Alex Cope 698ffc03b7 ANDROID: crypto: heh - Add Hash-Encrypt-Hash (HEH) algorithm
Hash-Encrypt-Hash (HEH) is a proposed block cipher mode of operation
which extends the strong pseudo-random permutation property of block
ciphers (e.g. AES) to arbitrary length input strings.  This provides a
stronger notion of security than existing block cipher modes of
operation (e.g. CBC, CTR, XTS), though it is usually less performant.
It uses two keyed invertible hash functions with a layer of ECB
encryption applied in-between.  The algorithm is currently specified by
the following Internet Draft:

This patch adds HEH as a symmetric cipher only.  Support for HEH as an
AEAD is not yet implemented.

HEH will use an existing accelerated ecb(block_cipher) implementation
for the encrypt step if available.  Accelerated versions of the hash
step are planned but will be left for later patches.

This patch backports HEH to the 4.4 Android kernel, initially for use by
ext4 filenames encryption.  Note that HEH is not yet upstream; however,
patches have been made available on linux-crypto, and as noted there is
also a draft specification available.  This backport required updating
the code to conform to the legacy ablkcipher API rather than the
skcipher API, which wasn't complete in 4.4.

Signed-off-by: Alex Cope <>
Bug: 32975945
Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <>
Change-Id: I945bcc9c0115916824d701bae91b86e3f059a1a9
2017-02-10 20:09:00 +00:00

899 lines
26 KiB

* HEH: Hash-Encrypt-Hash mode
* Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
* Authors:
* Alex Cope <>
* Eric Biggers <>
* Hash-Encrypt-Hash (HEH) is a proposed block cipher mode of operation which
* extends the strong pseudo-random permutation (SPRP) property of block ciphers
* (e.g. AES) to arbitrary length input strings. It uses two keyed invertible
* hash functions with a layer of ECB encryption applied in-between. The
* algorithm is specified by the following Internet Draft:
* Although HEH can be used as either a regular symmetric cipher or as an AEAD,
* currently this module only provides it as a symmetric cipher. Additionally,
* only 16-byte nonces are supported.
#include <crypto/gf128mul.h>
#include <crypto/internal/hash.h>
#include <crypto/internal/skcipher.h>
#include <crypto/scatterwalk.h>
#include <crypto/skcipher.h>
#include "internal.h"
* The block size is the size of GF(2^128) elements and also the required block
* size of the underlying block cipher.
#define HEH_BLOCK_SIZE 16
struct heh_instance_ctx {
struct crypto_shash_spawn cmac;
struct crypto_skcipher_spawn ecb;
struct heh_tfm_ctx {
struct crypto_shash *cmac;
struct crypto_ablkcipher *ecb;
struct gf128mul_4k *tau_key;
struct heh_cmac_data {
u8 nonce[HEH_BLOCK_SIZE];
__le32 nonce_length;
__le32 aad_length;
__le32 message_length;
__le32 padding;
struct heh_req_ctx { /* aligned to alignmask */
be128 beta1_key;
be128 beta2_key;
union {
struct {
struct heh_cmac_data data;
struct shash_desc desc;
/* + crypto_shash_descsize(cmac) */
} cmac;
struct {
u8 keystream[HEH_BLOCK_SIZE];
struct scatterlist tmp_sgl[2];
struct ablkcipher_request req;
/* + crypto_ablkcipher_reqsize(ecb) */
} ecb;
} u;
* Get the offset in bytes to the last full block, or equivalently the length of
* all full blocks excluding the last
static inline unsigned int get_tail_offset(unsigned int len)
len -= len % HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
return len - HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
static inline struct heh_req_ctx *heh_req_ctx(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
unsigned int alignmask = crypto_ablkcipher_alignmask(
return (void *)PTR_ALIGN((u8 *)ablkcipher_request_ctx(req),
alignmask + 1);
static inline void async_done(struct crypto_async_request *areq, int err,
int (*next_step)(struct ablkcipher_request *,
struct ablkcipher_request *req = areq->data;
if (err)
goto out;
err = next_step(req, req->base.flags & ~CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP);
if (err == -EINPROGRESS ||
(err == -EBUSY && (req->base.flags & CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_BACKLOG)))
ablkcipher_request_complete(req, err);
* Generate the per-message "beta" keys used by the hashing layers of HEH. The
* first beta key is the CMAC of the nonce, the additional authenticated data
* (AAD), and the lengths in bytes of the nonce, AAD, and message. The nonce
* and AAD are each zero-padded to the next 16-byte block boundary, and the
* lengths are serialized as 4-byte little endian integers and zero-padded to
* the next 16-byte block boundary.
