diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/Kbuild b/arch/parisc/include/asm/Kbuild
index 458371a1565a..bac8debecffb 100644
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/Kbuild
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/asm/Kbuild
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-include include/asm-generic/Kbuild.asm
-header-y += pdc.h
-generic-y += clkdev.h
-generic-y += word-at-a-time.h
-generic-y += exec.h
+generic-y += word-at-a-time.h auxvec.h user.h cputime.h emergency-restart.h \
+	  segment.h topology.h vga.h device.h percpu.h hw_irq.h mutex.h \
+	  div64.h irq_regs.h kdebug.h kvm_para.h local64.h local.h param.h \
+	  poll.h xor.h clkdev.h exec.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/auxvec.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/auxvec.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c3ac4b89dc9..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/auxvec.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/compat_signal.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/compat_signal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ad02c360b21..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/compat_signal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/* Use generic */
-#include <asm-generic/compat_signal.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/cputime.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/cputime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dcdf2fbd7e72..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/cputime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/cputime.h>
-#endif /* __PARISC_CPUTIME_H */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/device.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/device.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d8f9872b0e2d..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/device.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- * Arch specific extensions to struct device
- *
- * This file is released under the GPLv2
- */
-#include <asm-generic/device.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/div64.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/div64.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cd978cefb28..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/div64.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/div64.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/emergency-restart.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/emergency-restart.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 108d8c48e42e..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/emergency-restart.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/emergency-restart.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/hw_irq.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/hw_irq.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6707f7df3921..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/hw_irq.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_HW_IRQ_H
-#define _ASM_HW_IRQ_H
- *	linux/include/asm/hw_irq.h
- */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/irq_regs.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/irq_regs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd9c0b70270..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/irq_regs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/irq_regs.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/kdebug.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/kdebug.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ece1b037665..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/kdebug.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/kdebug.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/kvm_para.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/kvm_para.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 14fab8f0b957..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/kvm_para.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/kvm_para.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/local.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/local.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c11c530f74d0..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/local.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/local.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/local64.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/local64.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 36c93b5cc239..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/local64.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/local64.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/mutex.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/mutex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 458c1f7fbc18..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/mutex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- * Pull in the generic implementation for the mutex fastpath.
- *
- * TODO: implement optimized primitives instead, or leave the generic
- * implementation in place, or pick the atomic_xchg() based generic
- * implementation. (see asm-generic/mutex-xchg.h for details)
- */
-#include <asm-generic/mutex-dec.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/param.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/param.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 965d45427975..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/param.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/param.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/pdc.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/pdc.h
index 7f0f2d23059d..7eb616e4bf8a 100644
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/pdc.h
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/asm/pdc.h
@@ -1,348 +1,10 @@
 #ifndef _PARISC_PDC_H
 #define _PARISC_PDC_H
- *	PDC return values ...
- *	All PDC calls return a subset of these errors. 
- */
-#define PDC_WARN		  3	/* Call completed with a warning */
-#define PDC_REQ_ERR_1		  2	/* See above			 */
-#define PDC_REQ_ERR_0		  1	/* Call would generate a requestor error */
-#define PDC_OK			  0	/* Call completed successfully	*/
-#define PDC_BAD_PROC		 -1	/* Called non-existent procedure*/
-#define PDC_BAD_OPTION		 -2	/* Called with non-existent option */
-#define PDC_ERROR		 -3	/* Call could not complete without an error */
-#define PDC_NE_MOD		 -5	/* Module not found		*/
-#define PDC_NE_CELL_MOD		 -7	/* Cell module not found	*/
-#define PDC_INVALID_ARG		-10	/* Called with an invalid argument */
-#define PDC_BUS_POW_WARN	-12	/* Call could not complete in allowed power budget */
-#define PDC_NOT_NARROW		-17	/* Narrow mode not supported	*/
- *	PDC entry points...
- */
-#define PDC_POW_FAIL	1		/* perform a power-fail		*/
-#define PDC_POW_FAIL_PREPARE	0	/* prepare for powerfail	*/
-#define PDC_CHASSIS	2		/* PDC-chassis functions	*/
-#define PDC_CHASSIS_DISP	0	/* update chassis display	*/
-#define PDC_CHASSIS_WARN	1	/* return chassis warnings	*/
-#define PDC_CHASSIS_DISPWARN	2	/* update&return chassis status */
-#define PDC_RETURN_CHASSIS_INFO 128	/* HVERSION dependent: return chassis LED/LCD info  */
-#define PDC_PIM         3               /* Get PIM data                 */
-#define PDC_PIM_HPMC            0       /* Transfer HPMC data           */
-#define PDC_PIM_RETURN_SIZE     1       /* Get Max buffer needed for PIM*/
-#define PDC_PIM_LPMC            2       /* Transfer HPMC data           */
-#define PDC_PIM_SOFT_BOOT       3       /* Transfer Soft Boot data      */
-#define PDC_PIM_TOC             4       /* Transfer TOC data            */
-#define PDC_MODEL	4		/* PDC model information call	*/
-#define PDC_MODEL_INFO		0	/* returns information 		*/
-#define PDC_MODEL_BOOTID	1	/* set the BOOT_ID		*/
-#define PDC_MODEL_VERSIONS	2	/* returns cpu-internal versions*/
-#define PDC_MODEL_SYSMODEL	3	/* return system model info	*/
-#define PDC_MODEL_ENSPEC	4	/* enable specific option	*/
-#define PDC_MODEL_DISPEC	5	/* disable specific option	*/
-#define PDC_MODEL_CPU_ID	6	/* returns cpu-id (only newer machines!) */
-#define PDC_MODEL_CAPABILITIES	7	/* returns OS32/OS64-flags	*/
-/* Values for PDC_MODEL_CAPABILITIES non-equivalent virtual aliasing support */
-#define  PDC_MODEL_OS64			(1 << 0)
-#define  PDC_MODEL_OS32			(1 << 1)
-#define  PDC_MODEL_IOPDIR_FDC		(1 << 2)
-#define  PDC_MODEL_NVA_MASK		(3 << 4)
-#define  PDC_MODEL_NVA_SUPPORTED	(0 << 4)
-#define  PDC_MODEL_NVA_SLOW		(1 << 4)
-#define  PDC_MODEL_NVA_UNSUPPORTED	(3 << 4)
-#define PDC_MODEL_GET_BOOT__OP	8	/* returns boot test options	*/
-#define PDC_MODEL_SET_BOOT__OP	9	/* set boot test options	*/
-#define PA89_INSTRUCTION_SET	0x4	/* capatibilies returned	*/
-#define PA90_INSTRUCTION_SET	0x8
-#define PDC_CACHE	5		/* return/set cache (& TLB) info*/
-#define PDC_CACHE_INFO		0	/* returns information 		*/
-#define PDC_CACHE_SET_COH	1	/* set coherence state		*/
-#define PDC_CACHE_RET_SPID	2	/* returns space-ID bits	*/
-#define PDC_HPA		6		/* return HPA of processor	*/
-#define PDC_HPA_MODULES		1
-#define PDC_COPROC	7		/* Co-Processor (usually FP unit(s)) */
-#define PDC_COPROC_CFG		0	/* Co-Processor Cfg (FP unit(s) enabled?) */
-#define PDC_IODC	8		/* talk to IODC			*/
-#define PDC_IODC_READ		0	/* read IODC entry point	*/
-/*      PDC_IODC_RI_			 * INDEX parameter of PDC_IODC_READ */
-#define PDC_IODC_RI_DATA_BYTES	0	/* IODC Data Bytes		*/
-/*				1, 2	   obsolete - HVERSION dependent*/
-#define PDC_IODC_RI_INIT	3	/* Initialize module		*/
-#define PDC_IODC_RI_IO		4	/* Module input/output		*/
-#define PDC_IODC_RI_SPA		5	/* Module input/output		*/
-#define PDC_IODC_RI_CONFIG	6	/* Module input/output		*/
-/*				7	  obsolete - HVERSION dependent */
-#define PDC_IODC_RI_TEST	8	/* Module input/output		*/
-#define PDC_IODC_RI_TLB		9	/* Module input/output		*/
-#define PDC_IODC_NINIT		2	/* non-destructive init		*/
-#define PDC_IODC_DINIT		3	/* destructive init		*/
-#define PDC_IODC_MEMERR		4	/* check for memory errors	*/
-#define PDC_IODC_INDEX_DATA	0	/* get first 16 bytes from mod IODC */
-#define PDC_IODC_BUS_ERROR	-4	/* bus error return value	*/
-#define PDC_IODC_INVALID_INDEX	-5	/* invalid index return value	*/
-#define PDC_IODC_COUNT		-6	/* count is too small		*/
-#define PDC_TOD		9		/* time-of-day clock (TOD)	*/
-#define PDC_TOD_READ		0	/* read TOD			*/
-#define PDC_TOD_WRITE		1	/* write TOD			*/
-#define PDC_STABLE	10		/* stable storage (sprockets)	*/
-#define PDC_STABLE_READ		0
-#define PDC_NVOLATILE	11		/* often not implemented	*/
-#define PDC_ADD_VALID	12		/* Memory validation PDC call	*/
-#define PDC_ADD_VALID_VERIFY	0	/* Make PDC_ADD_VALID verify region */
-#define PDC_INSTR	15		/* get instr to invoke PDCE_CHECK() */
-#define PDC_PROC	16		/* (sprockets)			*/
-#define PDC_CONFIG	16		/* (sprockets)			*/
-#define PDC_BLOCK_TLB	18		/* manage hardware block-TLB	*/
-#define PDC_BTLB_INFO		0	/* returns parameter 		*/
-#define PDC_BTLB_INSERT		1	/* insert BTLB entry		*/
-#define PDC_BTLB_PURGE		2	/* purge BTLB entries 		*/
-#define PDC_BTLB_PURGE_ALL	3	/* purge all BTLB entries 	*/
-#define PDC_TLB		19		/* manage hardware TLB miss handling */
-#define PDC_TLB_INFO		0	/* returns parameter 		*/
-#define PDC_TLB_SETUP		1	/* set up miss handling 	*/
-#define PDC_MEM		20		/* Manage memory		*/
-#define PDC_MEM_MEMINFO		0
-#define PDC_MEM_ADD_PAGE	1
-#define PDC_MEM_CLEAR_PDT	2
-#define PDC_MEM_READ_PDT	3
-#define PDC_MEM_GOODMEM		5
-#define PDC_MEM_TABLE		128	/* Non contig mem map (sprockets) */
-#define PDC_MEM_RET_SBE_REPLACED	5	/* PDC_MEM return values */
-#define PDC_MEM_RET_PDT_FULL		-11
-#define PDC_PSW		21		/* Get/Set default System Mask  */
-#define PDC_PSW_MASK		0	/* Return mask                  */
-#define PDC_PSW_GET_DEFAULTS	1	/* Return defaults              */
-#define PDC_PSW_SET_DEFAULTS	2	/* Set default                  */
-#define PDC_PSW_ENDIAN_BIT	1	/* set for big endian           */
-#define PDC_PSW_WIDE_BIT	2	/* set for wide mode            */ 
-#define PDC_SYSTEM_MAP	22		/* find system modules		*/
-#define PDC_FIND_MODULE 	0
-#define PDC_SOFT_POWER	23		/* soft power switch		*/
-#define PDC_SOFT_POWER_INFO	0	/* return info about the soft power switch */
-#define PDC_SOFT_POWER_ENABLE	1	/* enable/disable soft power switch */
-/* HVERSION dependent */
-/* The PDC_MEM_MAP calls */
-#define PDC_MEM_MAP	128		/* on s700: return page info	*/
-#define PDC_MEM_MAP_HPA		0	/* returns hpa of a module	*/
-#define PDC_EEPROM	129		/* EEPROM access		*/
-#define PDC_NVM		130		/* NVM (non-volatile memory) access */
-#define PDC_NVM_READ_WORD	0
-#define PDC_NVM_READ_BYTE	2
-#define PDC_SEED_ERROR	132		/* (sprockets)			*/
-#define PDC_IO		135		/* log error info, reset IO system */
-#define PDC_IO_RESET			1
-/* sets bits 6&7 (little endian) of the HcControl Register */
-#define PDC_IO_USB_SUSPEND	0xC000000000000000
-#define PDC_IO_EEPROM_IO_ERR_TABLE_FULL	-5	/* return value */
-#define PDC_IO_NO_SUSPEND		-6	/* return value */
-#define PDC_BROADCAST_RESET 136		/* reset all processors		*/
-#define PDC_DO_RESET		0	/* option: perform a broadcast reset */
-#define PDC_DO_FIRM_TEST_RESET	1	/* Do broadcast reset with bitmap */
-#define PDC_BR_RECONFIGURATION	2	/* reset w/reconfiguration	*/
-#define PDC_FIRM_TEST_MAGIC	0xab9ec36fUL    /* for this reboot only	*/
-#define PDC_LAN_STATION_ID 138		/* Hversion dependent mechanism for */
-#define PDC_LAN_STATION_ID_READ	0	/* getting the lan station address  */
-#define PDC_CHECK_RANGES 139		/* (sprockets)			*/
-#define PDC_NV_SECTIONS	141		/* (sprockets)			*/
-#define PDC_PERFORMANCE	142		/* performance monitoring	*/
-#define PDC_SYSTEM_INFO	143		/* system information		*/
-#define PDC_RDR		144		/* (sprockets)			*/
-#define PDC_INTRIGUE	145 		/* (sprockets)			*/
-#define PDC_STI		146 		/* STI access			*/
-/* same as PDC_PCI_XXX values (see below) */
-/* Legacy PDC definitions for same stuff */
-#define PDC_PCI_INDEX	147
-#define PDC_PCI_SLOT_INFO		1
-#define PDC_PCI_READ_PCI_IO		5
-#define PDC_PCI_WRITE_PCI_IO		6
-#define PDC_PCI_PCI_INT_ROUTE		14
-#define PDC_PCI_READ_MON_TYPE		15
-/* Get SCSI Interface Card info:  SDTR, SCSI ID, mode (SE vs LVD) */
-#define PDC_INITIATOR	163
-#define PDC_LINK	165 		/* (sprockets)			*/
-#define PDC_LINK_PCI_ENTRY_POINTS	0  /* list (Arg1) = 0 */
-#define PDC_LINK_USB_ENTRY_POINTS	1  /* list (Arg1) = 1 */
-/* cl_class
- * page 3-33 of IO-Firmware ARS
- * IODC ENTRY_INIT(Search first) RET[1]
- */
-#define	CL_NULL		0	/* invalid */
-#define	CL_RANDOM	1	/* random access (as disk) */
-#define	CL_SEQU		2	/* sequential access (as tape) */
-#define	CL_DUPLEX	7	/* full-duplex point-to-point (RS-232, Net) */
-#define	CL_KEYBD	8	/* half-duplex console (HIL Keyboard) */
-#define	CL_DISPL	9	/* half-duplex console (display) */
-#define	CL_FC		10	/* FiberChannel access media */
-#define ENTRY_INIT_DEV		5
-#define ENTRY_INIT_MOD		6
-#define ENTRY_INIT_MSG		9
-/* IODC ENTRY_IO() */
-#define ENTRY_IO_BOOTIN		0
-#define ENTRY_IO_CIN		2
-#define ENTRY_IO_COUT		3
-#define ENTRY_IO_CLOSE		4
-#define ENTRY_IO_GETMSG		9
-#define ENTRY_IO_BBLOCK_IN	16
-/* constants for OS (NVM...) */
-#define OS_ID_NONE		0	/* Undefined OS ID	*/
-#define OS_ID_HPUX		1	/* HP-UX OS		*/
-#define OS_ID_MPEXL		2	/* MPE XL OS		*/
-#define OS_ID_OSF		3	/* OSF OS		*/
-#define OS_ID_HPRT		4	/* HP-RT OS		*/
-#define OS_ID_NOVEL		5	/* NOVELL OS		*/
-#define OS_ID_LINUX		6	/* Linux		*/
-/* constants for PDC_CHASSIS */
-#define OSTAT_OFF		0
-#define OSTAT_FLT		1 
-#define OSTAT_TEST		2
-#define OSTAT_INIT		3
-#define OSTAT_SHUT		4
-#define OSTAT_WARN		5
-#define OSTAT_RUN		6
-#define OSTAT_ON		7
-/* Page Zero constant offsets used by the HPMC handler */
-/* size of the pdc_result buffer for firmware.c */
-#define NUM_PDC_RESULT	32
+#include <uapi/asm/pdc.h>
 #if !defined(__ASSEMBLY__)
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
 extern int pdc_type;
 /* Values for pdc_type */
@@ -673,88 +335,5 @@ static inline char * os_id_to_string(u16 os_id) {
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-/* flags of the device_path */
-#define	PF_AUTOBOOT	0x80
-#define	PF_AUTOSEARCH	0x40
-#define	PF_TIMER	0x0F
-struct device_path {		/* page 1-69 */
-	unsigned char flags;	/* flags see above! */
-	unsigned char bc[6];	/* bus converter routing info */
-	unsigned char mod;
-	unsigned int  layers[6];/* device-specific layer-info */
-} __attribute__((aligned(8))) ;
-struct pz_device {
-	struct	device_path dp;	/* see above */
-	/* struct	iomod *hpa; */
-	unsigned int hpa;	/* HPA base address */
-	/* char	*spa; */
-	unsigned int spa;	/* SPA base address */
-	/* int	(*iodc_io)(struct iomod*, ...); */
-	unsigned int iodc_io;	/* device entry point */
-	short	pad;		/* reserved */
-	unsigned short cl_class;/* see below */
-} __attribute__((aligned(8))) ;
-struct zeropage {
-	/* [0x000] initialize vectors (VEC) */
-	unsigned int	vec_special;		/* must be zero */
-	/* int	(*vec_pow_fail)(void);*/
-	unsigned int	vec_pow_fail; /* power failure handler */
-	/* int	(*vec_toc)(void); */
-	unsigned int	vec_toc;
-	unsigned int	vec_toclen;
-	/* int	(*vec_rendz)(void); */
-	unsigned int vec_rendz;
-	int	vec_pow_fail_flen;
-	int	vec_pad[10];		
-	/* [0x040] reserved processor dependent */
-	int	pad0[112];
-	/* [0x200] reserved */
-	int	pad1[84];
-	/* [0x350] memory configuration (MC) */
-	int	memc_cont;		/* contiguous mem size (bytes) */
-	int	memc_phsize;		/* physical memory size */
-	int	memc_adsize;		/* additional mem size, bytes of SPA space used by PDC */
-	unsigned int mem_pdc_hi;	/* used for 64-bit */
-	/* [0x360] various parameters for the boot-CPU */
-	/* unsigned int *mem_booterr[8]; */
-	unsigned int mem_booterr[8];	/* ptr to boot errors */
-	unsigned int mem_free;		/* first location, where OS can be loaded */
-	/* struct iomod *mem_hpa; */
-	unsigned int mem_hpa;		/* HPA of the boot-CPU */
-	/* int (*mem_pdc)(int, ...); */
-	unsigned int mem_pdc;		/* PDC entry point */
-	unsigned int mem_10msec;	/* number of clock ticks in 10msec */
-	/* [0x390] initial memory module (IMM) */
-	/* struct iomod *imm_hpa; */
-	unsigned int imm_hpa;		/* HPA of the IMM */
-	int	imm_soft_boot;		/* 0 = was hard boot, 1 = was soft boot */
-	unsigned int	imm_spa_size;		/* SPA size of the IMM in bytes */
-	unsigned int	imm_max_mem;		/* bytes of mem in IMM */
-	/* [0x3A0] boot console, display device and keyboard */
-	struct pz_device mem_cons;	/* description of console device */
-	struct pz_device mem_boot;	/* description of boot device */
-	struct pz_device mem_kbd;	/* description of keyboard device */
-	/* [0x430] reserved */
-	int	pad430[116];
-	/* [0x600] processor dependent */
-	__u32	pad600[1];
-	__u32	proc_sti;		/* pointer to STI ROM */
-	__u32	pad608[126];
 #endif /* !defined(__ASSEMBLY__) */
 #endif /* _PARISC_PDC_H */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/percpu.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/percpu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0dcd1970128..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/percpu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/percpu.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/poll.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/poll.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c98509d3149e..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/poll.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/poll.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/ptrace.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/ptrace.h
index 250ae35aa062..a2db278a5def 100644
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/ptrace.h
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/asm/ptrace.h
@@ -1,49 +1,11 @@
 /* written by Philipp Rumpf, Copyright (C) 1999 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg
 ** Copyright (C) 2000 Grant Grundler, Hewlett-Packard
-#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <uapi/asm/ptrace.h>
-/* This struct defines the way the registers are stored on the 
- * stack during a system call.
