific subsystems, such as
USB, framebuffer devices, the VFS, the SCSI subsystem, etc. See the
MAINTAINERS file for a mailing list that relates specifically to
your change.
Even if the maintainer did not respond in step #4, make sure to ALWAYS
copy the maintainer when you change their code.
For small patches you may want to CC the Trivial Patch Monkey
|||| set up by Rusty Russell; which collects "trivial"
patches. Trivial patches must qualify for one of the following rules:
Spelling fixes in documentation
Spelling fixes which could break grep(1).
Warning fixes (cluttering with useless warnings is bad)
Compilation fixes (only if they are actually correct)
Runtime fixes (only if they actually fix things)
Removing use of deprecated functions/macros (eg. check_region).
Contact detail and documentation fixes
Non-portable code replaced by portable code (even in arch-specific,
since people copy, as long as it's trivial)
Any fix by the author/maintainer of the file. (ie. patch monkey
in re-transmission mode)
6) No MIME, no links, no compression, no attachments. Just plain text.
Linus and other kernel developers need to be able to read and comment
on the changes you are submitting. It is important for a kernel
developer to be able to "quote" your changes, using standard e-mail
tools, so that they may comment on specific portions of your code.
For this reason, all patches should be submitting e-mail "inline".
WARNING: Be wary of your editor's word-wrap corrupting your patch,
if you choose to cut-n-paste your patch.
Do not attach the patch as a MIME attachment, compressed or not.
Many popular e-mail applications will not always transmit a MIME
attachment as plain text, making it impossible to comment on your
code. A MIME attachment also takes Linus a bit more time to process,
decreasing the likelihood of your MIME-attached change being accepted.
Exception: If your mailer is mangling patches then someone may ask
you to re-send them using MIME.
7) E-mail size.
When sending patches to Linus, always follow step #6.
Large changes are not appropriate for mailing lists, and some
maintainers. If your patch, uncompressed, exceeds 40 kB in size,
it is preferred that you store your patch on an Internet-accessible
server, and provide instead a URL (link) pointing to your patch.
8) Name your kernel version.
It is important to note, either in the subject line or in the patch
description, the kernel version to which this patch applies.
If the patch does not apply cleanly to the latest kernel version,
Linus will not apply it.
9) Don't get discouraged. Re-submit.
After you have submitted your change, be patient and wait. If Linus
likes your change and applies it, it will appear in the next version
of the kernel that he releases.
However, if your change doesn't appear in the next version of the
kernel, there could be any number of reasons. It's YOUR job to
narrow down those reasons, correct what was wrong, and submit your
updated change.
It is quite common for Linus to "drop" your patch without comment.
That's the nature of the system. If he drops your patch, it could be
due to
* Your patch did not apply cleanly to the latest kernel version
* Your patch was not sufficiently discussed on linux-kernel.
* A style issue (see section 2),
* An e-mail formatting issue (re-read this section)
* A technical problem with your change
* He gets tons of e-mail, and yours got lost in the shuffle
* You are being annoying (See Figure 1)
When in doubt, solicit comments on linux-kernel mailing list.
10) Include PATCH in the subject
Due to high e-mail traffic to Linus, and to linux-kernel, it is common
convention to prefix your subject line with [PATCH]. This lets Linus
and other kernel developers more easily distinguish patches from other
e-mail discussions.
11) Sign your work
To improve tracking of who did what, especially with patches that can
percolate to their final resting place in the kernel through several
layers of maintainers, we've introduced a "sign-off" procedure on
patches that are being emailed around.
The sign-off is a simple line at the end of the explanation for the
patch, which certifies that you wrote it or otherwise have the right to
pass it on as a open-source patch. The rules are pretty simple: if you
can certify the below:
Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.0
By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
have the right to submit it under the open source license
indicated in the file; or
(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
license and I have the right under that license to submit that
work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
in the file; or
(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
then you just add a line saying
Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <>
Some people also put extra tags at the end. They'll just be ignored for
now, but you can do this to mark internal company procedures or just
point out some special detail about the sign-off.
This section lists many of the common "rules" associated with code
submitted to the kernel. There are always exceptions... but you must
have a really good reason for doing so. You could probably call this
section Linus Computer Science 101.
1) Read Documentation/CodingStyle
Nuff said. If your code deviates too much from this, it is likely
to be rejected without further review, and without comment.
2) #ifdefs are ugly
Code cluttered with ifdefs is difficult to read and maintain. Don't do
it. Instead, put your ifdefs in a header, and conditionally define
'static inline' functions, or macros, which are used in the code.
Let the compiler optimize away the "no-op" case.
Simple example, of poor code:
dev = alloc_etherdev (sizeof(struct funky_private));
if (!dev)
return -ENODEV;
Cleaned-up example:
(in header)
static inline void init_funky_net (struct net_device *d) {}
(in the code itself)
dev = alloc_etherdev (sizeof(struct funky_private));
if (!dev)
return -ENODEV;
3) 'static inline' is better than a macro
Static inline functions are greatly preferred over macros.
They provide type safety, have no length limitations, no formatting
limitations, and under gcc they are as cheap as macros.
Macros should only be used for cases where a static inline is clearly
suboptimal [there a few, isolated cases of this in fast paths],
or where it is impossible to use a static inline function [such as
'static inline' is preferred over 'static __inline__', 'extern inline',
and 'extern __inline__'.
4) Don't over-design.
Don't try to anticipate nebulous future cases which may or may not
be useful: "Make it as simple as you can, and no simpler"
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Software cursor for VGA by Pavel Machek <>
======================= and Martin Mares <>
Linux now has some ability to manipulate cursor appearance. Normally, you
can set the size of hardware cursor (and also work around some ugly bugs in
those miserable Trident cards--see #define TRIDENT_GLITCH in drivers/video/
vgacon.c). You can now play a few new tricks: you can make your cursor look
like a non-blinking red block, make it inverse background of the character it's
over or to highlight that character and still choose whether the original
hardware cursor should remain visible or not. There may be other things I have
never thought of.
The cursor appearance is controlled by a "<ESC>[?1;2;3c" escape sequence
where 1, 2 and 3 are parameters described below. If you omit any of them,
they will default to zeroes.
Parameter 1 specifies cursor size (0=default, 1=invisible, 2=underline, ...,
8=full block) + 16 if you want the software cursor to be applied + 32 if you
want to always change the background color + 64 if you dislike having the
background the same as the foreground. Highlights are ignored for the last two
The second parameter selects character attribute bits you want to change
(by simply XORing them with the value of this parameter). On standard VGA,
the high four bits specify background and the low four the foreground. In both
groups, low three bits set color (as in normal color codes used by the console)
and the most significant one turns on highlight (or sometimes blinking--it
depends on the configuration of your VGA).
The third parameter consists of character attribute bits you want to set.
Bit setting takes place before bit toggling, so you can simply clear a bit by
including it in both the set mask and the toggle mask.
To get normal blinking underline, use: echo -e '\033[?2c'
To get blinking block, use: echo -e '\033[?6c'
To get red non-blinking block, use: echo -e '\033[?17;0;64c'
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
The EtherDrive (R) HOWTO for users of 2.6 kernels is found at ...
It has many tips and hints!
Users of udev should find the block device nodes created
automatically, but to create all the necessary device nodes, use the
udev configuration rules provided in udev.txt (in this directory).
There is a script that shows how to install these
rules on your system.
If you are not using udev, two scripts are provided in
Documentation/aoe as examples of static device node creation for
using the aoe driver.
rm -rf /dev/etherd
sh Documentation/aoe/ /dev/etherd
... or to make just one shelf's worth of block device nodes ...
sh Documentation/aoe/ /dev/etherd 0
There is also an autoload script that shows how to edit
/etc/modprobe.conf to ensure that the aoe module is loaded when
"cat /dev/etherd/err" blocks, waiting for error diagnostic output,
like any retransmitted packets.
"echo eth2 eth4 > /dev/etherd/interfaces" tells the aoe driver to
limit ATA over Ethernet traffic to eth2 and eth4. AoE traffic from
untrusted networks should be ignored as a matter of security.
"echo > /dev/etherd/discover" tells the driver to find out what AoE
devices are available.
These character devices may disappear and be replaced by sysfs
counterparts, so distribution maintainers are encouraged to create
scripts that use these devices.
The block devices are named like this:
... so that "e0.2" is the third blade from the left (slot 2) in the
first shelf (shelf address zero). That's the whole disk. The first
partition on that disk would be "e0.2p1".
Each aoe block device in /sys/block has the extra attributes of
state, mac, and netif. The state attribute is "up" when the device
is ready for I/O and "down" if detected but unusable. The
"down,closewait" state shows that the device is still open and
cannot come up again until it has been closed.
The mac attribute is the ethernet address of the remote AoE device.
The netif attribute is the network interface on the localhost
through which we are communicating with the remote AoE device.