* The second beta key is the first one interpreted as an element in GF(2^128)
* and multiplied by x.
* Note that because the nonce and AAD may, in general, be variable-length, the
* key generation must be done by a pseudo-random function (PRF) on
* variable-length inputs. CBC-MAC does not satisfy this, as it is only a PRF
* on fixed-length inputs. CMAC remedies this flaw. Including the lengths of
* the nonce, AAD, and message is also critical to avoid collisions.
* That being said, this implementation does not yet operate as an AEAD and
* therefore there is never any AAD, nor are variable-length nonces supported.
static int generate_betas(struct ablkcipher_request *req,
be128 *beta1_key, be128 *beta2_key)
struct crypto_ablkcipher *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_reqtfm(req);
struct heh_tfm_ctx *ctx = crypto_ablkcipher_ctx(tfm);
struct heh_req_ctx *rctx = heh_req_ctx(req);
struct heh_cmac_data *data = &rctx->;
struct shash_desc *desc = &rctx->u.cmac.desc;
int err;
BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*data) != 2 * HEH_BLOCK_SIZE);
memcpy(data->nonce, req->info, HEH_BLOCK_SIZE);
data->nonce_length = cpu_to_le32(HEH_BLOCK_SIZE);
data->aad_length = cpu_to_le32(0);
data->message_length = cpu_to_le32(req->nbytes);
data->padding = cpu_to_le32(0);
desc->tfm = ctx->cmac;
desc->flags = req->base.flags;
err = crypto_shash_digest(desc, (const u8 *)data, sizeof(*data),
(u8 *)beta1_key);
if (err)
return err;
gf128mul_x_ble(beta2_key, beta1_key);
return 0;
* Evaluation of a polynomial over GF(2^128) using Horner's rule. The
* polynomial is evaluated at 'point'. The polynomial's coefficients are taken
* from 'coeffs_sgl' and are for terms with consecutive descending degree ending
* at degree 1. 'bytes_of_coeffs' is 16 times the number of terms.
static be128 evaluate_polynomial(struct gf128mul_4k *point,
struct scatterlist *coeffs_sgl,
unsigned int bytes_of_coeffs)
be128 value = {0};
struct sg_mapping_iter miter;
unsigned int remaining = bytes_of_coeffs;
unsigned int needed = 0;
sg_miter_start(&miter, coeffs_sgl, sg_nents(coeffs_sgl),
while (remaining) {
be128 coeff;
const u8 *src;
unsigned int srclen;
u8 *dst = (u8 *)&value;
* Note: scatterlist elements are not necessarily evenly
* divisible into blocks, nor are they necessarily aligned to
* __alignof__(be128).
src = miter.addr;
srclen = min_t(unsigned int, miter.length, remaining);
remaining -= srclen;
if (needed) {
unsigned int n = min(srclen, needed);
u8 *pos = dst + (HEH_BLOCK_SIZE - needed);
needed -= n;
srclen -= n;
while (n--)
*pos++ ^= *src++;
if (!needed)
gf128mul_4k_ble(&value, point);
while (srclen >= HEH_BLOCK_SIZE) {
memcpy(&coeff, src, HEH_BLOCK_SIZE);
be128_xor(&value, &value, &coeff);
gf128mul_4k_ble(&value, point);
srclen -= HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
if (srclen) {
needed = HEH_BLOCK_SIZE - srclen;
do {
*dst++ ^= *src++;
} while (--srclen);
return value;
* Split the message into 16 byte blocks, padding out the last block, and use
* the blocks as coefficients in the evaluation of a polynomial over GF(2^128)
* at the secret point 'tau_key'. For ease of implementing the higher-level
* heh_hash_inv() function, the constant and degree-1 coefficients are swapped
* if there is a partial block.