- *
- * N.B. gdb/strace care about the size and offsets within this
- * structure. If you change things, you may break object compatibility
- * for those applications.
- */
-struct pt_regs {
-	unsigned long gr[32];	/* PSW is in gr[0] */
-	__u64 fr[32];
-	unsigned long sr[ 8];
-	unsigned long iasq[2];
-	unsigned long iaoq[2];
-	unsigned long cr27;
-	unsigned long pad0;     /* available for other uses */
-	unsigned long orig_r28;
-	unsigned long ksp;
-	unsigned long kpc;
-	unsigned long sar;	/* CR11 */
-	unsigned long iir;	/* CR19 */
-	unsigned long isr;	/* CR20 */
-	unsigned long ior;	/* CR21 */
-	unsigned long ipsw;	/* CR22 */
- * The numbers chosen here are somewhat arbitrary but absolutely MUST
- * not overlap with any of the number assigned in <linux/ptrace.h>.
- *
- * These ones are taken from IA-64 on the assumption that theirs are
- * the most correct (and we also want to support PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK
- * since we have taken branch traps too)
- */
-#define PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK	12	/* resume execution until next branch */
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
 #define task_regs(task) ((struct pt_regs *) ((char *)(task) + TASK_REGS))
@@ -58,6 +20,4 @@ struct pt_regs {
 unsigned long profile_pc(struct pt_regs *);
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/real.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/real.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 82acb25db395..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/real.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PARISC_REAL_H
-#define _PARISC_REAL_H
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/segment.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/segment.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 26794ddb6524..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/segment.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-/* Only here because we have some old header files that expect it.. */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/signal.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/signal.h
index c20356375d1d..21abf4fc169a 100644
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/signal.h
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/asm/signal.h
@@ -1,129 +1,19 @@
-#define SIGHUP		 1
-#define SIGINT		 2
-#define SIGQUIT		 3
-#define SIGILL		 4
-#define SIGTRAP		 5
-#define SIGABRT		 6
-#define SIGIOT		 6
-#define SIGEMT		 7
-#define SIGFPE		 8
-#define SIGKILL		 9
-#define SIGBUS		10
-#define SIGSEGV		11
-#define SIGSYS		12 /* Linux doesn't use this */
-#define SIGPIPE		13
-#define SIGALRM		14
-#define SIGTERM		15
-#define SIGUSR1		16
-#define SIGUSR2		17
-#define SIGCHLD		18
-#define SIGPWR		19
-#define SIGVTALRM	20
-#define SIGPROF		21
-#define SIGIO		22
-#define SIGWINCH	23
-#define SIGSTOP		24
-#define SIGTSTP		25
-#define SIGCONT		26
-#define SIGTTIN		27
-#define SIGTTOU		28
-#define SIGURG		29
-#define SIGLOST		30 /* Linux doesn't use this either */
-#define	SIGUNUSED	31
+#include <uapi/asm/signal.h>
-#define SIGXCPU		33
-#define SIGXFSZ		34
-#define SIGSTKFLT	36
-/* These should not be considered constants from userland.  */
-#define SIGRTMIN	37
-#define SIGRTMAX	_NSIG /* it's 44 under HP/UX */
- * SA_FLAGS values:
- *
- * SA_ONSTACK indicates that a registered stack_t will be used.
- * SA_RESTART flag to get restarting signals (which were the default long ago)
- * SA_NOCLDSTOP flag to turn off SIGCHLD when children stop.
- * SA_RESETHAND clears the handler when the signal is delivered.
- * SA_NOCLDWAIT flag on SIGCHLD to inhibit zombies.
- * SA_NODEFER prevents the current signal from being masked in the handler.
- *
- * SA_ONESHOT and SA_NOMASK are the historical Linux names for the Single
- * Unix names RESETHAND and NODEFER respectively.
- */
-#define SA_ONSTACK	0x00000001
-#define SA_RESETHAND	0x00000004
-#define SA_NOCLDSTOP	0x00000008
-#define SA_SIGINFO	0x00000010
-#define SA_NODEFER	0x00000020
-#define SA_RESTART	0x00000040
-#define SA_NOCLDWAIT	0x00000080
-#define _SA_SIGGFAULT	0x00000100 /* HPUX */
-#define SA_RESTORER	0x04000000 /* obsolete -- ignored */
- * sigaltstack controls
- */
-#define SS_ONSTACK	1
-#define SS_DISABLE	2
-#define MINSIGSTKSZ	2048
-#define SIGSTKSZ	8192
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
 #define _NSIG		64
 /* bits-per-word, where word apparently means 'long' not 'int' */
 #define _NSIG_WORDS	(_NSIG / _NSIG_BPW)
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#define SIG_BLOCK          0	/* for blocking signals */
-#define SIG_UNBLOCK        1	/* for unblocking signals */
-#define SIG_SETMASK        2	/* for setting the signal mask */
-#define SIG_DFL	((__sighandler_t)0)	/* default signal handling */
-#define SIG_IGN	((__sighandler_t)1)	/* ignore signal */
-#define SIG_ERR	((__sighandler_t)-1)	/* error return from signal */
 # ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-#  include <linux/types.h>
-/* Avoid too many header ordering problems.  */
-struct siginfo;
-/* Type of a signal handler.  */
 #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
-/* function pointers on 64-bit parisc are pointers to little structs and the
- * compiler doesn't support code which changes or tests the address of
- * the function in the little struct.  This is really ugly -PB
- */
-typedef char __user *__sighandler_t;
-typedef void __signalfn_t(int);
-typedef __signalfn_t __user *__sighandler_t;
-typedef struct sigaltstack {
-	void __user *ss_sp;
-	int ss_flags;
-	size_t ss_size;
-} stack_t;
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
 /* Most things should be clean enough to redefine this at will, if care
    is taken to make libc match.  */
@@ -148,6 +38,5 @@ struct k_sigaction {
 #include <asm/sigcontext.h>
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
 #endif /* !__ASSEMBLY */
 #endif /* _ASM_PARISC_SIGNAL_H */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/termios.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/termios.h
index a2a57a4548af..9bbc0c8974ea 100644
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/termios.h
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/asm/termios.h
@@ -1,45 +1,8 @@
-#include <asm/termbits.h>
-#include <asm/ioctls.h>
+#include <uapi/asm/termios.h>
-struct winsize {
-	unsigned short ws_row;
-	unsigned short ws_col;
-	unsigned short ws_xpixel;
-	unsigned short ws_ypixel;
-#define NCC 8
-struct termio {
-	unsigned short c_iflag;		/* input mode flags */
-	unsigned short c_oflag;		/* output mode flags */
-	unsigned short c_cflag;		/* control mode flags */
-	unsigned short c_lflag;		/* local mode flags */
-	unsigned char c_line;		/* line discipline */
-	unsigned char c_cc[NCC];	/* control characters */
-/* modem lines */
-#define TIOCM_LE	0x001
-#define TIOCM_DTR	0x002
-#define TIOCM_RTS	0x004
-#define TIOCM_ST	0x008
-#define TIOCM_SR	0x010
-#define TIOCM_CTS	0x020
-#define TIOCM_CAR	0x040
-#define TIOCM_RNG	0x080
-#define TIOCM_DSR	0x100
-#define TIOCM_OUT1	0x2000
-#define TIOCM_OUT2	0x4000
-#define TIOCM_LOOP	0x8000
-/* ioctl (fd, TIOCSERGETLSR, &result) where result may be as below */
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
 /*	intr=^C		quit=^\		erase=del	kill=^U
 	eof=^D		vtime=\0	vmin=\1		sxtc=\0
@@ -85,6 +48,4 @@ struct termio {
 #define user_termios_to_kernel_termios_1(k, u) copy_from_user(k, u, sizeof(struct termios))
 #define kernel_termios_to_user_termios_1(u, k) copy_to_user(u, k, sizeof(struct termios))
-#endif	/* __KERNEL__ */
 #endif	/* _PARISC_TERMIOS_H */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/topology.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/topology.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d8133eb0b1e7..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/topology.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/topology.h>
-#endif /* _ASM_PARISC_TOPOLOGY_H */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/unistd.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/unistd.h
index d61de64f990a..541639c3f607 100644
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/unistd.h
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/asm/unistd.h
@@ -1,840 +1,8 @@
- * This file contains the system call numbers.
- */
+#include <uapi/asm/unistd.h>
- *   HP-UX system calls get their native numbers for binary compatibility.
- */
-#define __NR_HPUX_exit                    1
-#define __NR_HPUX_fork                    2
-#define __NR_HPUX_read                    3
-#define __NR_HPUX_write                   4
-#define __NR_HPUX_open                    5
-#define __NR_HPUX_close                   6
-#define __NR_HPUX_wait                    7
-#define __NR_HPUX_creat                   8
-#define __NR_HPUX_link                    9
-#define __NR_HPUX_unlink                 10
-#define __NR_HPUX_execv                  11
-#define __NR_HPUX_chdir                  12
-#define __NR_HPUX_time                   13
-#define __NR_HPUX_mknod                  14
-#define __NR_HPUX_chmod                  15
-#define __NR_HPUX_chown                  16
-#define __NR_HPUX_break                  17
-#define __NR_HPUX_lchmod                 18
-#define __NR_HPUX_lseek                  19
-#define __NR_HPUX_getpid                 20
-#define __NR_HPUX_mount                  21
-#define __NR_HPUX_umount                 22
-#define __NR_HPUX_setuid                 23
-#define __NR_HPUX_getuid                 24
-#define __NR_HPUX_stime                  25
-#define __NR_HPUX_ptrace                 26
-#define __NR_HPUX_alarm                  27
-#define __NR_HPUX_oldfstat               28
-#define __NR_HPUX_pause                  29
-#define __NR_HPUX_utime                  30
-#define __NR_HPUX_stty                   31
-#define __NR_HPUX_gtty                   32
-#define __NR_HPUX_access                 33
-#define __NR_HPUX_nice                   34
-#define __NR_HPUX_ftime                  35
-#define __NR_HPUX_sync                   36
-#define __NR_HPUX_kill                   37
-#define __NR_HPUX_stat                   38
-#define __NR_HPUX_setpgrp3               39
-#define __NR_HPUX_lstat                  40
-#define __NR_HPUX_dup                    41
-#define __NR_HPUX_pipe                   42
-#define __NR_HPUX_times                  43
-#define __NR_HPUX_profil                 44
-#define __NR_HPUX_ki_call                45
-#define __NR_HPUX_setgid                 46
-#define __NR_HPUX_getgid                 47
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigsys                 48
-#define __NR_HPUX_reserved1              49
-#define __NR_HPUX_reserved2              50
-#define __NR_HPUX_acct                   51
-#define __NR_HPUX_set_userthreadid       52
-#define __NR_HPUX_oldlock                53
-#define __NR_HPUX_ioctl                  54
-#define __NR_HPUX_reboot                 55
-#define __NR_HPUX_symlink                56
-#define __NR_HPUX_utssys                 57
-#define __NR_HPUX_readlink               58
-#define __NR_HPUX_execve                 59
-#define __NR_HPUX_umask                  60
-#define __NR_HPUX_chroot                 61
-#define __NR_HPUX_fcntl                  62
-#define __NR_HPUX_ulimit                 63
-#define __NR_HPUX_getpagesize            64
-#define __NR_HPUX_mremap                 65
-#define __NR_HPUX_vfork                  66
-#define __NR_HPUX_vread                  67
-#define __NR_HPUX_vwrite                 68
-#define __NR_HPUX_sbrk                   69
-#define __NR_HPUX_sstk                   70
-#define __NR_HPUX_mmap                   71
-#define __NR_HPUX_vadvise                72
-#define __NR_HPUX_munmap                 73
-#define __NR_HPUX_mprotect               74
-#define __NR_HPUX_madvise                75
-#define __NR_HPUX_vhangup                76
-#define __NR_HPUX_swapoff                77
-#define __NR_HPUX_mincore                78
-#define __NR_HPUX_getgroups              79
-#define __NR_HPUX_setgroups              80
-#define __NR_HPUX_getpgrp2               81
-#define __NR_HPUX_setpgrp2               82
-#define __NR_HPUX_setitimer              83
-#define __NR_HPUX_wait3                  84
-#define __NR_HPUX_swapon                 85
-#define __NR_HPUX_getitimer              86
-#define __NR_HPUX_gethostname42          87
-#define __NR_HPUX_sethostname42          88
-#define __NR_HPUX_getdtablesize          89
-#define __NR_HPUX_dup2                   90
-#define __NR_HPUX_getdopt                91
-#define __NR_HPUX_fstat                  92
-#define __NR_HPUX_select                 93
-#define __NR_HPUX_setdopt                94
-#define __NR_HPUX_fsync                  95
-#define __NR_HPUX_setpriority            96
-#define __NR_HPUX_socket_old             97
-#define __NR_HPUX_connect_old            98
-#define __NR_HPUX_accept_old             99
-#define __NR_HPUX_getpriority           100
-#define __NR_HPUX_send_old              101
-#define __NR_HPUX_recv_old              102
-#define __NR_HPUX_socketaddr_old        103
-#define __NR_HPUX_bind_old              104
-#define __NR_HPUX_setsockopt_old        105
-#define __NR_HPUX_listen_old            106
-#define __NR_HPUX_vtimes_old            107
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigvector             108
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigblock              109
-#define __NR_HPUX_siggetmask            110
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigpause              111
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigstack              112
-#define __NR_HPUX_recvmsg_old           113
-#define __NR_HPUX_sendmsg_old           114
-#define __NR_HPUX_vtrace_old            115
-#define __NR_HPUX_gettimeofday          116
-#define __NR_HPUX_getrusage             117
-#define __NR_HPUX_getsockopt_old        118
-#define __NR_HPUX_resuba_old            119
-#define __NR_HPUX_readv                 120
-#define __NR_HPUX_writev                121
-#define __NR_HPUX_settimeofday          122
-#define __NR_HPUX_fchown                123
-#define __NR_HPUX_fchmod                124
-#define __NR_HPUX_recvfrom_old          125
-#define __NR_HPUX_setresuid             126
-#define __NR_HPUX_setresgid             127
-#define __NR_HPUX_rename                128
-#define __NR_HPUX_truncate              129
-#define __NR_HPUX_ftruncate             130
-#define __NR_HPUX_flock_old             131
-#define __NR_HPUX_sysconf               132
-#define __NR_HPUX_sendto_old            133
-#define __NR_HPUX_shutdown_old          134
-#define __NR_HPUX_socketpair_old        135
-#define __NR_HPUX_mkdir                 136
-#define __NR_HPUX_rmdir                 137
-#define __NR_HPUX_utimes_old            138
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigcleanup_old        139
-#define __NR_HPUX_setcore               140
-#define __NR_HPUX_getpeername_old       141
-#define __NR_HPUX_gethostid             142
-#define __NR_HPUX_sethostid             143
-#define __NR_HPUX_getrlimit             144
-#define __NR_HPUX_setrlimit             145
-#define __NR_HPUX_killpg_old            146
-#define __NR_HPUX_cachectl              147
-#define __NR_HPUX_quotactl              148
-#define __NR_HPUX_get_sysinfo           149
-#define __NR_HPUX_getsockname_old       150
-#define __NR_HPUX_privgrp               151
-#define __NR_HPUX_rtprio                152
-#define __NR_HPUX_plock                 153
-#define __NR_HPUX_reserved3             154
-#define __NR_HPUX_lockf                 155
-#define __NR_HPUX_semget                156
-#define __NR_HPUX_osemctl               157
-#define __NR_HPUX_semop                 158
-#define __NR_HPUX_msgget                159
-#define __NR_HPUX_omsgctl               160
-#define __NR_HPUX_msgsnd                161
-#define __NR_HPUX_msgrecv               162
-#define __NR_HPUX_shmget                163
-#define __NR_HPUX_oshmctl               164