There is a script in this directory that formats this information
in a convenient way.
root@makki root# sh Documentation/aoe/
e10.0 eth3 up
e10.1 eth3 up
e10.2 eth3 up
e10.3 eth3 up
e10.4 eth3 up
e10.5 eth3 up
e10.6 eth3 up
e10.7 eth3 up
e10.8 eth3 up
e10.9 eth3 up
e4.0 eth1 up
e4.1 eth1 up
e4.2 eth1 up
e4.3 eth1 up
e4.4 eth1 up
e4.5 eth1 up
e4.6 eth1 up
e4.7 eth1 up
e4.8 eth1 up
e4.9 eth1 up
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# set aoe to autoload by installing the
# aliases in /etc/modprobe.conf
if test ! -r $f || test ! -w $f; then
echo "cannot configure $f for module autoloading" 1>&2
exit 1
grep major-152 $f >/dev/null
if [ $? = 1 ]; then
echo alias block-major-152 aoe >> $f
echo alias char-major-152 aoe >> $f
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
if test "$#" != "1"; then
echo "Usage: sh `basename $0` {dir}" 1>&2
exit 1
echo "Creating AoE devnode files in $dir ..."
set -e
mkdir -p $dir
# (Status info is in sysfs. See
# rm -f $dir/stat
# mknod -m 0400 $dir/stat c $MAJOR 1
rm -f $dir/err
mknod -m 0400 $dir/err c $MAJOR 2
rm -f $dir/discover
mknod -m 0200 $dir/discover c $MAJOR 3
rm -f $dir/interfaces
mknod -m 0200 $dir/interfaces c $MAJOR 4
export n_partitions
mkshelf=`echo $0 | sed 's!mkdevs!mkshelf!'`
while test $i -lt $n_shelves; do
sh -xc "sh $mkshelf $dir $i"
i=`expr $i + 1`
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#! /bin/sh
if test "$#" != "2"; then
echo "Usage: sh `basename $0` {dir} {shelfaddress}" 1>&2
exit 1
set -e
minor=`echo 10 \* $shelf \* $n_partitions | bc`
endp=`echo $n_partitions - 1 | bc`
for slot in `seq 0 9`; do
for part in `seq 0 $endp`; do
test "$part" != "0" && name=${name}p$part
rm -f $dir/$name
mknod -m 0660 $dir/$name b $MAJOR $minor
minor=`expr $minor + 1`
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#! /bin/sh
# collate and present sysfs information about AoE storage
set -e
me=`basename $0`
# printf "$format" device mac netif state
# Suse 9.1 Pro doesn't put /sys in /etc/mtab
#test -z "`mount | grep sysfs`" && {
test ! -d "$sysd/block" && {
echo "$me Error: sysfs is not mounted" 1>&2
exit 1
test -z "`lsmod | grep '^aoe'`" && {
echo "$me Error: aoe module is not loaded" 1>&2
exit 1
for d in `ls -d $sysd/block/etherd* 2>/dev/null | grep -v p` end; do
# maybe ls comes up empty, so we use "end"
test $d = end && continue
dev=`echo "$d" | sed 's/.*!//'`
printf "$format" \
"$dev" \
"`cat \"$d/netif\"`" \
"`cat \"$d/state\"`"
done | sort
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# install the aoe-specific udev rules from udev.txt into
# the system's udev configuration
me="`basename $0`"
# find udev.conf, often /etc/udev/udev.conf
# (or environment can specify where to find udev.conf)
if test -z "$conf"; then
if test -r /etc/udev/udev.conf; then
conf="`find /etc -type f -name udev.conf 2> /dev/null`"
if test -z "$conf" || test ! -r "$conf"; then
echo "$me Error: no udev.conf found" 1>&2
exit 1
# find the directory where udev rules are stored, often
# /etc/udev/rules.d
rules_d="`sed -n '/^udev_rules=/{ s!udev_rules=!!; s!\"!!g; p; }' $conf`"
test "$rules_d" && sh -xc "cp `dirname $0`/udev.txt $rules_d/60-aoe.rules"
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# These rules tell udev what device nodes to create for aoe support.
# They may be installed along the following lines (adjusted to what
# you see on your system).
# ecashin@makki ~$ su
# Password:
# bash# find /etc -type f -name udev.conf
# /etc/udev/udev.conf
# bash# grep udev_rules= /etc/udev/udev.conf
# udev_rules="/etc/udev/rules.d/"
# bash# ls /etc/udev/rules.d/
# 10-wacom.rules 50-udev.rules
# bash# cp /path/to/linux-2.6.xx/Documentation/aoe/udev.txt \
# /etc/udev/rules.d/60-aoe.rules
# aoe char devices
SUBSYSTEM="aoe", KERNEL="discover", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0220"
SUBSYSTEM="aoe", KERNEL="err", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0440"
SUBSYSTEM="aoe", KERNEL="interfaces", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0220"
# aoe block devices
KERNEL="etherd*", NAME="%k", GROUP="disk"
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
- this file
- requirements for booting
- ARM Interrupt subsystem documentation
- Netwinder specific documentation
- General ARM documentation
- SA1100 documentation
- XScale documentation
- Empeg documentation
- alignment abort handler documentation
- NWFPE floating point emulator documentation
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Booting ARM Linux
Author: Russell King
Date : 18 May 2002
The following documentation is relevant to 2.4.18-rmk6 and beyond.
In order to boot ARM Linux, you require a boot loader, which is a small
program that runs before the main kernel. The boot loader is expected
to initialise various devices, and eventually call the Linux kernel,
passing information to the kernel.
Essentially, the boot loader should provide (as a minimum) the
1. Setup and initialise the RAM.
2. Initialise one serial port.
3. Detect the machine type.
4. Setup the kernel tagged list.
5. Call the kernel image.
1. Setup and initialise RAM
Existing boot loaders: MANDATORY
New boot loaders: MANDATORY
The boot loader is expected to find and initialise all RAM that the
kernel will use for volatile data storage in the system. It performs
this in a machine dependent manner. (It may use internal algorithms
to automatically locate and size all RAM, or it may use knowledge of
the RAM in the machine, or any other method the boot loader designer
sees fit.)
2. Initialise one serial port
Existing boot loaders: OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED
The boot loader should initialise and enable one serial port on the
target. This allows the kernel serial driver to automatically detect
which serial port it should use for the kernel console (generally
used for debugging purposes, or communication with the target.)
As an alternative, the boot loader can pass the relevant 'console='
option to the kernel via the tagged lists specifying the port, and
serial format options as described in
3. Detect the machine type
Existing boot loaders: OPTIONAL
New boot loaders: MANDATORY
The boot loader should detect the machine type its running on by some
method. Whether this is a hard coded value or some algorithm that
looks at the connected hardware is beyond the scope of this document.
The boot loader must ultimately be able to provide a MACH_TYPE_xxx
value to the kernel. (see linux/arch/arm/tools/mach-types).
4. Setup the kernel tagged list
New boot loaders: MANDATORY
The boot loader must create and initialise the kernel tagged list.
A valid tagged list starts with ATAG_CORE and ends with ATAG_NONE.
The ATAG_CORE tag may or may not be empty. An empty ATAG_CORE tag
has the size field set to '2' (0x00000002). The ATAG_NONE must set
the size field to zero.
Any number of tags can be placed in the list. It is undefined
whether a repeated tag appends to the information carried by the
previous tag, or whether it replaces the information in its
entirety; some tags behave as the former, others the latter.
The boot loader must pass at a minimum the size and location of
the system memory, and root filesystem location. Therefore, the
minimum tagged list should look:
base -> | ATAG_CORE | |
+-----------+ |
| ATAG_MEM | | increasing address
+-----------+ |
+-----------+ v
The tagged list should be stored in system RAM.
The tagged list must be placed in a region of memory where neither
the kernel decompressor nor initrd 'bootp' program will overwrite
it. The recommended placement is in the first 16KiB of RAM.
5. Calling the kernel image
Existing boot loaders: MANDATORY
New boot loaders: MANDATORY
There are two options for calling the kernel zImage. If the zImage
is stored in flash, and is linked correctly to be run from flash,
then it is legal for the boot loader to call the zImage in flash
The zImage may also be placed in system RAM (at any location) and
called there. Note that the kernel uses 16K of RAM below the image
to store page tables. The recommended placement is 32KiB into RAM.
In either case, the following conditions must be met:
- Quiesce all DMA capable devicess so that memory does not get
corrupted by bogus network packets or disk data. This will save
you many hours of debug.
- CPU register settings
r0 = 0,
r1 = machine type number discovered in (3) above.
r2 = physical address of tagged list in system RAM.
- CPU mode
All forms of interrupts must be disabled (IRQs and FIQs)
The CPU must be in SVC mode. (A special exception exists for Angel)
- Caches, MMUs
The MMU must be off.
Instruction cache may be on or off.
Data cache must be off.
- The boot loader is expected to call the kernel image by jumping
directly to the first instruction of the kernel image.
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
Release Notes for Linux on Intel's IXP2000 Network Processor
Maintained by Deepak Saxena <>
1. Overview
Intel's IXP2000 family of NPUs (IXP2400, IXP2800, IXP2850) is designed
for high-performance network applications such high-availability
telecom systems. In addition to an XScale core, it contains up to 8
"MicroEngines" that run special code, several high-end networking
interfaces (UTOPIA, SPI, etc), a PCI host bridge, one serial port,
flash interface, and some other odds and ends. For more information, see:
2. Linux Support
Linux currently supports the following features on the IXP2000 NPUs:
- On-chip serial
- Flash (MTD/JFFS2)
- I2C through GPIO
- Timers (watchdog, OS)
That is about all we can support under Linux ATM b/c the core networking
components of the chip are accessed via Intel's closed source SDK.
