Qualcomm Technologies Inc. PNP v2 Flash LED

QPNP (Qualcomm Technologies Inc. Plug N Play) Flash LED (Light
Emitting Diode) driver v2 is used to provide illumination to
camera sensor when background light is dim to capture good
picture. It can also be used for flashlight/torch application.
It is part of PMIC on Qualcomm Technologies Inc. reference platforms.

Main node:

Required properties:
- compatible		: Should be "qcom,qpnp-flash-led-v2"
- reg			: Base address and size for flash LED modules
- qcom,pmic-revid	: phandle of PMIC revid module. This is used to
			  identify the PMIC subtype.

Optional properties:
- interrupts		: Specifies the interrupts associated with flash-led.
- interrupt-names	: Specify the interrupt names associated with interrupts.
- qcom,hdrm-auto-mode	: Boolean type to select headroom auto mode enabled or not
- qcom,isc-delay-us	: Integer type to specify short circuit delay. Valid values are 32, 64,
			  128, 192. Unit is uS.
- qcom,warmup-delay-us	: Integer type to specify warm up delay. Valid values are 32, 64,
			  128, 192. Unit is uS.
- qcom,short-circuit-det	: Boolean property which enables short circuit fault detection.
- qcom,open-circuit-det		: Boolean property which enables open circuit fault detection.
- qcom,vph-droop-det	: Boolean property which enables VPH droop detection.
- qcom,vph-droop-hys-mv	: Integer property to specify VPH droop hysteresis. It is only used if
			  qcom,vph-droop-det is specified. Valid values are 0, 25, 50 and 75.
			  Unit is mV.
- qcom,vph-droop-thresh-mv	: Integer property to specify VPH droop threshold. It is only used if
				  qcom,vph-droop-det is specified. Valid values are
				  2500 to 3200 with step size of 100. Unit is mV.
- qcom,vph-droop-debounce-us	: Integer property to specify VPH droop debounce time. It is only used
				  if qcom,vph-droop-det is specified. Valid values are 0, 8, 16 and 26.
				  Unit is uS.
- qcom,led1n2-iclamp-low-ma	: Integer property to specify current clamp low
				  level for mitigation. Unit is mA. Allowed
				  values are same as under qcom,max-current.
- qcom,led1n2-iclamp-mid-ma	: Integer property to specify current clamp mid
				  level for mitigation. Unit is mA. Allowed
				  values are same as under qcom,max-current.
- qcom,led3-iclamp-low-ma	: Integer property to specify current clamp low
				  level for mitigation. Unit is mA. Allowed
				  values are same as under qcom,max-current.
- qcom,led3-iclamp-mid-ma	: Integer property to specify current clamp mid
				  level for mitigation. Unit is mA. Allowed
				  values are same as under qcom,max-current.
- qcom,vled-max-uv		: Integer property for flash current predictive mitigation.
				  Default value is 3500000 uV.
- qcom,ibatt-ocp-threshold-ua	: Integer property for flash current predictive mitigation.
				  Default value is 4500000 uA.
- qcom,rparasitic-uohm		: Integer property for flash current predictive mitigation indicating
				  parasitic component of battery resistance. Default value is 0 uOhm.
- qcom,lmh-ocv-threshold-uv	: Required property for flash current preemptive LMH mitigation.
				  Default value is 3700000 uV.
- qcom,lmh-rbatt-threshold-uohm	: Required property for flash current preemptive LMH mitigation.
				  Default value is 400000 uOhm.
- qcom,lmh-mitigation-sel	: Optional property to configure flash current preemptive LMH mitigation.
				  Accepted values are:
				  Default value is 2.
- qcom,chgr-mitigation-sel	: Optional property to configure flash current preemptive charger mitigation.
				  Accepted values are:
				  Default value is 2.
- qcom,lmh-level		: Optional property to configure flash current preemptive LMH mitigation.
				  Accepted values are 0, 1, and 3. Default value is 0.
- qcom,iled-thrsh-ma		: Optional property to configure the led current threshold at which HW
				  preemptive mitigation is triggered. Unit is mA. Default value is 1000.
				  Accepted values are in the range 0 - 3100, with steps of 100.
				  0 disables autonomous HW mitigation.
- qcom,thermal-derate-en	: Boolean property to enable flash current thermal mitigation.
- qcom,thermal-derate-current	: Array of currrent limits for thermal mitigation. Required if
				  qcom,thermal-derate-en is specified. Unit is mA. Format is
				  qcom,thermal-derate-current = <OTST1_LIMIT, OTST2_LIMIT, OTST3_LIMIT>.
- qcom,otst-ramp-back-up-dis	: Boolean property to disable current ramp
				  backup after thermal derate trigger is
- qcom,thermal-derate-slow	: Integer property to specify slow ramping
				  down thermal rate. Unit is in uS. Allowed
				  values are: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096,
				  8192 and 314592.
- qcom,thermal-derate-fast	: Integer property to specify fast ramping
				  down thermal rate. Unit is in uS. Allowed
				  values are: 32, 64, 96, 128, 256, 384 and
- qcom,thermal-debounce		: Integer property to specify thermal debounce
				  time. It is only used if qcom,thermal-derate-en
				  is specified. Unit is in uS. Allowed values
				  are: 0, 16, 32, 64.
- qcom,thermal-hysteresis	: Integer property to specify thermal derating
				  hysteresis. Unit is in deciDegC. It is only
				  used if qcom,thermal-derate-en is specified.
				  Allowed values are:
				  0, 15, 30, 45 for pmi8998.
				  0, 20, 40, 60 for pm660l.
- qcom,thermal-thrsh1		: Integer property to specify OTST1 threshold
				  for thermal mitigation. Unit is in Celsius.
				  Accepted values are:
				  85, 79, 73, 67, 109, 103, 97, 91.
- qcom,thermal-thrsh2		: Integer property to specify OTST2 threshold
				  for thermal mitigation. Unit is in Celsius.
				  Accepted values are:
				  110, 104, 98, 92, 134, 128, 122, 116.
- qcom,thermal-thrsh3		: Integer property to specify OTST3 threshold
				  for thermal mitigation. Unit is in Celsius.
				  Accepted values are:
				  125, 119, 113, 107, 149, 143, 137, 131.
- qcom,hw-strobe-option	: Integer type to specify hardware strobe option. Based on the specified
			  value, additional GPIO configuration may be required to provide strobing
			  support. Supported values are:
			  0: Flash strobe is used for LED1, LED2, LED3
			  1: Flash strobe is used for LED1, LED2 and GPIO10 is used for LED3
			  2: Flash strobe is used for LED1; GPIO9 is used for LED2; GPIO10 is used for LED3
- switchX-supply		: phandle of the regulator that needs to be used
				  as a supply for flash switch_X device.