* Mathematically, compute:
* if (no partial block)
* k^{N-1} * m_0 + ... + k * m_{N-2} + m_{N-1}
* else if (partial block)
* k^N * m_0 + ... + k^2 * m_{N-2} + k * m_N + m_{N-1}
* where:
* t is tau_key
* N is the number of full blocks in the message
* m_i is the i-th full block in the message for i = 0 to N-1 inclusive
* m_N is the partial block of the message zero-padded up to 16 bytes
static be128 poly_hash(struct crypto_ablkcipher *tfm, struct scatterlist *sgl,
unsigned int len)
struct heh_tfm_ctx *ctx = crypto_ablkcipher_ctx(tfm);
unsigned int tail_offset = get_tail_offset(len);
unsigned int tail_len = len - tail_offset;
be128 hash;
be128 tail[2];
/* Handle all full blocks except the last */
hash = evaluate_polynomial(ctx->tau_key, sgl, tail_offset);
/* Handle the last full block and the partial block */
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(tail, sgl, tail_offset, tail_len, 0);
if (tail_len != HEH_BLOCK_SIZE) {
/* handle the partial block */
memset((u8 *)tail + tail_len, 0, sizeof(tail) - tail_len);
be128_xor(&hash, &hash, &tail[1]);
gf128mul_4k_ble(&hash, ctx->tau_key);
be128_xor(&hash, &hash, &tail[0]);
return hash;
* Transform all full blocks except the last.
* This is used by both the hash and inverse hash phases.
static int heh_tfm_blocks(struct ablkcipher_request *req,
struct scatterlist *src_sgl,
struct scatterlist *dst_sgl, unsigned int len,
const be128 *hash, const be128 *beta_key)
struct crypto_ablkcipher *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_reqtfm(req);
struct blkcipher_desc desc = { .flags = req->base.flags };
struct blkcipher_walk walk;
be128 e = *beta_key;
int err;
unsigned int nbytes;
blkcipher_walk_init(&walk, dst_sgl, src_sgl, len);
err = blkcipher_ablkcipher_walk_virt(&desc, &walk, tfm);
while ((nbytes = walk.nbytes)) {
const be128 *src = (be128 *)walk.src.virt.addr;
be128 *dst = (be128 *)walk.dst.virt.addr;
do {
gf128mul_x_ble(&e, &e);
be128_xor(dst, src, hash);
be128_xor(dst, dst, &e);
} while ((nbytes -= HEH_BLOCK_SIZE) >= HEH_BLOCK_SIZE);
err = blkcipher_walk_done(&desc, &walk, nbytes);
return err;
* The hash phase of HEH. Given a message, compute:
* (m_0 + H, ..., m_{N-2} + H, H, m_N) + (xb, x^2b, ..., x^{N-1}b, b, 0)
* where:
* N is the number of full blocks in the message
* m_i is the i-th full block in the message for i = 0 to N-1 inclusive
* m_N is the unpadded partial block, possibly empty
* H is the poly_hash() of the message, keyed by tau_key
* b is beta_key
* x is the element x in our representation of GF(2^128)
* Note that the partial block remains unchanged, but it does affect the result
* of poly_hash() and therefore the transformation of all the full blocks.
static int heh_hash(struct ablkcipher_request *req, const be128 *beta_key)
be128 hash;
struct crypto_ablkcipher *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_reqtfm(req);
unsigned int tail_offset = get_tail_offset(req->nbytes);
unsigned int partial_len = req->nbytes % HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
int err;
/* poly_hash() the full message including the partial block */
hash = poly_hash(tfm, req->src, req->nbytes);
/* Transform all full blocks except the last */
err = heh_tfm_blocks(req, req->src, req->dst, tail_offset, &hash,
if (err)
return err;
/* Set the last full block to hash XOR beta_key */
be128_xor(&hash, &hash, beta_key);
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(&hash, req->dst, tail_offset, HEH_BLOCK_SIZE,
/* Copy the partial block if needed */
if (partial_len != 0 && req->src != req->dst) {
unsigned int offs = tail_offset + HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(&hash, req->src, offs, partial_len, 0);
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(&hash, req->dst, offs, partial_len, 1);
return 0;
* The inverse hash phase of HEH. This undoes the result of heh_hash().