Please contact Intel directly on issues with using those. There is
also a mailing list run by some folks at Princeton University that might
be of help:
3. Supported Platforms
- Intel IXDP2400 Reference Platform
- Intel IXDP2800 Reference Platform
- Intel IXDP2401 Reference Platform
- Intel IXDP2801 Reference Platform
- RadiSys ENP-2611
4. Usage Notes
- The IXP2000 platforms usually have rather complex PCI bus topologies
with large memory space requirements. In addition, b/c of the way the
Intel SDK is designed, devices are enumerated in a very specific
way. B/c of this this, we use "pci=firmware" option in the kernel
command line so that we do not re-enumerate the bus.
- IXDP2x01 systems have variable clock tick rates that we cannot determine
via HW registers. The "ixdp2x01_clk=XXX" cmd line options allow you
to pass the clock rate to the board port.
5. Thanks
The IXP2000 work has been funded by Intel Corp. and MontaVista Software, Inc.
The following people have contributed patches/comments/etc:
Naeem F. Afzal
Lennert Buytenhek
Jeffrey Daly
Last Update: 8/09/2004
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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
Release Notes for Linux on Intel's IXP4xx Network Processor
Maintained by Deepak Saxena <>
1. Overview
Intel's IXP4xx network processor is a highly integrated SOC that
is targeted for network applications, though it has become popular
in industrial control and other areas due to low cost and power
consumption. The IXP4xx family currently consists of several processors
that support different network offload functions such as encryption,
routing, firewalling, etc. The IXP46x family is an updated version which
supports faster speeds, new memory and flash configurations, and more
integration such as an on-chip I2C controller.
For more information on the various versions of the CPU, see:
Intel also made the IXCP1100 CPU for sometime which is an IXP4xx
stripped of much of the network intelligence.
2. Linux Support
Linux currently supports the following features on the IXP4xx chips:
- Dual serial ports
- PCI interface
- Flash access (MTD/JFFS)
- I2C through GPIO on IXP42x
- GPIO for input/output/interrupts
See include/asm-arm/arch-ixp4xx/platform.h for access functions.
- Timers (watchdog, OS)
The following components of the chips are not supported by Linux and
require the use of Intel's propietary CSR softare:
- USB device interface
- Network interfaces (HSS, Utopia, NPEs, etc)
- Network offload functionality
If you need to use any of the above, you need to download Intel's
software from:
There are several websites that provide directions/pointers on using
Intel's software:
Open Source Developer's Guide for using uClinux and the Intel libraries
Simple one page summary of building a gateway using an IXP425 and Linux
ATM device driver for IXP425 that relies on Intel's libraries
3. Known Issues/Limitations
3a. Limited inbound PCI window
The IXP4xx family allows for up to 256MB of memory but the PCI interface
can only expose 64MB of that memory to the PCI bus. This means that if
you are running with > 64MB, all PCI buffers outside of the accessible
range will be bounced using the routines in arch/arm/common/dmabounce.c.
3b. Limited outbound PCI window
IXP4xx provides two methods of accessing PCI memory space:
1) A direct mapped window from 0x48000000 to 0x4bffffff (64MB).
To access PCI via this space, we simply ioremap() the BAR
into the kernel and we can use the standard read[bwl]/write[bwl]
macros. This is the preffered method due to speed but it
limits the system to just 64MB of PCI memory. This can be
problamatic if using video cards and other memory-heavy devices.
2) If > 64MB of memory space is required, the IXP4xx can be
configured to use indirect registers to access PCI This allows
for up to 128MB (0x48000000 to 0x4fffffff) of memory on the bus.
The disadvantadge of this is that every PCI access requires
three local register accesses plus a spinlock, but in some
cases the performance hit is acceptable. In addition, you cannot
mmap() PCI devices in this case due to the indirect nature
of the PCI window.
By default, the direct method is used for performance reasons. If
you need more PCI memory, enable the IXP4XX_INDIRECT_PCI config option.
3c. GPIO as Interrupts
Currently the code only handles level-sensitive GPIO interrupts
4. Supported platforms
ADI Engineering Coyote Gateway Reference Platform
The ADI Coyote platform is reference design for those building
small residential/office gateways. One NPE is connected to a 10/100
interface, one to 4-port 10/100 switch, and the third to and ADSL
interface. In addition, it also supports to POTs interfaces connected
via SLICs. Note that those are not supported by Linux ATM. Finally,
the platform has two mini-PCI slots used for 802.11[bga] cards.
Finally, there is an IDE port hanging off the expansion bus.
Gateworks Avila Network Platform
The Avila platform is basically and IXDP425 with the 4 PCI slots
replaced with mini-PCI slots and a CF IDE interface hanging off
the expansion bus.
Intel IXDP425 Development Platform
This is Intel's standard reference platform for the IXDP425 and is
also known as the Richfield board. It contains 4 PCI slots, 16MB
of flash, two 10/100 ports and one ADSL port.
Intel IXDP465 Development Platform
This is basically an IXDP425 with an IXP465 and 32M of flash instead
of just 16.
Intel IXDPG425 Development Platform
This is basically and ADI Coyote board with a NEC EHCI controller
added. One issue with this board is that the mini-PCI slots only
have the 3.3v line connected, so you can't use a PCI to mini-PCI
adapter with an E100 card. So to NFS root you need to use either
the CSR or a WiFi card and a ramdisk that BOOTPs and then does
a pivot_root to NFS.
Motorola PrPMC1100 Processor Mezanine Card
The PrPMC1100 is based on the IXCP1100 and is meant to plug into
and IXP2400/2800 system to act as the system controller. It simply
contains a CPU and 16MB of flash on the board and needs to be
plugged into a carrier board to function. Currently Linux only
supports the Motorola PrPMC carrier board for this platform.
See for info
on the carrier board.
- Add support for Coyote IDE
- Add support for edge-based GPIO interrupts
- Add support for CF IDE on expansion bus
6. Thanks
The IXP4xx work has been funded by Intel Corp. and MontaVista Software, Inc.
The following people have contributed patches/comments/etc:
Lennerty Buytenhek
Lutz Jaenicke
Justin Mayfield
Robert E. Ranslam
[I know I've forgotten others, please email me to be added]
Last Update: 01/04/2005
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This is the first kernel that contains a major shake up of some of the
major architecture-specific subsystems.
Firstly, it contains some pretty major changes to the way we handle the
MMU TLB. Each MMU TLB variant is now handled completely separately -
we have TLB v3, TLB v4 (without write buffer), TLB v4 (with write buffer),
and finally TLB v4 (with write buffer, with I TLB invalidate entry).
There is more assembly code inside each of these functions, mainly to
allow more flexible TLB handling for the future.
Secondly, the IRQ subsystem.
The 2.5 kernels will be having major changes to the way IRQs are handled.
Unfortunately, this means that machine types that touch the irq_desc[]
array (basically all machine types) will break, and this means every
machine type that we currently have.
Lets take an example. On the Assabet with Neponset, we have:
SA1100 ------------> Neponset -----------> SA1111
-----------> USAR
-----------> SMC9196
The way stuff currently works, all SA1111 interrupts are mutually
exclusive of each other - if you're processing one interrupt from the
SA1111 and another comes in, you have to wait for that interrupt to
finish processing before you can service the new interrupt. Eg, an
IDE PIO-based interrupt on the SA1111 excludes all other SA1111 and
SMC9196 interrupts until it has finished transferring its multi-sector
data, which can be a long time. Note also that since we loop in the
SA1111 IRQ handler, SA1111 IRQs can hold off SMC9196 IRQs indefinitely.
The new approach brings several new ideas...
We introduce the concept of a "parent" and a "child". For example,
to the Neponset handler, the "parent" is GPIO25, and the "children"d
are SA1111, SMC9196 and USAR.
We also bring the idea of an IRQ "chip" (mainly to reduce the size of
the irqdesc array). This doesn't have to be a real "IC"; indeed the
SA11x0 IRQs are handled by two separate "chip" structures, one for
GPIO0-10, and another for all the rest. It is just a container for
the various operations (maybe this'll change to a better name).
This structure has the following operations:
struct irqchip {
* Acknowledge the IRQ.
* If this is a level-based IRQ, then it is expected to mask the IRQ
* as well.
void (*ack)(unsigned int irq);
* Mask the IRQ in hardware.
void (*mask)(unsigned int irq);
* Unmask the IRQ in hardware.
void (*unmask)(unsigned int irq);
* Re-run the IRQ
void (*rerun)(unsigned int irq);
* Set the type of the IRQ.
int (*type)(unsigned int irq, unsigned int, type);
ack - required. May be the same function as mask for IRQs
handled by do_level_IRQ.
mask - required.
unmask - required.
rerun - optional. Not required if you're using do_level_IRQ for all
IRQs that use this 'irqchip'. Generally expected to re-trigger
the hardware IRQ if possible. If not, may call the handler
type - optional. If you don't support changing the type of an IRQ,
it should be null so people can detect if they are unable to
set the IRQ type.
For each IRQ, we keep the following information:
- "disable" depth (number of disable_irq()s without enable_irq()s)
- flags indicating what we can do with this IRQ (valid, probe,
noautounmask) as before
- status of the IRQ (probing, enable, etc)
- chip
- per-IRQ handler
- irqaction structure list
The handler can be one of the 3 standard handlers - "level", "edge" and
"simple", or your own specific handler if you need to do something special.