-#define __NR_HPUX_shmat                 165
-#define __NR_HPUX_shmdt                 166
-#define __NR_HPUX_m68020_advise         167
-/* [168,189] are for Discless/DUX */
-#define __NR_HPUX_csp                   168
-#define __NR_HPUX_cluster               169
-#define __NR_HPUX_mkrnod                170
-#define __NR_HPUX_test                  171
-#define __NR_HPUX_unsp_open             172
-#define __NR_HPUX_reserved4             173
-#define __NR_HPUX_getcontext_old        174
-#define __NR_HPUX_osetcontext           175
-#define __NR_HPUX_bigio                 176
-#define __NR_HPUX_pipenode              177
-#define __NR_HPUX_lsync                 178
-#define __NR_HPUX_getmachineid          179
-#define __NR_HPUX_cnodeid               180
-#define __NR_HPUX_cnodes                181
-#define __NR_HPUX_swapclients           182
-#define __NR_HPUX_rmt_process           183
-#define __NR_HPUX_dskless_stats         184
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigprocmask           185
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigpending            186
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigsuspend            187
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigaction             188
-#define __NR_HPUX_reserved5             189
-#define __NR_HPUX_nfssvc                190
-#define __NR_HPUX_getfh                 191
-#define __NR_HPUX_getdomainname         192
-#define __NR_HPUX_setdomainname         193
-#define __NR_HPUX_async_daemon          194
-#define __NR_HPUX_getdirentries         195
-#define __NR_HPUX_statfs                196
-#define __NR_HPUX_fstatfs               197
-#define __NR_HPUX_vfsmount              198
-#define __NR_HPUX_reserved6             199
-#define __NR_HPUX_waitpid               200
-/* 201 - 223 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigsetreturn          224
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigsetstatemask       225
-/* 226 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_cs                    227
-#define __NR_HPUX_cds                   228
-#define __NR_HPUX_set_no_trunc          229
-#define __NR_HPUX_pathconf              230
-#define __NR_HPUX_fpathconf             231
-/* 232, 233 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_nfs_fcntl             234
-#define __NR_HPUX_ogetacl               235
-#define __NR_HPUX_ofgetacl              236
-#define __NR_HPUX_osetacl               237
-#define __NR_HPUX_ofsetacl              238
-#define __NR_HPUX_pstat                 239
-#define __NR_HPUX_getaudid              240
-#define __NR_HPUX_setaudid              241
-#define __NR_HPUX_getaudproc            242
-#define __NR_HPUX_setaudproc            243
-#define __NR_HPUX_getevent              244
-#define __NR_HPUX_setevent              245
-#define __NR_HPUX_audwrite              246
-#define __NR_HPUX_audswitch             247
-#define __NR_HPUX_audctl                248
-#define __NR_HPUX_ogetaccess            249
-#define __NR_HPUX_fsctl                 250
-/* 251 - 258 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_swapfs                259
-#define __NR_HPUX_fss                   260
-/* 261 - 266 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_tsync                 267
-#define __NR_HPUX_getnumfds             268
-#define __NR_HPUX_poll                  269
-#define __NR_HPUX_getmsg                270
-#define __NR_HPUX_putmsg                271
-#define __NR_HPUX_fchdir                272
-#define __NR_HPUX_getmount_cnt          273
-#define __NR_HPUX_getmount_entry        274
-#define __NR_HPUX_accept                275
-#define __NR_HPUX_bind                  276
-#define __NR_HPUX_connect               277
-#define __NR_HPUX_getpeername           278
-#define __NR_HPUX_getsockname           279
-#define __NR_HPUX_getsockopt            280
-#define __NR_HPUX_listen                281
-#define __NR_HPUX_recv                  282
-#define __NR_HPUX_recvfrom              283
-#define __NR_HPUX_recvmsg               284
-#define __NR_HPUX_send                  285
-#define __NR_HPUX_sendmsg               286
-#define __NR_HPUX_sendto                287
-#define __NR_HPUX_setsockopt            288
-#define __NR_HPUX_shutdown              289
-#define __NR_HPUX_socket                290
-#define __NR_HPUX_socketpair            291
-#define __NR_HPUX_proc_open             292
-#define __NR_HPUX_proc_close            293
-#define __NR_HPUX_proc_send             294
-#define __NR_HPUX_proc_recv             295
-#define __NR_HPUX_proc_sendrecv         296
-#define __NR_HPUX_proc_syscall          297
-/* 298 - 311 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_semctl                312
-#define __NR_HPUX_msgctl                313
-#define __NR_HPUX_shmctl                314
-#define __NR_HPUX_mpctl                 315
-#define __NR_HPUX_exportfs              316
-#define __NR_HPUX_getpmsg               317
-#define __NR_HPUX_putpmsg               318
-/* 319 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_msync                 320
-#define __NR_HPUX_msleep                321
-#define __NR_HPUX_mwakeup               322
-#define __NR_HPUX_msem_init             323
-#define __NR_HPUX_msem_remove           324
-#define __NR_HPUX_adjtime               325
-#define __NR_HPUX_kload                 326
-#define __NR_HPUX_fattach               327
-#define __NR_HPUX_fdetach               328
-#define __NR_HPUX_serialize             329
-#define __NR_HPUX_statvfs               330
-#define __NR_HPUX_fstatvfs              331
-#define __NR_HPUX_lchown                332
-#define __NR_HPUX_getsid                333
-#define __NR_HPUX_sysfs                 334
-/* 335, 336 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_sched_setparam        337
-#define __NR_HPUX_sched_getparam        338
-#define __NR_HPUX_sched_setscheduler    339
-#define __NR_HPUX_sched_getscheduler    340
-#define __NR_HPUX_sched_yield           341
-#define __NR_HPUX_sched_get_priority_max 342
-#define __NR_HPUX_sched_get_priority_min 343
-#define __NR_HPUX_sched_rr_get_interval 344
-#define __NR_HPUX_clock_settime         345
-#define __NR_HPUX_clock_gettime         346
-#define __NR_HPUX_clock_getres          347
-#define __NR_HPUX_timer_create          348
-#define __NR_HPUX_timer_delete          349
-#define __NR_HPUX_timer_settime         350
-#define __NR_HPUX_timer_gettime         351
-#define __NR_HPUX_timer_getoverrun      352
-#define __NR_HPUX_nanosleep             353
-#define __NR_HPUX_toolbox               354
-/* 355 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_getdents              356
-#define __NR_HPUX_getcontext            357
-#define __NR_HPUX_sysinfo               358
-#define __NR_HPUX_fcntl64               359
-#define __NR_HPUX_ftruncate64           360
-#define __NR_HPUX_fstat64               361
-#define __NR_HPUX_getdirentries64       362
-#define __NR_HPUX_getrlimit64           363
-#define __NR_HPUX_lockf64               364
-#define __NR_HPUX_lseek64               365
-#define __NR_HPUX_lstat64               366
-#define __NR_HPUX_mmap64                367
-#define __NR_HPUX_setrlimit64           368
-#define __NR_HPUX_stat64                369
-#define __NR_HPUX_truncate64            370
-#define __NR_HPUX_ulimit64              371
-#define __NR_HPUX_pread                 372
-#define __NR_HPUX_preadv                373
-#define __NR_HPUX_pwrite                374
-#define __NR_HPUX_pwritev               375
-#define __NR_HPUX_pread64               376
-#define __NR_HPUX_preadv64              377
-#define __NR_HPUX_pwrite64              378
-#define __NR_HPUX_pwritev64             379
-#define __NR_HPUX_setcontext            380
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigaltstack           381
-#define __NR_HPUX_waitid                382
-#define __NR_HPUX_setpgrp               383
-#define __NR_HPUX_recvmsg2              384
-#define __NR_HPUX_sendmsg2              385
-#define __NR_HPUX_socket2               386
-#define __NR_HPUX_socketpair2           387
-#define __NR_HPUX_setregid              388
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_create            389
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_terminate         390
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_wait              391
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_suspend           392
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_resume            393
-/* 394 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_abort_syscall     395
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_info              396
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_kill              397
-#define __NR_HPUX_ksleep                398
-#define __NR_HPUX_kwakeup               399
-/* 400 missing */
-#define __NR_HPUX_pstat_getlwp          401
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_exit              402
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_continue          403
-#define __NR_HPUX_getacl                404
-#define __NR_HPUX_fgetacl               405
-#define __NR_HPUX_setacl                406
-#define __NR_HPUX_fsetacl               407
-#define __NR_HPUX_getaccess             408
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_mutex_init        409
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_mutex_lock_sys    410
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_mutex_unlock      411
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_cond_init         412
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_cond_signal       413
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_cond_broadcast    414
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_cond_wait_sys     415
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_getscheduler      416
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_setscheduler      417
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_getstate          418
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_setstate          419
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_detach            420
-#define __NR_HPUX_mlock                 421
-#define __NR_HPUX_munlock               422
-#define __NR_HPUX_mlockall              423
-#define __NR_HPUX_munlockall            424
-#define __NR_HPUX_shm_open              425
-#define __NR_HPUX_shm_unlink            426
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigqueue              427
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigwaitinfo           428
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigtimedwait          429
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigwait               430
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_read              431
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_write             432
-#define __NR_HPUX_lio_listio            433
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_error             434
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_return            435
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_cancel            436
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_suspend           437
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_fsync             438
-#define __NR_HPUX_mq_open               439
-#define __NR_HPUX_mq_close              440
-#define __NR_HPUX_mq_unlink             441
-#define __NR_HPUX_mq_send               442
-#define __NR_HPUX_mq_receive            443
-#define __NR_HPUX_mq_notify             444
-#define __NR_HPUX_mq_setattr            445
-#define __NR_HPUX_mq_getattr            446
-#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_open             447
-#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_unlink           448
-#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_close            449
-#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_post             450
-#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_wait             451
-#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_read             452
-#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_trywait          453
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_init       454
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_destroy    455
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_rdlock_sys 456
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_wrlock_sys 457
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_tryrdlock  458
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_trywrlock  459
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_unlock     460
-#define __NR_HPUX_ttrace                461
-#define __NR_HPUX_ttrace_wait           462
-#define __NR_HPUX_lf_wire_mem           463
-#define __NR_HPUX_lf_unwire_mem         464
-#define __NR_HPUX_lf_send_pin_map       465
-#define __NR_HPUX_lf_free_buf           466
-#define __NR_HPUX_lf_wait_nq            467
-#define __NR_HPUX_lf_wakeup_conn_q      468
-#define __NR_HPUX_lf_unused             469
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_sema_init         470
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_sema_post         471
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_sema_wait         472
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_sema_trywait      473
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_sema_destroy      474
-#define __NR_HPUX_statvfs64             475
-#define __NR_HPUX_fstatvfs64            476
-#define __NR_HPUX_msh_register          477
-#define __NR_HPUX_ptrace64              478
-#define __NR_HPUX_sendfile              479
-#define __NR_HPUX_sendpath              480
-#define __NR_HPUX_sendfile64            481
-#define __NR_HPUX_sendpath64            482
-#define __NR_HPUX_modload               483
-#define __NR_HPUX_moduload              484
-#define __NR_HPUX_modpath               485
-#define __NR_HPUX_getksym               486
-#define __NR_HPUX_modadm                487
-#define __NR_HPUX_modstat               488
-#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_detached_exit     489
-#define __NR_HPUX_crashconf             490
-#define __NR_HPUX_siginhibit            491
-#define __NR_HPUX_sigenable             492
-#define __NR_HPUX_spuctl                493
-#define __NR_HPUX_zerokernelsum         494
-#define __NR_HPUX_nfs_kstat             495
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_read64            496
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_write64           497
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_error64           498
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_return64          499
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_cancel64          500
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_suspend64         501
-#define __NR_HPUX_aio_fsync64           502
-#define __NR_HPUX_lio_listio64          503
-#define __NR_HPUX_recv2                 504
-#define __NR_HPUX_recvfrom2             505
-#define __NR_HPUX_send2                 506
-#define __NR_HPUX_sendto2               507
-#define __NR_HPUX_acl                   508
-#define __NR_HPUX___cnx_p2p_ctl         509
-#define __NR_HPUX___cnx_gsched_ctl      510
-#define __NR_HPUX___cnx_pmon_ctl        511
-#define __NR_HPUX_syscalls		512
- * Linux system call numbers.
- *
- * Cary Coutant says that we should just use another syscall gateway
- * page to avoid clashing with the HPUX space, and I think he's right:
- * it will would keep a branch out of our syscall entry path, at the
- * very least.  If we decide to change it later, we can ``just'' tweak
- * the LINUX_GATEWAY_ADDR define at the bottom and make __NR_Linux be
- * 1024 or something.  Oh, and recompile libc. =)
- *
- * 64-bit HPUX binaries get the syscall gateway address passed in a register
- * from the kernel at startup, which seems a sane strategy.