Child node: Contains settings for each individual LED. Each LED channel needs a flash node and
torch node for itself, and an individual switch node to serve as an overall switch.

Required Properties:
- label			: Type of led that will be used, either "flash", "torch", or "switch.
- qcom,led-name		: Name of the LED.
- qcom,default-led-trigger	: Trigger for the camera flash and torch. Accepted values are
			  "flash0_trigger", "flash1_trigger", "flash2_trigger, "torch0_trigger",
			  "torch1_trigger", "torch2_trigger", and "switch_trigger".
- qcom,id		: ID for each physical LED equipped. In order to handle situation when
			  only 1 or 2 LEDs are installed, flash and torch nodes on LED channel 0
			  should be specified with ID 0; nodes on channel 1 be ID 1, etc. This is
			  not required for switch node.
- qcom,max-current	: Maximum current allowed on this LED. Valid values should be
			  integer from 0 to 1500 inclusive. Flash 2 should have maximum current of
			  750 per hardware requirement. Unit is mA. For torch, the maximum current
			  is clamped at 500 mA. This is not required for the switch node.
- qcom,duration-ms	: Required property for flash nodes but not needed for torch. Integer
			  type specifying flash duration. Values are from 10ms to 1280ms with
			  10ms resolution. This is not required for switch node.
- qcom,led-mask		: Required property for switch nodes. Bitmask to indicate which leds are
			  controlled by this switch node. Accepted values are in the range 1 to 7,
			  inclusive. Example:
			  qcom,led-mask = <4>; /* This switch node controls the flash2/torch2 led. */

Optional properties:
- qcom,current-ma	: operational current intensity for LED in mA. Accepted values are a
			  positive integer in the range of 0 to qcom,max-current inclusive.
- qcom,ires-ua		: Integer type to specify current resolution. Accepted values should be
			  12500, 10000, 7500, and 5000. Unit is uA.
- qcom,hdrm-voltage-mv	: Integer type specifying headroom voltage. Values are from 125mV to 500mV
			  with 25mV resolution. Default setting is 325mV
- qcom,hdrm-vol-hi-lo-win-mv	: Integer type to specify headroom voltage swing range. Values are
				  from 0mV to 375mV with 25mV resolution. Default setting is 100mV.
- pinctrl-names		: Name of the pinctrl configuration that will be used when external GPIOs
			  are used for enabling/disabling, HW strobing of flash LEDs. For more
			  information on using pinctrl, please refer
                          Following are the pinctrl configs that can be specified:
                          "led_enable" : pinctrl config to enable led. This should specify the active
                          configuration defined for each pin or pin group.
                          "led_disable" : pinctrl config to disable led. This should specify the sleep
                          configuration defined for each pin or pin group.
                          "strobe_enable" : pinctrl config to enable hw-strobe. This should specify the
                          active configuration defined for each pin or pin group.
                          "strobe_disable" : pinctrl config to disable hw-strobe. This should specify the
                          sleep configuration defined for each pin or pin group.
- qcom,hw-strobe-gpio	: phandle to specify GPIO for hardware strobing. This is used when there is no
			  pinctrl support or PMIC GPIOs are used.
- qcom,strobe-sel	: Property to select strobe type. If not defined,
			  software strobe will be used. Allowed options are:
			  0 - SW strobe
			  1 - HW strobe
			  2 - LPG strobe
			  LPG strobe is supported only for LED3.
			  If LPG strobe is specified, then strobe control is
			  configured for active high and level triggered. Also
			  qcom,hw-strobe-option should be set to 1 or 2.
- qcom,hw-strobe-edge-trigger	: Boolean property to select trigger type. If defined, hw-strobe is set to
				  be edge triggered. Otherwise, it is level triggered.
- qcom,hw-strobe-active-low	: Boolean property to select strobe signal polarity. If defined, hw-strobe
				  signal polarity is set to active-low, else it is active-high.
	qcom,leds@d300 {
		compatible = "qcom,qpnp-flash-led-v2";
		status = "okay";
		reg = <0xd300 0x100>;
		label = "flash";
		interrupts = <0x3 0xd3 0x0 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>,
			     <0x3 0xd3 0x1 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>,
			     <0x3 0xd3 0x2 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>,
			     <0x3 0xd3 0x3 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>,
			     <0x3 0xd3 0x4 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>,
			     <0x3 0xd3 0x5 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>,
			     <0x3 0xd3 0x6 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>,
			     <0x3 0xd3 0x7 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>;
		interrupt-names = "led-fault-irq",

