{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ title }}{% endblock %} {% block description %} {% match summary %} {% when Some with (summary_content) %} {{ summary_content }} {% when None %} A post on eviee.gay {% endmatch %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>{{ title }}</h1> {% match summary %} {% when Some with (summary_content) %} <h2>{{ summary_content }}</h2> {% when None %} {% endmatch %} {% match last_updated %} {% when Some with (last_updated_date) %} <p>Published: {{ publish_date }} | Last updated: {{ last_updated_date }}</p> {% when None %} <p>Published: {{ publish_date }}</p> {% endmatch %} <br /> {% for content_block in content_blocks %} {% match content_block %} {% when BlockTypes::HR %} <hr /> {% when BlockTypes::PARAGRAPH { text } %} <p>{{ text }}</p> {% when BlockTypes::MARKDOWN { content } %} {{ content|markdown }} {% when BlockTypes::HEADER { text, size } %} <h{{size}}>{{text}}</h{{size}}> {% when BlockTypes::UNSUPPORTED %} <b>UNSUPPORTED block type here!</b> {% endmatch %} {% endfor %} <br /> <i>Comments are W.I.P</i> {% endblock %}