static int heh_hash_inv(struct ablkcipher_request *req, const be128 *beta_key)
be128 hash;
be128 tmp;
struct scatterlist tmp_sgl[2];
struct scatterlist *tail_sgl;
unsigned int len = req->nbytes;
unsigned int tail_offset = get_tail_offset(len);
struct scatterlist *sgl = req->dst;
struct crypto_ablkcipher *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_reqtfm(req);
int err;
* The last full block was computed as hash XOR beta_key, so XOR it with
* beta_key to recover hash.
tail_sgl = scatterwalk_ffwd(tmp_sgl, sgl, tail_offset);
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(&hash, tail_sgl, 0, HEH_BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
be128_xor(&hash, &hash, beta_key);
/* Transform all full blocks except the last */
err = heh_tfm_blocks(req, sgl, sgl, tail_offset, &hash, beta_key);
if (err)
return err;
* Recover the last full block. We know 'hash', i.e. the poly_hash() of
* the the original message. The last full block was the constant term
* of the polynomial. To recover the last full block, temporarily zero
* it, compute the poly_hash(), and take the difference from 'hash'.
memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(&tmp, tail_sgl, 0, HEH_BLOCK_SIZE, 1);
tmp = poly_hash(tfm, sgl, len);
be128_xor(&tmp, &tmp, &hash);
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(&tmp, tail_sgl, 0, HEH_BLOCK_SIZE, 1);
return 0;
static int heh_hash_inv_step(struct ablkcipher_request *req, u32 flags)
struct heh_req_ctx *rctx = heh_req_ctx(req);
return heh_hash_inv(req, &rctx->beta2_key);
static int heh_ecb_step_3(struct ablkcipher_request *req, u32 flags)
struct heh_req_ctx *rctx = heh_req_ctx(req);
u8 partial_block[HEH_BLOCK_SIZE] __aligned(__alignof__(u32));
unsigned int tail_offset = get_tail_offset(req->nbytes);
unsigned int partial_offset = tail_offset + HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
unsigned int partial_len = req->nbytes - partial_offset;
* Extract the pad in req->dst at tail_offset, and xor the partial block
* with it to create encrypted partial block
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(rctx->u.ecb.keystream, req->dst, tail_offset,
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(partial_block, req->dst, partial_offset,
partial_len, 0);
crypto_xor(partial_block, rctx->u.ecb.keystream, partial_len);
* Store the encrypted final block and partial block back in dst_sg
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(&rctx->u.ecb.tmp, req->dst, tail_offset,
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(partial_block, req->dst, partial_offset,
partial_len, 1);
return heh_hash_inv_step(req, flags);
static void heh_ecb_step_2_done(struct crypto_async_request *areq, int err)
return async_done(areq, err, heh_ecb_step_3);
static int heh_ecb_step_2(struct ablkcipher_request *req, u32 flags)
struct heh_req_ctx *rctx = heh_req_ctx(req);
unsigned int partial_len = req->nbytes % HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
struct scatterlist *tmp_sgl;
int err;
unsigned int tail_offset = get_tail_offset(req->nbytes);
if (partial_len == 0)
return heh_hash_inv_step(req, flags);
* Extract the final full block, store it in tmp, and then xor that with
* the value saved in u.ecb.keystream
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(rctx->u.ecb.tmp, req->dst, tail_offset,
crypto_xor(rctx->u.ecb.keystream, rctx->u.ecb.tmp, HEH_BLOCK_SIZE);
* Encrypt the value in rctx->u.ecb.keystream to create the pad for the
* partial block.
* We cannot encrypt stack buffers, so re-use the dst_sg to do this
* encryption to avoid a malloc. The value at tail_offset is stored in
* tmp, and will be restored later.
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(rctx->u.ecb.keystream, req->dst, tail_offset,
tmp_sgl = scatterwalk_ffwd(rctx->u.ecb.tmp_sgl, req->dst, tail_offset);
ablkcipher_request_set_callback(&rctx->u.ecb.req, flags,
heh_ecb_step_2_done, req);
ablkcipher_request_set_crypt(&rctx->u.ecb.req, tmp_sgl, tmp_sgl,
err = crypto_ablkcipher_encrypt(&rctx->u.ecb.req);
if (err)
return err;
return heh_ecb_step_3(req, flags);
static void heh_ecb_full_done(struct crypto_async_request *areq, int err)
return async_done(areq, err, heh_ecb_step_2);
* The encrypt phase of HEH. This uses ECB encryption, with special handling
* for the partial block at the end if any. The source data is already in
* req->dst, so the encryption happens in-place.