The "level" handler is what we currently have - its pretty simple.
"edge" knows about the brokenness of such IRQ implementations - that you
need to leave the hardware IRQ enabled while processing it, and queueing
further IRQ events should the IRQ happen again while processing. The
"simple" handler is very basic, and does not perform any hardware
manipulation, nor state tracking. This is useful for things like the
SMC9196 and USAR above.
So, what's changed?
1. Machine implementations must not write to the irqdesc array.
2. New functions to manipulate the irqdesc array. The first 4 are expected
to be useful only to machine specific code. The last is recommended to
only be used by machine specific code, but may be used in drivers if
absolutely necessary.
Set the mask/unmask methods for handling this IRQ
Set the handler for this IRQ (level, edge, simple)
Set a "chained" handler for this IRQ - automatically
enables this IRQ (eg, Neponset and SA1111 handlers).
Set the valid/probe/noautoenable flags.
Set active the IRQ edge(s)/level. This replaces the
SA1111 INTPOL manipulation, and the set_GPIO_IRQ_edge()
function. Type should be one of the following:
#define IRQT_NOEDGE (0)
3. set_GPIO_IRQ_edge() is obsolete, and should be replaced by set_irq_type.
4. Direct access to SA1111 INTPOL is depreciated. Use set_irq_type instead.
5. A handler is expected to perform any necessary acknowledgement of the
parent IRQ via the correct chip specific function. For instance, if
the SA1111 is directly connected to a SA1110 GPIO, then you should
acknowledge the SA1110 IRQ each time you re-read the SA1111 IRQ status.
6. For any child which doesn't have its own IRQ enable/disable controls
(eg, SMC9196), the handler must mask or acknowledge the parent IRQ
while the child handler is called, and the child handler should be the
"simple" handler (not "edge" nor "level"). After the handler completes,
the parent IRQ should be unmasked, and the status of all children must
be re-checked for pending events. (see the Neponset IRQ handler for
7. fixup_irq() is gone, as is include/asm-arm/arch-*/irq.h
Please note that this will not solve all problems - some of them are
hardware based. Mixing level-based and edge-based IRQs on the same
parent signal (eg neponset) is one such area where a software based
solution can't provide the full answer to low IRQ latency.
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NetWinder specific documentation
The NetWinder is a small low-power computer, primarily designed
to run Linux. It is based around the StrongARM RISC processor,
DC21285 PCI bridge, with PC-type hardware glued around it.
Port usage
Min - Max Description
0x0000 - 0x000f DMA1
0x0020 - 0x0021 PIC1
0x0060 - 0x006f Keyboard
0x0070 - 0x007f RTC
0x0080 - 0x0087 DMA1
0x0088 - 0x008f DMA2
0x00a0 - 0x00a3 PIC2
0x00c0 - 0x00df DMA2
0x0180 - 0x0187 IRDA
0x01f0 - 0x01f6 ide0
0x0201 Game port
0x0203 RWA010 configuration read
0x0220 - ? SoundBlaster
0x0250 - ? WaveArtist
0x0279 RWA010 configuration index
0x02f8 - 0x02ff Serial ttyS1
0x0300 - 0x031f Ether10
0x0338 GPIO1
0x033a GPIO2
0x0370 - 0x0371 W83977F configuration registers
0x0388 - ? AdLib
0x03c0 - 0x03df VGA
0x03f6 ide0
0x03f8 - 0x03ff Serial ttyS0
0x0400 - 0x0408 DC21143
0x0480 - 0x0487 DMA1
0x0488 - 0x048f DMA2
0x0a79 RWA010 configuration write
0xe800 - 0xe80f ide0/ide1 BM DMA
Interrupt usage
IRQ type Description
0 ISA 100Hz timer
1 ISA Keyboard
2 ISA cascade
3 ISA Serial ttyS1
4 ISA Serial ttyS0
5 ISA PS/2 mouse
7 ISA Printer
8 ISA RTC alarm
10 ISA GP10 (Orange reset button)
11 ISA
12 ISA WaveArtist
13 ISA
14 ISA hda1
15 ISA
DMA usage
DMA type Description
2 ISA cascade
3 ISA WaveArtist
7 ISA WaveArtist
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Taken from list archive at
Initial definitions
The following symbol definitions rely on you knowing the translation that
__virt_to_phys() does for your machine. This macro converts the passed
virtual address to a physical address. Normally, it is simply:
Decompressor Symbols
Start address of decompressor. There's no point in talking about
virtual or physical addresses here, since the MMU will be off at
the time when you call the decompressor code. You normally call
the kernel at this address to start it booting. This doesn't have
to be located in RAM, it can be in flash or other read-only or
read-write addressable medium.
Start address of zero-initialised work area for the decompressor.
This must be pointing at RAM. The decompressor will zero initialise
this for you. Again, the MMU will be off.
This is the address where the decompressed kernel will be written,
and eventually executed. The following constraint must be valid:
__virt_to_phys(TEXTADDR) == ZRELADDR
The initial part of the kernel is carefully coded to be position
Physical address to place the initial RAM disk. Only relevant if
you are using the bootpImage stuff (which only works on the old
struct param_struct).
Virtual address of the initial RAM disk. The following constraint
must be valid:
__virt_to_phys(INITRD_VIRT) == INITRD_PHYS
Physical address of the struct param_struct or tag list, giving the
kernel various parameters about its execution environment.
Kernel Symbols
Physical start address of the first bank of RAM.
Virtual start address of the first bank of RAM. During the kernel
boot phase, virtual address PAGE_OFFSET will be mapped to physical
address PHYS_OFFSET, along with any other mappings you supply.
This should be the same value as TASK_SIZE.
The maximum size of a user process in bytes. Since user space
always starts at zero, this is the maximum address that a user
process can access+1. The user space stack grows down from this
Any virtual address below TASK_SIZE is deemed to be user process
area, and therefore managed dynamically on a process by process
basis by the kernel. I'll call this the user segment.
Anything above TASK_SIZE is common to all processes. I'll call
this the kernel segment.
(In other words, you can't put IO mappings below TASK_SIZE, and
Virtual start address of kernel, normally PAGE_OFFSET + 0x8000.
This is where the kernel image ends up. With the latest kernels,
it must be located at 32768 bytes into a 128MB region. Previous
kernels placed a restriction of 256MB here.
Virtual address for the kernel data segment. Must not be defined
when using the decompressor.
Virtual addresses bounding the vmalloc() area. There must not be
any static mappings in this area; vmalloc will overwrite them.
The addresses must also be in the kernel segment (see above).
Normally, the vmalloc() area starts VMALLOC_OFFSET bytes above the
last virtual RAM address (found using variable high_memory).
Offset normally incorporated into VMALLOC_START to provide a hole
between virtual RAM and the vmalloc area. We do this to allow
out of bounds memory accesses (eg, something writing off the end
of the mapped memory map) to be caught. Normally set to 8MB.
Architecture Specific Macros
`pram' specifies the physical start address of RAM. Must always
be present, and should be the same as PHYS_OFFSET.
`pio' is the physical address of an 8MB region containing IO for
use with the debugging macros in arch/arm/kernel/debug-armv.S.
`vio' is the virtual address of the 8MB debugging region.
It is expected that the debugging region will be re-initialised
by the architecture specific code later in the code (via the
MAPIO function).
Same as, and see PARAMS_PHYS.
Machine specific fixups, run before memory subsystems have been
Machine specific function to map IO areas (including the debug
region above).
Machine specific function to initialise interrupts.
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ARM Linux 2.6
Please check <> for
Compilation of kernel
In order to compile ARM Linux, you will need a compiler capable of
generating ARM ELF code with GNU extensions. GCC 2.95.1, EGCS
1.1.2, and GCC 3.3 are known to be good compilers. Fortunately, you
needn't guess. The kernel will report an error if your compiler is
a recognized offender.
To build ARM Linux natively, you shouldn't have to alter the ARCH = line
in the top level Makefile. However, if you don't have the ARM Linux ELF
tools installed as default, then you should change the CROSS_COMPILE
line as detailed below.
If you wish to cross-compile, then alter the following lines in the top
level make file:
ARCH = <whatever>
ARCH = arm
Do a 'make config', followed by 'make Image' to build the kernel
(arch/arm/boot/Image). A compressed image can be built by doing a
'make zImage' instead of 'make Image'.
Bug reports etc
Please send patches to the patch system. For more information, see
|||| Always include some
explanation as to what the patch does and why it is needed.
Bug reports should be sent to,
or submitted through the web form at
When sending bug reports, please ensure that they contain all relevant
information, eg. the kernel messages that were printed before/during
the problem, what you were doing, etc.
Include files
Several new include directories have been created under include/asm-arm,
which are there to reduce the clutter in the top-level directory. These
directories, and their purpose is listed below:
arch-* machine/platform specific header files
hardware driver-internal ARM specific data structures/definitions
mach descriptions of generic ARM to specific machine interfaces
proc-* processor dependent header files (currently only two
Machine/Platform support
The ARM tree contains support for a lot of different machine types. To
continue supporting these differences, it has become necessary to split
machine-specific parts by directory. For this, the machine category is
used to select which directories and files get included (we will use
$(MACHINE) to refer to the category)
To this end, we now have arch/arm/mach-$(MACHINE) directories which are
designed to house the non-driver files for a particular machine (eg, PCI,
memory management, architecture definitions etc). For all future
machines, there should be a corresponding include/asm-arm/arch-$(MACHINE)
Although modularisation is supported (and required for the FP emulator),
each module on an ARM2/ARM250/ARM3 machine when is loaded will take
memory up to the next 32k boundary due to the size of the pages.