- */
-#define __NR_Linux                0
-#define __NR_restart_syscall      (__NR_Linux + 0)
-#define __NR_exit                 (__NR_Linux + 1)
-#define __NR_fork                 (__NR_Linux + 2)
-#define __NR_read                 (__NR_Linux + 3)
-#define __NR_write                (__NR_Linux + 4)
-#define __NR_open                 (__NR_Linux + 5)
-#define __NR_close                (__NR_Linux + 6)
-#define __NR_waitpid              (__NR_Linux + 7)
-#define __NR_creat                (__NR_Linux + 8)
-#define __NR_link                 (__NR_Linux + 9)
-#define __NR_unlink              (__NR_Linux + 10)
-#define __NR_execve              (__NR_Linux + 11)
-#define __NR_chdir               (__NR_Linux + 12)
-#define __NR_time                (__NR_Linux + 13)
-#define __NR_mknod               (__NR_Linux + 14)
-#define __NR_chmod               (__NR_Linux + 15)
-#define __NR_lchown              (__NR_Linux + 16)
-#define __NR_socket              (__NR_Linux + 17)
-#define __NR_stat                (__NR_Linux + 18)
-#define __NR_lseek               (__NR_Linux + 19)
-#define __NR_getpid              (__NR_Linux + 20)
-#define __NR_mount               (__NR_Linux + 21)
-#define __NR_bind                (__NR_Linux + 22)
-#define __NR_setuid              (__NR_Linux + 23)
-#define __NR_getuid              (__NR_Linux + 24)
-#define __NR_stime               (__NR_Linux + 25)
-#define __NR_ptrace              (__NR_Linux + 26)
-#define __NR_alarm               (__NR_Linux + 27)
-#define __NR_fstat               (__NR_Linux + 28)
-#define __NR_pause               (__NR_Linux + 29)
-#define __NR_utime               (__NR_Linux + 30)
-#define __NR_connect             (__NR_Linux + 31)
-#define __NR_listen              (__NR_Linux + 32)
-#define __NR_access              (__NR_Linux + 33)
-#define __NR_nice                (__NR_Linux + 34)
-#define __NR_accept              (__NR_Linux + 35)
-#define __NR_sync                (__NR_Linux + 36)
-#define __NR_kill                (__NR_Linux + 37)
-#define __NR_rename              (__NR_Linux + 38)
-#define __NR_mkdir               (__NR_Linux + 39)
-#define __NR_rmdir               (__NR_Linux + 40)
-#define __NR_dup                 (__NR_Linux + 41)
-#define __NR_pipe                (__NR_Linux + 42)
-#define __NR_times               (__NR_Linux + 43)
-#define __NR_getsockname         (__NR_Linux + 44)
-#define __NR_brk                 (__NR_Linux + 45)
-#define __NR_setgid              (__NR_Linux + 46)
-#define __NR_getgid              (__NR_Linux + 47)
-#define __NR_signal              (__NR_Linux + 48)
-#define __NR_geteuid             (__NR_Linux + 49)
-#define __NR_getegid             (__NR_Linux + 50)
-#define __NR_acct                (__NR_Linux + 51)
-#define __NR_umount2             (__NR_Linux + 52)
-#define __NR_getpeername         (__NR_Linux + 53)
-#define __NR_ioctl               (__NR_Linux + 54)
-#define __NR_fcntl               (__NR_Linux + 55)
-#define __NR_socketpair          (__NR_Linux + 56)
-#define __NR_setpgid             (__NR_Linux + 57)
-#define __NR_send                (__NR_Linux + 58)
-#define __NR_uname               (__NR_Linux + 59)
-#define __NR_umask               (__NR_Linux + 60)
-#define __NR_chroot              (__NR_Linux + 61)
-#define __NR_ustat               (__NR_Linux + 62)
-#define __NR_dup2                (__NR_Linux + 63)
-#define __NR_getppid             (__NR_Linux + 64)
-#define __NR_getpgrp             (__NR_Linux + 65)
-#define __NR_setsid              (__NR_Linux + 66)
-#define __NR_pivot_root          (__NR_Linux + 67)
-#define __NR_sgetmask            (__NR_Linux + 68)
-#define __NR_ssetmask            (__NR_Linux + 69)
-#define __NR_setreuid            (__NR_Linux + 70)
-#define __NR_setregid            (__NR_Linux + 71)
-#define __NR_mincore             (__NR_Linux + 72)
-#define __NR_sigpending          (__NR_Linux + 73)
-#define __NR_sethostname         (__NR_Linux + 74)
-#define __NR_setrlimit           (__NR_Linux + 75)
-#define __NR_getrlimit           (__NR_Linux + 76)
-#define __NR_getrusage           (__NR_Linux + 77)
-#define __NR_gettimeofday        (__NR_Linux + 78)
-#define __NR_settimeofday        (__NR_Linux + 79)
-#define __NR_getgroups           (__NR_Linux + 80)
-#define __NR_setgroups           (__NR_Linux + 81)
-#define __NR_sendto              (__NR_Linux + 82)
-#define __NR_symlink             (__NR_Linux + 83)
-#define __NR_lstat               (__NR_Linux + 84)
-#define __NR_readlink            (__NR_Linux + 85)
-#define __NR_uselib              (__NR_Linux + 86)
-#define __NR_swapon              (__NR_Linux + 87)
-#define __NR_reboot              (__NR_Linux + 88)
-#define __NR_mmap2             (__NR_Linux + 89)
-#define __NR_mmap                (__NR_Linux + 90)
-#define __NR_munmap              (__NR_Linux + 91)
-#define __NR_truncate            (__NR_Linux + 92)
-#define __NR_ftruncate           (__NR_Linux + 93)
-#define __NR_fchmod              (__NR_Linux + 94)
-#define __NR_fchown              (__NR_Linux + 95)
-#define __NR_getpriority         (__NR_Linux + 96)
-#define __NR_setpriority         (__NR_Linux + 97)
-#define __NR_recv                (__NR_Linux + 98)
-#define __NR_statfs              (__NR_Linux + 99)
-#define __NR_fstatfs            (__NR_Linux + 100)
-#define __NR_stat64           (__NR_Linux + 101)
-/* #define __NR_socketcall         (__NR_Linux + 102) */
-#define __NR_syslog             (__NR_Linux + 103)
-#define __NR_setitimer          (__NR_Linux + 104)
-#define __NR_getitimer          (__NR_Linux + 105)
-#define __NR_capget             (__NR_Linux + 106)
-#define __NR_capset             (__NR_Linux + 107)
-#define __NR_pread64            (__NR_Linux + 108)
-#define __NR_pwrite64           (__NR_Linux + 109)
-#define __NR_getcwd             (__NR_Linux + 110)
-#define __NR_vhangup            (__NR_Linux + 111)
-#define __NR_fstat64            (__NR_Linux + 112)
-#define __NR_vfork              (__NR_Linux + 113)
-#define __NR_wait4              (__NR_Linux + 114)
-#define __NR_swapoff            (__NR_Linux + 115)
-#define __NR_sysinfo            (__NR_Linux + 116)
-#define __NR_shutdown           (__NR_Linux + 117)
-#define __NR_fsync              (__NR_Linux + 118)
-#define __NR_madvise            (__NR_Linux + 119)
-#define __NR_clone              (__NR_Linux + 120)
-#define __NR_setdomainname      (__NR_Linux + 121)
-#define __NR_sendfile           (__NR_Linux + 122)
-#define __NR_recvfrom           (__NR_Linux + 123)
-#define __NR_adjtimex           (__NR_Linux + 124)
-#define __NR_mprotect           (__NR_Linux + 125)
-#define __NR_sigprocmask        (__NR_Linux + 126)
-#define __NR_create_module      (__NR_Linux + 127)
-#define __NR_init_module        (__NR_Linux + 128)
-#define __NR_delete_module      (__NR_Linux + 129)
-#define __NR_get_kernel_syms    (__NR_Linux + 130)
-#define __NR_quotactl           (__NR_Linux + 131)
-#define __NR_getpgid            (__NR_Linux + 132)
-#define __NR_fchdir             (__NR_Linux + 133)
-#define __NR_bdflush            (__NR_Linux + 134)
-#define __NR_sysfs              (__NR_Linux + 135)
-#define __NR_personality        (__NR_Linux + 136)
-#define __NR_afs_syscall        (__NR_Linux + 137) /* Syscall for Andrew File System */
-#define __NR_setfsuid           (__NR_Linux + 138)
-#define __NR_setfsgid           (__NR_Linux + 139)
-#define __NR__llseek            (__NR_Linux + 140)
-#define __NR_getdents           (__NR_Linux + 141)
-#define __NR__newselect         (__NR_Linux + 142)
-#define __NR_flock              (__NR_Linux + 143)
-#define __NR_msync              (__NR_Linux + 144)
-#define __NR_readv              (__NR_Linux + 145)
-#define __NR_writev             (__NR_Linux + 146)
-#define __NR_getsid             (__NR_Linux + 147)
-#define __NR_fdatasync          (__NR_Linux + 148)
-#define __NR__sysctl            (__NR_Linux + 149)
-#define __NR_mlock              (__NR_Linux + 150)
-#define __NR_munlock            (__NR_Linux + 151)
-#define __NR_mlockall           (__NR_Linux + 152)
-#define __NR_munlockall         (__NR_Linux + 153)
-#define __NR_sched_setparam             (__NR_Linux + 154)
-#define __NR_sched_getparam             (__NR_Linux + 155)
-#define __NR_sched_setscheduler         (__NR_Linux + 156)
-#define __NR_sched_getscheduler         (__NR_Linux + 157)
-#define __NR_sched_yield                (__NR_Linux + 158)
-#define __NR_sched_get_priority_max     (__NR_Linux + 159)
-#define __NR_sched_get_priority_min     (__NR_Linux + 160)
-#define __NR_sched_rr_get_interval      (__NR_Linux + 161)
-#define __NR_nanosleep          (__NR_Linux + 162)
-#define __NR_mremap             (__NR_Linux + 163)
-#define __NR_setresuid          (__NR_Linux + 164)
-#define __NR_getresuid          (__NR_Linux + 165)
-#define __NR_sigaltstack        (__NR_Linux + 166)
-#define __NR_query_module       (__NR_Linux + 167)
-#define __NR_poll               (__NR_Linux + 168)
-#define __NR_nfsservctl         (__NR_Linux + 169)
-#define __NR_setresgid          (__NR_Linux + 170)
-#define __NR_getresgid          (__NR_Linux + 171)
-#define __NR_prctl              (__NR_Linux + 172)
-#define __NR_rt_sigreturn       (__NR_Linux + 173)
-#define __NR_rt_sigaction       (__NR_Linux + 174)
-#define __NR_rt_sigprocmask     (__NR_Linux + 175)
-#define __NR_rt_sigpending      (__NR_Linux + 176)
-#define __NR_rt_sigtimedwait    (__NR_Linux + 177)
-#define __NR_rt_sigqueueinfo    (__NR_Linux + 178)
-#define __NR_rt_sigsuspend      (__NR_Linux + 179)
-#define __NR_chown              (__NR_Linux + 180)
-#define __NR_setsockopt         (__NR_Linux + 181)
-#define __NR_getsockopt         (__NR_Linux + 182)
-#define __NR_sendmsg            (__NR_Linux + 183)
-#define __NR_recvmsg            (__NR_Linux + 184)
-#define __NR_semop              (__NR_Linux + 185)
-#define __NR_semget             (__NR_Linux + 186)
-#define __NR_semctl             (__NR_Linux + 187)
-#define __NR_msgsnd             (__NR_Linux + 188)
-#define __NR_msgrcv             (__NR_Linux + 189)
-#define __NR_msgget             (__NR_Linux + 190)
-#define __NR_msgctl             (__NR_Linux + 191)
-#define __NR_shmat              (__NR_Linux + 192)
-#define __NR_shmdt              (__NR_Linux + 193)
-#define __NR_shmget             (__NR_Linux + 194)
-#define __NR_shmctl             (__NR_Linux + 195)
-#define __NR_getpmsg		(__NR_Linux + 196) /* Somebody *wants* streams? */
-#define __NR_putpmsg		(__NR_Linux + 197)
-#define __NR_lstat64            (__NR_Linux + 198)
-#define __NR_truncate64         (__NR_Linux + 199)
-#define __NR_ftruncate64        (__NR_Linux + 200)
-#define __NR_getdents64         (__NR_Linux + 201)
-#define __NR_fcntl64            (__NR_Linux + 202)
-#define __NR_attrctl            (__NR_Linux + 203)
-#define __NR_acl_get            (__NR_Linux + 204)
-#define __NR_acl_set            (__NR_Linux + 205)
-#define __NR_gettid             (__NR_Linux + 206)
-#define __NR_readahead          (__NR_Linux + 207)
-#define __NR_tkill              (__NR_Linux + 208)
-#define __NR_sendfile64         (__NR_Linux + 209)
-#define __NR_futex              (__NR_Linux + 210)
-#define __NR_sched_setaffinity  (__NR_Linux + 211)
-#define __NR_sched_getaffinity  (__NR_Linux + 212)
-#define __NR_set_thread_area    (__NR_Linux + 213)
-#define __NR_get_thread_area    (__NR_Linux + 214)
-#define __NR_io_setup           (__NR_Linux + 215)
-#define __NR_io_destroy         (__NR_Linux + 216)
-#define __NR_io_getevents       (__NR_Linux + 217)
-#define __NR_io_submit          (__NR_Linux + 218)
-#define __NR_io_cancel          (__NR_Linux + 219)
-#define __NR_alloc_hugepages    (__NR_Linux + 220)
-#define __NR_free_hugepages     (__NR_Linux + 221)
-#define __NR_exit_group         (__NR_Linux + 222)
-#define __NR_lookup_dcookie     (__NR_Linux + 223)
-#define __NR_epoll_create       (__NR_Linux + 224)
-#define __NR_epoll_ctl          (__NR_Linux + 225)
-#define __NR_epoll_wait         (__NR_Linux + 226)
-#define __NR_remap_file_pages   (__NR_Linux + 227)
-#define __NR_semtimedop         (__NR_Linux + 228)
-#define __NR_mq_open            (__NR_Linux + 229)
-#define __NR_mq_unlink          (__NR_Linux + 230)
-#define __NR_mq_timedsend       (__NR_Linux + 231)
-#define __NR_mq_timedreceive    (__NR_Linux + 232)
-#define __NR_mq_notify          (__NR_Linux + 233)
-#define __NR_mq_getsetattr      (__NR_Linux + 234)
-#define __NR_waitid		(__NR_Linux + 235)
-#define __NR_fadvise64_64	(__NR_Linux + 236)
-#define __NR_set_tid_address	(__NR_Linux + 237)
-#define __NR_setxattr		(__NR_Linux + 238)
-#define __NR_lsetxattr		(__NR_Linux + 239)
-#define __NR_fsetxattr		(__NR_Linux + 240)
-#define __NR_getxattr		(__NR_Linux + 241)
-#define __NR_lgetxattr		(__NR_Linux + 242)
-#define __NR_fgetxattr		(__NR_Linux + 243)
-#define __NR_listxattr		(__NR_Linux + 244)
-#define __NR_llistxattr		(__NR_Linux + 245)
-#define __NR_flistxattr		(__NR_Linux + 246)
-#define __NR_removexattr	(__NR_Linux + 247)
-#define __NR_lremovexattr	(__NR_Linux + 248)
-#define __NR_fremovexattr	(__NR_Linux + 249)
-#define __NR_timer_create	(__NR_Linux + 250)
-#define __NR_timer_settime	(__NR_Linux + 251)
-#define __NR_timer_gettime	(__NR_Linux + 252)
-#define __NR_timer_getoverrun	(__NR_Linux + 253)
-#define __NR_timer_delete	(__NR_Linux + 254)
-#define __NR_clock_settime	(__NR_Linux + 255)
-#define __NR_clock_gettime	(__NR_Linux + 256)
-#define __NR_clock_getres	(__NR_Linux + 257)
-#define __NR_clock_nanosleep	(__NR_Linux + 258)
-#define __NR_tgkill		(__NR_Linux + 259)
-#define __NR_mbind		(__NR_Linux + 260)
-#define __NR_get_mempolicy	(__NR_Linux + 261)
-#define __NR_set_mempolicy	(__NR_Linux + 262)
-#define __NR_vserver		(__NR_Linux + 263)
-#define __NR_add_key		(__NR_Linux + 264)
-#define __NR_request_key	(__NR_Linux + 265)
-#define __NR_keyctl		(__NR_Linux + 266)
-#define __NR_ioprio_set		(__NR_Linux + 267)
-#define __NR_ioprio_get		(__NR_Linux + 268)
-#define __NR_inotify_init	(__NR_Linux + 269)
-#define __NR_inotify_add_watch	(__NR_Linux + 270)
-#define __NR_inotify_rm_watch	(__NR_Linux + 271)
-#define __NR_migrate_pages	(__NR_Linux + 272)
-#define __NR_pselect6		(__NR_Linux + 273)
-#define __NR_ppoll		(__NR_Linux + 274)
-#define __NR_openat		(__NR_Linux + 275)
-#define __NR_mkdirat		(__NR_Linux + 276)
-#define __NR_mknodat		(__NR_Linux + 277)
-#define __NR_fchownat		(__NR_Linux + 278)
-#define __NR_futimesat		(__NR_Linux + 279)
-#define __NR_fstatat64		(__NR_Linux + 280)
-#define __NR_unlinkat		(__NR_Linux + 281)
-#define __NR_renameat		(__NR_Linux + 282)
-#define __NR_linkat		(__NR_Linux + 283)
-#define __NR_symlinkat		(__NR_Linux + 284)
-#define __NR_readlinkat		(__NR_Linux + 285)
-#define __NR_fchmodat		(__NR_Linux + 286)
-#define __NR_faccessat		(__NR_Linux + 287)
-#define __NR_unshare		(__NR_Linux + 288)
-#define __NR_set_robust_list	(__NR_Linux + 289)
-#define __NR_get_robust_list	(__NR_Linux + 290)
-#define __NR_splice		(__NR_Linux + 291)
-#define __NR_sync_file_range	(__NR_Linux + 292)
-#define __NR_tee		(__NR_Linux + 293)
-#define __NR_vmsplice		(__NR_Linux + 294)
-#define __NR_move_pages		(__NR_Linux + 295)
-#define __NR_getcpu		(__NR_Linux + 296)
-#define __NR_epoll_pwait	(__NR_Linux + 297)
-#define __NR_statfs64		(__NR_Linux + 298)
-#define __NR_fstatfs64		(__NR_Linux + 299)
-#define __NR_kexec_load		(__NR_Linux + 300)
-#define __NR_utimensat		(__NR_Linux + 301)
-#define __NR_signalfd		(__NR_Linux + 302)
-#define __NR_timerfd		(__NR_Linux + 303)
-#define __NR_eventfd		(__NR_Linux + 304)
-#define __NR_fallocate		(__NR_Linux + 305)
-#define __NR_timerfd_create	(__NR_Linux + 306)
-#define __NR_timerfd_settime	(__NR_Linux + 307)
-#define __NR_timerfd_gettime	(__NR_Linux + 308)
-#define __NR_signalfd4		(__NR_Linux + 309)
-#define __NR_eventfd2		(__NR_Linux + 310)
-#define __NR_epoll_create1	(__NR_Linux + 311)
-#define __NR_dup3		(__NR_Linux + 312)
-#define __NR_pipe2		(__NR_Linux + 313)
-#define __NR_inotify_init1	(__NR_Linux + 314)
-#define __NR_preadv		(__NR_Linux + 315)
-#define __NR_pwritev		(__NR_Linux + 316)
-#define __NR_rt_tgsigqueueinfo	(__NR_Linux + 317)
-#define __NR_perf_event_open	(__NR_Linux + 318)
-#define __NR_recvmmsg		(__NR_Linux + 319)
-#define __NR_accept4		(__NR_Linux + 320)
-#define __NR_prlimit64		(__NR_Linux + 321)
-#define __NR_fanotify_init	(__NR_Linux + 322)
-#define __NR_fanotify_mark	(__NR_Linux + 323)
-#define __NR_clock_adjtime	(__NR_Linux + 324)
-#define __NR_name_to_handle_at	(__NR_Linux + 325)
-#define __NR_open_by_handle_at	(__NR_Linux + 326)
-#define __NR_syncfs		(__NR_Linux + 327)
-#define __NR_setns		(__NR_Linux + 328)
-#define __NR_sendmmsg		(__NR_Linux + 329)
-#define __NR_Linux_syscalls	(__NR_sendmmsg + 1)
-#define __IGNORE_select		/* newselect */
-#define __IGNORE_fadvise64	/* fadvise64_64 */
-#define __IGNORE_utimes		/* utime */
-#define HPUX_GATEWAY_ADDR       0xC0000004
-#define LINUX_GATEWAY_ADDR      0x100
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
 #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
 #define SYS_ify(syscall_name)   __NR_##syscall_name
@@ -1008,5 +176,4 @@ type name(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4, type5 arg5)	\
 #define cond_syscall(x) asm(".weak\t" #x "\n\t.set\t" #x ",sys_ni_syscall")
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
 #endif /* _ASM_PARISC_UNISTD_H_ */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/user.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/user.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 80224753e508..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/user.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-/* This file should not exist, but lots of generic code still includes
-   it. It's a hangover from old a.out days and the traditional core
-   dump format.  We are ELF-only, and so are our core dumps.  If we
-   need to support HP/UX core format then we'll do it here
-   eventually. */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/vga.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/vga.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 171399a88ca6..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/vga.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ASM_PARISC_VGA_H__
-#define __ASM_PARISC_VGA_H__
-/* nothing */
-#endif /* __ASM_PARISC_VGA_H__ */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/xor.h b/arch/parisc/include/asm/xor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c82eb12a5b18..000000000000
--- a/arch/parisc/include/asm/xor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <asm-generic/xor.h>
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/Kbuild b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/Kbuild
index baebb3da1d44..a580642555b6 100644
--- a/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/Kbuild
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/Kbuild
@@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
 # UAPI Header export list
 include include/uapi/asm-generic/Kbuild.asm
+header-y += bitsperlong.h
+header-y += byteorder.h
+header-y += errno.h
+header-y += fcntl.h
+header-y += ioctl.h
+header-y += ioctls.h
+header-y += ipcbuf.h
+header-y += mman.h
+header-y += msgbuf.h
+header-y += pdc.h
+header-y += posix_types.h
+header-y += ptrace.h
+header-y += resource.h
+header-y += sembuf.h
+header-y += setup.h
+header-y += shmbuf.h
+header-y += sigcontext.h
+header-y += siginfo.h
+header-y += signal.h
+header-y += socket.h
+header-y += sockios.h
+header-y += stat.h
+header-y += statfs.h
+header-y += swab.h
+header-y += termbits.h
+header-y += termios.h
+header-y += types.h
+header-y += unistd.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/bitsperlong.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/bitsperlong.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/bitsperlong.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/bitsperlong.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/byteorder.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/byteorder.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/byteorder.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/byteorder.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/errno.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/errno.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/errno.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/errno.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/fcntl.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/fcntl.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/fcntl.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/fcntl.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/ioctl.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/ioctl.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/ioctl.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/ioctl.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/ioctls.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/ioctls.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/ioctls.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/ioctls.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/ipcbuf.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/ipcbuf.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/ipcbuf.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/ipcbuf.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/mman.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/mman.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/mman.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/mman.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/msgbuf.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/msgbuf.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/msgbuf.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/msgbuf.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/pdc.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/pdc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..702498f7705b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/pdc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+ *	PDC return values ...
