HAB(Hypervisor ABstraction) is used for message transaction and buffer sharing among different virtual machines with the underlying hypervisor support. Here is the change to add HAB support for linux running in multiple hypervisors. Change-Id: I0747b2fa0f16c7cc0ab662369d45467ac6ba62e5 Signed-off-by: Yong Ding <yongding@codeaurora.org>
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/* Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
* only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef HABMM_H
#define HABMM_H
#include "linux/habmmid.h"
((_MAJOR_&0xFF)<<16 | (_MINOR_&0xFFF))
#include <linux/types.h>
/* habmm_socket_open
* Description:
* Establish a communication channel between Virtual Machines. Blocks
* until the connection is established between sender and receiver.
* Client can call this APImultiple times with the same name to connect
* to the same communication channel, the function returns a different context
* for every open for proper resource allocation and client identification.
* Params:
* out handle - An opaque handle associated with a successful virtual channel
* creation in MM_ID - multimedia ID used to allocate the physical channels to
* service all the virtual channels created through this open
* in timeout - timeout value specified by the client to avoid forever block
* in flags - future extension
* Return:
* status (success/failure/timeout)
/* single FE-BE connection multi-to-multi point to point matching (default) */
/* one BE for one domU */
/* one BE for all the domUs */
int32_t habmm_socket_open(int32_t *handle, uint32_t mm_ip_id,
uint32_t timeout, uint32_t flags);
/* habmm_socket_close
* Description:
* Tear down the virtual channel that was established through habmm_socket_open
* and release all resources associated with it.
* Params:
* in handle - handle to the virtual channel created by habmm_socket_open
* Return:
* status - (success/failure)
int32_t habmm_socket_close(int32_t handle);
/* habmm_socket_send
* Description:
* Send data over the virtual channel
* Params:
* in handle - handle created by habmm_socket_open
* in src_buff - data to be send across the virtual channel
* inout size_bytes - size of the data to be send. Either the whole packet is
* sent or not
* in flags - future extension
* Return:
* status (success/fail/disconnected)
/* Non-blocking mode: function will return immediately with HAB_AGAIN
* if the send operation cannot be completed without blocking.
/* Collect cross-VM stats: client provides stat-buffer large enough to allow 2
* sets of a 2-uint64_t pair to collect seconds and nano-seconds at the
* beginning of the stat-buffer. Stats are collected when the stat-buffer leaves
* VM1, then enters VM2
struct habmm_xing_vm_stat {
uint64_t tx_sec;
uint64_t tx_usec;
uint64_t rx_sec;
uint64_t rx_usec;
int32_t habmm_socket_send(int32_t handle, void *src_buff, uint32_t size_bytes,
uint32_t flags);
/* habmm_socket_recv
* Description:
* Receive data over the virtual channel created by habmm_socket_open.
* Blocking until actual data is received or timeout value expires
* Params:
* in handle - communication channel created by habmm_socket_open
* inout dst_buff - buffer pointer to store received data
* inout size_bytes - size of the dst_buff. returned value shows the actual
* bytes received.
* in timeout - timeout value specified by the client to avoid forever block
* in flags - future extension
* Return:
* status (success/failure/timeout/disconnected)
/* Non-blocking mode: function will return immediately if there is no data
* available. Supported only for kernel clients.
/* In the blocking mode, this flag is used to indicate it is an
* uninterruptbile blocking call.
int32_t habmm_socket_recv(int32_t handle, void *dst_buff, uint32_t *size_bytes,
uint32_t timeout, uint32_t flags);
/* habmm_socket_sendto
* Description:
* This is for backend only. Send data over the virtual channel to remote
* frontend virtual channel for multi-FEs-to-single-BE model when
* the BE virtual channel is created using
* Params:
* in handle - handle created by habmm_socket_open
* in src_buff - data to be send across the virtual channel
* inout size_bytes - size of the data to be send. The packet is fully sent on
* success,or not sent at all upon any failure
* in remote_handle - the destination of this send using remote FE's virtual
* channel handle
* in flags - future extension
* Return:
* status (success/fail/disconnected)
int32_t habmm_socket_sendto(int32_t handle, void *src_buff, uint32_t size_bytes,
int32_t remote_handle, uint32_t flags);
/* habmm_socket_recvfrom
* Description:
* Receive data over the virtual channel created by habmm_socket_open.