Therefore, modularisation on these machines really worth it?
However, ARM6 and up machines allow modules to take multiples of 4k, and
as such Acorn RiscPCs and other architectures using these processors can
make good use of modularisation.
ADFS Image files
You can access image files on your ADFS partitions by mounting the ADFS
partition, and then using the loopback device driver. You must have
losetup installed.
Please note that the PCEmulator DOS partitions have a partition table at
the start, and as such, you will have to give '-o offset' to losetup.
Request to developers
When writing device drivers which include a separate assembler file, please
include it in with the C file, and not the arch/arm/lib directory. This
allows the driver to be compiled as a loadable module without requiring
half the code to be compiled into the kernel image.
In general, try to avoid using assembler unless it is really necessary. It
makes drivers far less easy to port to other hardware.
ST506 hard drives
The ST506 hard drive controllers seem to be working fine (if a little
slowly). At the moment they will only work off the controllers on an
A4x0's motherboard, but for it to work off a Podule just requires
someone with a podule to add the addresses for the IRQ mask and the
HDC base to the source.
As of 31/3/96 it works with two drives (you should get the ADFS
*configure harddrive set to 2). I've got an internal 20MB and a great
big external 5.25" FH 64MB drive (who could ever want more :-) ).
I've just got 240K/s off it (a dd with bs=128k); thats about half of what
RiscOS gets; but it's a heck of a lot better than the 50K/s I was getting
last week :-)
Known bug: Drive data errors can cause a hang; including cases where
the controller has fixed the error using ECC. (Possibly ONLY
in that case...hmm).
1772 Floppy
This also seems to work OK, but hasn't been stressed much lately. It
hasn't got any code for disc change detection in there at the moment which
could be a bit of a problem! Suggestions on the correct way to do this
are welcome.
A change was made in 2003 to the macro names for new machines.
Historically, CONFIG_ARCH_ was used for the bonafide architecture,
e.g. SA1100, as well as implementations of the architecture,
e.g. Assabet. It was decided to change the implementation macros
to read CONFIG_MACH_ for clarity. Moreover, a retroactive fixup has
not been made because it would complicate patching.
Previous registrations may be found online.
Kernel entry (head.S)
The initial entry into the kernel is via head.S, which uses machine
independent code. The machine is selected by the value of 'r1' on
entry, which must be kept unique.
Due to the large number of machines which the ARM port of Linux provides
for, we have a method to manage this which ensures that we don't end up
duplicating large amounts of code.
We group machine (or platform) support code into machine classes. A
class typically based around one or more system on a chip devices, and
acts as a natural container around the actual implementations. These
classes are given directories - arch/arm/mach-<class> and
include/asm-arm/arch-<class> - which contain the source files to
support the machine class. This directories also contain any machine
specific supporting code.
For example, the SA1100 class is based upon the SA1100 and SA1110 SoC
devices, and contains the code to support the way the on-board and off-
board devices are used, or the device is setup, and provides that
machine specific "personality."
This fine-grained machine specific selection is controlled by the machine
type ID, which acts both as a run-time and a compile-time code selection
You can register a new machine via the web site at:
Russell King (15/03/2004)
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
ADS Bitsy Single Board Computer
(It is different from Bitsy(iPAQ) of Compaq)
For more details, contact Applied Data Systems or see
The Linux support for this product has been provided by
Woojung Huh <>
Use 'make adsbitsy_config' before any 'make config'.
This will set up defaults for ADS Bitsy support.
The kernel zImage is linked to be loaded and executed at 0xc0400000.
Linux can be used with the ADS BootLoader that ships with the
newer rev boards. See their documentation on how to load Linux.
Supported peripherals:
- SA1100 LCD frame buffer (8/16bpp...sort of)
- SA1111 USB Master
- SA1100 serial port
- pcmcia, compact flash
- touchscreen(ucb1200)
- console on LCD screen
- serial ports (ttyS[0-2])
- ttyS0 is default for serial console
To do:
- everything else! :-)
- The flash on board is divided into 3 partitions.
You should be careful to use flash on board.
It's partition is different from GraphicsClient Plus and GraphicsMaster
- 16bpp mode requires a different cable than what ships with the board.
Contact ADS or look through the manual to wire your own. Currently,
if you compile with 16bit mode support and switch into a lower bpp
mode, the timing is off so the image is corrupted. This will be
fixed soon.
Any contribution can be sent to and will be greatly welcome!
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The Intel Assabet (SA-1110 evaluation) board
Please see:
Also some notes from John G Dorsey <>:
Building the kernel
To build the kernel with current defaults:
make assabet_config
make oldconfig
make zImage
The resulting kernel image should be available in linux/arch/arm/boot/zImage.
Installing a bootloader
A couple of bootloaders able to boot Linux on Assabet are available:
BLOB is a bootloader used within the LART project. Some contributed
patches were merged into BLOB to add support for Assabet.
Compaq's Bootldr + John Dorsey's patch for Assabet support
Bootldr is the bootloader developed by Compaq for the iPAQ Pocket PC.
John Dorsey has produced add-on patches to add support for Assabet and
the JFFS filesystem.
RedBoot (
RedBoot is a bootloader developed by Red Hat based on the eCos RTOS
hardware abstraction layer. It supports Assabet amongst many other
hardware platforms.
RedBoot is currently the recommended choice since it's the only one to have
networking support, and is the most actively maintained.
Brief examples on how to boot Linux with RedBoot are shown below. But first
you need to have RedBoot installed in your flash memory. A known to work
precompiled RedBoot binary is available from the following location:
Look for redboot-assabet*.tgz. Some installation infos are provided in
Initial RedBoot configuration
The commands used here are explained in The RedBoot User's Guide available
on-line at
Please refer to it for explanations.
If you have a CF network card (my Assabet kit contained a CF+ LP-E from
Socket Communications Inc.), you should strongly consider using it for TFTP
file transfers. You must insert it before RedBoot runs since it can't detect
it dynamically.
To initialize the flash directory:
fis init -f
To initialize the non-volatile settings, like whether you want to use BOOTP or
a static IP address, etc, use this command:
fconfig -i
Writing a kernel image into flash
First, the kernel image must be loaded into RAM. If you have the zImage file
available on a TFTP server:
load zImage -r -b 0x100000
If you rather want to use Y-Modem upload over the serial port:
load -m ymodem -r -b 0x100000
To write it to flash:
fis create "Linux kernel" -b 0x100000 -l 0xc0000
Booting the kernel
The kernel still requires a filesystem to boot. A ramdisk image can be loaded
as follows:
load ramdisk_image.gz -r -b 0x800000
Again, Y-Modem upload can be used instead of TFTP by replacing the file name
by '-y ymodem'.
Now the kernel can be retrieved from flash like this:
fis load "Linux kernel"
or loaded as described previously. To boot the kernel:
exec -b 0x100000 -l 0xc0000
The ramdisk image could be stored into flash as well, but there are better
solutions for on-flash filesystems as mentioned below.
Using JFFS2
Using JFFS2 (the Second Journalling Flash File System) is probably the most
convenient way to store a writable filesystem into flash. JFFS2 is used in
conjunction with the MTD layer which is responsible for low-level flash
management. More information on the Linux MTD can be found on-line at:
|||| A JFFS howto with some infos about
creating JFFS/JFFS2 images is available from the same site.
For instance, a sample JFFS2 image can be retrieved from the same FTP sites
mentioned below for the precompiled RedBoot image.
To load this file:
load sample_img.jffs2 -r -b 0x100000
The result should look like:
RedBoot> load sample_img.jffs2 -r -b 0x100000
Raw file loaded 0x00100000-0x00377424
Now we must know the size of the unallocated flash:
fis free
RedBoot> fis free
0x500E0000 .. 0x503C0000
The values above may be different depending on the size of the filesystem and
the type of flash. See their usage below as an example and take care of
substituting yours appropriately.
We must determine some values:
size of unallocated flash: 0x503c0000 - 0x500e0000 = 0x2e0000
size of the filesystem image: 0x00377424 - 0x00100000 = 0x277424
We want to fit the filesystem image of course, but we also want to give it all
the remaining flash space as well. To write it:
fis unlock -f 0x500E0000 -l 0x2e0000
fis erase -f 0x500E0000 -l 0x2e0000
fis write -b 0x100000 -l 0x277424 -f 0x500E0000
fis create "JFFS2" -n -f 0x500E0000 -l 0x2e0000
Now the filesystem is associated to a MTD "partition" once Linux has discovered
what they are in the boot process. From Redboot, the 'fis list' command
displays them:
RedBoot> fis list
Name FLASH addr Mem addr Length Entry point
RedBoot 0x50000000 0x50000000 0x00020000 0x00000000
RedBoot config 0x503C0000 0x503C0000 0x00020000 0x00000000
FIS directory 0x503E0000 0x503E0000 0x00020000 0x00000000
Linux kernel 0x50020000 0x00100000 0x000C0000 0x00000000
JFFS2 0x500E0000 0x500E0000 0x002E0000 0x00000000
However Linux should display something like:
SA1100 flash: probing 32-bit flash bus
SA1100 flash: Found 2 x16 devices at 0x0 in 32-bit mode
Using RedBoot partition definition
Creating 5 MTD partitions on "SA1100 flash":
0x00000000-0x00020000 : "RedBoot"
0x00020000-0x000e0000 : "Linux kernel"
0x000e0000-0x003c0000 : "JFFS2"
0x003c0000-0x003e0000 : "RedBoot config"
0x003e0000-0x00400000 : "FIS directory"
What's important here is the position of the partition we are interested in,
which is the third one. Within Linux, this correspond to /dev/mtdblock2.
