This patch adds the required mechanic to quickly lookup the CPU number
associated with a traceID. That way the CPU that executed the code
conveyed by a decoded packet can be identified, without having to
do unecessary translations.
Using this new functionality the "" script is
enhanced to output the file and CPU number the code has been
executed on:
FILE: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ CPU: 3
7fab57fd80: 910003e0 mov x0, sp
7fab57fd84: 94000d53 bl 7fab5832d0 <free@plt+0x3790>
FILE: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ CPU: 3
7fab5832d0: d11203ff sub sp, sp, #0x480
FILE: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ CPU: 3
7fab5832d4: a9ba7bfd stp x29, x30, [sp,#-96]!
7fab5832d8: 910003fd mov x29, sp
7fab5832dc: a90363f7 stp x23, x24, [sp,#48]
7fab5832e0: 9101e3b7 add x23, x29, #0x78
7fab5832e4: a90573fb stp x27, x28, [sp,#80]
7fab5832e8: a90153f3 stp x19, x20, [sp,#16]
7fab5832ec: aa0003fb mov x27, x0
7fab5832f0: 910a82e1 add x1, x23, #0x2a0
7fab5832f4: a9025bf5 stp x21, x22, [sp,#32]
7fab5832f8: a9046bf9 stp x25, x26, [sp,#64]
7fab5832fc: 910102e0 add x0, x23, #0x40
7fab583300: f800841f str xzr, [x0],#8
7fab583304: eb01001f cmp x0, x1
7fab583308: 54ffffc1 7fab583300 <free@plt+0x37c0>
Signed-off-by: Mathieu Poirier <>