+ *	All PDC calls return a subset of these errors. 
+ */
+#define PDC_WARN		  3	/* Call completed with a warning */
+#define PDC_REQ_ERR_1		  2	/* See above			 */
+#define PDC_REQ_ERR_0		  1	/* Call would generate a requestor error */
+#define PDC_OK			  0	/* Call completed successfully	*/
+#define PDC_BAD_PROC		 -1	/* Called non-existent procedure*/
+#define PDC_BAD_OPTION		 -2	/* Called with non-existent option */
+#define PDC_ERROR		 -3	/* Call could not complete without an error */
+#define PDC_NE_MOD		 -5	/* Module not found		*/
+#define PDC_NE_CELL_MOD		 -7	/* Cell module not found	*/
+#define PDC_INVALID_ARG		-10	/* Called with an invalid argument */
+#define PDC_BUS_POW_WARN	-12	/* Call could not complete in allowed power budget */
+#define PDC_NOT_NARROW		-17	/* Narrow mode not supported	*/
+ *	PDC entry points...
+ */
+#define PDC_POW_FAIL	1		/* perform a power-fail		*/
+#define PDC_POW_FAIL_PREPARE	0	/* prepare for powerfail	*/
+#define PDC_CHASSIS	2		/* PDC-chassis functions	*/
+#define PDC_CHASSIS_DISP	0	/* update chassis display	*/
+#define PDC_CHASSIS_WARN	1	/* return chassis warnings	*/
+#define PDC_CHASSIS_DISPWARN	2	/* update&return chassis status */
+#define PDC_RETURN_CHASSIS_INFO 128	/* HVERSION dependent: return chassis LED/LCD info  */
+#define PDC_PIM         3               /* Get PIM data                 */
+#define PDC_PIM_HPMC            0       /* Transfer HPMC data           */
+#define PDC_PIM_RETURN_SIZE     1       /* Get Max buffer needed for PIM*/
+#define PDC_PIM_LPMC            2       /* Transfer HPMC data           */
+#define PDC_PIM_SOFT_BOOT       3       /* Transfer Soft Boot data      */
+#define PDC_PIM_TOC             4       /* Transfer TOC data            */
+#define PDC_MODEL	4		/* PDC model information call	*/
+#define PDC_MODEL_INFO		0	/* returns information 		*/
+#define PDC_MODEL_BOOTID	1	/* set the BOOT_ID		*/
+#define PDC_MODEL_VERSIONS	2	/* returns cpu-internal versions*/
+#define PDC_MODEL_SYSMODEL	3	/* return system model info	*/
+#define PDC_MODEL_ENSPEC	4	/* enable specific option	*/
+#define PDC_MODEL_DISPEC	5	/* disable specific option	*/
+#define PDC_MODEL_CPU_ID	6	/* returns cpu-id (only newer machines!) */
+#define PDC_MODEL_CAPABILITIES	7	/* returns OS32/OS64-flags	*/
+/* Values for PDC_MODEL_CAPABILITIES non-equivalent virtual aliasing support */
+#define  PDC_MODEL_OS64			(1 << 0)
+#define  PDC_MODEL_OS32			(1 << 1)
+#define  PDC_MODEL_IOPDIR_FDC		(1 << 2)
+#define  PDC_MODEL_NVA_MASK		(3 << 4)
+#define  PDC_MODEL_NVA_SUPPORTED	(0 << 4)
+#define  PDC_MODEL_NVA_SLOW		(1 << 4)
+#define  PDC_MODEL_NVA_UNSUPPORTED	(3 << 4)
+#define PDC_MODEL_GET_BOOT__OP	8	/* returns boot test options	*/
+#define PDC_MODEL_SET_BOOT__OP	9	/* set boot test options	*/
+#define PA89_INSTRUCTION_SET	0x4	/* capatibilies returned	*/
+#define PA90_INSTRUCTION_SET	0x8
+#define PDC_CACHE	5		/* return/set cache (& TLB) info*/
+#define PDC_CACHE_INFO		0	/* returns information 		*/
+#define PDC_CACHE_SET_COH	1	/* set coherence state		*/
+#define PDC_CACHE_RET_SPID	2	/* returns space-ID bits	*/
+#define PDC_HPA		6		/* return HPA of processor	*/
+#define PDC_HPA_MODULES		1
+#define PDC_COPROC	7		/* Co-Processor (usually FP unit(s)) */
+#define PDC_COPROC_CFG		0	/* Co-Processor Cfg (FP unit(s) enabled?) */
+#define PDC_IODC	8		/* talk to IODC			*/
+#define PDC_IODC_READ		0	/* read IODC entry point	*/
+/*      PDC_IODC_RI_			 * INDEX parameter of PDC_IODC_READ */
+#define PDC_IODC_RI_DATA_BYTES	0	/* IODC Data Bytes		*/
+/*				1, 2	   obsolete - HVERSION dependent*/
+#define PDC_IODC_RI_INIT	3	/* Initialize module		*/
+#define PDC_IODC_RI_IO		4	/* Module input/output		*/
+#define PDC_IODC_RI_SPA		5	/* Module input/output		*/
+#define PDC_IODC_RI_CONFIG	6	/* Module input/output		*/
+/*				7	  obsolete - HVERSION dependent */
+#define PDC_IODC_RI_TEST	8	/* Module input/output		*/
+#define PDC_IODC_RI_TLB		9	/* Module input/output		*/
+#define PDC_IODC_NINIT		2	/* non-destructive init		*/
+#define PDC_IODC_DINIT		3	/* destructive init		*/
+#define PDC_IODC_MEMERR		4	/* check for memory errors	*/
+#define PDC_IODC_INDEX_DATA	0	/* get first 16 bytes from mod IODC */
+#define PDC_IODC_BUS_ERROR	-4	/* bus error return value	*/
+#define PDC_IODC_INVALID_INDEX	-5	/* invalid index return value	*/
+#define PDC_IODC_COUNT		-6	/* count is too small		*/
+#define PDC_TOD		9		/* time-of-day clock (TOD)	*/
+#define PDC_TOD_READ		0	/* read TOD			*/
+#define PDC_TOD_WRITE		1	/* write TOD			*/
+#define PDC_STABLE	10		/* stable storage (sprockets)	*/
+#define PDC_STABLE_READ		0
+#define PDC_NVOLATILE	11		/* often not implemented	*/
+#define PDC_ADD_VALID	12		/* Memory validation PDC call	*/
+#define PDC_ADD_VALID_VERIFY	0	/* Make PDC_ADD_VALID verify region */
+#define PDC_INSTR	15		/* get instr to invoke PDCE_CHECK() */
+#define PDC_PROC	16		/* (sprockets)			*/
+#define PDC_CONFIG	16		/* (sprockets)			*/
+#define PDC_BLOCK_TLB	18		/* manage hardware block-TLB	*/
+#define PDC_BTLB_INFO		0	/* returns parameter 		*/
+#define PDC_BTLB_INSERT		1	/* insert BTLB entry		*/
+#define PDC_BTLB_PURGE		2	/* purge BTLB entries 		*/
+#define PDC_BTLB_PURGE_ALL	3	/* purge all BTLB entries 	*/
+#define PDC_TLB		19		/* manage hardware TLB miss handling */
+#define PDC_TLB_INFO		0	/* returns parameter 		*/
+#define PDC_TLB_SETUP		1	/* set up miss handling 	*/
+#define PDC_MEM		20		/* Manage memory		*/
+#define PDC_MEM_MEMINFO		0
+#define PDC_MEM_ADD_PAGE	1
+#define PDC_MEM_CLEAR_PDT	2
+#define PDC_MEM_READ_PDT	3
+#define PDC_MEM_GOODMEM		5
+#define PDC_MEM_TABLE		128	/* Non contig mem map (sprockets) */
+#define PDC_MEM_RET_SBE_REPLACED	5	/* PDC_MEM return values */
+#define PDC_MEM_RET_PDT_FULL		-11
+#define PDC_PSW		21		/* Get/Set default System Mask  */
+#define PDC_PSW_MASK		0	/* Return mask                  */
+#define PDC_PSW_GET_DEFAULTS	1	/* Return defaults              */
+#define PDC_PSW_SET_DEFAULTS	2	/* Set default                  */
+#define PDC_PSW_ENDIAN_BIT	1	/* set for big endian           */
+#define PDC_PSW_WIDE_BIT	2	/* set for wide mode            */ 
+#define PDC_SYSTEM_MAP	22		/* find system modules		*/
+#define PDC_FIND_MODULE 	0
+#define PDC_SOFT_POWER	23		/* soft power switch		*/
+#define PDC_SOFT_POWER_INFO	0	/* return info about the soft power switch */
+#define PDC_SOFT_POWER_ENABLE	1	/* enable/disable soft power switch */
+/* HVERSION dependent */
+/* The PDC_MEM_MAP calls */
+#define PDC_MEM_MAP	128		/* on s700: return page info	*/
+#define PDC_MEM_MAP_HPA		0	/* returns hpa of a module	*/
+#define PDC_EEPROM	129		/* EEPROM access		*/
+#define PDC_NVM		130		/* NVM (non-volatile memory) access */
+#define PDC_NVM_READ_WORD	0
+#define PDC_NVM_READ_BYTE	2
+#define PDC_SEED_ERROR	132		/* (sprockets)			*/
+#define PDC_IO		135		/* log error info, reset IO system */
+#define PDC_IO_RESET			1
+/* sets bits 6&7 (little endian) of the HcControl Register */
+#define PDC_IO_USB_SUSPEND	0xC000000000000000
+#define PDC_IO_EEPROM_IO_ERR_TABLE_FULL	-5	/* return value */
+#define PDC_IO_NO_SUSPEND		-6	/* return value */
+#define PDC_BROADCAST_RESET 136		/* reset all processors		*/
+#define PDC_DO_RESET		0	/* option: perform a broadcast reset */
+#define PDC_DO_FIRM_TEST_RESET	1	/* Do broadcast reset with bitmap */
+#define PDC_BR_RECONFIGURATION	2	/* reset w/reconfiguration	*/
+#define PDC_FIRM_TEST_MAGIC	0xab9ec36fUL    /* for this reboot only	*/
+#define PDC_LAN_STATION_ID 138		/* Hversion dependent mechanism for */
+#define PDC_LAN_STATION_ID_READ	0	/* getting the lan station address  */
+#define PDC_CHECK_RANGES 139		/* (sprockets)			*/
+#define PDC_NV_SECTIONS	141		/* (sprockets)			*/
+#define PDC_PERFORMANCE	142		/* performance monitoring	*/
+#define PDC_SYSTEM_INFO	143		/* system information		*/
+#define PDC_RDR		144		/* (sprockets)			*/
+#define PDC_INTRIGUE	145 		/* (sprockets)			*/
+#define PDC_STI		146 		/* STI access			*/
+/* same as PDC_PCI_XXX values (see below) */
+/* Legacy PDC definitions for same stuff */
+#define PDC_PCI_INDEX	147
+#define PDC_PCI_SLOT_INFO		1
+#define PDC_PCI_READ_PCI_IO		5
+#define PDC_PCI_WRITE_PCI_IO		6
+#define PDC_PCI_PCI_INT_ROUTE		14
+#define PDC_PCI_READ_MON_TYPE		15
+/* Get SCSI Interface Card info:  SDTR, SCSI ID, mode (SE vs LVD) */
+#define PDC_INITIATOR	163
+#define PDC_LINK	165 		/* (sprockets)			*/
+#define PDC_LINK_PCI_ENTRY_POINTS	0  /* list (Arg1) = 0 */
+#define PDC_LINK_USB_ENTRY_POINTS	1  /* list (Arg1) = 1 */
+/* cl_class
+ * page 3-33 of IO-Firmware ARS
+ * IODC ENTRY_INIT(Search first) RET[1]
+ */
+#define	CL_NULL		0	/* invalid */
+#define	CL_RANDOM	1	/* random access (as disk) */
+#define	CL_SEQU		2	/* sequential access (as tape) */
+#define	CL_DUPLEX	7	/* full-duplex point-to-point (RS-232, Net) */
+#define	CL_KEYBD	8	/* half-duplex console (HIL Keyboard) */
+#define	CL_DISPL	9	/* half-duplex console (display) */
+#define	CL_FC		10	/* FiberChannel access media */
+#define ENTRY_INIT_DEV		5
+#define ENTRY_INIT_MOD		6
+#define ENTRY_INIT_MSG		9
+/* IODC ENTRY_IO() */
+#define ENTRY_IO_BOOTIN		0
+#define ENTRY_IO_CIN		2
+#define ENTRY_IO_COUT		3
+#define ENTRY_IO_CLOSE		4
+#define ENTRY_IO_GETMSG		9
+#define ENTRY_IO_BBLOCK_IN	16
+/* constants for OS (NVM...) */
+#define OS_ID_NONE		0	/* Undefined OS ID	*/
+#define OS_ID_HPUX		1	/* HP-UX OS		*/
+#define OS_ID_MPEXL		2	/* MPE XL OS		*/
+#define OS_ID_OSF		3	/* OSF OS		*/
+#define OS_ID_HPRT		4	/* HP-RT OS		*/
+#define OS_ID_NOVEL		5	/* NOVELL OS		*/
+#define OS_ID_LINUX		6	/* Linux		*/
+/* constants for PDC_CHASSIS */
+#define OSTAT_OFF		0
+#define OSTAT_FLT		1 
+#define OSTAT_TEST		2
+#define OSTAT_INIT		3
+#define OSTAT_SHUT		4
+#define OSTAT_WARN		5
+#define OSTAT_RUN		6
+#define OSTAT_ON		7
+/* Page Zero constant offsets used by the HPMC handler */
+/* size of the pdc_result buffer for firmware.c */
+#define NUM_PDC_RESULT	32
+#if !defined(__ASSEMBLY__)
+#include <linux/types.h>
+/* flags of the device_path */
+#define	PF_AUTOBOOT	0x80
+#define	PF_AUTOSEARCH	0x40
+#define	PF_TIMER	0x0F
+struct device_path {		/* page 1-69 */
+	unsigned char flags;	/* flags see above! */
+	unsigned char bc[6];	/* bus converter routing info */
+	unsigned char mod;
+	unsigned int  layers[6];/* device-specific layer-info */
+} __attribute__((aligned(8))) ;
+struct pz_device {
+	struct	device_path dp;	/* see above */
+	/* struct	iomod *hpa; */
+	unsigned int hpa;	/* HPA base address */
+	/* char	*spa; */
+	unsigned int spa;	/* SPA base address */
+	/* int	(*iodc_io)(struct iomod*, ...); */
+	unsigned int iodc_io;	/* device entry point */
+	short	pad;		/* reserved */
+	unsigned short cl_class;/* see below */
+} __attribute__((aligned(8))) ;
+struct zeropage {
+	/* [0x000] initialize vectors (VEC) */
+	unsigned int	vec_special;		/* must be zero */
+	/* int	(*vec_pow_fail)(void);*/
+	unsigned int	vec_pow_fail; /* power failure handler */
+	/* int	(*vec_toc)(void); */
+	unsigned int	vec_toc;
+	unsigned int	vec_toclen;
+	/* int	(*vec_rendz)(void); */
+	unsigned int vec_rendz;
+	int	vec_pow_fail_flen;
+	int	vec_pad[10];		
+	/* [0x040] reserved processor dependent */
+	int	pad0[112];
+	/* [0x200] reserved */
+	int	pad1[84];
+	/* [0x350] memory configuration (MC) */
+	int	memc_cont;		/* contiguous mem size (bytes) */
+	int	memc_phsize;		/* physical memory size */
+	int	memc_adsize;		/* additional mem size, bytes of SPA space used by PDC */
+	unsigned int mem_pdc_hi;	/* used for 64-bit */
+	/* [0x360] various parameters for the boot-CPU */
+	/* unsigned int *mem_booterr[8]; */
+	unsigned int mem_booterr[8];	/* ptr to boot errors */
+	unsigned int mem_free;		/* first location, where OS can be loaded */
+	/* struct iomod *mem_hpa; */
+	unsigned int mem_hpa;		/* HPA of the boot-CPU */
+	/* int (*mem_pdc)(int, ...); */
+	unsigned int mem_pdc;		/* PDC entry point */
+	unsigned int mem_10msec;	/* number of clock ticks in 10msec */
+	/* [0x390] initial memory module (IMM) */
+	/* struct iomod *imm_hpa; */
+	unsigned int imm_hpa;		/* HPA of the IMM */
+	int	imm_soft_boot;		/* 0 = was hard boot, 1 = was soft boot */
+	unsigned int	imm_spa_size;		/* SPA size of the IMM in bytes */
+	unsigned int	imm_max_mem;		/* bytes of mem in IMM */
+	/* [0x3A0] boot console, display device and keyboard */
+	struct pz_device mem_cons;	/* description of console device */
+	struct pz_device mem_boot;	/* description of boot device */
+	struct pz_device mem_kbd;	/* description of keyboard device */
+	/* [0x430] reserved */
+	int	pad430[116];
+	/* [0x600] processor dependent */
+	__u32	pad600[1];
+	__u32	proc_sti;		/* pointer to STI ROM */
+	__u32	pad608[126];
+#endif /* !defined(__ASSEMBLY__) */
+#endif /* _UAPI_PARISC_PDC_H */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/posix_types.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/posix_types.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/posix_types.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/posix_types.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/ptrace.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/ptrace.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c4fa6c8b9ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/ptrace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* written by Philipp Rumpf, Copyright (C) 1999 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg
+** Copyright (C) 2000 Grant Grundler, Hewlett-Packard
+#include <linux/types.h>
+/* This struct defines the way the registers are stored on the 
+ * stack during a system call.