* After the encrypt phase we continue on to the inverse hash phase. The
* functions calls are chained to support asynchronous ECB algorithms.
static int heh_ecb(struct ablkcipher_request *req, bool decrypt)
struct crypto_ablkcipher *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_reqtfm(req);
struct heh_tfm_ctx *ctx = crypto_ablkcipher_ctx(tfm);
struct heh_req_ctx *rctx = heh_req_ctx(req);
struct ablkcipher_request *ecb_req = &rctx->u.ecb.req;
unsigned int tail_offset = get_tail_offset(req->nbytes);
unsigned int full_len = tail_offset + HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
int err;
* Save the last full block before it is encrypted/decrypted. This will
* be used later to encrypt/decrypt the partial block
scatterwalk_map_and_copy(rctx->u.ecb.keystream, req->dst, tail_offset,
/* Encrypt/decrypt all full blocks */
ablkcipher_request_set_tfm(ecb_req, ctx->ecb);
ablkcipher_request_set_callback(ecb_req, req->base.flags,
heh_ecb_full_done, req);
ablkcipher_request_set_crypt(ecb_req, req->dst, req->dst, full_len,
if (decrypt)
err = crypto_ablkcipher_decrypt(ecb_req);
err = crypto_ablkcipher_encrypt(ecb_req);
if (err)
return err;
return heh_ecb_step_2(req, req->base.flags);
static int heh_crypt(struct ablkcipher_request *req, bool decrypt)
struct crypto_ablkcipher *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_reqtfm(req);
struct heh_tfm_ctx *ctx = crypto_ablkcipher_ctx(tfm);
struct heh_req_ctx *rctx = heh_req_ctx(req);
int err;
/* Inputs must be at least one full block */
if (req->nbytes < HEH_BLOCK_SIZE)
return -EINVAL;
/* Key must have been set */
if (!ctx->tau_key)
return -ENOKEY;
err = generate_betas(req, &rctx->beta1_key, &rctx->beta2_key);
if (err)
return err;
if (decrypt)
swap(rctx->beta1_key, rctx->beta2_key);
err = heh_hash(req, &rctx->beta1_key);
if (err)
return err;
return heh_ecb(req, decrypt);
static int heh_encrypt(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
return heh_crypt(req, false);
static int heh_decrypt(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
return heh_crypt(req, true);
static int heh_setkey(struct crypto_ablkcipher *parent, const u8 *key,
unsigned int keylen)
struct heh_tfm_ctx *ctx = crypto_ablkcipher_ctx(parent);
struct crypto_shash *cmac = ctx->cmac;
struct crypto_ablkcipher *ecb = ctx->ecb;
SHASH_DESC_ON_STACK(desc, cmac);
u8 *derived_keys;
u8 digest[HEH_BLOCK_SIZE];
unsigned int i;
int err;
/* set prf_key = key */
crypto_shash_clear_flags(cmac, CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MASK);
crypto_shash_set_flags(cmac, crypto_ablkcipher_get_flags(parent) &
err = crypto_shash_setkey(cmac, key, keylen);
crypto_ablkcipher_set_flags(parent, crypto_shash_get_flags(cmac) &
if (err)
return err;
* Generate tau_key and ecb_key as follows:
* tau_key = cmac(prf_key, 0x00...01)
* ecb_key = cmac(prf_key, 0x00...02) || cmac(prf_key, 0x00...03) || ...