Therefore to boot Linux with the kernel and its root filesystem in flash, we
need this RedBoot command:
fis load "Linux kernel"
exec -b 0x100000 -l 0xc0000 -c "root=/dev/mtdblock2"
Of course other filesystems than JFFS might be used, like cramfs for example.
You might want to boot with a root filesystem over NFS, etc. It is also
possible, and sometimes more convenient, to flash a filesystem directly from
within Linux while booted from a ramdisk or NFS. The Linux MTD repository has
many tools to deal with flash memory as well, to erase it for example. JFFS2
can then be mounted directly on a freshly erased partition and files can be
copied over directly. Etc...
RedBoot scripting
All the commands above aren't so useful if they have to be typed in every
time the Assabet is rebooted. Therefore it's possible to automatize the boot
process using RedBoot's scripting capability.
For example, I use this to boot Linux with both the kernel and the ramdisk
images retrieved from a TFTP server on the network:
RedBoot> fconfig
Run script at boot: false true
Boot script:
Enter script, terminate with empty line
>> load zImage -r -b 0x100000
>> load ramdisk_ks.gz -r -b 0x800000
>> exec -b 0x100000 -l 0xc0000
Boot script timeout (1000ms resolution): 3
Use BOOTP for network configuration: true
GDB connection port: 9000
Network debug at boot time: false
Update RedBoot non-volatile configuration - are you sure (y/n)? y
Then, rebooting the Assabet is just a matter of waiting for the login prompt.
Nicolas Pitre
June 12, 2001
Status of peripherals in -rmk tree (updated 14/10/2001)
Serial ports:
Radio: TX, RX, CTS, DSR, DCD, RI
PM: Not tested.
PM: Not tested.
I2C: Implemented, not fully tested.
L3: Fully tested, pass.
PM: Not tested.
LCD: Fully tested. PM
(LCD doesn't like being blanked with
neponset connected)
Video out: Not fully
Playback: Fully tested, pass.
Record: Implemented, not tested.
PM: Not tested.
Audio play: Implemented, not heavily tested.
Audio rec: Implemented, not heavily tested.
Telco audio play: Implemented, not heavily tested.
Telco audio rec: Implemented, not heavily tested.
POTS control: No
Touchscreen: Yes
PM: Not tested.
LPE: Fully tested, pass.
SIR: Fully tested, pass.
FIR: Fully tested, pass.
PM: Not tested.
Serial ports:
PM: Not tested.
USB: Implemented, not heavily tested.
PCMCIA: Implemented, not heavily tested.
PM: Not tested.
CF: Implemented, not heavily tested.
PM: Not tested.
More stuff can be found in the -np (Nicolas Pitre's) tree.
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Brutus is an evaluation platform for the SA1100 manufactured by Intel.
For more details, see:
To compile for Brutus, you must issue the following commands:
make brutus_config
make config
[accept all the defaults]
make zImage
The resulting kernel will end up in linux/arch/arm/boot/zImage. This file
must be loaded at 0xc0008000 in Brutus's memory and execution started at
0xc0008000 as well with the value of registers r0 = 0 and r1 = 16 upon
But prior to execute the kernel, a ramdisk image must also be loaded in
memory. Use memory address 0xd8000000 for this. Note that the file
containing the (compressed) ramdisk image must not exceed 4 MB.
Typically, you'll need angelboot to load the kernel.
The following angelboot.opt file should be used:
----- begin angelboot.opt -----
base 0xc0008000
entry 0xc0008000
r0 0x00000000
r1 0x00000010
device /dev/ttyS0
options "9600 8N1"
baud 115200
otherfile ramdisk_img.gz
otherbase 0xd8000000
----- end angelboot.opt -----
Then load the kernel and ramdisk with:
angelboot -f angelboot.opt zImage
The first Brutus serial port (assumed to be linked to /dev/ttyS0 on your
host PC) is used by angel to load the kernel and ramdisk image. The serial
console is provided through the second Brutus serial port. To access it,
you may use minicom configured with /dev/ttyS1, 9600 baud, 8N1, no flow
Currently supported:
- RS232 serial ports
- audio output
- LCD screen
- keyboard
The actual Brutus support may not be complete without extra patches.
If such patches exist, they should be found from
A full PCMCIA support is still missing, although it's possible to hack
some drivers in order to drive already inserted cards at boot time with
little modifications.
Any contribution is welcome.
Please send patches to
Have Fun !
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
*** The StrongARM version of the CerfBoard/Cube has been discontinued ***
The Intrinsyc CerfBoard is a StrongARM 1110-based computer on a board
that measures approximately 2" square. It includes an Ethernet
controller, an RS232-compatible serial port, a USB function port, and
one CompactFlash+ slot on the back. Pictures can be found at the
Intrinsyc website,
This document describes the support in the Linux kernel for the
Intrinsyc CerfBoard.
Supported in this version:
- CompactFlash+ slot (select PCMCIA in General Setup and any options
that may be required)
- Onboard Crystal CS8900 Ethernet controller (Cerf CS8900A support in
Network Devices)
- Serial ports with a serial console (hardcoded to 38400 8N1)
In order to get this kernel onto your Cerf, you need a server that runs
both BOOTP and TFTP. Detailed instructions should have come with your
evaluation kit on how to use the bootloader. This series of commands
will suffice:
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- cerfcube_defconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- zImage
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- modules
cp arch/arm/boot/zImage <TFTP directory>
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Freebird-1.1 is produced by Legned(C) ,Inc.
and software/linux mainatined by Coventive(C),Inc.
Based on the Nicolas's strongarm kernel tree.
Chester Kuo <>
Author :
Tim wu <>
CIH <>
Eric Peng <>
Jeff Lee <>
Allen Cheng
Tony Liu <>
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
ADS GraphicsClient Plus Single Board Computer
For more details, contact Applied Data Systems or see
The original Linux support for this product has been provided by
Nicolas Pitre <>. Continued development work by
Woojung Huh <>
It's currently possible to mount a root filesystem via NFS providing a
complete Linux environment. Otherwise a ramdisk image may be used. The
board supports MTD/JFFS, so you could also mount something on there.
Use 'make graphicsclient_config' before any 'make config'. This will set up
defaults for GraphicsClient Plus support.
The kernel zImage is linked to be loaded and executed at 0xc0200000.
Also the following registers should have the specified values upon entry:
r0 = 0
r1 = 29 (this is the GraphicsClient architecture number)
Linux can be used with the ADS BootLoader that ships with the
newer rev boards. See their documentation on how to load Linux.
Angel is not available for the GraphicsClient Plus AFAIK.
There is a board known as just the GraphicsClient that ADS used to
produce but has end of lifed. This code will not work on the older
board with the ADS bootloader, but should still work with Angel,
as outlined below. In any case, if you're planning on deploying
something en masse, you should probably get the newer board.
If using Angel on the older boards, here is a typical angel.opt option file
if the kernel is loaded through the Angel Debug Monitor:
----- begin angelboot.opt -----
base 0xc0200000
entry 0xc0200000
r0 0x00000000
r1 0x0000001d
device /dev/ttyS1
options "38400 8N1"
baud 115200
#otherfile ramdisk.gz
#otherbase 0xc0800000
exec minicom
----- end angelboot.opt -----
Then the kernel (and ramdisk if otherfile/otherbase lines above are
uncommented) would be loaded with:
angelboot -f angelboot.opt zImage
Here it is assumed that the board is connected to ttyS1 on your PC
and that minicom is preconfigured with /dev/ttyS1, 38400 baud, 8N1, no flow
control by default.
If any other bootloader is used, ensure it accomplish the same, especially
for r0/r1 register values before jumping into the kernel.
Supported peripherals:
- SA1100 LCD frame buffer (8/16bpp...sort of)
- on-board SMC 92C96 ethernet NIC
- SA1100 serial port
- flash memory access (MTD/JFFS)
- pcmcia
- touchscreen(ucb1200)
- ps/2 keyboard
- console on LCD screen
- serial ports (ttyS[0-2])
- ttyS0 is default for serial console
- Smart I/O (ADC, keypad, digital inputs, etc)
See for IOCTL documentation
and example user space code. ps/2 keybd is multiplexed through this driver
To do:
- UCB1200 audio with new ucb_generic layer
- everything else! :-)
- The flash on board is divided into 3 partitions. mtd0 is where
the ADS boot ROM and zImage is stored. It's been marked as
read-only to keep you from blasting over the bootloader. :) mtd1 is
for the ramdisk.gz image. mtd2 is user flash space and can be
utilized for either JFFS or if you're feeling crazy, running ext2
on top of it. If you're not using the ADS bootloader, you're
welcome to blast over the mtd1 partition also.