		qcom,isc-delay = <192>;
		switch0-supply = <&pmi8998_bob>;

		pmi8998_flash0: qcom,flash_0 {
			label = "flash";
			qcom,led-name = "led:flash_0";
			qcom,max-current = <1500>;
			qcom,default-led-trigger =
			qcom,id = <0>;
			qcom,current-ma = <1000>;
			qcom,duration-ms = <1280>;
			qcom,ires-ua = <12500>;
			qcom,hdrm-voltage-mv = <325>;
			qcom,hdrm-vol-hi-lo-win-mv = <100>;

		pmi8998_flash1: qcom,flash_1 {
			label = "flash";
			qcom,led-name = "led:flash_1";
			qcom,max-current = <1500>;
			qcom,default-led-trigger =
			qcom,id = <1>;
			qcom,current-ma = <1000>;
			qcom,duration-ms = <1280>;
			qcom,ires-ua = <12500>;
			qcom,hdrm-voltage-mv = <325>;
			qcom,hdrm-vol-hi-lo-win-mv = <100>;

		pmi8998_flash2: qcom,flash_2 {
			label = "flash";
			qcom,led-name = "led:flash_2";
			qcom,max-current = <750>;
			qcom,default-led-trigger =
			qcom,id = <2>;
			qcom,current-ma = <500>;
			qcom,duration-ms = <1280>;
			qcom,ires-ua = <12500>;
			qcom,hdrm-voltage-mv = <325>;
			qcom,hdrm-vol-hi-lo-win-mv = <100>;
			pinctrl-names = "led_enable","led_disable";
			pinctrl-0 = <&led_enable>;
			pinctrl-1 = <&led_disable>;

		pmi8998_torch0: qcom,torch_0 {
			label = "torch";
			qcom,led-name = "led:torch_0";
			qcom,max-current = <500>;
			qcom,default-led-trigger =
			qcom,id = <0>;
			qcom,current-ma = <300>;
			qcom,ires-ua = <12500>;
			qcom,hdrm-voltage-mv = <325>;
			qcom,hdrm-vol-hi-lo-win-mv = <100>;

		pmi8998_torch1: qcom,torch_1 {
			label = "torch";
			qcom,led-name = "led:torch_1";
			qcom,max-current = <500>;
			qcom,default-led-trigger =
			qcom,id = <1>;
			qcom,current-ma = <300>;
			qcom,ires-ua = <12500>;
			qcom,hdrm-voltage-mv = <325>;
			qcom,hdrm-vol-hi-lo-win-mv = <100>;

		pmi8998_torch2: qcom,torch_2 {
			label = "torch";
			qcom,led-name = "led:torch_2";
			qcom,max-current = <500>;
			qcom,default-led-trigger =
			qcom,id = <2>;
			qcom,current-ma = <300>;
			qcom,ires-ua = <12500>;
			qcom,hdrm-voltage-mv = <325>;
			qcom,hdrm-vol-hi-lo-win-mv = <100>;
			pinctrl-names = "led_enable","led_disable";
			pinctrl-0 = <&led_enable>;
			pinctrl-1 = <&led_disable>;

		pmi8998_switch0: qcom,led_switch_0 {
			label = "switch";
			qcom,led-name = "led:switch_0";
			qcom,led-mask = <3>;
			qcom,default-led-trigger =

		pmi8998_switch1: qcom,led_switch_1 {
			label = "switch";
			qcom,led-name = "led:switch_1";
			qcom,led-mask = <4>;
			qcom,default-led-trigger =