# imgui-quilt Quilt interface for [imgui-java](https://github.com/SpaiR/imgui-java), an updated version of [imgui-mc](https://github.com/mjwells2002/imgui-mc). ![ImGui Demo Window Running in Minecraft](https://git.gaycatgirl.sex/evie/imgui-quilt/-/raw/main/assets/demowindowscreenshot.png) ## Quick Usage Add the Maven repository and the modImplementation to your `build.gradle` ``` maven { url "https://git.gaycatgirl.sex/api/v4/projects/21/packages/maven" } ``` ``` implementation "gay.eviee:imgui-quilt:" ``` You can then add `Renderables` to `ImGuiQuilt.renderstack` for them to be rendered. Use ImGui methods in `render()` of the `Renderables` interface. Example: ```java ImGuiQuilt.renderstack.add(new Renderable() { @Override public String getName() { return "Profiling Name"; } @Override public Theme getTheme() { return null; } @Override public void render() { ImGui.text("Example Text Element"); } }); ```