- 16bpp mode requires a different cable than what ships with the board.
Contact ADS or look through the manual to wire your own. Currently,
if you compile with 16bit mode support and switch into a lower bpp
mode, the timing is off so the image is corrupted. This will be
fixed soon.
Any contribution can be sent to and will be greatly welcome!
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ADS GraphicsMaster Single Board Computer
For more details, contact Applied Data Systems or see
The original Linux support for this product has been provided by
Nicolas Pitre <>. Continued development work by
Woojung Huh <>
Use 'make graphicsmaster_config' before any 'make config'.
This will set up defaults for GraphicsMaster support.
The kernel zImage is linked to be loaded and executed at 0xc0400000.
Linux can be used with the ADS BootLoader that ships with the
newer rev boards. See their documentation on how to load Linux.
Supported peripherals:
- SA1100 LCD frame buffer (8/16bpp...sort of)
- SA1111 USB Master
- on-board SMC 92C96 ethernet NIC
- SA1100 serial port
- flash memory access (MTD/JFFS)
- pcmcia, compact flash
- touchscreen(ucb1200)
- ps/2 keyboard
- console on LCD screen
- serial ports (ttyS[0-2])
- ttyS0 is default for serial console
- Smart I/O (ADC, keypad, digital inputs, etc)
See for IOCTL documentation
and example user space code. ps/2 keybd is multiplexed through this driver
To do:
- everything else! :-)
- The flash on board is divided into 3 partitions. mtd0 is where
the zImage is stored. It's been marked as read-only to keep you
from blasting over the bootloader. :) mtd1 is
for the ramdisk.gz image. mtd2 is user flash space and can be
utilized for either JFFS or if you're feeling crazy, running ext2
on top of it. If you're not using the ADS bootloader, you're
welcome to blast over the mtd1 partition also.
- 16bpp mode requires a different cable than what ships with the board.
Contact ADS or look through the manual to wire your own. Currently,
if you compile with 16bit mode support and switch into a lower bpp
mode, the timing is off so the image is corrupted. This will be
fixed soon.
Any contribution can be sent to and will be greatly welcome!
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The HUW_WEBPANEL is a product of the german company Hoeft & Wessel AG
If you want more information, please visit
To build the kernel:
make huw_webpanel_config
make oldconfig
[accept all defaults]
make zImage
Mostly of the work is done by:
Roman Jordan
Christoph Schulz
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Itsy is a research project done by the Western Research Lab, and Systems
Research Center in Palo Alto, CA. The Itsy project is one of several
research projects at Compaq that are related to pocket computing.
For more information, see:
Notes on initial 2.4 Itsy support (8/27/2000) :
The port was done on an Itsy version 1.5 machine with a daughtercard with
64 Meg of DRAM and 32 Meg of Flash. The initial work includes support for
serial console (to see what you're doing). No other devices have been
To build, do a "make menuconfig" (or xmenuconfig) and select Itsy support.
Disable Flash and LCD support. and then do a make zImage.
Finally, you will need to cd to arch/arm/boot/tools and execute a make there
to build the params-itsy program used to boot the kernel.
In order to install the port of 2.4 to the itsy, You will need to set the
configuration parameters in the monitor as follows:
Arg 1:0x08340000, Arg2: 0xC0000000, Arg3:18 (0x12), Arg4:0
Make sure the start-routine address is set to 0x00060000.
Next, flash the params-itsy program to 0x00060000 ("p 1 0x00060000" in the
flash menu) Flash the kernel in arch/arm/boot/zImage into 0x08340000
("p 1 0x00340000"). Finally flash an initial ramdisk into 0xC8000000
("p 2 0x0") We used ramdisk-2-30.gz from the 0.11 version directory on
The serial connection we established was at:
8-bit data, no parity, 1 stop bit(s), 115200.00 b/s. in the monitor, in the
params-itsy program, and in the kernel itself. This can be changed, but
not easily. The monitor parameters are easily changed, the params program
setup is assembly outl's, and the kernel is a configuration item specific to
the itsy. (i.e. grep for CONFIG_SA1100_ITSY and you'll find where it is.)
This should get you a properly booting 2.4 kernel on the itsy.
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Linux Advanced Radio Terminal (LART)
The LART is a small (7.5 x 10cm) SA-1100 board, designed for embedded
applications. It has 32 MB DRAM, 4MB Flash ROM, double RS232 and all
other StrongARM-gadgets. Almost all SA signals are directly accessible
through a number of connectors. The powersupply accepts voltages
between 3.5V and 16V and is overdimensioned to support a range of
daughterboards. A quad Ethernet / IDE / PS2 / sound daughterboard
is under development, with plenty of others in different stages of
The hardware designs for this board have been released under an open license;
see the LART page at for more information.
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
The PLEB project was started as a student initiative at the School of
Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales to make a
pocket computer capable of running the Linux Kernel.
PLEB support has yet to be fully integrated.
For more information, see:
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Pangolin is a StrongARM 1110-based evaluation platform produced
by Dialogue Technology (
It has EISA slots for ease of configuration with SDRAM/Flash
memory card, USB/Serial/Audio card, Compact Flash card,
PCMCIA/IDE card and TFT-LCD card.
To compile for Pangolin, you must issue the following commands:
make pangolin_config
make oldconfig
make zImage
Supported peripherals:
- SA1110 serial port (UART1/UART2/UART3)
- flash memory access
- compact flash driver
- UDA1341 sound driver
- SA1100 LCD controller for 800x600 16bpp TFT-LCD
- MQ-200 driver for 800x600 16bpp TFT-LCD
- Penmount(touch panel) driver
- PCMCIA driver
- SMC91C94 LAN driver
- IDE driver (experimental)
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More info has to come...
Contact: Peter Danielsson <>
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Victor is known as a "digital talking book player" manufactured by
VisuAide, Inc. to be used by blind people.
For more information related to Victor, see:
Of course Victor is using Linux as its main operating system.
The Victor implementation for Linux is maintained by Nicolas Pitre:
For any comments, please feel free to contact me through the above
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See for more.
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
See ../empeg/README
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"nanoEngine" is a SA1110 based single board computer from
Bright Star Engineering Inc. See
for more info.
(Ref: Stuart Adams <>)
Also visit Larry Doolittle's "Linux for the nanoEngine" site:
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
The SA1100 serial port had its major/minor numbers officially assigned:
> Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 21:40:27 -0700
> From: H. Peter Anvin <>
> To: Nicolas Pitre <nico@CAM.ORG>
> Cc: Device List Maintainer <>
> Subject: Re: device
> Okay. Note that device numbers 204 and 205 are used for "low density
> serial devices", so you will have a range of minors on those majors (the
> tty device layer handles this just fine, so you don't have to worry about
> doing anything special.)
> So your assignments are:
> 204 char Low-density serial ports
> 5 = /dev/ttySA0 SA1100 builtin serial port 0
> 6 = /dev/ttySA1 SA1100 builtin serial port 1
> 7 = /dev/ttySA2 SA1100 builtin serial port 2
> 205 char Low-density serial ports (alternate device)
> 5 = /dev/cusa0 Callout device for ttySA0
> 6 = /dev/cusa1 Callout device for ttySA1
> 7 = /dev/cusa2 Callout device for ttySA2
If you're not using devfs, you must create those inodes in /dev
on the root filesystem used by your SA1100-based device:
mknod ttySA0 c 204 5
mknod ttySA1 c 204 6
mknod ttySA2 c 204 7
mknod cusa0 c 205 5
mknod cusa1 c 205 6
mknod cusa2 c 205 7
In addition to the creation of the appropriate device nodes above, you
must ensure your user space applications make use of the correct device
name. The classic example is the content of the /etc/inittab file where
you might have a getty process started on ttyS0. In this case:
- replace occurrences of ttyS0 with ttySA0, ttyS1 with ttySA1, etc.
- don't forget to add 'ttySA0', 'console', or the appropriate tty name
in /etc/securetty for root to be allowed to login as well.
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Simtec Electronics EB2410ITX (BAST)
The EB2410ITX is a S3C2410 based development board with a variety of
peripherals and expansion connectors. This board is also known by
the shortened name of Bast.
To set the default configuration, use `make bast_defconfig` which
supports the commonly used features of this board.
Official support information can be found on the Simtec Electronics
website, at the product page
Useful links:
- Resources Page
- Board FAQ at
- Bootloader info
and FAQ
The NAND and NOR support has been merged from the linux-mtd project.
Any prolbems, see for more
information or up-to-date versions of linux-mtd.
Both onboard IDE ports are supported, however there is no support for
changing speed of devices, PIO Mode 4 capable drives should be used.
This board is maintained by Simtec Electronics.
(c) 2004 Ben Dooks, Simtec Electronics
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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
S3C2410 GPIO Control
The s3c2410 kernel provides an interface to configure and
manipulate the state of the GPIO pins, and find out other
information about them.
There are a number of conditions attached to the configuration
of the s3c2410 GPIO system, please read the Samsung provided
data-sheet/users manual to find out the complete list.
See include/asm-arm/arch-s3c2410/regs-gpio.h for the list
of GPIO pins, and the configuration values for them. This
is included by using #include <asm/arch/regs-gpio.h>
The GPIO management functions are defined in the hardware
header include/asm-arm/arch-s3c2410/hardware.h which can be
included by #include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
A useful ammount of documentation can be found in the hardware
header on how the GPIO functions (and others) work.