+ *
+ * N.B. gdb/strace care about the size and offsets within this
+ * structure. If you change things, you may break object compatibility
+ * for those applications.
+ */
+struct pt_regs {
+	unsigned long gr[32];	/* PSW is in gr[0] */
+	__u64 fr[32];
+	unsigned long sr[ 8];
+	unsigned long iasq[2];
+	unsigned long iaoq[2];
+	unsigned long cr27;
+	unsigned long pad0;     /* available for other uses */
+	unsigned long orig_r28;
+	unsigned long ksp;
+	unsigned long kpc;
+	unsigned long sar;	/* CR11 */
+	unsigned long iir;	/* CR19 */
+	unsigned long isr;	/* CR20 */
+	unsigned long ior;	/* CR21 */
+	unsigned long ipsw;	/* CR22 */
+ * The numbers chosen here are somewhat arbitrary but absolutely MUST
+ * not overlap with any of the number assigned in <linux/ptrace.h>.
+ *
+ * These ones are taken from IA-64 on the assumption that theirs are
+ * the most correct (and we also want to support PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK
+ * since we have taken branch traps too)
+ */
+#define PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK	12	/* resume execution until next branch */
+#endif /* _UAPI_PARISC_PTRACE_H */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/resource.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/resource.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/resource.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/resource.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/sembuf.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/sembuf.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/sembuf.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/sembuf.h
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similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/setup.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/setup.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/shmbuf.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/shmbuf.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/shmbuf.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/shmbuf.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/sigcontext.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/sigcontext.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/sigcontext.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/sigcontext.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/siginfo.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/siginfo.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/siginfo.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/siginfo.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/signal.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/signal.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b1ddaa243376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/signal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#define SIGHUP		 1
+#define SIGINT		 2
+#define SIGQUIT		 3
+#define SIGILL		 4
+#define SIGTRAP		 5
+#define SIGABRT		 6
+#define SIGIOT		 6
+#define SIGEMT		 7
+#define SIGFPE		 8
+#define SIGKILL		 9
+#define SIGBUS		10
+#define SIGSEGV		11
+#define SIGSYS		12 /* Linux doesn't use this */
+#define SIGPIPE		13
+#define SIGALRM		14
+#define SIGTERM		15
+#define SIGUSR1		16
+#define SIGUSR2		17
+#define SIGCHLD		18
+#define SIGPWR		19
+#define SIGVTALRM	20
+#define SIGPROF		21
+#define SIGIO		22
+#define SIGWINCH	23
+#define SIGSTOP		24
+#define SIGTSTP		25
+#define SIGCONT		26
+#define SIGTTIN		27
+#define SIGTTOU		28
+#define SIGURG		29
+#define SIGLOST		30 /* Linux doesn't use this either */
+#define	SIGUNUSED	31
+#define SIGXCPU		33
+#define SIGXFSZ		34
+#define SIGSTKFLT	36
+/* These should not be considered constants from userland.  */
+#define SIGRTMIN	37
+#define SIGRTMAX	_NSIG /* it's 44 under HP/UX */
+ * SA_FLAGS values:
+ *
+ * SA_ONSTACK indicates that a registered stack_t will be used.
+ * SA_RESTART flag to get restarting signals (which were the default long ago)
+ * SA_NOCLDSTOP flag to turn off SIGCHLD when children stop.
+ * SA_RESETHAND clears the handler when the signal is delivered.
+ * SA_NOCLDWAIT flag on SIGCHLD to inhibit zombies.
+ * SA_NODEFER prevents the current signal from being masked in the handler.
+ *
+ * SA_ONESHOT and SA_NOMASK are the historical Linux names for the Single
+ * Unix names RESETHAND and NODEFER respectively.
+ */
+#define SA_ONSTACK	0x00000001
+#define SA_RESETHAND	0x00000004
+#define SA_NOCLDSTOP	0x00000008
+#define SA_SIGINFO	0x00000010
+#define SA_NODEFER	0x00000020
+#define SA_RESTART	0x00000040
+#define SA_NOCLDWAIT	0x00000080
+#define _SA_SIGGFAULT	0x00000100 /* HPUX */
+#define SA_RESTORER	0x04000000 /* obsolete -- ignored */
+ * sigaltstack controls
+ */
+#define SS_ONSTACK	1
+#define SS_DISABLE	2
+#define MINSIGSTKSZ	2048
+#define SIGSTKSZ	8192
+#define SIG_BLOCK          0	/* for blocking signals */
+#define SIG_UNBLOCK        1	/* for unblocking signals */
+#define SIG_SETMASK        2	/* for setting the signal mask */
+#define SIG_DFL	((__sighandler_t)0)	/* default signal handling */
+#define SIG_IGN	((__sighandler_t)1)	/* ignore signal */
+#define SIG_ERR	((__sighandler_t)-1)	/* error return from signal */
+# ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#  include <linux/types.h>
+/* Avoid too many header ordering problems.  */
+struct siginfo;
+/* Type of a signal handler.  */
+#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
+/* function pointers on 64-bit parisc are pointers to little structs and the
+ * compiler doesn't support code which changes or tests the address of
+ * the function in the little struct.  This is really ugly -PB
+ */
+typedef char __user *__sighandler_t;
+typedef void __signalfn_t(int);
+typedef __signalfn_t __user *__sighandler_t;
+typedef struct sigaltstack {
+	void __user *ss_sp;
+	int ss_flags;
+	size_t ss_size;
+} stack_t;
+#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/socket.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/socket.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/socket.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/socket.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/sockios.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/sockios.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/sockios.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/sockios.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/stat.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/stat.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/stat.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/stat.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/statfs.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/statfs.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/statfs.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/statfs.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/swab.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/swab.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/swab.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/swab.h
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similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/termbits.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/termbits.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/termios.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/termios.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f3377395070d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/termios.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include <asm/termbits.h>
+#include <asm/ioctls.h>
+struct winsize {
+	unsigned short ws_row;
+	unsigned short ws_col;
+	unsigned short ws_xpixel;
+	unsigned short ws_ypixel;
+#define NCC 8
+struct termio {
+	unsigned short c_iflag;		/* input mode flags */
+	unsigned short c_oflag;		/* output mode flags */
+	unsigned short c_cflag;		/* control mode flags */
+	unsigned short c_lflag;		/* local mode flags */
+	unsigned char c_line;		/* line discipline */
+	unsigned char c_cc[NCC];	/* control characters */
+/* modem lines */
+#define TIOCM_LE	0x001
+#define TIOCM_DTR	0x002
+#define TIOCM_RTS	0x004
+#define TIOCM_ST	0x008
+#define TIOCM_SR	0x010
+#define TIOCM_CTS	0x020
+#define TIOCM_CAR	0x040
+#define TIOCM_RNG	0x080
+#define TIOCM_DSR	0x100
+#define TIOCM_OUT1	0x2000
+#define TIOCM_OUT2	0x4000
+#define TIOCM_LOOP	0x8000
+/* ioctl (fd, TIOCSERGETLSR, &result) where result may be as below */
+#endif /* _UAPI_PARISC_TERMIOS_H */
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/asm/types.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/types.h
similarity index 100%
rename from arch/parisc/include/asm/types.h
rename to arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/types.h
diff --git a/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/unistd.h b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/unistd.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e178f30f2ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/parisc/include/uapi/asm/unistd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+ * This file contains the system call numbers.
+ */
+ *   HP-UX system calls get their native numbers for binary compatibility.
+ */
+#define __NR_HPUX_exit                    1
+#define __NR_HPUX_fork                    2
+#define __NR_HPUX_read                    3
+#define __NR_HPUX_write                   4
+#define __NR_HPUX_open                    5
+#define __NR_HPUX_close                   6
+#define __NR_HPUX_wait                    7
+#define __NR_HPUX_creat                   8
+#define __NR_HPUX_link                    9
+#define __NR_HPUX_unlink                 10
+#define __NR_HPUX_execv                  11
+#define __NR_HPUX_chdir                  12
+#define __NR_HPUX_time                   13
+#define __NR_HPUX_mknod                  14
+#define __NR_HPUX_chmod                  15
+#define __NR_HPUX_chown                  16
+#define __NR_HPUX_break                  17
+#define __NR_HPUX_lchmod                 18
+#define __NR_HPUX_lseek                  19
+#define __NR_HPUX_getpid                 20
+#define __NR_HPUX_mount                  21
+#define __NR_HPUX_umount                 22
+#define __NR_HPUX_setuid                 23
+#define __NR_HPUX_getuid                 24
+#define __NR_HPUX_stime                  25
+#define __NR_HPUX_ptrace                 26
+#define __NR_HPUX_alarm                  27
+#define __NR_HPUX_oldfstat               28
+#define __NR_HPUX_pause                  29
+#define __NR_HPUX_utime                  30
+#define __NR_HPUX_stty                   31
+#define __NR_HPUX_gtty                   32
+#define __NR_HPUX_access                 33
+#define __NR_HPUX_nice                   34
+#define __NR_HPUX_ftime                  35
+#define __NR_HPUX_sync                   36
+#define __NR_HPUX_kill                   37
+#define __NR_HPUX_stat                   38
+#define __NR_HPUX_setpgrp3               39
+#define __NR_HPUX_lstat                  40
+#define __NR_HPUX_dup                    41
+#define __NR_HPUX_pipe                   42
+#define __NR_HPUX_times                  43
+#define __NR_HPUX_profil                 44
+#define __NR_HPUX_ki_call                45
+#define __NR_HPUX_setgid                 46
+#define __NR_HPUX_getgid                 47
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigsys                 48
+#define __NR_HPUX_reserved1              49
+#define __NR_HPUX_reserved2              50
+#define __NR_HPUX_acct                   51
+#define __NR_HPUX_set_userthreadid       52
+#define __NR_HPUX_oldlock                53
+#define __NR_HPUX_ioctl                  54
+#define __NR_HPUX_reboot                 55
+#define __NR_HPUX_symlink                56
+#define __NR_HPUX_utssys                 57
+#define __NR_HPUX_readlink               58
+#define __NR_HPUX_execve                 59
+#define __NR_HPUX_umask                  60
+#define __NR_HPUX_chroot                 61
+#define __NR_HPUX_fcntl                  62
+#define __NR_HPUX_ulimit                 63
+#define __NR_HPUX_getpagesize            64
+#define __NR_HPUX_mremap                 65
+#define __NR_HPUX_vfork                  66
+#define __NR_HPUX_vread                  67
+#define __NR_HPUX_vwrite                 68
+#define __NR_HPUX_sbrk                   69
+#define __NR_HPUX_sstk                   70
+#define __NR_HPUX_mmap                   71
+#define __NR_HPUX_vadvise                72
+#define __NR_HPUX_munmap                 73
+#define __NR_HPUX_mprotect               74
+#define __NR_HPUX_madvise                75
+#define __NR_HPUX_vhangup                76
+#define __NR_HPUX_swapoff                77
+#define __NR_HPUX_mincore                78
+#define __NR_HPUX_getgroups              79
+#define __NR_HPUX_setgroups              80
+#define __NR_HPUX_getpgrp2               81
+#define __NR_HPUX_setpgrp2               82
+#define __NR_HPUX_setitimer              83
+#define __NR_HPUX_wait3                  84
+#define __NR_HPUX_swapon                 85
+#define __NR_HPUX_getitimer              86
+#define __NR_HPUX_gethostname42          87
+#define __NR_HPUX_sethostname42          88
+#define __NR_HPUX_getdtablesize          89
+#define __NR_HPUX_dup2                   90
+#define __NR_HPUX_getdopt                91
+#define __NR_HPUX_fstat                  92
+#define __NR_HPUX_select                 93
+#define __NR_HPUX_setdopt                94
+#define __NR_HPUX_fsync                  95
+#define __NR_HPUX_setpriority            96
+#define __NR_HPUX_socket_old             97
+#define __NR_HPUX_connect_old            98
+#define __NR_HPUX_accept_old             99
+#define __NR_HPUX_getpriority           100
+#define __NR_HPUX_send_old              101
+#define __NR_HPUX_recv_old              102
+#define __NR_HPUX_socketaddr_old        103
+#define __NR_HPUX_bind_old              104
+#define __NR_HPUX_setsockopt_old        105
+#define __NR_HPUX_listen_old            106
+#define __NR_HPUX_vtimes_old            107
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigvector             108
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigblock              109
+#define __NR_HPUX_siggetmask            110
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigpause              111
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigstack              112
+#define __NR_HPUX_recvmsg_old           113
+#define __NR_HPUX_sendmsg_old           114
+#define __NR_HPUX_vtrace_old            115
+#define __NR_HPUX_gettimeofday          116
+#define __NR_HPUX_getrusage             117
+#define __NR_HPUX_getsockopt_old        118
+#define __NR_HPUX_resuba_old            119
+#define __NR_HPUX_readv                 120
+#define __NR_HPUX_writev                121
+#define __NR_HPUX_settimeofday          122
+#define __NR_HPUX_fchown                123
+#define __NR_HPUX_fchmod                124
+#define __NR_HPUX_recvfrom_old          125
+#define __NR_HPUX_setresuid             126
+#define __NR_HPUX_setresgid             127
+#define __NR_HPUX_rename                128
+#define __NR_HPUX_truncate              129
+#define __NR_HPUX_ftruncate             130
+#define __NR_HPUX_flock_old             131
+#define __NR_HPUX_sysconf               132
+#define __NR_HPUX_sendto_old            133
+#define __NR_HPUX_shutdown_old          134
+#define __NR_HPUX_socketpair_old        135
+#define __NR_HPUX_mkdir                 136
+#define __NR_HPUX_rmdir                 137
+#define __NR_HPUX_utimes_old            138
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigcleanup_old        139
+#define __NR_HPUX_setcore               140
+#define __NR_HPUX_getpeername_old       141
+#define __NR_HPUX_gethostid             142
+#define __NR_HPUX_sethostid             143
+#define __NR_HPUX_getrlimit             144
+#define __NR_HPUX_setrlimit             145
+#define __NR_HPUX_killpg_old            146
+#define __NR_HPUX_cachectl              147
+#define __NR_HPUX_quotactl              148
+#define __NR_HPUX_get_sysinfo           149
+#define __NR_HPUX_getsockname_old       150
+#define __NR_HPUX_privgrp               151
+#define __NR_HPUX_rtprio                152
+#define __NR_HPUX_plock                 153
+#define __NR_HPUX_reserved3             154