* truncated to keylen bytes
derived_keys = kzalloc(round_up(HEH_BLOCK_SIZE + keylen,
if (!derived_keys)
return -ENOMEM;
desc->tfm = cmac;
desc->flags = (crypto_shash_get_flags(cmac) & CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MASK);
for (i = 0; i < keylen + HEH_BLOCK_SIZE; i += HEH_BLOCK_SIZE) {
derived_keys[i + HEH_BLOCK_SIZE - 1] =
0x01 + i / HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
err = crypto_shash_digest(desc, derived_keys + i,
HEH_BLOCK_SIZE, digest);
if (err)
goto out;
memcpy(derived_keys + i, digest, HEH_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (ctx->tau_key)
err = -ENOMEM;
ctx->tau_key = gf128mul_init_4k_ble((const be128 *)derived_keys);
if (!ctx->tau_key)
goto out;
crypto_ablkcipher_clear_flags(ecb, CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MASK);
crypto_ablkcipher_set_flags(ecb, crypto_ablkcipher_get_flags(parent) &
err = crypto_ablkcipher_setkey(ecb, derived_keys + HEH_BLOCK_SIZE,
crypto_ablkcipher_set_flags(parent, crypto_ablkcipher_get_flags(ecb) &
return err;
static int heh_init_tfm(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
struct crypto_instance *inst = crypto_tfm_alg_instance(tfm);
struct heh_instance_ctx *ictx = crypto_instance_ctx(inst);
struct heh_tfm_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
struct crypto_shash *cmac;
struct crypto_ablkcipher *ecb;
unsigned int reqsize;
int err;
cmac = crypto_spawn_shash(&ictx->cmac);
if (IS_ERR(cmac))
return PTR_ERR(cmac);
ecb = crypto_spawn_skcipher(&ictx->ecb);
err = PTR_ERR(ecb);
if (IS_ERR(ecb))
goto err_free_cmac;
ctx->cmac = cmac;
ctx->ecb = ecb;
reqsize = crypto_tfm_alg_alignmask(tfm) &
~(crypto_tfm_ctx_alignment() - 1);
reqsize += max(offsetof(struct heh_req_ctx, u.cmac.desc) +
sizeof(struct shash_desc) +
offsetof(struct heh_req_ctx, u.ecb.req) +
sizeof(struct ablkcipher_request) +
tfm->crt_ablkcipher.reqsize = reqsize;
return 0;
return err;
static void heh_exit_tfm(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
struct heh_tfm_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
static void heh_free_instance(struct crypto_instance *inst)
struct heh_instance_ctx *ctx = crypto_instance_ctx(inst);
* Create an instance of HEH as a ablkcipher.
* This relies on underlying CMAC and ECB algorithms, usually cmac(aes) and
* ecb(aes). For performance reasons we support asynchronous ECB algorithms.
* However, we do not yet support asynchronous CMAC algorithms because CMAC is
* only used on a small fixed amount of data per request, independent of the
* request length. This would change if AEAD or variable-length nonce support
* were to be exposed.
static int heh_create_common(struct crypto_template *tmpl, struct rtattr **tb,
const char *full_name, const char *cmac_name,
const char *ecb_name)
struct crypto_attr_type *algt;
struct crypto_instance *inst;
struct heh_instance_ctx *ctx;
struct shash_alg *cmac;
struct crypto_alg *ecb;
int err;
algt = crypto_get_attr_type(tb);
if (IS_ERR(algt))
return PTR_ERR(algt);
/* User must be asking for something compatible with ablkcipher */
if ((algt->type ^ CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_ABLKCIPHER) & algt->mask)
return -EINVAL;
/* Allocate the ablkcipher instance */
inst = kzalloc(sizeof(*inst) + sizeof(*ctx), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!inst)
return -ENOMEM;
ctx = crypto_instance_ctx(inst);
/* Set up the cmac and ecb spawns */
ctx->cmac.base.inst = inst;
err = crypto_grab_shash(&ctx->cmac, cmac_name, 0, CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC);
if (err)
goto err_free_inst;
cmac = crypto_spawn_shash_alg(&ctx->cmac);
err = -EINVAL;
if (cmac->digestsize != HEH_BLOCK_SIZE)
goto err_drop_cmac;
ctx->ecb.base.inst = inst;
err = crypto_grab_skcipher(&ctx->ecb, ecb_name, 0,
if (err)
goto err_drop_cmac;
ecb = crypto_skcipher_spawn_alg(&ctx->ecb);
/* HEH only supports block ciphers with 16 byte block size */
err = -EINVAL;
if (ecb->cra_blocksize != HEH_BLOCK_SIZE)
goto err_drop_ecb;
/* The underlying "ECB" algorithm must not require an IV */