Whilst a number of these functions do make some checks on what
is passed to them, for speed of use, they may not always ensure
that the user supplied data to them is correct.
PIN Numbers
Each pin has an unique number associated with it in regs-gpio.h,
eg S3C2410_GPA0 or S3C2410_GPF1. These defines are used to tell
the GPIO functions which pin is to be used.
Configuring a pin
The following function allows the configuration of a given pin to
be changed.
void s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(unsigned int pin, unsigned int function);
s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPA0, S3C2410_GPA0_ADDR0);
s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPE8, S3C2410_GPE8_SDDAT1);
which would turn GPA0 into the lowest Address line A0, and set
GPE8 to be connected to the SDIO/MMC controller's SDDAT1 line.
Reading the current configuration
The current configuration of a pin can be read by using:
s3c2410_gpio_getcfg(unsigned int pin);
The return value will be from the same set of values which can be
passed to s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin().
Configuring a pull-up resistor
A large proportion of the GPIO pins on the S3C2410 can have weak
pull-up resistors enabled. This can be configured by the following
void s3c2410_gpio_pullup(unsigned int pin, unsigned int to);
Where the to value is zero to set the pull-up off, and 1 to enable
the specified pull-up. Any other values are currently undefined.
Getting the state of a PIN
The state of a pin can be read by using the function:
unsigned int s3c2410_gpio_getpin(unsigned int pin);
This will return either zero or non-zero. Do not count on this
function returning 1 if the pin is set.
Setting the state of a PIN
The value an pin is outputing can be modified by using the following:
void s3c2410_gpio_setpin(unsigned int pin, unsigned int to);
Which sets the given pin to the value. Use 0 to write 0, and 1 to
set the output to 1.
Getting the IRQ number associated with a PIN
The following function can map the given pin number to an IRQ
number to pass to the IRQ system.
int s3c2410_gpio_getirq(unsigned int pin);
Note, not all pins have an IRQ.
Ben Dooks, 03 October 2004
(c) 2004 Ben Dooks, Simtec Electronics
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
The HP H1940 is a S3C2410 based handheld device, with
bluetooth connectivity.
A variety of information is available
|||| project page:
|||| wiki page:
Herbert Pötzl pages:
This project is being maintained and developed by a variety
of people, including Ben Dooks, Arnaud Patard, and Herbert Pötzl.
Thanks to the many others who have also provided support.
(c) 2005 Ben Dooks
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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
S3C24XX ARM Linux Overview
The Samsung S3C24XX range of ARM9 System-on-Chip CPUs are supported
by the 's3c2410' architecture of ARM Linux. Currently the S3C2410 and
the S3C2440 are supported CPUs.
A generic S3C2410 configuration is provided, and can be used as the
default by `make s3c2410_defconfig`. This configuration has support
for all the machines, and the commonly used features on them.
Certain machines may have their own default configurations as well,
please check the machine specific documentation.
The currently supported machines are as follows:
Simtec Electronics EB2410ITX (BAST)
A general purpose development board, see EB2410ITX.txt for further
Samsung SMDK2410
Samsung's own development board, geared for PDA work.
Samsung/Meritech SMDK2440
The S3C2440 compatible version of the SMDK2440
Thorcom VR1000
Custom embedded board
HP IPAQ 1940
Handheld (IPAQ), available in several varieties
HP iPAQ rx3715
S3C2440 based IPAQ, with a number of variations depending on
features shipped.
Acer N30
A S3C2410 based PDA from Acer. There is a Wiki page at
|||| .
Adding New Machines
The archicture has been designed to support as many machines as can
be configured for it in one kernel build, and any future additions
should keep this in mind before altering items outside of their own
machine files.
Machine definitions should be kept in linux/arch/arm/mach-s3c2410,
and there are a number of examples that can be looked at.
Read the kernel patch submission policies as well as the
Documentation/arm directory before submitting patches. The
ARM kernel series is managed by Russell King, and has a patch system
located at
as well as mailing lists that can be found from the same site.
As a courtesy, please notify <> of any new
machines or other modifications.
Any large scale modifications, or new drivers should be discussed
on the ARM kernel mailing list (linux-arm-kernel) before being
The current kernels now have support for the s3c2410 NAND
controller. If there are any problems the latest linux-mtd
CVS can be found from
The s3c2410 serial driver provides support for the internal
serial ports. These devices appear as /dev/ttySAC0 through 3.
To create device nodes for these, use the following commands
mknod ttySAC0 c 204 64
mknod ttySAC1 c 204 65
mknod ttySAC2 c 204 66
The core contains support for manipulating the GPIO, see the
documentation in GPIO.txt in the same directory as this file.
Clock Management
The core provides the interface defined in the header file
include/asm-arm/hardware/clock.h, to allow control over the
various clock units
Port Contributors
Ben Dooks (BJD)
Vincent Sanders
Herbert Potzl
Arnaud Patard (RTP)
Roc Wu
Klaus Fetscher
Dimitry Andric
Shannon Holland
Guillaume Gourat (NexVision)
Christer Weinigel (wingel) (Acer N30)
Lucas Correia Villa Real (S3C2400 port)
Document Changes
05 Sep 2004 - BJD - Added Document Changes section
05 Sep 2004 - BJD - Added Klaus Fetscher to list of contributors
25 Oct 2004 - BJD - Added Dimitry Andric to list of contributors
25 Oct 2004 - BJD - Updated the MTD from the 2.6.9 merge
21 Jan 2005 - BJD - Added rx3715, added Shannon to contributors
10 Feb 2005 - BJD - Added Guillaume Gourat to contributors
02 Mar 2005 - BJD - Added SMDK2440 to list of machines
06 Mar 2005 - BJD - Added Christer Weinigel
08 Mar 2005 - BJD - Added LCVR to list of people, updated introduction
08 Mar 2005 - BJD - Added section on adding machines
Document Author
Ben Dooks, (c) 2004-2005 Simtec Electronics
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Samsung/Meritech SMDK2440
The SMDK2440 is a two part evaluation board for the Samsung S3C2440
processor. It includes support for LCD, SmartMedia, Audio, SD and
10MBit Ethernet, and expansion headers for various signals, including
the camera and unused GPIO.
To set the default configuration, use `make smdk2440_defconfig` which
will configure the common features of this board, or use
`make s3c2410_config` to include support for all s3c2410/s3c2440 machines
Ben Dooks' SMDK2440 site at which
includes linux based USB download tools.
Some of the h1940 patches that can be found from the H1940 project
site at can also be
applied to this board.
There is no current support for any of the extra peripherals on the
base-board itself.
The NAND flash should be supported by the in kernel MTD NAND support,
NOR flash will be added later.
This board is being maintained by Ben Dooks, for more info, see
Many thanks to Dimitry Andric of TomTom for the loan of the SMDK2440,
and to Simtec Electronics for allowing me time to work on this.
(c) 2004 Ben Dooks
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S3C24XX Suspend Support
The S3C2410 supports a low-power suspend mode, where the SDRAM is kept
in Self-Refresh mode, and all but the essential peripheral blocks are
powered down. For more information on how this works, please look
at the S3C2410 datasheets from Samsung.
1) A bootloader that can support the necessary resume operation
2) Support for at least 1 source for resume
3) CONFIG_PM enabled in the kernel
4) Any peripherals that are going to be powered down at the same
time require suspend/resume support.
The S3C2410 user manual defines the process of sending the CPU to
sleep and how it resumes. The default behaviour of the Linux code
is to set the GSTATUS3 register to the physical address of the
code to resume Linux operation.
GSTATUS4 is currently left alone by the sleep code, and is free to
use for any other purposes (for example, the EB2410ITX uses this to
save memory configuration in).
Machine Support
The machine specific functions must call the s3c2410_pm_init() function
to say that its bootloader is capable of resuming. This can be as
simple as adding the following to the machine's definition:
A board can do its own setup before calling s3c2410_pm_init, if it
needs to setup anything else for power management support.
There is currently no support for over-riding the default method of
saving the resume address, if your board requires it, then contact
the maintainer and discuss what is required.
Note, the original method of adding an late_initcall() is wrong,
and will end up initialising all compiled machines' pm init!
There are several important things to remember when using PM suspend:
1) The uart drivers will disable the clocks to the UART blocks when
suspending, which means that use of printascii() or similar direct
access to the UARTs will cause the debug to stop.
2) Whilst the pm code itself will attempt to re-enable the UART clocks,
care should be taken that any external clock sources that the UARTs
rely on are still enabled at that point.
The S3C2410 specific configuration in `System Type` defines various
aspects of how the S3C2410 suspend and resume support is configured
`S3C2410 PM Suspend debug`
This option prints messages to the serial console before and after
the actual suspend, giving detailed information on what is
`S3C2410 PM Suspend Memory CRC`
Allows the entire memory to be checksummed before and after the
suspend to see if there has been any corruption of the contents.
This support requires the CRC32 function to be enabled.
`S3C2410 PM Suspend CRC Chunksize (KiB)`
Defines the size of memory each CRC chunk covers. A smaller value
will mean that the CRC data block will take more memory, but will
identify any faults with better precision
Document Author
Ben Dooks, (c) 2004 Simtec Electronics
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