+#define __NR_HPUX_lockf                 155
+#define __NR_HPUX_semget                156
+#define __NR_HPUX_osemctl               157
+#define __NR_HPUX_semop                 158
+#define __NR_HPUX_msgget                159
+#define __NR_HPUX_omsgctl               160
+#define __NR_HPUX_msgsnd                161
+#define __NR_HPUX_msgrecv               162
+#define __NR_HPUX_shmget                163
+#define __NR_HPUX_oshmctl               164
+#define __NR_HPUX_shmat                 165
+#define __NR_HPUX_shmdt                 166
+#define __NR_HPUX_m68020_advise         167
+/* [168,189] are for Discless/DUX */
+#define __NR_HPUX_csp                   168
+#define __NR_HPUX_cluster               169
+#define __NR_HPUX_mkrnod                170
+#define __NR_HPUX_test                  171
+#define __NR_HPUX_unsp_open             172
+#define __NR_HPUX_reserved4             173
+#define __NR_HPUX_getcontext_old        174
+#define __NR_HPUX_osetcontext           175
+#define __NR_HPUX_bigio                 176
+#define __NR_HPUX_pipenode              177
+#define __NR_HPUX_lsync                 178
+#define __NR_HPUX_getmachineid          179
+#define __NR_HPUX_cnodeid               180
+#define __NR_HPUX_cnodes                181
+#define __NR_HPUX_swapclients           182
+#define __NR_HPUX_rmt_process           183
+#define __NR_HPUX_dskless_stats         184
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigprocmask           185
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigpending            186
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigsuspend            187
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigaction             188
+#define __NR_HPUX_reserved5             189
+#define __NR_HPUX_nfssvc                190
+#define __NR_HPUX_getfh                 191
+#define __NR_HPUX_getdomainname         192
+#define __NR_HPUX_setdomainname         193
+#define __NR_HPUX_async_daemon          194
+#define __NR_HPUX_getdirentries         195
+#define __NR_HPUX_statfs                196
+#define __NR_HPUX_fstatfs               197
+#define __NR_HPUX_vfsmount              198
+#define __NR_HPUX_reserved6             199
+#define __NR_HPUX_waitpid               200
+/* 201 - 223 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigsetreturn          224
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigsetstatemask       225
+/* 226 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_cs                    227
+#define __NR_HPUX_cds                   228
+#define __NR_HPUX_set_no_trunc          229
+#define __NR_HPUX_pathconf              230
+#define __NR_HPUX_fpathconf             231
+/* 232, 233 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_nfs_fcntl             234
+#define __NR_HPUX_ogetacl               235
+#define __NR_HPUX_ofgetacl              236
+#define __NR_HPUX_osetacl               237
+#define __NR_HPUX_ofsetacl              238
+#define __NR_HPUX_pstat                 239
+#define __NR_HPUX_getaudid              240
+#define __NR_HPUX_setaudid              241
+#define __NR_HPUX_getaudproc            242
+#define __NR_HPUX_setaudproc            243
+#define __NR_HPUX_getevent              244
+#define __NR_HPUX_setevent              245
+#define __NR_HPUX_audwrite              246
+#define __NR_HPUX_audswitch             247
+#define __NR_HPUX_audctl                248
+#define __NR_HPUX_ogetaccess            249
+#define __NR_HPUX_fsctl                 250
+/* 251 - 258 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_swapfs                259
+#define __NR_HPUX_fss                   260
+/* 261 - 266 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_tsync                 267
+#define __NR_HPUX_getnumfds             268
+#define __NR_HPUX_poll                  269
+#define __NR_HPUX_getmsg                270
+#define __NR_HPUX_putmsg                271
+#define __NR_HPUX_fchdir                272
+#define __NR_HPUX_getmount_cnt          273
+#define __NR_HPUX_getmount_entry        274
+#define __NR_HPUX_accept                275
+#define __NR_HPUX_bind                  276
+#define __NR_HPUX_connect               277
+#define __NR_HPUX_getpeername           278
+#define __NR_HPUX_getsockname           279
+#define __NR_HPUX_getsockopt            280
+#define __NR_HPUX_listen                281
+#define __NR_HPUX_recv                  282
+#define __NR_HPUX_recvfrom              283
+#define __NR_HPUX_recvmsg               284
+#define __NR_HPUX_send                  285
+#define __NR_HPUX_sendmsg               286
+#define __NR_HPUX_sendto                287
+#define __NR_HPUX_setsockopt            288
+#define __NR_HPUX_shutdown              289
+#define __NR_HPUX_socket                290
+#define __NR_HPUX_socketpair            291
+#define __NR_HPUX_proc_open             292
+#define __NR_HPUX_proc_close            293
+#define __NR_HPUX_proc_send             294
+#define __NR_HPUX_proc_recv             295
+#define __NR_HPUX_proc_sendrecv         296
+#define __NR_HPUX_proc_syscall          297
+/* 298 - 311 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_semctl                312
+#define __NR_HPUX_msgctl                313
+#define __NR_HPUX_shmctl                314
+#define __NR_HPUX_mpctl                 315
+#define __NR_HPUX_exportfs              316
+#define __NR_HPUX_getpmsg               317
+#define __NR_HPUX_putpmsg               318
+/* 319 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_msync                 320
+#define __NR_HPUX_msleep                321
+#define __NR_HPUX_mwakeup               322
+#define __NR_HPUX_msem_init             323
+#define __NR_HPUX_msem_remove           324
+#define __NR_HPUX_adjtime               325
+#define __NR_HPUX_kload                 326
+#define __NR_HPUX_fattach               327
+#define __NR_HPUX_fdetach               328
+#define __NR_HPUX_serialize             329
+#define __NR_HPUX_statvfs               330
+#define __NR_HPUX_fstatvfs              331
+#define __NR_HPUX_lchown                332
+#define __NR_HPUX_getsid                333
+#define __NR_HPUX_sysfs                 334
+/* 335, 336 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_sched_setparam        337
+#define __NR_HPUX_sched_getparam        338
+#define __NR_HPUX_sched_setscheduler    339
+#define __NR_HPUX_sched_getscheduler    340
+#define __NR_HPUX_sched_yield           341
+#define __NR_HPUX_sched_get_priority_max 342
+#define __NR_HPUX_sched_get_priority_min 343
+#define __NR_HPUX_sched_rr_get_interval 344
+#define __NR_HPUX_clock_settime         345
+#define __NR_HPUX_clock_gettime         346
+#define __NR_HPUX_clock_getres          347
+#define __NR_HPUX_timer_create          348
+#define __NR_HPUX_timer_delete          349
+#define __NR_HPUX_timer_settime         350
+#define __NR_HPUX_timer_gettime         351
+#define __NR_HPUX_timer_getoverrun      352
+#define __NR_HPUX_nanosleep             353
+#define __NR_HPUX_toolbox               354
+/* 355 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_getdents              356
+#define __NR_HPUX_getcontext            357
+#define __NR_HPUX_sysinfo               358
+#define __NR_HPUX_fcntl64               359
+#define __NR_HPUX_ftruncate64           360
+#define __NR_HPUX_fstat64               361
+#define __NR_HPUX_getdirentries64       362
+#define __NR_HPUX_getrlimit64           363
+#define __NR_HPUX_lockf64               364
+#define __NR_HPUX_lseek64               365
+#define __NR_HPUX_lstat64               366
+#define __NR_HPUX_mmap64                367
+#define __NR_HPUX_setrlimit64           368
+#define __NR_HPUX_stat64                369
+#define __NR_HPUX_truncate64            370
+#define __NR_HPUX_ulimit64              371
+#define __NR_HPUX_pread                 372
+#define __NR_HPUX_preadv                373
+#define __NR_HPUX_pwrite                374
+#define __NR_HPUX_pwritev               375
+#define __NR_HPUX_pread64               376
+#define __NR_HPUX_preadv64              377
+#define __NR_HPUX_pwrite64              378
+#define __NR_HPUX_pwritev64             379
+#define __NR_HPUX_setcontext            380
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigaltstack           381
+#define __NR_HPUX_waitid                382
+#define __NR_HPUX_setpgrp               383
+#define __NR_HPUX_recvmsg2              384
+#define __NR_HPUX_sendmsg2              385
+#define __NR_HPUX_socket2               386
+#define __NR_HPUX_socketpair2           387
+#define __NR_HPUX_setregid              388
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_create            389
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_terminate         390
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_wait              391
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_suspend           392
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_resume            393
+/* 394 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_abort_syscall     395
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_info              396
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_kill              397
+#define __NR_HPUX_ksleep                398
+#define __NR_HPUX_kwakeup               399
+/* 400 missing */
+#define __NR_HPUX_pstat_getlwp          401
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_exit              402
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_continue          403
+#define __NR_HPUX_getacl                404
+#define __NR_HPUX_fgetacl               405
+#define __NR_HPUX_setacl                406
+#define __NR_HPUX_fsetacl               407
+#define __NR_HPUX_getaccess             408
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_mutex_init        409
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_mutex_lock_sys    410
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_mutex_unlock      411
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_cond_init         412
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_cond_signal       413
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_cond_broadcast    414
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_cond_wait_sys     415
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_getscheduler      416
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_setscheduler      417
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_getstate          418
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_setstate          419
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_detach            420
+#define __NR_HPUX_mlock                 421
+#define __NR_HPUX_munlock               422
+#define __NR_HPUX_mlockall              423
+#define __NR_HPUX_munlockall            424
+#define __NR_HPUX_shm_open              425
+#define __NR_HPUX_shm_unlink            426
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigqueue              427
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigwaitinfo           428
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigtimedwait          429
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigwait               430
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_read              431
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_write             432
+#define __NR_HPUX_lio_listio            433
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_error             434
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_return            435
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_cancel            436
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_suspend           437
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_fsync             438
+#define __NR_HPUX_mq_open               439
+#define __NR_HPUX_mq_close              440
+#define __NR_HPUX_mq_unlink             441
+#define __NR_HPUX_mq_send               442
+#define __NR_HPUX_mq_receive            443
+#define __NR_HPUX_mq_notify             444
+#define __NR_HPUX_mq_setattr            445
+#define __NR_HPUX_mq_getattr            446
+#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_open             447
+#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_unlink           448
+#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_close            449
+#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_post             450
+#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_wait             451
+#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_read             452
+#define __NR_HPUX_ksem_trywait          453
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_init       454
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_destroy    455
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_rdlock_sys 456
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_wrlock_sys 457
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_tryrdlock  458
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_trywrlock  459
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_rwlock_unlock     460
+#define __NR_HPUX_ttrace                461
+#define __NR_HPUX_ttrace_wait           462
+#define __NR_HPUX_lf_wire_mem           463
+#define __NR_HPUX_lf_unwire_mem         464
+#define __NR_HPUX_lf_send_pin_map       465
+#define __NR_HPUX_lf_free_buf           466
+#define __NR_HPUX_lf_wait_nq            467
+#define __NR_HPUX_lf_wakeup_conn_q      468
+#define __NR_HPUX_lf_unused             469
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_sema_init         470
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_sema_post         471
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_sema_wait         472
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_sema_trywait      473
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_sema_destroy      474
+#define __NR_HPUX_statvfs64             475
+#define __NR_HPUX_fstatvfs64            476
+#define __NR_HPUX_msh_register          477
+#define __NR_HPUX_ptrace64              478
+#define __NR_HPUX_sendfile              479
+#define __NR_HPUX_sendpath              480
+#define __NR_HPUX_sendfile64            481
+#define __NR_HPUX_sendpath64            482
+#define __NR_HPUX_modload               483
+#define __NR_HPUX_moduload              484
+#define __NR_HPUX_modpath               485
+#define __NR_HPUX_getksym               486
+#define __NR_HPUX_modadm                487
+#define __NR_HPUX_modstat               488
+#define __NR_HPUX_lwp_detached_exit     489
+#define __NR_HPUX_crashconf             490
+#define __NR_HPUX_siginhibit            491
+#define __NR_HPUX_sigenable             492
+#define __NR_HPUX_spuctl                493
+#define __NR_HPUX_zerokernelsum         494
+#define __NR_HPUX_nfs_kstat             495
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_read64            496
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_write64           497
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_error64           498
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_return64          499
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_cancel64          500
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_suspend64         501
+#define __NR_HPUX_aio_fsync64           502
+#define __NR_HPUX_lio_listio64          503
+#define __NR_HPUX_recv2                 504
+#define __NR_HPUX_recvfrom2             505
+#define __NR_HPUX_send2                 506
+#define __NR_HPUX_sendto2               507
+#define __NR_HPUX_acl                   508
+#define __NR_HPUX___cnx_p2p_ctl         509
+#define __NR_HPUX___cnx_gsched_ctl      510
+#define __NR_HPUX___cnx_pmon_ctl        511
+#define __NR_HPUX_syscalls		512
+ * Linux system call numbers.
+ *
+ * Cary Coutant says that we should just use another syscall gateway
+ * page to avoid clashing with the HPUX space, and I think he's right:
+ * it will would keep a branch out of our syscall entry path, at the
+ * very least.  If we decide to change it later, we can ``just'' tweak
+ * the LINUX_GATEWAY_ADDR define at the bottom and make __NR_Linux be
+ * 1024 or something.  Oh, and recompile libc. =)
+ *
+ * 64-bit HPUX binaries get the syscall gateway address passed in a register
+ * from the kernel at startup, which seems a sane strategy.