err = -EINVAL;
if (ecb->cra_blkcipher.ivsize != 0)
goto err_drop_ecb;
} else {
if (ecb->cra_ablkcipher.ivsize != 0)
goto err_drop_ecb;
/* Set the instance names */
if (snprintf(inst->alg.cra_driver_name, CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME,
"heh_base(%s,%s)", cmac->base.cra_driver_name,
ecb->cra_driver_name) >= CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME)
goto err_drop_ecb;
if (snprintf(inst->alg.cra_name, CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME,
"%s", full_name) >= CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME)
goto err_drop_ecb;
/* Finish initializing the instance */
inst->alg.cra_flags = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_ABLKCIPHER |
((cmac->base.cra_flags | ecb->cra_flags) &
inst->alg.cra_blocksize = HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
inst->alg.cra_ctxsize = sizeof(struct heh_tfm_ctx);
inst->alg.cra_alignmask = ecb->cra_alignmask | (__alignof__(be128) - 1);
inst->alg.cra_priority = ecb->cra_priority;
inst->alg.cra_type = &crypto_ablkcipher_type;
inst->alg.cra_init = heh_init_tfm;
inst->alg.cra_exit = heh_exit_tfm;
inst->alg.cra_ablkcipher.setkey = heh_setkey;
inst->alg.cra_ablkcipher.encrypt = heh_encrypt;
inst->alg.cra_ablkcipher.decrypt = heh_decrypt;
inst->alg.cra_ablkcipher.min_keysize = ecb->cra_blkcipher.min_keysize;
inst->alg.cra_ablkcipher.max_keysize = ecb->cra_blkcipher.max_keysize;
} else {
inst->alg.cra_ablkcipher.min_keysize = ecb->cra_ablkcipher.min_keysize;
inst->alg.cra_ablkcipher.max_keysize = ecb->cra_ablkcipher.max_keysize;
inst->alg.cra_ablkcipher.ivsize = HEH_BLOCK_SIZE;
/* Register the instance */
err = crypto_register_instance(tmpl, inst);
if (err)
goto err_drop_ecb;
return 0;
return err;
static int heh_create(struct crypto_template *tmpl, struct rtattr **tb)
const char *cipher_name;
char full_name[CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME];
char cmac_name[CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME];
char ecb_name[CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME];
/* Get the name of the requested block cipher (e.g. aes) */
cipher_name = crypto_attr_alg_name(tb[1]);
if (IS_ERR(cipher_name))
return PTR_ERR(cipher_name);
if (snprintf(full_name, CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME, "heh(%s)", cipher_name) >=
if (snprintf(cmac_name, CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME, "cmac(%s)", cipher_name) >=
if (snprintf(ecb_name, CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME, "ecb(%s)", cipher_name) >=
return heh_create_common(tmpl, tb, full_name, cmac_name, ecb_name);
static struct crypto_template heh_tmpl = {
.name = "heh",
.create = heh_create,
.free = heh_free_instance,
.module = THIS_MODULE,
static int heh_base_create(struct crypto_template *tmpl, struct rtattr **tb)
char full_name[CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME];
const char *cmac_name;
const char *ecb_name;
cmac_name = crypto_attr_alg_name(tb[1]);
if (IS_ERR(cmac_name))
return PTR_ERR(cmac_name);
ecb_name = crypto_attr_alg_name(tb[2]);
if (IS_ERR(ecb_name))
return PTR_ERR(ecb_name);
if (snprintf(full_name, CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME, "heh_base(%s,%s)",
cmac_name, ecb_name) >= CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME)
return heh_create_common(tmpl, tb, full_name, cmac_name, ecb_name);
* If HEH is instantiated as "heh_base" instead of "heh", then specific
* implementations of cmac and ecb can be specified instead of just the cipher
static struct crypto_template heh_base_tmpl = {
.name = "heh_base",
.create = heh_base_create,
.free = heh_free_instance,
.module = THIS_MODULE,
static int __init heh_module_init(void)
int err;
err = crypto_register_template(&heh_tmpl);
if (err)
return err;
err = crypto_register_template(&heh_base_tmpl);
if (err)
goto out_undo_heh;
return 0;
return err;
static void __exit heh_module_exit(void)
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Hash-Encrypt-Hash block cipher mode");