* Returned is the remote FE's virtual channel handle to be used for sendto.
* Blocking until actual data is received or timeout value expires. This is for
* BE running in multi-FEs-to-single-BE model when the BE virtual channel is
* Params:
* in handle - communication channel created by habmm_socket_open
* inout dst_buff - buffer pointer to store received data
* inout size_bytes - size of the dst_buff. returned value shows the actual
* bytes received.
* in timeout - timeout value specified by the client to avoid forever block
* in remote_handle - the FE who sent this message through the
* connected virtual channel to BE.
* in flags - future extension
* Return:
* status (success/failure/timeout/disconnected)
int32_t habmm_socket_recvfrom(int32_t handle, void *dst_buff,
uint32_t *size_bytes, uint32_t timeout,
int32_t *remote_handle, uint32_t flags);
/* exporting memory type DMA : This is platform dependent for user mode. If it
* does exist, HAB needs to use DMA method to retrieve the memory for exporting.
* If it does not exist, this flag is ignored.
#define HABMM_EXP_MEM_TYPE_DMA 0x00000001
* this flag is used for export from dma_buf fd or import to dma_buf fd
#define HABMM_EXPIMP_FLAGS_FD 0x00010000
#define HAB_MAX_EXPORT_SIZE 0x8000000
* Description:
* Prepare the sharing of the buffer on the exporter side. The returned
* reference ID needs to be sent to importer separately.
* During sending the HAB will attach the actual exporting buffer information.
* The exporting is per process space.
* Params:
* in handle - communication channel created by habmm_socket_open
* in buff_to_share - buffer to be exported
* in size_bytes - size of the exporting buffer in bytes
* out export_id - to be returned by this call upon success
* in flags - future extension
* Return:
* status (success/failure)
int32_t habmm_export(int32_t handle, void *buff_to_share, uint32_t size_bytes,
uint32_t *export_id, uint32_t flags);
* Description:
* Free any allocated resource associated with this export IDin on local side.
* Params:
* in handle - communication channel created by habmm_socket_open
* in export_id - all resource allocated with export_id are to be freed
* in flags - future extension
* Return:
* status (success/failure)
int32_t habmm_unexport(int32_t handle, uint32_t export_id, uint32_t flags);
* Description:
* Import the exporter's shared reference ID.
* The importing is per process space.
* Params:
* in handle - communication channel created by habmm_socket_open
* out buff_shared - buffer to be imported. returned upon success
* in size_bytes - size of the imported buffer in bytes. It should match the
* original exported buffer size
* in export_id - received when exporter sent its exporting ID through
* habmm_socket_send() previously
* in flags - future extension
* Return:
* status (success/failure)
/* Non-blocking mode: function will return immediately if there is no data
* available. Supported only for kernel clients.
#define HABMM_IMPORT_FLAGS_CACHED 0x00000001
int32_t habmm_import(int32_t handle, void **buff_shared, uint32_t size_bytes,
uint32_t export_id, uint32_t flags);
* Description:
* Release any resource associated with the export ID on the importer side.
* Params:
* in handle - communication channel created by habmm_socket_open
* in export_id - received when exporter sent its exporting ID through
* habmm_socket_send() previously
* in buff_shared - received from habmm_import() together with export_id
* in flags - future extension
* Return:
* status (success/failure)
int32_t habmm_unimport(int32_t handle, uint32_t export_id, void *buff_shared,
uint32_t flags);
* Description:
* Query various information of the opened hab socket.
* Params:
* in handle - communication channel created by habmm_socket_open
* in habmm_socket_info - retrieve socket information regarding local and remote
* VMs
* in flags - future extension
* Return:
* status (success/failure)
struct hab_socket_info {
int32_t vmid_remote; /* habmm's vmid */
int32_t vmid_local;
/* name from hypervisor framework if available */
char vmname_remote[12];
char vmname_local[12];
int32_t habmm_socket_query(int32_t handle, struct hab_socket_info *info,
uint32_t flags);
#endif /* HABMM_H */