+ */
+#define __NR_Linux                0
+#define __NR_restart_syscall      (__NR_Linux + 0)
+#define __NR_exit                 (__NR_Linux + 1)
+#define __NR_fork                 (__NR_Linux + 2)
+#define __NR_read                 (__NR_Linux + 3)
+#define __NR_write                (__NR_Linux + 4)
+#define __NR_open                 (__NR_Linux + 5)
+#define __NR_close                (__NR_Linux + 6)
+#define __NR_waitpid              (__NR_Linux + 7)
+#define __NR_creat                (__NR_Linux + 8)
+#define __NR_link                 (__NR_Linux + 9)
+#define __NR_unlink              (__NR_Linux + 10)
+#define __NR_execve              (__NR_Linux + 11)
+#define __NR_chdir               (__NR_Linux + 12)
+#define __NR_time                (__NR_Linux + 13)
+#define __NR_mknod               (__NR_Linux + 14)
+#define __NR_chmod               (__NR_Linux + 15)
+#define __NR_lchown              (__NR_Linux + 16)
+#define __NR_socket              (__NR_Linux + 17)
+#define __NR_stat                (__NR_Linux + 18)
+#define __NR_lseek               (__NR_Linux + 19)
+#define __NR_getpid              (__NR_Linux + 20)
+#define __NR_mount               (__NR_Linux + 21)
+#define __NR_bind                (__NR_Linux + 22)
+#define __NR_setuid              (__NR_Linux + 23)
+#define __NR_getuid              (__NR_Linux + 24)
+#define __NR_stime               (__NR_Linux + 25)
+#define __NR_ptrace              (__NR_Linux + 26)
+#define __NR_alarm               (__NR_Linux + 27)
+#define __NR_fstat               (__NR_Linux + 28)
+#define __NR_pause               (__NR_Linux + 29)
+#define __NR_utime               (__NR_Linux + 30)
+#define __NR_connect             (__NR_Linux + 31)
+#define __NR_listen              (__NR_Linux + 32)
+#define __NR_access              (__NR_Linux + 33)
+#define __NR_nice                (__NR_Linux + 34)
+#define __NR_accept              (__NR_Linux + 35)
+#define __NR_sync                (__NR_Linux + 36)
+#define __NR_kill                (__NR_Linux + 37)
+#define __NR_rename              (__NR_Linux + 38)
+#define __NR_mkdir               (__NR_Linux + 39)
+#define __NR_rmdir               (__NR_Linux + 40)
+#define __NR_dup                 (__NR_Linux + 41)
+#define __NR_pipe                (__NR_Linux + 42)
+#define __NR_times               (__NR_Linux + 43)
+#define __NR_getsockname         (__NR_Linux + 44)
+#define __NR_brk                 (__NR_Linux + 45)
+#define __NR_setgid              (__NR_Linux + 46)
+#define __NR_getgid              (__NR_Linux + 47)
+#define __NR_signal              (__NR_Linux + 48)
+#define __NR_geteuid             (__NR_Linux + 49)
+#define __NR_getegid             (__NR_Linux + 50)
+#define __NR_acct                (__NR_Linux + 51)
+#define __NR_umount2             (__NR_Linux + 52)
+#define __NR_getpeername         (__NR_Linux + 53)
+#define __NR_ioctl               (__NR_Linux + 54)
+#define __NR_fcntl               (__NR_Linux + 55)
+#define __NR_socketpair          (__NR_Linux + 56)
+#define __NR_setpgid             (__NR_Linux + 57)
+#define __NR_send                (__NR_Linux + 58)
+#define __NR_uname               (__NR_Linux + 59)
+#define __NR_umask               (__NR_Linux + 60)
+#define __NR_chroot              (__NR_Linux + 61)
+#define __NR_ustat               (__NR_Linux + 62)
+#define __NR_dup2                (__NR_Linux + 63)
+#define __NR_getppid             (__NR_Linux + 64)
+#define __NR_getpgrp             (__NR_Linux + 65)
+#define __NR_setsid              (__NR_Linux + 66)
+#define __NR_pivot_root          (__NR_Linux + 67)
+#define __NR_sgetmask            (__NR_Linux + 68)
+#define __NR_ssetmask            (__NR_Linux + 69)
+#define __NR_setreuid            (__NR_Linux + 70)
+#define __NR_setregid            (__NR_Linux + 71)
+#define __NR_mincore             (__NR_Linux + 72)
+#define __NR_sigpending          (__NR_Linux + 73)
+#define __NR_sethostname         (__NR_Linux + 74)
+#define __NR_setrlimit           (__NR_Linux + 75)
+#define __NR_getrlimit           (__NR_Linux + 76)
+#define __NR_getrusage           (__NR_Linux + 77)
+#define __NR_gettimeofday        (__NR_Linux + 78)
+#define __NR_settimeofday        (__NR_Linux + 79)
+#define __NR_getgroups           (__NR_Linux + 80)
+#define __NR_setgroups           (__NR_Linux + 81)
+#define __NR_sendto              (__NR_Linux + 82)
+#define __NR_symlink             (__NR_Linux + 83)
+#define __NR_lstat               (__NR_Linux + 84)
+#define __NR_readlink            (__NR_Linux + 85)
+#define __NR_uselib              (__NR_Linux + 86)
+#define __NR_swapon              (__NR_Linux + 87)
+#define __NR_reboot              (__NR_Linux + 88)
+#define __NR_mmap2             (__NR_Linux + 89)
+#define __NR_mmap                (__NR_Linux + 90)
+#define __NR_munmap              (__NR_Linux + 91)
+#define __NR_truncate            (__NR_Linux + 92)
+#define __NR_ftruncate           (__NR_Linux + 93)
+#define __NR_fchmod              (__NR_Linux + 94)
+#define __NR_fchown              (__NR_Linux + 95)
+#define __NR_getpriority         (__NR_Linux + 96)
+#define __NR_setpriority         (__NR_Linux + 97)
+#define __NR_recv                (__NR_Linux + 98)
+#define __NR_statfs              (__NR_Linux + 99)
+#define __NR_fstatfs            (__NR_Linux + 100)
+#define __NR_stat64           (__NR_Linux + 101)
+/* #define __NR_socketcall         (__NR_Linux + 102) */
+#define __NR_syslog             (__NR_Linux + 103)
+#define __NR_setitimer          (__NR_Linux + 104)
+#define __NR_getitimer          (__NR_Linux + 105)
+#define __NR_capget             (__NR_Linux + 106)
+#define __NR_capset             (__NR_Linux + 107)
+#define __NR_pread64            (__NR_Linux + 108)
+#define __NR_pwrite64           (__NR_Linux + 109)
+#define __NR_getcwd             (__NR_Linux + 110)
+#define __NR_vhangup            (__NR_Linux + 111)
+#define __NR_fstat64            (__NR_Linux + 112)
+#define __NR_vfork              (__NR_Linux + 113)
+#define __NR_wait4              (__NR_Linux + 114)
+#define __NR_swapoff            (__NR_Linux + 115)
+#define __NR_sysinfo            (__NR_Linux + 116)
+#define __NR_shutdown           (__NR_Linux + 117)
+#define __NR_fsync              (__NR_Linux + 118)
+#define __NR_madvise            (__NR_Linux + 119)
+#define __NR_clone              (__NR_Linux + 120)
+#define __NR_setdomainname      (__NR_Linux + 121)
+#define __NR_sendfile           (__NR_Linux + 122)
+#define __NR_recvfrom           (__NR_Linux + 123)
+#define __NR_adjtimex           (__NR_Linux + 124)
+#define __NR_mprotect           (__NR_Linux + 125)
+#define __NR_sigprocmask        (__NR_Linux + 126)
+#define __NR_create_module      (__NR_Linux + 127)
+#define __NR_init_module        (__NR_Linux + 128)
+#define __NR_delete_module      (__NR_Linux + 129)
+#define __NR_get_kernel_syms    (__NR_Linux + 130)
+#define __NR_quotactl           (__NR_Linux + 131)
+#define __NR_getpgid            (__NR_Linux + 132)
+#define __NR_fchdir             (__NR_Linux + 133)
+#define __NR_bdflush            (__NR_Linux + 134)
+#define __NR_sysfs              (__NR_Linux + 135)
+#define __NR_personality        (__NR_Linux + 136)
+#define __NR_afs_syscall        (__NR_Linux + 137) /* Syscall for Andrew File System */
+#define __NR_setfsuid           (__NR_Linux + 138)
+#define __NR_setfsgid           (__NR_Linux + 139)
+#define __NR__llseek            (__NR_Linux + 140)
+#define __NR_getdents           (__NR_Linux + 141)
+#define __NR__newselect         (__NR_Linux + 142)
+#define __NR_flock              (__NR_Linux + 143)
+#define __NR_msync              (__NR_Linux + 144)
+#define __NR_readv              (__NR_Linux + 145)
+#define __NR_writev             (__NR_Linux + 146)
+#define __NR_getsid             (__NR_Linux + 147)
+#define __NR_fdatasync          (__NR_Linux + 148)
+#define __NR__sysctl            (__NR_Linux + 149)
+#define __NR_mlock              (__NR_Linux + 150)
+#define __NR_munlock            (__NR_Linux + 151)
+#define __NR_mlockall           (__NR_Linux + 152)
+#define __NR_munlockall         (__NR_Linux + 153)
+#define __NR_sched_setparam             (__NR_Linux + 154)
+#define __NR_sched_getparam             (__NR_Linux + 155)
+#define __NR_sched_setscheduler         (__NR_Linux + 156)
+#define __NR_sched_getscheduler         (__NR_Linux + 157)
+#define __NR_sched_yield                (__NR_Linux + 158)
+#define __NR_sched_get_priority_max     (__NR_Linux + 159)
+#define __NR_sched_get_priority_min     (__NR_Linux + 160)
+#define __NR_sched_rr_get_interval      (__NR_Linux + 161)
+#define __NR_nanosleep          (__NR_Linux + 162)
+#define __NR_mremap             (__NR_Linux + 163)
+#define __NR_setresuid          (__NR_Linux + 164)
+#define __NR_getresuid          (__NR_Linux + 165)
+#define __NR_sigaltstack        (__NR_Linux + 166)
+#define __NR_query_module       (__NR_Linux + 167)
+#define __NR_poll               (__NR_Linux + 168)
+#define __NR_nfsservctl         (__NR_Linux + 169)
+#define __NR_setresgid          (__NR_Linux + 170)
+#define __NR_getresgid          (__NR_Linux + 171)
+#define __NR_prctl              (__NR_Linux + 172)
+#define __NR_rt_sigreturn       (__NR_Linux + 173)
+#define __NR_rt_sigaction       (__NR_Linux + 174)
+#define __NR_rt_sigprocmask     (__NR_Linux + 175)
+#define __NR_rt_sigpending      (__NR_Linux + 176)
+#define __NR_rt_sigtimedwait    (__NR_Linux + 177)
+#define __NR_rt_sigqueueinfo    (__NR_Linux + 178)
+#define __NR_rt_sigsuspend      (__NR_Linux + 179)
+#define __NR_chown              (__NR_Linux + 180)
+#define __NR_setsockopt         (__NR_Linux + 181)
+#define __NR_getsockopt         (__NR_Linux + 182)
+#define __NR_sendmsg            (__NR_Linux + 183)
+#define __NR_recvmsg            (__NR_Linux + 184)
+#define __NR_semop              (__NR_Linux + 185)
+#define __NR_semget             (__NR_Linux + 186)
+#define __NR_semctl             (__NR_Linux + 187)
+#define __NR_msgsnd             (__NR_Linux + 188)
+#define __NR_msgrcv             (__NR_Linux + 189)
+#define __NR_msgget             (__NR_Linux + 190)
+#define __NR_msgctl             (__NR_Linux + 191)
+#define __NR_shmat              (__NR_Linux + 192)
+#define __NR_shmdt              (__NR_Linux + 193)
+#define __NR_shmget             (__NR_Linux + 194)
+#define __NR_shmctl             (__NR_Linux + 195)
+#define __NR_getpmsg		(__NR_Linux + 196) /* Somebody *wants* streams? */
+#define __NR_putpmsg		(__NR_Linux + 197)
+#define __NR_lstat64            (__NR_Linux + 198)
+#define __NR_truncate64         (__NR_Linux + 199)
+#define __NR_ftruncate64        (__NR_Linux + 200)
+#define __NR_getdents64         (__NR_Linux + 201)
+#define __NR_fcntl64            (__NR_Linux + 202)
+#define __NR_attrctl            (__NR_Linux + 203)
+#define __NR_acl_get            (__NR_Linux + 204)
+#define __NR_acl_set            (__NR_Linux + 205)
+#define __NR_gettid             (__NR_Linux + 206)
+#define __NR_readahead          (__NR_Linux + 207)
+#define __NR_tkill              (__NR_Linux + 208)
+#define __NR_sendfile64         (__NR_Linux + 209)
+#define __NR_futex              (__NR_Linux + 210)
+#define __NR_sched_setaffinity  (__NR_Linux + 211)
+#define __NR_sched_getaffinity  (__NR_Linux + 212)
+#define __NR_set_thread_area    (__NR_Linux + 213)
+#define __NR_get_thread_area    (__NR_Linux + 214)
+#define __NR_io_setup           (__NR_Linux + 215)
+#define __NR_io_destroy         (__NR_Linux + 216)
+#define __NR_io_getevents       (__NR_Linux + 217)
+#define __NR_io_submit          (__NR_Linux + 218)
+#define __NR_io_cancel          (__NR_Linux + 219)
+#define __NR_alloc_hugepages    (__NR_Linux + 220)
+#define __NR_free_hugepages     (__NR_Linux + 221)
+#define __NR_exit_group         (__NR_Linux + 222)
+#define __NR_lookup_dcookie     (__NR_Linux + 223)
+#define __NR_epoll_create       (__NR_Linux + 224)
+#define __NR_epoll_ctl          (__NR_Linux + 225)
+#define __NR_epoll_wait         (__NR_Linux + 226)
+#define __NR_remap_file_pages   (__NR_Linux + 227)
+#define __NR_semtimedop         (__NR_Linux + 228)
+#define __NR_mq_open            (__NR_Linux + 229)
+#define __NR_mq_unlink          (__NR_Linux + 230)
+#define __NR_mq_timedsend       (__NR_Linux + 231)
+#define __NR_mq_timedreceive    (__NR_Linux + 232)
+#define __NR_mq_notify          (__NR_Linux + 233)
+#define __NR_mq_getsetattr      (__NR_Linux + 234)
+#define __NR_waitid		(__NR_Linux + 235)
+#define __NR_fadvise64_64	(__NR_Linux + 236)
+#define __NR_set_tid_address	(__NR_Linux + 237)
+#define __NR_setxattr		(__NR_Linux + 238)
+#define __NR_lsetxattr		(__NR_Linux + 239)
+#define __NR_fsetxattr		(__NR_Linux + 240)
+#define __NR_getxattr		(__NR_Linux + 241)
+#define __NR_lgetxattr		(__NR_Linux + 242)
+#define __NR_fgetxattr		(__NR_Linux + 243)
+#define __NR_listxattr		(__NR_Linux + 244)
+#define __NR_llistxattr		(__NR_Linux + 245)
+#define __NR_flistxattr		(__NR_Linux + 246)
+#define __NR_removexattr	(__NR_Linux + 247)
+#define __NR_lremovexattr	(__NR_Linux + 248)
+#define __NR_fremovexattr	(__NR_Linux + 249)
+#define __NR_timer_create	(__NR_Linux + 250)
+#define __NR_timer_settime	(__NR_Linux + 251)
+#define __NR_timer_gettime	(__NR_Linux + 252)
+#define __NR_timer_getoverrun	(__NR_Linux + 253)
+#define __NR_timer_delete	(__NR_Linux + 254)
+#define __NR_clock_settime	(__NR_Linux + 255)
+#define __NR_clock_gettime	(__NR_Linux + 256)
+#define __NR_clock_getres	(__NR_Linux + 257)
+#define __NR_clock_nanosleep	(__NR_Linux + 258)
+#define __NR_tgkill		(__NR_Linux + 259)
+#define __NR_mbind		(__NR_Linux + 260)
+#define __NR_get_mempolicy	(__NR_Linux + 261)
+#define __NR_set_mempolicy	(__NR_Linux + 262)
+#define __NR_vserver		(__NR_Linux + 263)
+#define __NR_add_key		(__NR_Linux + 264)
+#define __NR_request_key	(__NR_Linux + 265)
+#define __NR_keyctl		(__NR_Linux + 266)
+#define __NR_ioprio_set		(__NR_Linux + 267)
+#define __NR_ioprio_get		(__NR_Linux + 268)
+#define __NR_inotify_init	(__NR_Linux + 269)
+#define __NR_inotify_add_watch	(__NR_Linux + 270)
+#define __NR_inotify_rm_watch	(__NR_Linux + 271)
+#define __NR_migrate_pages	(__NR_Linux + 272)
+#define __NR_pselect6		(__NR_Linux + 273)
+#define __NR_ppoll		(__NR_Linux + 274)
+#define __NR_openat		(__NR_Linux + 275)
+#define __NR_mkdirat		(__NR_Linux + 276)
+#define __NR_mknodat		(__NR_Linux + 277)
+#define __NR_fchownat		(__NR_Linux + 278)
+#define __NR_futimesat		(__NR_Linux + 279)
+#define __NR_fstatat64		(__NR_Linux + 280)
+#define __NR_unlinkat		(__NR_Linux + 281)
+#define __NR_renameat		(__NR_Linux + 282)
+#define __NR_linkat		(__NR_Linux + 283)
+#define __NR_symlinkat		(__NR_Linux + 284)
+#define __NR_readlinkat		(__NR_Linux + 285)
+#define __NR_fchmodat		(__NR_Linux + 286)
+#define __NR_faccessat		(__NR_Linux + 287)
+#define __NR_unshare		(__NR_Linux + 288)
+#define __NR_set_robust_list	(__NR_Linux + 289)
+#define __NR_get_robust_list	(__NR_Linux + 290)
+#define __NR_splice		(__NR_Linux + 291)
+#define __NR_sync_file_range	(__NR_Linux + 292)
+#define __NR_tee		(__NR_Linux + 293)
+#define __NR_vmsplice		(__NR_Linux + 294)
+#define __NR_move_pages		(__NR_Linux + 295)
+#define __NR_getcpu		(__NR_Linux + 296)
+#define __NR_epoll_pwait	(__NR_Linux + 297)
+#define __NR_statfs64		(__NR_Linux + 298)
+#define __NR_fstatfs64		(__NR_Linux + 299)
+#define __NR_kexec_load		(__NR_Linux + 300)
+#define __NR_utimensat		(__NR_Linux + 301)
+#define __NR_signalfd		(__NR_Linux + 302)
+#define __NR_timerfd		(__NR_Linux + 303)
+#define __NR_eventfd		(__NR_Linux + 304)
+#define __NR_fallocate		(__NR_Linux + 305)
+#define __NR_timerfd_create	(__NR_Linux + 306)
+#define __NR_timerfd_settime	(__NR_Linux + 307)
+#define __NR_timerfd_gettime	(__NR_Linux + 308)
+#define __NR_signalfd4		(__NR_Linux + 309)
+#define __NR_eventfd2		(__NR_Linux + 310)
+#define __NR_epoll_create1	(__NR_Linux + 311)
+#define __NR_dup3		(__NR_Linux + 312)
+#define __NR_pipe2		(__NR_Linux + 313)
+#define __NR_inotify_init1	(__NR_Linux + 314)
+#define __NR_preadv		(__NR_Linux + 315)
+#define __NR_pwritev		(__NR_Linux + 316)
+#define __NR_rt_tgsigqueueinfo	(__NR_Linux + 317)
+#define __NR_perf_event_open	(__NR_Linux + 318)
+#define __NR_recvmmsg		(__NR_Linux + 319)
+#define __NR_accept4		(__NR_Linux + 320)
+#define __NR_prlimit64		(__NR_Linux + 321)
+#define __NR_fanotify_init	(__NR_Linux + 322)
+#define __NR_fanotify_mark	(__NR_Linux + 323)
+#define __NR_clock_adjtime	(__NR_Linux + 324)
+#define __NR_name_to_handle_at	(__NR_Linux + 325)
+#define __NR_open_by_handle_at	(__NR_Linux + 326)
+#define __NR_syncfs		(__NR_Linux + 327)
+#define __NR_setns		(__NR_Linux + 328)
+#define __NR_sendmmsg		(__NR_Linux + 329)
+#define __NR_Linux_syscalls	(__NR_sendmmsg + 1)
+#define __IGNORE_select		/* newselect */
+#define __IGNORE_fadvise64	/* fadvise64_64 */
+#define __IGNORE_utimes		/* utime */
+#define HPUX_GATEWAY_ADDR       0xC0000004
+#define LINUX_GATEWAY_ADDR      0x100
+#endif /* _UAPI_ASM_PARISC_UNISTD_H_ */